New Rules of Lifting for Women group?



  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I have a question. I'm in Stage 1 just starting week 2. So, Thursday, I'll be doing Workout A &B for the 3rd time. We are still doing only 2 sets, but they dropped the sets to 12 instead of 15. So....... did you increase your weights at this point or still do the same? It seems very strange to do fewer reps with the same weight (or just body weight as in pushups and prone jacknife). And I don't feel like I can increase my weights yet - it just seems like this will be slightly easier - which seems backwards to me. Can someone help me understand this?

  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I do not have a gym membership (can't afford it) but I do have access to a small gym at my apartment complex that has dumbbells and a multi-function cable-type machine. There is a barbell machine (not free-hand barbell) but I don't know how to use it or adjust it and there are no instructions on the machine itself. I've asked other people in the gym but they have no idea how to adjust it either - the only other people I've seen in the gym are women and they do not lift weights at all.

    Can I do this program using only dumbbells and the cable/pulley machine?


    Most of the excercises have a description of how to do the excercises at home, so I would guess that it's possible. I would recommend checking the book out from a library. Then you can read it and review the workouts to see if you can do it with what you have available. I went out and bought a 15lb bar with some weights and a ball so that I can do it from here on the weekend (I only go to the gym twice a week cuz it's at my work and I work from home 3 days a week and it's too far to drive to otherwise).

    But I'm only on Stage 1 and haven't looked ahead too much to see what's coming. Hopefully someone who's a bit farther can give you better advise!
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    I do not have a gym membership (can't afford it) but I do have access to a small gym at my apartment complex that has dumbbells and a multi-function cable-type machine. There is a barbell machine (not free-hand barbell) but I don't know how to use it or adjust it and there are no instructions on the machine itself. I've asked other people in the gym but they have no idea how to adjust it either - the only other people I've seen in the gym are women and they do not lift weights at all.

    Can I do this program using only dumbbells and the cable/pulley machine?


    I have been wondering this myself. My condo's weight room is pretty lacking, and only has the dumbbells and a few cable machines also. I'm thinking it would be possible to sort of modify things a bit - the biggest difference would be in the squats and deadlifts, which, alas, are my absolute favourites.

    But it might be worth a shot, because it's better than nothing, right?
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi everyone! I am on 1A4(Stage 1, Workout A, #4). Since I am still fairly new to the program and only workout at the gym, I can not really comment on using the program at home. I do know that the book makes some suggestions on doing the program at home though. Today is squat day and it is time for me to take my weights up. Last time, I loaded the 45 lb bar up to 65 lbs. I will attempt 75 lbs today since the plates are in 5's. The book recommends that we up the weights everytime we do each particular workout. I have done this so far and it seems to be working. My workouts are getting more challenging and I love it. Heading to the gym for my workout.
  • Kimbie500
    Kimbie500 Posts: 388 Member
    OK, Stage 1, WO A, 1 just kicked my butt and I loved it!!! Prone jackknives on the ball are HARD! Wheeeee! Workout buzz!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi Kimbie!! The prone jackknife's will get easier as you go. I actually enjoy doing them now!! I feel like a bad@$$!!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    The gym had some 2 1/2 lb plates, so I was able to do my squats with 70 lbs instead of 75. I'm glad I found the little plates because I do not know if I would have made it through the squats with 75 because the 70 lbs kicked my butt. It was a great workout though! Gotta love NRLW!!!!!!!!!
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I have a question. I'm in Stage 1 just starting week 2. So, Thursday, I'll be doing Workout A &B for the 3rd time. We are still doing only 2 sets, but they dropped the sets to 12 instead of 15. So....... did you increase your weights at this point or still do the same? It seems very strange to do fewer reps with the same weight (or just body weight as in pushups and prone jacknife). And I don't feel like I can increase my weights yet - it just seems like this will be slightly easier - which seems backwards to me. Can someone help me understand this?

    Yes, I believe the point in doing less reps is so you can up your weight. Give it a try but if more weight it way too much of a struggle then wait to you are ready. I think they really want you to try and push yourself.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I try to up my weight each time I go back to that same routine if I'm doing 10 reps. If I can't do 10 reps of that weight then I keep plugging away at that weight until I can. I believe that is the intent of the book too, as it's pretty typical strength training protocol. Less reps, more weight!

