New Rules of Lifting for Women group?



  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    So guys I am at the end of stage 2 and I'm looking forward to starting stage 3 next week.

    My shoulders and arms are most definitely changing shape but I'm getting little scared as I don't want to end up looking too masculine. I wanna be lean but in a cute feminine way. I'm worried my shoulders are getting to bulky already???

    I've yet to see any change in my mid section (aka my fat belly) which is disheartening as this is my major area of concern. I'm gonna re-read the book again I think, just to keep me focused and to remind me of what's important.

    I have taken the step of increasing my calories and mentally I'm in a much better place in regards to food. I do need to clean up my diet a little but it's nice having the extra calories to use in interesting way like having a granola bar as a treat or using some of the 'good oils' to pan fry my fish.My maintenance is 1880 and I'm eating 1700 but not really eating back exercise cals at the moment as I don't want o increase my intake too drastically (I was previously eating 1380 per day)

    Also, I've stopped weighing myself as I found that the scale was affecting my moods and consistency. If it do not read what I thought it should I'd end up having a bad day. Because I want to be smaller I'm measuring rather than weighing. Do you think this makes sense?

    Keep me posted on all of your success ladies, hearing about how you're all getting on motivates me so much

    Have a blessed day.
  • tmontgomery69
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I've completed stage 2 and I am going to take a week off from lifting before I move onto stage 3. I'm a little apprehensive about taking the whole week off but I'm feeling like my body could use the rest. I may shock my body though, by having a cardio(ish) week with the fun classes I like just to keep active.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I've completed stage 2 and I am going to take a week off from lifting before I move onto stage 3. I'm a little apprehensive about taking the whole week off but I'm feeling like my body could use the rest. I may shock my body though, by having a cardio(ish) week with the fun classes I like just to keep active.

    There's nothing wrong with that, and don't worry you can't build massive arms, only lean and sculpted ones. :wink:

    I've been at this for 4 months plus I've been doing Crossfit for 9 months and while my arms are strong, they are definitely still feminine.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I've completed stage 2 and I am going to take a week off from lifting before I move onto stage 3. I'm a little apprehensive about taking the whole week off but I'm feeling like my body could use the rest. I may shock my body though, by having a cardio(ish) week with the fun classes I like just to keep active.

    There's nothing wrong with that, and don't worry you can't build massive arms, only lean and sculpted ones. :wink:

    I've been at this for 4 months plus I've been doing Crossfit for 9 months and while my arms are strong, they are definitely still feminine.

    You are fab, you always take the time to respond and you always say the right things. You are my new favourite person :happy: :happy:

    I'm looking forward to being able to post a photo where I can show great muscle definition like yours LOL

    Thanks again Kdiamond
  • Furrytreats
    Furrytreats Posts: 132 Member
    Just started phase 1 yesterday. I've been lifting awhile now, but needed some new direction. I'm hoping to see some good results!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Hey everyone! I think this might be the group for me.

    Two years ago I had my body fat checked using the Bod Pod. At that time it showed that I had 43 lbs of fat. I have been working out religiously for the past two years and have lost 7 lbs. total since then. So, I decided it was time to recheck my body fat. I was so disappointed! I still have 43 lbs. of fat but my lean muscle has dropped by 7 lbs.!! (I’m at 30% body fat) That is not good at all. So I decided that I have to start lifting. I’ve been using the machines and some free weights (biceps and rows) and I ordered the NROLFW. I read the whole book but it seems like they want you to do some unconventional things. I would feel kind of strange doing some of these moves in the gym. I.e. Swiss ball exercises. Do you all do exactly what’s in the book or do you stick to the basic exercises that the guys are doing? Also, I don’t know how to use the racks and bars. How did you start out? Any advice for a beginner? Thanks.

    Please don't feel strange doing any of the exercises. No one in the gym is going to say anything negative to you, trust me. If they ask what you're doing just say you're following a great lifting program and provide them with the book title. I don't have a gym membership but I do have access to a fitness room at my apt. complex. I do the swiss ball exercises at home after I lift. My fitness center does not have a free-form barbell, only a smith machine so I modify many of the exercises using dumbbells only. I'm confident I will be able to finish the entire program using the equipment available to me. Ask the gym personnel how to use the racks and bars. That's what they get paid for. If they don't provide you with enough information, ask another employee, then another. The exercises in the book are not unconventional; I'm a beginner and I've seen and/or read about all of them. Please don't, I repeat, DO NOT follow the guys in the weight room. They often have terrible form and are only concerned about working the truly visible muscles (biceps and chest) which can lead to an imbalance in both strength and appearance (weak hamstrings, core, etc.). I'm still in Stage 1 of NRoL4W and I think it's fantastic! All women should incorporate lifting in their fitness plans. Feel free to ask more questions. This is a very supportive group of ladies. Wishing you all the best!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I was planning on having a week of before starting stage 3 but after 2 days of not being active I'm having withdrawals - LOL. I'm starting stage 3 tomorrow - yay!:happy: :happy: :happy:
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Sunshine, I'm glad to read others soothing words regarding bulk versus femininity. Even when I was average weight, I always had bulky (read flabby) arms so the idea of solid bumpy arms sends me over the moon. I think if a woman was truly going for mass she'd have to truly up her calories to beyond maintenance and cut down on cardio a great deal, at the very least. You will be fine, I'm sure.

