can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • MonicaLee1982
    MonicaLee1982 Posts: 33 Member
    Booyeti - Thank you so much! You have answered so many of my questions!
  • MonicaLee1982
    MonicaLee1982 Posts: 33 Member
    Booyeti - Thank you so much! You have answered so many of my questions!

    Whoops, that was supposed to be Bookyeti :)
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Hehe, no problem! :)
    It can sure be a confusing syndrome. Ugh! Hate it!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Sadly I have zero periods without the pill and don't ovulate at all without fertility assistance. I have also noticed an increase in hair where I don't want it since I've been off. Ugh, wish there were easier solutions.
    Book yeti, are you taking anything that does what birth control does for PCOS women? I'm off right now since I'm trying to conceive (yay PCOS and your lack of ovulation and difficulty growing eggs), but I don't want to be on birth control for the rest of my life. Especially since iobviouslydont need it to control having kiddos. I'm not insulin resistant yet, but I'm trying hard to stay that way.
    I have never taken the pill for my PCOS. And my Endocrinologist never recommended them either. In my research, I had read early on that the pill can often-times make matters worse in a woman with PCOS-related insulin resistance.

    I know that many women with PCOS are often prescribed oral contraceptives to help regulate an irregular or absent menstrual cycle. But I never had an irregular cycle - always 'on time.' That was one of the symptoms I never had.

    I no longer require the pill for contraception because I had a hysterectomy in Jan. 2011 (ovaries still in tact). However, I went off the pill almost 5 years ago, and we relied on other sources of contraception.
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    I'm sorry about that. :-(
    Yeah, PCOS is just horrid. Danged if you do, danged if you don't. *Blurgh*
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Update: Hubby and I decided once I've lost my 60th pound that we will be ready to start going to the Reproductive Endocrinologist! Im nervous and excited~! I want to be a mommy soooo bad!
  • clojjm04
    Thank you for this thread! I was diagnosed with PCOS this past winter. It started off as a physical and my concern about fertility because what is now my husband (married just a few weeks ago) have had a unprotected sex for a long time. And my period was really messed up and randon! Well turns out I got diagnosed with PCOS... I went to see a speacilist who didnt provide me with any information. I decided to just go ahead and live my life and push PCOS to the side... Until now.. I started breaking out with ****e spots all over my back... and then they would go away... And I started losing my hair a few months ago... And I can actually see bald spots on the sides of my head and on the back of my head. I went to the doctor yesterday. I was diagnosed with Tinea Versicolor. Which from what I have read can by caused from a hormonial imbalance... Does anyone else have this?? It is a chronis skin disease that never really goes away completely. I was also told I was losing my hair because of my hormone imbalance. I was prescribed medication to help the skin break outs. I was prescribed birth control to help the hormonial imbalance. And I was prescribed a generic for of metaphormin to help with my insulins so I can lose weight. Does anyone have succes at losing weight after being on birth control or insulin meds?? PS I HATE PCOS!!!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I am having good success with losing weight on metformin. Imnot taking anybirth control. But I workout hard for at least 45 mins. A day. And eat a low glycemic index type of diet. Seems to be the only way my body can lose weight. Good luck!!!
    Thank you for this thread! I was diagnosed with PCOS this past winter. It started off as a physical and my concern about fertility because what is now my husband (married just a few weeks ago) have had a unprotected sex for a long time. And my period was really messed up and randon!ll turns out I got diagnosed with PCOS... I went to see a speacilist who didnt provide me with any information. I decided to just go ahead and live my life and push PCOS to the side... Until now.. I started breaking out with ****e spots all over my back... and then they would go away... And I started losing my hair a few months ago... And I can actually see bald spots on the sides of my head and on the back of my head. I went to the doctor yesterday. I was diagnosed with Tinea Versicolor. Which from what I have read can by caused from a hormonial imbalance... Does anyone else have this?? It is a chronis skin disease that never really goes away completely. I was also told I was losing my hair because of my hormone imbalance. I was prescribed medication to help the skin break outs. I was prescribed birth control to help the hormonial imbalance. And I was prescribed a generic for of metaphormin to help with my insulins so I can lose weight. Does anyone have succes at losing weight after being on birth control or insulin meds?? PS I HATE PCOS!!!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Update: Hubby and I decided once I've lost my 60th pound that we will be ready to start going to the Reproductive Endocrinologist! Im nervous and excited~! I want to be a mommy soooo bad!

    great motivation! I see one now, but know the more I lose the better the chances of success.
  • daisylovespink
    daisylovespink Posts: 89 Member
    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for starting this thread!!! It is so wonderful to know that there are people out there who know EXACTLY what you are dealing with.

    So I have a question for my fellow PCOSers, I am currently on metformin (have been for a while now) and it is been a God send. I tried eating healthily and exercising before being diagnosed and put on it and the scale wouldn't budge. So after a few months of working out with a trainer and eating right but not seeing the scale move I got a case of the f*** its. I mean, yes I was happy I could run 5 miles, but I do not want to be the in shape fat girl! So I went back to eating like crap and not exercising. Once my doctor diagnosed me and put me on the metformin, it was like everything came together and my body actually started responding to the diet and exercise. Now I've lost enough weight that my doctor has been lowering my dose to less than a 1/4 of what it was! Anyway, because of the metformin (and nasty side effects if you don't eat well) and the PCOS I try and stay away from processed carbs and if I'm really being good the only carbs I'll get is from my 1 serving of lower sugar fruit a day. However, I've started to run a lot to train for a tough mudder so I'm doing a half marathon training schedule on top of my regular strength training. I'm starting week 3 of the long distance running and I find my body CRAVING carbs! This is not my normal, I'm bored/stressed/happy/sad let's eat some potato chips, it feels different. So I think my body is trying to tell me that it needs different fuel. Do you ladies have any suggestions on some yummy carbs that won't make my metformin give me the nasty gi side effects?