    I deadlifted the olympic bar during the box deadlift today! Whoo! Other than that it was a pretty fragmented workout. More gym renovation + navigating the Level 2 routine = an exercise in letting go for ol' kensky! This is why I'm glad I do 3 rounds of NROLW a week so I can have a sorta crappy session without feeling (too) panicky. ;)

    I love prone jackknives! Whee!!

    Re: Doing the program at home, I think the only thing that would be hard would be the squats and deadlifts as it would be hard to go as heavy as your body could go without a rack, in my opinion. I'm positive the adaptations could be made thought. It might be a good question for the New Rules message board people.
  • seemichellerun
    I started stage 7 yesterday. It was pretty damn hard! Loved every second of it!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Good for you!!! I can't wait to get past level 1 :-)
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I got my book today! I plan on reading it at my desk until run time this afternoon and implementing the schedule next Monday. Can't wait!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm almost done with stage 7, and I have to say it's not going fast enough. I really really hate stage 7.
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    One workout away from being done with stage 1. So far, ok. I love that it's less than 30 mins (maybe i fudge the rest periods a little)...other than the first few workouts though, not sore. Hmmm...gotta push myself more, i guess. I think I do. I just really really hate "the burn." :)
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Did S1A3 this morning. Can someone explain to me why I'm supposed to be doing FEWER pushups? I don't understand that. The prone jacknife starts you out at 8 and then increases reps. That makes sense to me - but why with pushups (where I'm not adding weights) would I decrease the reps?

    Anyway - my other concerns is this. I did squats this morning and I added 40 pounds to the olympic bar bringing the total to 85 lbs. Well, it HURT my shoulders/back having the bar sitting there. I do what the book said, and I pull my shoulders together and let the bar sit on the "shelf" that's created, but it still hurts. How do you handle this? I assume I'm supposed to add more weight next time, but my shoulders aren't going to be able to handle the load pretty soon (it's the bar that hurts - not my back, if you know what I mean).

    On the up-side, my first set up pushups were much easier than the first two workouts!! This is really good for me cuz I used to do girly pushups. Since starting this last week, I've had to use my legs to help push me back up LOL, but my first set today, I didn't have to do that hardly at all!!! I did my second set, but I think it seems that I've gotten a little stronger already! And the prone jacknife was a bit easier. I used 15 lb dumbells for my step ups (had 7 risers - 8 the first set but that was too high and I don't think my form was right). I'm going to have to buy heavier dumbells for home.

    Then - and this is what I'm most excited about - I did intervals after on the treadmil, and my springs were at 9 mph for 60 seconds!!! Last week, I did them at 8 mph and Tuesday I did them at 8.5. Now - I'm not going to push myself harder next time - I had to actually jump off the treadmill instead of letting it slow down at the end of the sprint - but it was pretty great. I'm a bit of a noodle right now and need to eat my breakfast since I have to go back down in 3 hours for my aerobic class - but I'm really concerned about that squat bar and wanted to get some advice.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Did S1A3 this morning. Can someone explain to me why I'm supposed to be doing FEWER pushups? I don't understand that. The prone jacknife starts you out at 8 and then increases reps. That makes sense to me - but why with pushups (where I'm not adding weights) would I decrease the reps?

    Anyway - my other concerns is this. I did squats this morning and I added 40 pounds to the olympic bar bringing the total to 85 lbs. Well, it HURT my shoulders/back having the bar sitting there. I do what the book said, and I pull my shoulders together and let the bar sit on the "shelf" that's created, but it still hurts. How do you handle this? I assume I'm supposed to add more weight next time, but my shoulders aren't going to be able to handle the load pretty soon (it's the bar that hurts - not my back, if you know what I mean).

    To answer your pushup question, I think it's laid out for someone who has to start out doing pushups on a bench or on their knees. He assumes you'll do 15 pushups off the wall, then 12 pushups off a bench, 10 pushups on your knees, and 8 proper form pushups. I can already do 15 regular pushups, so I'll probably increase it each time, or maybe put some weight on my back. You could try that?

