Like Minded Lushes April 2011



  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    mon - 0
    tues - 0
    wed - way too many
    thurs - 0
    fri -0
    sat - 0
    sun - 0
    Still on track whoop whoop. Saturday here in Oz and having ZERO.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Good Morning Lushes,

    Hope everyone isn't too hung over this morning and managed to still have a good time!!!

    Monday, zippo
    Tuesday, 8
    Wednesday, 6
    Thursday, Friday, zippo
    Saturday, more than likely zippo
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Faith, you're kicking a$s!

    Welcome Cupajoe and Willie!

    Yay for beer, Bun!! Where do you cash in your cans?

    Well, none for me last night and tonight is questionable...


    Hubs is making some French Toast with strawberries, but I don't know if I'm going to eat...Hope everyone has a great day!
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    Ohhh french toast sounds nummy! We have a steel/alumunum recycling place about 2 miles from where I work. .50 cents a pound plus a coupon for .10 more. Which if you think about it, that's a lot of cans to be able to buy an 18 pack. :huh:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    bought a new kind of Kaluha for my coffee. it is the Especial so it is 70proof. I like it. So I am up a pound this week but considering the crap I ate and the fact that I avoided the dreadmill for a change it isn't too bad. I will pull it altogether after my little break and go to town next week. I am going to do a free week at a Anytime fitness to do something different.

    I hope you feel better Amy
    Glad the bun had beer.
    good job Kim (working really helps you out!)
    Faith you are really doing well!
    socal - I drink more red wine than I used to now that I live up in the PNW. when I was in So Cal I was a white wine girl.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    bought a new kind of Kaluha for my coffee. it is the Especial so it is 70proof. I like it. So I am up a pound this week but considering the crap I ate and the fact that I avoided the dreadmill for a change it isn't too bad. I will pull it altogether after my little break and go to town next week. I am going to do a free week at a Anytime fitness to do something different.

    Robin, I recently joined Gold's gym and like the classes they, I hope that anytime works well for least worth checking, enjoy your weekend.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Hey robin..I make my own kaluhua. if you ever want the recipe..lemme know.
    actually it was a tradition of my mom's. she would get all her g/f's over and they would make it and then play cards.
    they'd drink half the ingedients before all was said and done..not much card playing going on..haha.

    everyone enjoy the rest of your weekend!
    my house is clean, time to exercise then i'm going to plant my *kitten* down and watch some movies I think.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hey lushes, It's been an amazingly gorgeous spring day here in the UK, temp around 25c which is pretty much unheard of, and I was enjoying it in a vest top and shorts, 4th day in a row it's been this good now. I don't know how but I have drunk an entire bottle of wine and it's only 8pm :blushing:
    Scales finally agreed with how I'm feeling and showed a loss today, well after the 3rd time of moving them around and jumping on and off! seriously they have stayed exactly the same for 4 weeks now, I don't think that's even possible, I have been pretty good this week and am feeling slimmer so they really ought to have agreed with me :laugh:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    My mom used to make her own Kahlua too!

    Well, I just spent a fortune on strawberries, peppers, and assorted other things for the garden. I just hope it doesn't snow!
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I am on track to drink all weekend!

    WE have a detox week next week so I am getting in what I can this weekend.

    I am rocking the new sparks lemonade as we speak! I will be moving onto three olives Dude vodka with diet code red. It is magical and yes I will totally regret each sip tomorrow at the Y.

    HAHA oh well!

    Hope everyone is having a b*tching weekend. We finally got some sun and decent temp so I get to actually ride the one of the motorcycles I make payments on. :love:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I lied...I'm drinking. S.F. red bull and cherry Three-O.

    I'm also working my as$ off in the garden, so I think I'm burning a bit.

    Yvonne, I'm glad the scales are (finally) cooperating!!

    My mom told me today that I look like I've lost "a ton" of weight.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Put in a second work out so I could enjoy some wine =]

    Was at the bar last night and forgot to ask for water =| hangover was bad at times but feel alright at the moment.

