New Rules of Lifting for Women group?



  • Cougarsuz
    Cougarsuz Posts: 20 Member
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Hi all. I'm not sure if anyone else is allowed to join this thread????

    If I am allowed to join then I'd like to ask a quick question please?

    I read NROLFW (twice actually). All of the information is spot on and is very much in line with what my PT says. My question is this - do I have to start at stage 1?

    The only reason I ask is because I've been lifting weights with my PT for several months and I tried stage one but I didn't feel as though I worked as hard as I do in my PT sessions. Based on the exercises I feel like I'd be more suited to stage 3.

    Please don't think I'm trying to short cut things - I know there are no short cuts and I'm happy to do stage 3 twice if need be. Please any advice would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance
  • lyn267
    lyn267 Posts: 58 Member
    waiting for my book to come in the mail - bump for later
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Hi all. I'm not sure if anyone else is allowed to join this thread????

    If I am allowed to join then I'd like to ask a quick question please?

    I read NROLFW (twice actually). All of the information is spot on and is very much in line with what my PT says. My question is this - do I have to start at stage 1?

    The only reason I ask is because I've been lifting weights with my PT for several months and I tried stage one but I didn't feel as though I worked as hard as I do in my PT sessions. Based on the exercises I feel like I'd be more suited to stage 3.

    Please don't think I'm trying to short cut things - I know there are no short cuts and I'm happy to do stage 3 twice if need be. Please any advice would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

    Hello!! I was also already an advanced weight lifter when I started. I started from the beginning, but I shortened it. I did about 1/2 the prescribed workouts. They are still tough, because of the reps. I just started heavier than the typical 5 pounds. It still kicked my butt! I think it is good to do them because you revisit all of the same movements later on, so you can track your progress better and find out how much more you're able to lift.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    @ Kdiamond - Thanks. Tomorrow is my lifting day so I may try again with heavier weights. Thanks for sharing your experience, it's so helpful to hear from someone who's actually 'lived it'.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Hi all. I'm not sure if anyone else is allowed to join this thread????

    If I am allowed to join then I'd like to ask a quick question please?

    I read NROLFW (twice actually). All of the information is spot on and is very much in line with what my PT says. My question is this - do I have to start at stage 1?

    The only reason I ask is because I've been lifting weights with my PT for several months and I tried stage one but I didn't feel as though I worked as hard as I do in my PT sessions. Based on the exercises I feel like I'd be more suited to stage 3.

    Please don't think I'm trying to short cut things - I know there are no short cuts and I'm happy to do stage 3 twice if need be. Please any advice would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

    Welcome! Of course you may join. :wink: Any woman that realizes strength training is the BEST way to burn fat is fine by me!

    Even though I had been strength training for a few months beforehand, I started at the beginning and I am almost done with the 16 workouts that Phase 1 consists of. Like kdiamond, I used weights that were challenging for me (for example I started off doing unmodified push-ups and upped the reps per set from the get-go) and it still was a good workout. I also agree with kdiamond in the fact that completing Phase 1 gives you a nice solid foundation to support the rest of the phases.

    Then again, I'm also one of those people that loves having an organized and structured routine to follow. :smile: I always have a plan for my workout--I never go to the gym and just roam or fiddle around until I figure out what I wanna do. That's why I love NROLFW so much. Even though I hate doing some of the exercises, chances are those are the best ones for me to do. :tongue:
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Hi all. I'm not sure if anyone else is allowed to join this thread????

    If I am allowed to join then I'd like to ask a quick question please?

    I read NROLFW (twice actually). All of the information is spot on and is very much in line with what my PT says. My question is this - do I have to start at stage 1?

    The only reason I ask is because I've been lifting weights with my PT for several months and I tried stage one but I didn't feel as though I worked as hard as I do in my PT sessions. Based on the exercises I feel like I'd be more suited to stage 3.

    Please don't think I'm trying to short cut things - I know there are no short cuts and I'm happy to do stage 3 twice if need be. Please any advice would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

    Welcome! Of course you may join. :wink: Any woman that realizes strength training is the BEST way to burn fat is fine by me!

    Even though I had been strength training for a few months beforehand, I started at the beginning and I am almost done with the 16 workouts that Phase 1 consists of. Like kdiamond, I used weights that were challenging for me (for example I started off doing unmodified push-ups and upped the reps per set from the get-go) and it still was a good workout. I also agree with kdiamond in the fact that completing Phase 1 gives you a nice solid foundation to support the rest of the phases.

    Then again, I'm also one of those people that loves having an organized and structured routine to follow. :smile: I always have a plan for my workout--I never go to the gym and just roam or fiddle around until I figure out what I wanna do. That's why I love NROLFW so much. Even though I hate doing some of the exercises, chances are those are the best ones for me to do. :tongue:

    Thanks for your response. I am definitely a believer that strength training is THE way forward - I am done with long boring steady state cardio (I know it has it's place but I don't really count it as part of my training routine). I am off to the gym shortly so will take your advice and try the stage one workout again.

    Like you I'm super organised and I need to know what I'm doing in the gym - if I don't have a plan, it's best for me not to go.