    As for the barbell hurting your shoulders, they make attachments that mold to your shoulders and improve comfort. I'm not sure where you can get one. Maybe try Academy or a similar store? That's the only solution I have! :)
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I finished reading the book today--besides reading the nutrition tips throughout the recipes and reading through every single exercise (I'm sure I'll do that this weekend). I wish I could start today, because normally I do strength training on T, Th, and Sat.. but I'm going to wait until Monday so I can change it to MWF for strength training and the alternating days for running (training for a PT test in June).

    I just spent the last hour or so making an Excel Spreadsheet that lays out my entire workout plan from May to November. If anyone is interested in using the format, I can send it to you in an email! It prints out on one page and looks very spiffy. :) Just message me and let me know. You can edit the spreadsheet to fit your own customized schedule.

    I can't wait 'til Monday! I'm going to take Saturday and Sunday off to give my body time to rest from what I've already been doing (lots of strength training, running, and HIIT). It looks like Stage 1 will be easy.. too bad it lasts six weeks! I really want to follow the program as close to a T as possible, though, so I'll do the whole six weeks. :P

    I have one question--what is everyone's daily calorie goal? I raised mine to 1600 yesterday. I'm weary to raise it to the book's recommendations since I'm trying to lose fat ASAP. :\ I know I SHOULD do what the book says, and it makes sense, but.. meh. I'm really eating around 1800/day and netting around 1400-1500 once I account for exercise, and I'm getting plenty of protein.

    Whew, sorry this is such a long post!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Did S1A3 this morning. Can someone explain to me why I'm supposed to be doing FEWER pushups? I don't understand that. The prone jacknife starts you out at 8 and then increases reps. That makes sense to me - but why with pushups (where I'm not adding weights) would I decrease the reps?

    Anyway - my other concerns is this. I did squats this morning and I added 40 pounds to the olympic bar bringing the total to 85 lbs. Well, it HURT my shoulders/back having the bar sitting there. I do what the book said, and I pull my shoulders together and let the bar sit on the "shelf" that's created, but it still hurts. How do you handle this? I assume I'm supposed to add more weight next time, but my shoulders aren't going to be able to handle the load pretty soon (it's the bar that hurts - not my back, if you know what I mean).

    To answer your pushup question, I think it's laid out for someone who has to start out doing pushups on a bench or on their knees. He assumes you'll do 15 pushups off the wall, then 12 pushups off a bench, 10 pushups on your knees, and 8 proper form pushups. I can already do 15 regular pushups, so I'll probably increase it each time, or maybe put some weight on my back. You could try that?

    As for the barbell hurting your shoulders, they make attachments that mold to your shoulders and improve comfort. I'm not sure where you can get one. Maybe try Academy or a similar store? That's the only solution I have! :)

    I was going to give the same exact advice! LOL
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    I finished reading the book today--besides reading the nutrition tips throughout the recipes and reading through every single exercise (I'm sure I'll do that this weekend). I wish I could start today, because normally I do strength training on T, Th, and Sat.. but I'm going to wait until Monday so I can change it to MWF for strength training and the alternating days for running (training for a PT test in June).

    I just spent the last hour or so making an Excel Spreadsheet that lays out my entire workout plan from May to November. If anyone is interested in using the format, I can send it to you in an email! It prints out on one page and looks very spiffy. :) Just message me and let me know. You can edit the spreadsheet to fit your own customized schedule.

    I can't wait 'til Monday! I'm going to take Saturday and Sunday off to give my body time to rest from what I've already been doing (lots of strength training, running, and HIIT). It looks like Stage 1 will be easy.. too bad it lasts six weeks! I really want to follow the program as close to a T as possible, though, so I'll do the whole six weeks. :P

    I have one question--what is everyone's daily calorie goal? I raised mine to 1600 yesterday. I'm weary to raise it to the book's recommendations since I'm trying to lose fat ASAP. :\ I know I SHOULD do what the book says, and it makes sense, but.. meh. I'm really eating around 1800/day and netting around 1400-1500 once I account for exercise, and I'm getting plenty of protein.

    Whew, sorry this is such a long post!

    My daily calorie goal is 1330. I didn't increase my daily goal like the book said. I want to continue losing weight and I feel with this program, I will lose fat and not muscle. I have lost 5 lbs since starting NRLW. And I can see the difference in my body. I absolutely love it. I have a spreadsheet as well. But i would love to see your format, it sounds a lot better than mine. :-)