    I know it's ideal to take that week off between stages but I just can't do it. I think if I do another round of this I will do it really-truly by the book and note the differences.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Oh and hey! I just got a heart rate monitor! I'm pretty psyched. It read something like 215 calories burned during my weight workout this morning (I kept checking my wrist after things like the squat to press--which I rocked--and step ups and the reading hovered around the 130s/140s during the half hour I spend lifting.) I've read conflicting information if this sort of thing (anaerobic weight training) is not what the HRM is "for" and that the calorie reading shouldn't be trusted versus the MFP adage: Eat your exercise calories? What would yoooou do? Would you/do you eat your exercise calories? I am leaning toward not fussing with my HRM for lifting but upping my daily calories in general. I'd still wear my HRM for cardio so I can eat every last one of those suckers!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Oh and hey! I just got a heart rate monitor! I'm pretty psyched. It read something like 215 calories burned during my weight workout this morning (I kept checking my wrist after things like the squat to press--which I rocked--and step ups and the reading hovered around the 130s/140s during the half hour I spend lifting.) I've read conflicting information if this sort of thing (anaerobic weight training) is not what the HRM is "for" and that the calorie reading shouldn't be trusted versus the MFP adage: Eat your exercise calories? What would yoooou do? Would you/do you eat your exercise calories? I am leaning toward not fussing with my HRM for lifting but upping my daily calories in general. I'd still wear my HRM for cardio so I can eat every last one of those suckers!

    When I started working with my trainer and then continued lifting on my own I was astounded by the calorie burn from lifting. More importantly I was really pleased with how much my heart rate was elevated when I lifted as hard as I could. When I do my squats with 25kgs my heart rate is like 157 which is very similar to my heart rate when I go for a run.

    I've upped my calories overall so I don't yet eat back my exercise calories but I do find that the day after I've worked out hard I am extra hungry. I only increased my calories about a week ago so I haven't been doing it long enough to tell if it's been effective but I can say that eating more has me in a much better mental place as I don't have the stress of worrying about 'going over' on my calories. I also feel better generally.

    For me, creating the deficit through exercise works much better than creating it through calorie restriction but that's just me :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Guys. This thread is great. I'm going to read back through it all later. Could I ask for some advice? I have never done any lifting but love the idea and really want to get into it. I do all my workouts at home, which so far have been DVDs (Tae Bo and Jillian Michaels) using pathetic hand-weights. I don't have time to get to a gym so any strength training I do would also need to be at home. Would you still recommend I get the book? Is it possible to follow this program at home?
  • neela31
    neela31 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I ordered the book a couple days ago. I am hoping to do all the exercises at home with the equipment I have (free weights). I'm a cardio junkie and looking forward to making a switch. It's so nice to see how energizing your posts are!!

  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Hi Guys. This thread is great. I'm going to read back through it all later. Could I ask for some advice? I have never done any lifting but love the idea and really want to get into it. I do all my workouts at home, which so far have been DVDs (Tae Bo and Jillian Michaels) using pathetic hand-weights. I don't have time to get to a gym so any strength training I do would also need to be at home. Would you still recommend I get the book? Is it possible to follow this program at home?

    Yes, they give you the changes to make when doing it at home. Do you have 10 lb dumbbells? You can definitely start with those, and then maybe 15lbs too.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I've completed stage 2 and I am going to take a week off from lifting before I move onto stage 3. I'm a little apprehensive about taking the whole week off but I'm feeling like my body could use the rest. I may shock my body though, by having a cardio(ish) week with the fun classes I like just to keep active.

    There's nothing wrong with that, and don't worry you can't build massive arms, only lean and sculpted ones. :wink:

    I've been at this for 4 months plus I've been doing Crossfit for 9 months and while my arms are strong, they are definitely still feminine.

    You are fab, you always take the time to respond and you always say the right things. You are my new favourite person :happy: :happy:

    I'm looking forward to being able to post a photo where I can show great muscle definition like yours LOL

    Thanks again Kdiamond

    Awww, shucks, you are a sweetheart! :blushing:
  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Guys. This thread is great. I'm going to read back through it all later. Could I ask for some advice? I have never done any lifting but love the idea and really want to get into it. I do all my workouts at home, which so far have been DVDs (Tae Bo and Jillian Michaels) using pathetic hand-weights. I don't have time to get to a gym so any strength training I do would also need to be at home. Would you still recommend I get the book? Is it possible to follow this program at home?

    Yes, they give you the changes to make when doing it at home. Do you have 10 lb dumbbells? You can definitely start with those, and then maybe 15lbs too.

    That's great, just what I wanted to hear. I shall get the book ordered. Can't wait!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I stared stage 3 today. Workout A = Love it :heart: :heart: :heart: Workout B = sucks :yawn: :yawn: I did not like it. I shall try it again next week and hope to do better at it. I just didn't feel anything when I did it and it was hard to get my heart rate up like I usually do with these workouts.

    Hope you're all getting on well
  • neela31
    neela31 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm supposed to get my book today! I'm excited but sad at the same time. I won't be able to start for a month. I've been having neck problems and went to see a chiropractor. He told me not to start anything new :( I plan on following you ladies and see how you are doing! It will also give me time to read the book thoroughly.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Bump to read later. I'm about halfway through Stage 1, and I'm still not "feeling" some of the exercises. I'm pretty sure I'm doing them right, but I'd like to read through here for any tips. :)
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I'm supposed to get my book today! I'm excited but sad at the same time. I won't be able to start for a month. I've been having neck problems and went to see a chiropractor. He told me not to start anything new :( I plan on following you ladies and see how you are doing! It will also give me time to read the book thoroughly.

    I hear ya!! I've been sitting out for a month now and I still can't go back yet (shoulder issues). I'm finished with Phase 1 and waiting to move to Phase 2. Hopefully soon though!! When I do go back, I'm going to repeat a couple weeks of Phase 1 just to make sure I'm back to where I was when I had to take a break!! I think I'll re-read the book cuz I'm sure I missed some key points!