    I'll give it another go and post back later to let you know how I found it. Have a wonderful day.:happy: :happy: :happy:
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    OMG! Ladies I did it! I begun NROLFW today, I used the most challenging weights I could and I worked so hard. It felt great! I feel as though this is what will lead me towards achieving my fat loss goals. I could write for days about how great it feels and how motivating it is to finally have a sensible but challenging program to follow.

    One more question: Assuming that I'm consistent and have my diet in order (which I do) How soon did you all start to see inch loss results? I have about 10 weeks before I move from London to the US and I'd like to have made significant change in that time - is this realistic.

    My aim is to lose an inch or more off each arm (as they're quite flabby) and 2 inches through my belly button (my fattest part - urgh!) I know it won't be an over night change but do you think I should start to see some difference within a month?
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies!!!

    It is so nice to have others that are into lifting heavy!!

    I am finally moving to Stage 2 on tomorrow. My schedule has been kind of crazy the past couple weeks and I haven't been able to go to the gym as much as needed. I tell ya, working full time and being a single parent of an active (sports and school chorus) nine year old son has me running all the time. I should have been finished with Stage 1 last week. Oh well, I am moving on!! Yea!!! I have to make out my sheet tonight. I've been looking over the exercises the past couple of days and I am excited to do some new ones!

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    OMG! Ladies I did it! I begun NROLFW today, I used the most challenging weights I could and I worked so hard. It felt great! I feel as though this is what will lead me towards achieving my fat loss goals. I could write for days about how great it feels and how motivating it is to finally have a sensible but challenging program to follow.

    One more question: Assuming that I'm consistent and have my diet in order (which I do) How soon did you all start to see inch loss results? I have about 10 weeks before I move from London to the US and I'd like to have made significant change in that time - is this realistic.

    My aim is to lose an inch or more off each arm (as they're quite flabby) and 2 inches through my belly button (my fattest part - urgh!) I know it won't be an over night change but do you think I should start to see some difference within a month?

    Hi Sunshine!

    I think you will start seeing changes in your body, at least within a couple weeks. By the time you move to the US, you will be even more fabulous than you already are!!!
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    OMG! Ladies I did it! I begun NROLFW today, I used the most challenging weights I could and I worked so hard. It felt great! I feel as though this is what will lead me towards achieving my fat loss goals. I could write for days about how great it feels and how motivating it is to finally have a sensible but challenging program to follow.

    One more question: Assuming that I'm consistent and have my diet in order (which I do) How soon did you all start to see inch loss results? I have about 10 weeks before I move from London to the US and I'd like to have made significant change in that time - is this realistic.

    My aim is to lose an inch or more off each arm (as they're quite flabby) and 2 inches through my belly button (my fattest part - urgh!) I know it won't be an over night change but do you think I should start to see some difference within a month?

    Hi Sunshine!

    I think you will start seeing changes in your body, at least within a couple weeks. By the time you move to the US, you will be even more fabulous than you already are!!!

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. I'm pleased to hear that I should start seeing/feeling some changes within a few weeks, it'll keep me motivated.

    p.s - the afterburn feeling of my workout was super intense (I kinda liked it though) is this normal?
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    OMG! Ladies I did it! I begun NROLFW today, I used the most challenging weights I could and I worked so hard. It felt great! I feel as though this is what will lead me towards achieving my fat loss goals. I could write for days about how great it feels and how motivating it is to finally have a sensible but challenging program to follow.

    One more question: Assuming that I'm consistent and have my diet in order (which I do) How soon did you all start to see inch loss results? I have about 10 weeks before I move from London to the US and I'd like to have made significant change in that time - is this realistic.

    My aim is to lose an inch or more off each arm (as they're quite flabby) and 2 inches through my belly button (my fattest part - urgh!) I know it won't be an over night change but do you think I should start to see some difference within a month?

    I think you will DEFINITELY see change in yourself within 10 weeks! As long as you keep up with the schedule and nutrition (lots of protein!), I think you can definitely achieve the specific goals you mentioned.

    And to answer your other question, yes, the afterburn of workouts can be intense and last for a bit! It's a good sign. :)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I agree with the others - 2 to 4 weeks to see "change" even if it is just a small one. I am being very aggressive with this program...I up the weight every 3rd workout (depending on the workout) .

    For instance I started stage 1 doing step ups with 10 pound dbs, I am back on step ups in stage 4 now,...the first 2 weeks of stage 4 I used 15 pound dbs, this week (which is my 3rd workout) I used 20 pound dbs. I figure, the only way to progress is go up, it is very challenging to say the least! I have 1 more week doing this stage, I plan on trying 25's next week for the heck of it.