    PS. - Thank you PCOS for allowing me to have such a wonderful complexion. I mean, what's not to love between the moustache, beard and acne!
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Complex carbs... whole grains, starchy veggies (root veg)?
  • countrygirl75
    countrygirl75 Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you for starting this trend....I have first posted when it first started, but now I think it will be a regular check in every day....fighting this weight, and the emotional moody monster everyday.....this is so hard and having ppl that are going through the same as me, and feelings helps me to understand that I am not some crazy
  • daisylovespink
    daisylovespink Posts: 89 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    You SUCK!

    Does anyone have information or know of a good website that talks about the pros vs. cons of weight training. I know I have read that it is good for women to train with weights as women do not get bulky muscles, BUT as we all know, us PCOS'rs are a bit different. Will I be buff if I continue weight training during my weight loss??



    You will not get bulky!!! I've been strength training 3 times a week for the last 3 months and it rocks. I am definitly getting muscles, but their girly ones so more toned than bulky (and I've always gained muscle easily.) Plus the srength training has really helped my weight loss, if I stick to my workouts and eat right I usually lose around 3 pounds a week (I am on metformin as well though.)
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I just killed myself doing a crap ton of ab crunches all throughout the day today.... gotta get rid of this pcos belly...ugh! The crunches were also a part of the august team challenge im in:) 350 today! Whew!! How are you all doing? Hope you're. Beating this thing!
  • countrygirl75
    countrygirl75 Posts: 112 Member
    PCOS best buddy the moody monster shows up always unwelcomed.....sigh....I am looking for more cysters to add for more support on the days you want to just strangle the snot out of the moody monster, and all the other ups and downs PCOS brings to us. Please feel free to send me a add i will add you I need more support. please
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hello lovely cysters. Just wanted to check in, this thread is so amazing!

    I think I'm going to set myself up for a doctors appointment now that I have health insurance and thinking about metforim... I'm off the pill at the moment because I've heard it actually makes it harder to lose weight... The fiance is NOT impressed with that choice :tongue: :laugh:
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    I hate you, you've ruined my life!! My doctors dont understand you so how can I? My doctors told me two years ago, at age 23, that I'd never have children, that my body had already gone through the menopause. I gained over 80lbs in a year and couldn't figure out why, I grew excess facial hair, I can't wear backless tops due to acne. Then I was told I had PCOS after being poked and prodded.

    My periods are 6 months or more apart! I managed to lose 56lbs through hard work and exercise, my periods returned and I was happy.Then it happened again this February. My periods stopped and install gained 48lbs back and even though I'm working my *kitten* off nothing is happening. I worry I'll never have children, I'll never lose the weight,I'll be like this forever, and I'm so scared. My boyfriend is so supportive but he doesn't understand!

    I have lost count of the times I've sat on my own and cried and just felt hopeless. I've been to fertility clinics and other doctors and none of them will put me on medication.

    I'm done, I'm sick of this and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I hate you PCOS, thank you for ruining my life
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Your story almost mimics mine exactly! I gained all of my weight in one year. I hadn't changed one thing about my daily life... I noticed I was gaining so I started working out more often and dieting..... yet Istill gained... and gained.and gained.... I finally got diagnosed.after I got married and finally had insurance. It was horrible and now im working my *kitten*. Off extremely hard just like you! Thank god for metformin. Without it my body will literally. Fight itself! Good luck to you! We are all here for support! Ps... sorry for the grammar. I am on my phone lol

    Dear PCOS,

    I hate you, you've ruined my life!! My doctors dont understand you so how can I? My doctors told me two years ago, at age 23, that I'd never have children, that my body had already gone through the menopause. I gained over 80lbs in a year and couldn't figure out why, I grew excess facial hair, I can't wear backless tops due to acne. Then I was told I had PCOS after being poked and prodded.

    My periods are 6 months or more apart! I managed to lose 56lbs through hard work and exercise, my periods returned and I was happy.Then it happened again this February. My periods stopped and install gained 48lbs back and even though I'm working my *kitten* off nothing is happening. I worry I'll never have children, I'll never lose the weight,I'll be like this forever, and I'm so scared. My boyfriend is so supportive but he doesn't understand!

    I have lost count of the times I've sat on my own and cried and just felt hopeless. I've been to fertility clinics and other doctors and none of them will put me on medication.

    I'm done, I'm sick of this and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I hate you PCOS, thank you for ruining my life
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    SarahP86, I definitely feel your pain. PCOS can be a very trying diagnosis, but know that you're not alone. :)

    P.S. My doctor told me I couldn't have children either when I was diagnosed 8 years ago. I have since had one child with the help of fertility and am working on another. If you can't find a doc who will listen to you, then I say keep going until you find one who will.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Okay, I know all of us are different; but I have to say this.

    I have never ovulated without medical assistance, so consequently I have never had cramps, nausea, or anything associated with my period (if I had one on my own, which wasn't likely due to the lack of ovulation). Now that I'm on fertility drugs and just had my first ovulation with resulting period, can I just, it's amazing what women have to put up with.

    Makes me feel bad that I don't experience it in some ways, but omg, I would not do well with nearly two weeks of nausea. Then again, I wouldn't have to deal with the other fun things (like the lab technician pointing out my polycystic ovaries in the ultrasound and going, "wow, guess you really do have PCOS".)

    Always fun!