can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    My profile picture is from when I was 19 and Pre PCOS diagnosed. I plumped out every year since then and am about to turn 26 tomorrow. Now I have to lose 85 pounds just to get back to a normal weight. I went through countless weeks of dieting and hardcore exercising through those years not knowing why I was doing all this work and getting ZERO results. I hate you for making my self esteem almost close to ZERO......and I give you ZERO respect now. NOW...I am DONE with dealing with you and I WILL OVERPOWER YOU!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Dear PCOS,
    You sure did sneak up on me, a defenseless child. Everyone was having periods and growing boobs. I was getting hairy and growing acne on my arms and skin tags. Girls were starting to date. I was going bald. Girls would have pool parties, I would cover up as much as possible because of the huge red lines all over my body from gaining weight so fast. Girls were very flirty with the guys, I had a man voice. Eventually I was diagnosed and told I would have problems conceiving. I thought you had got the best of me.

    You didn’t. I lost the weight, I shave my arms, got those skin tags cut off, the stretch marks have faded, I can live with the man voice, no more acne and hair lose (thank god for birth control), I even bought myself some boobs, and I don’t want kids (yet). I got married even though you made me think no one would ever want me. I BEAT YOU. WINNING!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Dear PCOS,
    You sure did sneak up on me, a defenseless child. Everyone was having periods and growing boobs. I was getting hairy and growing acne on my arms and skin tags. Girls were starting to date. I was going bald. Girls would have pool parties, I would cover up as much as possible because of the huge red lines all over my body from gaining weight so fast. Girls were very flirty with the guys, I had a man voice. Eventually I was diagnosed and told I would have problems conceiving. I thought you had got the best of me.

    You didn’t. I lost the weight, I shave my arms, got those skin tags cut off, the stretch marks have faded, I can live with the man voice, no more acne and hair lose (thank god for birth control), I even bought myself some boobs, and I don’t want kids (yet). I got married even though you made me think no one would ever want me. I BEAT YOU. WINNING!
    You are my inspiration! You have done an INCREDIBLE thing. And you should be VERY proud of yourself!!!!!!! Im proud of you and I don't even know you! lol I only hope I have the same success as you have had! And honestly....if I keep losing weight....Im going to have to get new boobies too! LOLLL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Dear PCOS,
    You sure did sneak up on me, a defenseless child. Everyone was having periods and growing boobs. I was getting hairy and growing acne on my arms and skin tags. Girls were starting to date. I was going bald. Girls would have pool parties, I would cover up as much as possible because of the huge red lines all over my body from gaining weight so fast. Girls were very flirty with the guys, I had a man voice. Eventually I was diagnosed and told I would have problems conceiving. I thought you had got the best of me.

    You didn’t. I lost the weight, I shave my arms, got those skin tags cut off, the stretch marks have faded, I can live with the man voice, no more acne and hair lose (thank god for birth control), I even bought myself some boobs, and I don’t want kids (yet). I got married even though you made me think no one would ever want me. I BEAT YOU. WINNING!

    Love it!
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    Thank you for the very embarrassing dark skin patches between my thighs. Thanks for making me have scars on my face from ingrown hairs after shaving off all that excess facial hair.

    - Cat

    Although, I do know that diet can help SO much. I had always been told I could not have children without Metformin and Clomid, and I did not want to be on either one of them, and birth control made me crazy (and if I couldn't have kids, why would I take it anyway??!) Well, back in September I lost 20 pounds and low and behold, bam, pregnant. We hadn't used birth control in the whole year and a half because I didn't think I would be able to get pregnant. I ended up miscarrying due to mismatching blood types, but it made me see that a healthy diet DOES help tremendously. I unfortunately regained all that 20 lbs, but as of today I have officially lost it and plan to continue losing it. Also since healthy eating I have had 3 regular periods in a row and about to get my 4th.

    Mind you, I've NEVER had regular periods. Ever. I started at 18 and had one every two or three months, and they were always light, short lived, and just not normal. Now, after 3 "normal" periods I'm kind of wishing I had abnormal ones again because this crap SUCKS haha!!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    Thank you for the very embarrassing dark skin patches between my thighs. Thanks for making me have scars on my face from ingrown hairs after shaving off all that excess facial hair.

    - Cat

    Although, I do know that diet can help SO much. I had always been told I could not have children without Metformin and Clomid, and I did not want to be on either one of them, and birth control made me crazy (and if I couldn't have kids, why would I take it anyway??!) Well, back in September I lost 20 pounds and low and behold, bam, pregnant. We hadn't used birth control in the whole year and a half because I didn't think I would be able to get pregnant. I ended up miscarrying due to mismatching blood types, but it made me see that a healthy diet DOES help tremendously. I unfortunately regained all that 20 lbs, but as of today I have officially lost it and plan to continue losing it. Also since healthy eating I have had 3 regular periods in a row and about to get my 4th.

    Mind you, I've NEVER had regular periods. Ever. I started at 18 and had one every two or three months, and they were always light, short lived, and just not normal. Now, after 3 "normal" periods I'm kind of wishing I had abnormal ones again because this crap SUCKS haha!!