    Just watched Eat, Pray, Love. Pretty good, made me hungry haha

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend so far :smile:
  • casey1974
    casey1974 Posts: 18
    I gotta say, I tried Bud Select 55 tonight cuz i thought I was doing myself some good. 2 beers for the calories of 1... woohoo!!! NOT REALLY!!!! I have gotten a better buzz off O'Douls!! This stuff has absolutely no alcohol in it and man did I have to pee way worse than with any other beer! I must say, the upside of drinking it is I think I burned quite a few calories running up and down the stairs to the bathroom!!! Gimme me Labatt Blue Light anyday!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Good Morning Lushes,

    Monday, zippo
    Tuesday, 8
    Wednesday, 6
    Thursday, Friday, zippo
    Saturday, zippo
    Sunday, nada a damn thing

    Well, looks like I'll finish the week at 14 beers...tomorrow is my weigh in day for my competition...the scale hasn't budged this week so far; but, sometimes that just happens. Last week I lost 3.2 lbs, so I guess it all averages out eventually.

    I have to say it is getting much EASIER to abstain on a daily basis...This thread just somehow keeps me accountable. Although, I am fearing summer and the vast quantities of liquor consumed at fests, lakes and outdoor patios....oh, my!!!
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    I didn't realize how long it had been since I was last on this thread.......I had to get the link from March today! How time flys when yer having fun! :drinker: Anyway, been steady here with the wgt staying off, and actually dropped a couple of lbs. Now the drinking part....well, still up to my usual beer quantities. I just really watch what I eat, more veggies, shrimp, fish, beans, less calories so I can DRINK BEER!!!! :drinker: :laugh: :drinker: :laugh:
    Glad to see the gang is doing okay......I'll try to get back to posting. I've had to get a house ready (mom's) for a buyer. It should close within the week. One thing I learned (and highly suspected).......that I am soooo outta shape!! A little painting and scrubbing for a couple of days and I am so sore! Which leads me to :sad: goal of working out at least for 15 minutes a day with weights, and I don't mean the 2 lb. light weights. Start tomorrow. Not today, I'm about ready to drink beer and hot tub it!!!

    Hope all had a good weekend and cheers to a great week ahead!! :happy: :drinker:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I don't drink much beer, but I would tend to agree casey..those light beers don't seem like they'd be worth it to me. But whatever works for ya I guess?
    Good luck on your weigh in Kim.
    NIce to see you back Pam! Have fun in the hot tub.
    I've got my MIL coming over. We're gunna grill some burgers and some fresh sweet white corn. (maybe some veggies too..portabellas?)
    I'm going to have some wine I think. Although that may turn into vodka later in the day, depending on how things go with the MIL. :drinker:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    wtg Kim doing well on the lush front.

    Good to see you Pam :smile:

    mon - 0
    tues - 0
    wed - way too many
    thurs - 0
    fri -0
    sat - 0
    sun - 0

    I did it yay!!

    This weeks plan

    Mon - 0
    Tues - 0
    Wed - 0
    Thurs - 1 bottle of wine
    Fri - 0
    Sat - 0
    Sun - 0
  • casey1974
    casey1974 Posts: 18
    After a day of back breaking spring cleaning I am ready for some nice relaxing with a cold one in my hand! Definately not going to be one of those Select 55's!! Going high octane tonight. I have earned it! Hope everyone had a great spring day!!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Didn't drink last night, I just had a S.F. red and cherry but it's not sitting too well. I think my mystery virus is hanging around for the long haul... <sad face>
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    After a day of back breaking spring cleaning I am ready for some nice relaxing with a cold one in my hand! Definately not going to be one of those Select 55's!! Going high octane tonight. I have earned it! Hope everyone had a great spring day!!

    That 55 crap is like someone drank it then pissed it back in a bottle and topped it off with card water. Gross! I also was hyped about the 55 til I tried it. I will stick to my steel reserve! haha or four loko!!!

    I really enjoy IPA's also but those hit the calorie button mad hard yo!

    Last night of drinking here before a week of detox. God I am an idiot....
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