New Rules of Lifting for Women group?



  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I know you all will appreciate this...I bumped my calories up by 100 last night! Whoa. Hold me! :wink:
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I know you all will appreciate this...I bumped my calories up by 100 last night! Whoa. Hold me! :wink:

    @ Kensky - Ooooh! Super excited for you. I know how good it feels to be able to eat a little more. I'm on 1700 a day (for a ridiculous 1380) and I cannot tell you how good it feels. I'm still playing with the numbers but I feel this is pretty close to what I should eat in order to lose weigh. (BTW I'm not eating back exercise cals, that would be a little too much food for me at this stage)

    Congrats on being brave enough to eat more :drinker: :happy: :wink:
  • meribethd
    meribethd Posts: 92 Member
    Thank you all! I am going to lower my cals and protein a tad and just continue what I'm doing with a lot less focus on the scale. I appreciate your input!
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Another little dispatch from the free weight floor: I found the Training Plates yesterday! How cool! Training plates = 5 lb plates that are the same diameter as a...uhhh 25 lb. plate, 45 maybe? Big Girl plate that's for sure....So I could do my "regular" 75 lb. deadlift (I'm working on it!) and it was sooo much easier to do. I mean, it was heavy and it was effort but it felt so much better than it ever has. So that is a big boost for me. It also gives me a big boost to bump up even heavier next round since I think much of my struggle was the positioning of the weights and not the weights themselves.

  • medusae
    medusae Posts: 6
    hi everyone!

    is it too late to jump into this group? i have had the book for a while and dipped in and out, but am going to start the program for real next week (11th July). am really looking forward to getting started!
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Not too late, Medusae! I am hoping that we can be one of those groups that roll threads over again and again. I'm in it for the long haul! Welcome!
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    So I passed my qualifying exam for my PhD program and now have time to make the trek over to the campus gym for some weights! Hooray!!!

    Today was a loose Stage 1, Workout A, Workout 1 day, but mostly it was to explore the gym and figure out where things are. I have to say... I miss my old gym!! I had no idea how good I had it. The weight room in this new one is TINY, and packed. Also, things are somewhat spread out between rooms and floors (it's an old building). So there's free weights (some dumbbells and barbells) in one room, a bunch of machines in another room up the stairs, and stretching areas spread throughout the building.

    Honestly, I am not sure how well I am going to do with properly alternating some sets of things due to the layout. Also, there doesn't seem to be a proper seated row machine - I ended up using one of the special "work this muscle group" ones in the machine room, but it didn't feel like my rows used to feel. Ah well. Work with what I've got.

    Also: no swiss balls! :( I don't know how much I feel like lugging one around. Does anyone know if this would work: do the workouts but leave out the swiss ball exercises until the day after (or later on in the evening) when I get home and have access to my cardio room in my condo? Would it completely destroy the effectiveness to separate them from the workout a bit?

    Anyways. So excited to get back into this.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Hey Stephanie! There are a few exercises that I do not do split set style because of the impracticality of the arrangement For instance, the lat pull-down is always hopping and I need to do my thing on it and go. I don't think it would be a big thing to do the swiss ball stuff at home. I'd choose that option over bringing mine from home! I am tempted to do the bodyweight matrix (which I still hate...ooof) at home where I can crumple on my own floor immediately after.
  • medusae
    medusae Posts: 6

    i'm reading through the book again to get completely familiar with the program. did some weights this morning and feel like a complete weakling... i used to religiously lift 3 days a week, and i'm so annoyed with myself for stopping!!

    i'm curious, how religiously do you all follow the nutrition plan? i'm having trouble getting that amount of protein right now. i'm a longtime vegetarian and am very conscious of including protein in my diet, but this plan calls for a lot. any tips?

    thankfully i've found a protein shake i like and can add to breakfast and use post-workout.
  • neela31
    neela31 Posts: 180 Member

    thankfully i've found a protein shake i like and can add to breakfast and use post-workout.