    HATED those dark patches!! And I NEVER had a period without birth control which I started taking at 16. Happy for you!!
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member

    HATED those dark patches!! And I NEVER had a period without birth control which I started taking at 16. Happy for you!!

    When you lost the weight did the dark patches fade? I also have them on my elbows, and occasionally I get responses like "Hey you have dirt on your elbow." or "Hey, your elbow is bruised!" and I have to explain it and it's like o-m-g... embarassing!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I'm not positive if it was the birth control or losing weight, maybe both, just glad to not have them anymore
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Astovey.... Your story and progress is very inspirational!!! I hope we are all able to put PCOS in its place like you did.

    Kittyinaz... I hate having to explain my dark patches..... ugh!!!!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I didn't realize how many women were affected by PCOS!(here on mfp) Im glad you all read this thread:)
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Melroxsox...Thanks for starting this thread!!! Us cysters need to stick together :)
  • Awsum2000
    Awsum2000 Posts: 3 Member
    Dear PCOS-
    You are not a death sentence, you will not take over my life. Even when I had to take those stupid fertility pills, and could not lose weight, you became my focus for getting healthy. But I thank you for motivating me to lose weight, which allowed me to have periods and ovulate, which gave me the most wonderful gifts, my kids. But, you are a nuisance. From the extra hair, painful periods, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, all of that!! One day Dr.s will be able to finally confront you and make you go away!!!
  • Buddie616
    Buddie616 Posts: 167 Member
    Like many of you I was diagnosed with PCOS last year. I put on 30 pounds very fast and found out that was the reason why. PCOS sucks! We can do this!!!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Dear PCOS-
    You are not a death sentence, you will not take over my life. Even when I had to take those stupid fertility pills, and could not lose weight, you became my focus for getting healthy. But I thank you for motivating me to lose weight, which allowed me to have periods and ovulate, which gave me the most wonderful gifts, my kids. But, you are a nuisance. From the extra hair, painful periods, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, all of that!! One day Dr.s will be able to finally confront you and make you go away!!!
    So happy you were able to somewhat beat PCOS and the infertility that goes along with it! Thats GREAT~~!!!!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Melroxsox...Thanks for starting this thread!!! Us cysters need to stick together :)
    I agree~ I've never had so much support in my whole life! No one in my "real" life understands what Im going through.not even my doctors!!! I come here for my best advice and healing:) It's been a God send!
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    I'm disapointed. I've lost 21lbs and haven't had a tom yet. Its been 9 months since I've stopped provera and I've had a normal tom. Was hoping weightloss would help so I don't have to go through a partial hysterectomy in june. Blah I'm terrified my daughter will end up with pcos. I hate this damned prison sentence(that's how I see it) hopefully one day they'll better understand pcos and have a cure.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Well i don't have PCOS but I do have a prolactin secreting pituitary adenoma (small mass pressing on my pituitary gland that throws all my female hormones out of whack, prolactin sky high all other hormones non existant). It seems to be a little less common then PCOS but does cause some of the same issues. Especially weight gain and infertility. I've been on medicine for about 2 months now and finally had my first normal realy cycle which I haven't had in over 6 years without being BC. But man let me tell you it was PAINFUL! That is one of the common side effects, horrible TOMs! I will take the pain any day if it allows me to conceive a child!
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    Thanks so much for the dark skin patches. I really enjoy having more than 1 skin makes me look like a patchwork quilt. And thanks for the 3 month periods with very heavy bleeding and those disgusting clots. Hey, I'm TOM free the other 9 months. And hey, WTG making me have to take birth control pills. I feel like a teen again! And hey, my doctor prescribed some yummy chewable pills! Hubby and I would sure like a baby but I don't want to bleed to death in the process. And yeah, thanks for the facial hair. I really enjoy the bonding time as hubby and I shave in the mirror together.

    And you are so concerned about our state of finances that you make it almost impossible to have a baby. This saves us tons of money as we don't have to worry about childcare, diapers, formula and all those other expensive baby related things. But, you forgot all the money I was buying pregnancy tests only to be heartbroken when the results are negative.

    Lastly, thank you for being an overall pain in my *kitten*.

    F*** off!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Blah I'm terrified my daughter will end up with pcos.

    I feel the same way. I look at my precious little daughter and worry that she might have to endure the same things as me...and I will feel so guilty if that happens :frown:
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Blah I'm terrified my daughter will end up with pcos.

    I feel the same way. I look at my precious little daughter and worry that she might have to endure the same things as me...and I will feel so guilty if that happens :frown:

    Hopefully by the time they hit puberty well have a cure and better understanding of what causes pcos. I went years without knowing what was wrong with me. Went through 3 gynos also. I found out I had pcos when my daughter was 19 months old. Now I'm on a 4th gyno who is amazing and understands what I go through. My last doc tried telling me to consume under 700 cals a day by using slimfast and lean cuisine to lose weight! I tried metformin for weightloss also and it made me to sick to tak it daily. I am thhankful I got to meet more women with pcos bc now I don't feel like I'm the only one.