Question for all you men....



  • I must agree that skinny jeans on the wrong body build is terrible. Especially when the ladies are really round and wearing high heels they cant walk in. It looks uncomfortable and as if they are gonna fall over. I can also not understand why skinny girls wear pants a size to small. You can see that they are built nicely and thin, but their pants make their love handles bulge and in the end makes them look kinda chubby.
  • Have to add skorts to the list (wtf false advertising), and I have to disagree with cowboy boots and skirts, very bad, as are cowboy boots and shorts.

    I actually like that look - Skirt, shorts with cowboy boots. I think its cute and hippy style....hehehehe
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    toss up between smoking and overabundance and/or bad looking make up. I think I'd take the make up. I prefer little to no make up. I can remove it :happy:
    the smoking eww no. dealbreaker there for me.
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    Great. I just stopped smoking, I have eyebrow piercing, I love my baggy jeans, capris are great for breezy summer (even thought I don't own any), I would love to own an UGG boots, I'm thinking about cutting my hair short, I have 3 tattoos and thinking about more.......and I only got to a second page of this topic. I'm doomed, aren't I? :laugh:

    PS.: to just quickly edit, I can't imagine my life without my crocs. Ok, they are my home wear to just go it a garden and back, but I still wouldn't give them up. The best invention for feet I know, lol
  • CatseyeHardcast
    CatseyeHardcast Posts: 224 Member
    Leggings are fine provided they are covered with a dress, large shirt etc but jeggins? WTF? Wear tight jeans, don't try and pretend.

    Not a fan of shoe, heels, or boots that are worn or scuffed but the top no nos are smoking and too much make-up
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    When the camel toe is accentuated into moose knuckles by wearing clothes that are obscenely smaller than reality allows.

    Also, if they're hygienically unkempt, i.e. facial hair, unshaven pits, penis breath, etc...

    I am the only one who enjoyed this post.... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Everyone loves a good camel toe :noway: *smh*

    Unshaven Pits with sleeveless shirts is in (guess you missed the memo)

    Penis Breath (the newest Tic-Tac)
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    When the camel toe is accentuated into moose knuckles by wearing clothes that are obscenely smaller than reality allows.

    Also, if they're hygienically unkempt, i.e. facial hair, unshaven pits, penis breath, etc...

    I am the only one who enjoyed this post.... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Everyone loves a good camel toe :noway: *smh*

    Unshaven Pits with sleeveless shirts is in (guess you missed the memo)

    Penis Breath (the newest Tic-Tac)

    LOL - Yes, I laughed and then quickly moved on before I said anything that banned... 8-o
  • JJtexasgirl
    JJtexasgirl Posts: 106 Member
    I teach high school, so I see most of these on a daily basis. Sometimes I just feel sorry for the girls who try to wear a certain fashion like leggings or skinny jeans, but have no business putting their 10lbs into that 5lb sack. And there is no kind or gentle way to tell them they look awful! There are even a few boys there that wear skinny jeans - which is equally gross from the front and the back!

    So when do we get to start the thread about men's clothing/style that women hate???? :bigsmile:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I detest both the: trashy low-cut jeans with the top of the g-string visible n low label tat. And the "goth" look. Have some respect for yourself! If not then have respect for my kids! LOL :huh:

    Wow...must not like me then, lol.

    My personal peeve is seeing the Uggs and the mom jeans...both are atrocious!
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    So when do we get to start the thread about men's clothing/style that women hate???? :bigsmile:

    Oh, that'd just be too easy ... most of us are all too painfully aware that we're fashion-challenged. :)

    For me, if I'm not in workout's jeans or shorts and a hopefully not too tight (except in the arms :) t-shirt...odds are, it'll be one with an H-D logo on it. With either sneaks or short ankle-height black leather boots. (But not the boots with shorts, of course. LOL)
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Capri's (clam digger's back in the day)

    Uggs (WTH??)

    Bee hive hair

    Heavy facial piercings (nice little nose stud is fine but come on!!)

    Unnatual hair colors (Pink, Green, Yellow, etc...)

    Mullets (on either sex)

    Muffin top belly shirts (yuck?)

    open toed sandles with socks (WTH??)

    Hunting attire

    Granny panties

    Sleeveless blouses that allow full chest visuals from either side

    Knucle tats (like HATE and PAIN)

    Wedding rings

    Bib overalls (unless it's dressup at bed time)

    Burkas and Nun habits

    Fake sexy halloween costumes

    I could go on but I'll leave some for others to list...
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Capri's (clam digger's back in the day)

    Uggs (WTH??)

