New Rules of Lifting for Women group?



  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I also workout at home. I have a barbell and a pair of dumbbell bars, plates, ball, steps, and a yoga mat - plus a foldable bench on the way!! I'm so excited to get it!!! :bigsmile:

    And when I'm on my game (still waiting for back pain to COMPLETELY subside before lifting again) I try to stick to the suggestion of lifting every other day, but sometimes I'll take an extra rest day if I feel I need it for whatever reason. On the in-between days, I'll sometimes go for a run and sometimes leave it as a full rest day. I'm not exactly on a full-out training schedule, if you can't tell! :laugh:
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Now in Stage 2 and not really enjoying the workouts anymore. They seem gimmicky and difficult. I'm thinking about switching to Stronglifts for its simplicity.
  • GeorgieBradley1

    I just found this thread as I only joined MFP yesterday. Its a Godsend for working out the 40/30/30 meal plan recommended in NROLW and its nice to touch base with other people who are interested in lifting.

    I'm from Glasgow, Scotland. I done workout 6 of workout B yesterday in Stage 1 and I'm loving it. Can't wait to move on to stage 2. I go to the gym 3 days a week. Mon, Wed, Fri.

    I'm getting stronger with some things like yesterday I moved up to 50kgs on my seated (floor) row but other things like shoulder presses I find so hard! I can't complete 10 reps of 7.5 kgs (I managed 8, 8, 5) but find the 5kgs too easy now so I'm going to stick to 7.5kgs.

    I also can't wait till I can do all push ups from the floor rather than from the (low) windowsill in the gym lol.

    My goal is to get really strong and have a body like Jillian Michaels and also arms and back like the girl on the front cover of NROLW!!! If only - but I'll have fun trying anyway! :wink:
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member

    My goal is to get really strong and have a body like Jillian Michaels and also arms and back like the girl on the front cover of NROLW!!! If only - but I'll have fun trying anyway! :wink:

    Thia is my goal too! The woman on the front cover is such an inspiration. :happy: :happy:
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Hi Georgie! I think the thing I've most appreciated about NRoLfW is the pushup instruction. I started at the wall and now I can do real deal pushups! I'm so happy to leave the bent knee girly style behind forever!
  • GeorgieBradley1
    LOL! I bet you are so chuffed. I haven't done a bent knee push up since I started the programme, (I had been doing them before at home) just the different degree ones. Last night I spontaneously decided to try a 'real deal' push up at home and managed about 3 real ones haha! Still not getting my chest right to the floor though so it might not be the real deal after all. I was too shy to try it in the gym incase I collapsed in an embarrased heap on the floor.

    I was so chuffed yesterday when I went on the lat pulldown machine and a guy had just been on it and it was at 30kgs and I moved it up to 45kgs hahahaha (cos thats what I'm genuinely up to I wasn't trying to be smart). GET IN!! And what was even funnier is that just before he left he went back on it and done one more set (standing up - whats that all about, is this allowed??? lol) and didn't change the weight back to 30kgs. In my mind he was saying "look I can do it to" hahaha. Only kidding I'm probably being a bit mean as he might have just started his training or had to go lighter for medical reasons or something. :blushing:
  • neela31
    neela31 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi Georgie! I think the thing I've most appreciated about NRoLfW is the pushup instruction. I started at the wall and now I can do real deal pushups! I'm so happy to leave the bent knee girly style behind forever!

    Cannot wait to be able to say the same thing! If only my neck and shoulders would feel better :(
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Hi Ladies. Hope its okay for me to join your group. I started last week and so far Im loving the program. Right now Im just trying to figure out the best calories for me since I still have about 8-10 more pounds to lose. Also has anyone done this program after surgery. Im having laparoscopy surgery at the beginning of Aug to remove a cyst from my ovary. Dr said I should be able to get back into things after a few days. I was wondering if anyone has had any sort of experience ofn lifting after surgery
    Thanks Tasha
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I think if your doctor has given you the OK, and you don't push yourself through any pain, you'll be fine. The first phase is very straightforward and some (I was one) walked away from the first few workouts saying "That's it?" It does ramp up over time which seems just right for someone concerned about recovery. Keep whatever your doctor says at the forefront. I'd really detail the workout with him, maybe even let him look over the first few workout logs to see what he thinks. Sometimes doctors say exercise and think "treadmill" as opposed to "squats" you know?