    I fully believe in this program, it is by far the best one I have done, and I've done a lot of different ones over the years. And even though I'm rounding out 11 weeks now I am still sore after every workout!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Anyone else on Stage 4 yet? I wanted to document my weights:

    Stage 4A (3 sets of 8 reps, though I use my first set as my warm up set)

    Front Squat Push Press: 30#, 45#, 55# <<<if it weren't for the press part I could go much higher, it is HARD
    Step-up: (bench) 15#, 20#, 20# db's
    Dumbbell 1-pt Row: 15#, 20#, 20# db's
    Static Lunge w/ Rear Foot Elevated: 15#, 15#, 15# db's
    Push-up: Regular, bodyweight only
    Plank: 1.5 minutes
    Cable Horizontal Wood Chop: 30#, 30#, 30#

    Stage 4B (3 sets of 8 reps)

    Wide Grip Deadlift from Box: 45#, 65#, 85#, 85#
    Bulgarian Split Squat: 15#, 15#, 15# db's
    Underhand Grip Lat Pulldown: 60#, 65#, 75#
    Reverse Lunge from box w/ Forward Reach: 15#, 15#, 15# db's
    DB Prone Cuban Snatch: 20# db's <<<I am not doing the cuban snatch, I am doing a regular snatch, it just doesn't work for me
    Swiss Ball Crunch: bodyweight
    Reverse Crunch: bodyweight
    Lateral Flexion: bodyweight
  • barefootgirl27
    barefootgirl27 Posts: 1 Member
    hi ladies....

    I'm just starting .. I'm curios if you would mind sharing what weights you started out with????

  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I agree with the others - 2 to 4 weeks to see "change" even if it is just a small one. I am being very aggressive with this program...I up the weight every 3rd workout (depending on the workout) .

    For instance I started stage 1 doing step ups with 10 pound dbs, I am back on step ups in stage 4 now,...the first 2 weeks of stage 4 I used 15 pound dbs, this week (which is my 3rd workout) I used 20 pound dbs. I figure, the only way to progress is go up, it is very challenging to say the least! I have 1 more week doing this stage, I plan on trying 25's next week for the heck of it.

    I fully believe in this program, it is by far the best one I have done, and I've done a lot of different ones over the years. And even though I'm rounding out 11 weeks now I am still sore after every workout!

    I love that you take the time to respond - thanks and from your photos I can see that you not only talk the talk but you are walking the walk as you're in great shape - exactly what I'm aiming for :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I have a PT (who by the way is FAB) who takes the same approach as you in that he always pushes me to go as heavy with the weights as I can. Sadly I can't afford a PT anymore so I will be doing NROLFW and see him just once a month to keep on track.

    Today was my first proper workout and I can see why it's absolutely necessary to have a rest day in between each work out - I can already feel that I will be sore tomorrow. I am however looking forward to my next workout on Saturday.

    Thanks for all your advice. I'll be on this thread daily to get all the info I can as I feel that this is something I can really stick with and see results.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    kd, I just finished stage 3 and will begin 4 tomorrow. I have gone lighter than I wanted originally to get a hang of the movements and be sure I'm using good form but now I'm lifting much heavier and finally starting to really feel it for days after a workout.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    hi ladies....

    I'm just starting .. I'm curios if you would mind sharing what weights you started out with????


    Are you a total beginner to weight training? I'd probably start with 5 pounds db's and maybe 30 pounds for squats and deadlifts. If you're intermediate to advanced in weight training, I'd start with 10lb db's and the Olympic bar (45lbs) for everything else.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I agree with the others - 2 to 4 weeks to see "change" even if it is just a small one. I am being very aggressive with this program...I up the weight every 3rd workout (depending on the workout) .

    For instance I started stage 1 doing step ups with 10 pound dbs, I am back on step ups in stage 4 now,...the first 2 weeks of stage 4 I used 15 pound dbs, this week (which is my 3rd workout) I used 20 pound dbs. I figure, the only way to progress is go up, it is very challenging to say the least! I have 1 more week doing this stage, I plan on trying 25's next week for the heck of it.

    I fully believe in this program, it is by far the best one I have done, and I've done a lot of different ones over the years. And even though I'm rounding out 11 weeks now I am still sore after every workout!

    I love that you take the time to respond - thanks and from your photos I can see that you not only talk the talk but you are walking the walk as you're in great shape - exactly what I'm aiming for :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I have a PT (who by the way is FAB) who takes the same approach as you in that he always pushes me to go as heavy with the weights as I can. Sadly I can't afford a PT anymore so I will be doing NROLFW and see him just once a month to keep on track.

    Today was my first proper workout and I can see why it's absolutely necessary to have a rest day in between each work out - I can already feel that I will be sore tomorrow. I am however looking forward to my next workout on Saturday.

    Thanks for all your advice. I'll be on this thread daily to get all the info I can as I feel that this is something I can really stick with and see results.

    You're welcome and thank you so much for the compliments! You don't need a PT long as you have a good program (i.e. NROLFW) and you know what you're doing now you can handle it. And yes, I absolutely require a day (or 2!) between these workouts...they are brutal!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    hi ladies....

    I'm just starting .. I'm curios if you would mind sharing what weights you started out with????


    I wouldn't consider myself a beginner.. but I believe I started out with 60 lbs on squat and deadlifts, unmodified pushups, 40lb barbell on the back row (alternative for the cable machine), 15 lb dumbbells for step-ups, 15 lbs dumbbells for overhead press, 20 lb barbell for overhead pulldown (alternative for cable machine), and 10 lb dumbbells with lunges. I hate lunges!