    I'm trying to focus on getting the protein in. I'm not a huge meat eater so I've been supplementing with protein powders and balance bars. I know it's not the optimum way to get the protein in, but the book seems be OK with supplements. I won't be starting the plan for a couple weeks due to some neck/shoulder issues I have. Right now I'm focusing on the diet so when I do start lifting that's all I'll have to worry about.
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Hey Ladies. I started the program today. Loved the workout. But it only took me about 25 mins to do Workout A does that sound right.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Good news: I used a bunch of DL tips from you guys and the jp forum - feet close to the bar, keep your chin up, squeeze your butt on the way up, don't lean back at the top of the motion, etc - and I started to feel it, but in my glutes more than my hammies, maybe from the whole "squeeze your butt" part. Also, what I did feel was still not at all challenging, so I'm gonna continue increasing my weight.

    Bad news: I was apparently very unfocused when doing the Pullovers (at-home version of Lat Pulldowns) on Sunday. I do them lying flat on the floor, not an exercise bench, which puts my hips at a different angle. I usually keep my core really tight to keep everything lined up properly but for whatever reason it didn't get done this time; I even remember not doing it, though I've no idea why. So now I have lower back pain. :cry: I'm gonna take a few days, week, whatever, to let that feel better before picking back up. Last thing I wanna jack up is my lower back!!!

    Other good news: As of July 4th, I was down 1lb, and lost 0.5" each on my waist, hips, and thighs. I also lost an inch around my bust (:grumble:) and 2" around my bra band, although I think my last measurement there was wrong, so I'll just say an inch there too. Hooray for being littler and stronger!! :drinker:
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member

    Other good news: As of July 4th, I was down 1lb, and lost 0.5" each on my waist, hips, and thighs. I also lost an inch around my bust (:grumble:) and 2" around my bra band, although I think my last measurement there was wrong, so I'll just say an inch there too. Hooray for being littler and stronger!! :drinker:

    Result! This is great to hear. Take the time to heal for a few days and then jump straight back into it, NROLFW rocks:happy:
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Are you Insane? - NROLFW / Insanity hybrid

    First Fit Test is tonight, will post starting stats then.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Whoa! Impressive! I can't wait to follow your progress.
  • Furrytreats
    Furrytreats Posts: 132 Member
    How often are all of you getting to the gym a week?
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    It's been a month or so since I last lifted due to our family road trip and the cold that I got afterwards. I decided to continue in phase 1, since it's so long anyway. I was able to lift pretty much the same amounts I had been before, so didn't lose too much strength. I've been substituting some of the exercises from New Rules of Lifting for Abs for the ab exercises in NRoL4W.

    I was able to hold a plank for 60 seconds today for the first time ever! (Doing planks instead of ball crunches). It's a minor victory, but I'm still pleased by it. Of course I couldn't do it on the 2nd set, but that's okay. I also was able to do all my lunges for the first time. I have arthritis in my knees and lunges give me trouble, even with just body weight. Part of why I am lifting is to stay strong, avoid bone loss, and keep my joints as healthy as possible. Next on my agenda should be some kind of knee-friendly interval training, probably on a bike.

    Hi to all the new people who've joined, welcome! I do believe that strength training is the key to fat loss. The scale may not move as fast as we'd like, but the inches do come off quickly compared to just doing cardio. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    As to how often do I got to the gym, it's pretty often. I don't do lifting every day though. I will do my strength training 2-3 times a week depending on how sore I'm feeling. I tried working through the soreness once, having skipped a full day. That was a mistake. I wasn't able to lift as much and had a less than stellar workout. I decided that if I was that sore again, I'd wait another day to recover. The workouts may not take long, but they sure can kick your butt at times!

    The other times I go to the gym I do stuff like a spin class or Zumba class. I might also do more swimming now that I'm taking the kids in for lessons.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    How often are all of you getting to the gym a week?

    No gym. Home bench, bar, bells, and plates. Husband and I spot each other.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I go to my local community center/gym 5 to 6 times a week. I have one no-Tracey-you-can't-work-out day. 3 of those days are lifting, the other days I do some sort of cardio. (mostly eliptical but sometimes I run/walk or do the stepmill.) I love the gym!