    At any rate, welcome Tasha! :flowerforyou:
  • medusae
    medusae Posts: 6
    well, i did my first NROLW session at the gym this morning. great to get back into the weight room!
    BUT... how the hell do you do the prone jacknife?!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I bought the book last week and am hoping to start putting it into practice by the end of this one, we'll see. I work out religiously but haven't had that awesome sore feeling in a long time, so I'm hoping mixing this in with my regular routine will get me back to that feeling again. I've reached my weight loss goals, so I'm curious if this will make me lose more, or if I'll start to gain. Don't really mind either way.
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    Anyone taken too long a break between stages and come back to finish the program? Did you try and pick up where you left off or start all over? I left off btw phases 2 and 3 and am super frustrated b/c i hated 2 and don't want to do it again :).
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Anyone taken too long a break between stages and come back to finish the program? Did you try and pick up where you left off or start all over? I left off btw phases 2 and 3 and am super frustrated b/c i hated 2 and don't want to do it again :).

    I'm wondering the same thing. I actually had 2 more workouts in stage 2 and took 2 weeks off. I do not want to repeat Stage 2 because I dislike it so much. I think I am going to do like 4 more workouts in Stage 2 and hopefully finish the stage at the same weights I was at before taking my break.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. I haven't been on as much, but I am getting back on track.
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    I had a great workout this morning. My HR got up to 171 while doing lunges I thought my heart was gonna jump out my chest. Felt good though. :)
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Hey ladies! Jeez it's been a few weeks.. after I finished phase 1, I kind of took some time off to prepare for my PT test that was today (I got a 91). Instead of doing phase 2, I just kinda did whatever I felt like doing in the gym or did my own calisthenics workout at home.

    I am ready to get back into the game though! Now that my PT test is over I can quit running so much and focus on my weight lifting. I can replace my run days with active rest days now and get back to some yoga--I miss yoga--or go on some bike rides with my new bike.

    I am glad to be back!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Hello, everyone! Welcome to the new ladies! :flowerforyou:

    I did 1A7 yesterday morning after a full week of rest for my lower back. It felt just fine, but yesterday evening and so far today it's been hurting a little bit again. Nothing like last week, but it's just a little more than sore, ya know? I might have to take a few more extra rest days. :frown:
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    When are the Special Workout at the end of stage 1 suppose to be done. Immediately after or sometime during your rest period? Thanks
  • GeorgieBradley1
    I was wondering this too. The way I understand it is when I do my last workout of stage 1 (woop woop!) I will have a rest day like normal and the next day I will go to the gym and do Special Workout A or B depending on what workout I finished with. So if my last workout was Workout A then I will do Special Workout B next or vice versa. (OMG does this make sense at all?)

    OR - should I have the rest day and then go to the gym and do Special Workout A and B on the same day?

    And then have a lovely week of recovery.
  • GeorgieBradley1
    well, i did my first NROLW session at the gym this morning. great to get back into the weight room!
    BUT... how the hell do you do the prone jacknife?!

    LOL! They are quite a hard one to start with actually. I have mastered them now (I'm nearly finished stage 1) and I now embrace the prone jackknife wholeheartedly. The first time I tried them I went to a quiet corner of the gym incase I made a complete fool of myself and bounced off the ball onto the floor, and I don't have a swiss ball at home where I would only have had my cat present to point and laugh at my pathetic attempts.

    What I do is put a swiss ball on the floor and stand behind it. I then roll myself onto it (launch might be a better word) and keep going forward using my arms for support and to walk me forward until the ball is under my shins. Don't underestimate the amount of space you need lengthwise!
    Then I just do what the book says: Bring your legs up towards your head and then straighten them back out. It is hard but so rewarding once you get the hang of it. I think they look really impressive when your doing them but its another story when your finished and you want to get your shins off the ball! There is no graceful way to do this that I have yet found.
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    When are the Special Workout at the end of stage 1 suppose to be done. Immediately after or sometime during your rest period? Thanks

    You treat the special workouts as a regular workout. The next time you go to the gym, you will do Special workout A, then the next time, Special Workout B. Then you will rest for a week, if you desire. Hope this helps.