    Bee hive hair

    Heavy facial piercings (nice little nose stud is fine but come on!!)

    Unnatual hair colors (Pink, Green, Yellow, etc...)

    Mullets (on either sex)

    Muffin top belly shirts (yuck?)

    open toed sandles with socks (WTH??)

    Hunting attire

    Granny panties

    Sleeveless blouses that allow full chest visuals from either side

    Knucle tats (like HATE and PAIN)

    Wedding rings

    Bib overalls (unless it's dressup at bed time)

    Burkas and Nun habits

    Fake sexy halloween costumes

    I could go on but I'll leave some for others to list...

    "Wedding rings" - ROFL! :laugh:
  • Amybcb
    Amybcb Posts: 292 Member
    I may take flack for this but wearing jeans or pants that are several sizes too big.
    They don`t have to be painted on tight as that can look just as goofy but so many ladies have a good figure and "assets" yet don`t believe it.

    As a woman who is now overweight, I can say that the looser jeans make you feel safe. However, you are completely right. They actually make you look BIGGER. If you find the right jean, fitted, you will look so much better than the jeans that are too big or MOM looking. I speak from experience :)
  • I'm totally guilty of the jeggings (though I wear them with tops long enough they could almot be dresses, not normal shirts) and skinny jeans (only have one pair) HOWEVER I have the sense not to wear them right now, since I've gained weight, and only wear them when I'm thin, and am also guilty of wearing (faux) uggs.

    - Fake tans. The sort acquired from tanning beds indicate a lack of intelligence and the spray-on orange ones look awful on everyone.

    - Huge sunglasses.

    - Too much/too heavy make-up.

    - Wearing yoga pants for anything besides working out or hanging around your house. Especially if they're from LuluLemon. Wearing anything from LuluLemon, really.

    - Designer purses that cost $1000+ yet are hideously ugly.

    - Ridiculously high heels.

    - Dyed hair that looks like dyed hair. If I can tell it's not natural - or I'm not at least wondering - yuck. Same for thick highlights and light highlight in dark hair.

    - Huge ditto to pants with words on the *kitten*.

    - Pajamas in public.

    - Sweats in public for anything other than exercise or a situation like making a quick run to the grocery store to grab something at 11PM.

    - Emo haircuts.

    - Non-fitted T-shirts (I don't mean fitted like skin tight, just not a baggy). Worse if they have cartoon characters, stupid jokes or anything cutesy on them.

    - Facial piercings (nose rings can be cute, but the rest, no way to me).

    - Meaningless cookie-cutter tattoos, huge tattoos, and/or multiple visible tattoos.
  • 1) Makeup, period
    2) Stupid hair colors. That bright pink hair makes you look like your in an anime
    3) Perfume. I'm very scent heavy, so perfume throws me off.
    4) Short hair. I will not go into the reasons.
    5) Rocking those Granny Panties
    6) Wearing boxers as shorts.
    7) to many tats. A few tats are good looking. Hell, if your a tattoo artist, it's needed. But even most guys get way to many.
    8) Forgot drugs. And, I mean like the Pot Leaf on the shirt.

    Now, I actually find pj bottoms attractive. Normally. And, as a smoker, I really can't say anything about that.
  • If I were a boy I'd say girls who dress slutty,wearing to much black eyeliner,and big girls who dress like they are freaking super models I mean I am all for expressing yourself but when you're well over 300 pounds wearing tube tops and shorty mcshort shorts is just repulsive.:sick:
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Well... I don't wear anything but mascara, so I'm safe there. But... I do have mini holes in my ears... heh.... safe on every other account!

    I definitely agree on skinny jeans. Gross.
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    I dont think i've ever seen anyone in public in the PJs unless they are in the hospital canteen!! Perhaps it's a UK thing or something, but seriously, do you USA guys REALLY wear PJs in public??? What's that all about?!

    Also agree with the juicy on the bum thing. I also agree that people ARE laughing at you!! hahah!!
  • Mattysmomma
    Mattysmomma Posts: 268
    Oh my gosh... I wear crocs quite often LOL (ducking to run and hide) ... but I'm a nurse so do I get a free pass??? LOL

    You really wear crocs at work?? wear danskos.. wayyyy better :)
  • Fat_Chopper
    Fat_Chopper Posts: 97 Member
    Excessive or cheap perfume.
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