Pregnancy 2011 - April



  • Mamatoabunch
    Yesterday was not a good day. I can really relate to the emotional stuff b/c I am right there. It is hard.

    I took the kids to a kids safety fair this morning. Lots of goodies and three of my children received new bike helmets. The guy at the booth also showed us a robot baby and how little shaking a baby can affect a baby's brain. It made me cry.

    I went this afternoon to BRU for their "baby shower". It was so lame. At least they could have had cake, LOL. I got home though, they called that I had won a $25 gift card. Wish they sold sheepkins for babies b/c that is all I really need.
  • dreamc08
    dreamc08 Posts: 74 Member
    Bumping for later!

    I just found out I'm preggers with our first and am going to need all the insight I can get!
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    We had some great weather here today so took the family to a place called Dunham Massey, an 18th century manor house with a deer park and lovely gardens. Took loads of great pictures of the kids and the countryside. However I have managed to catch too much sun even though I had factor 30 sun lotion on! I look like a tomato, not a good look! Normally I don't burn at all but I think pregnancy has made my skin extra sensitive to the sunlight. I'm going to have to be extra careful in the sunshine from now on. Hope this redness settles down soon or I will have to cover it up with some self tanning lotion!

    Earned a few hundred extra calories with all the exercise today and i'm surprised how little fatigue i'm having considering the 3 his of walking and half of that I was carrying one of my children around (henry in my arms, james on my shoulders and caroline on my back) I am quite impressed with my level of fitness, go me haha!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I went this afternoon to BRU for their "baby shower". It was so lame. At least they could have had cake, LOL. I got home though, they called that I had won a $25 gift card. Wish they sold sheepkins for babies b/c that is all I really need.

    I'm going to a baby shower for a friend tomorrow, so I went to BRU to shop for it and stumbled into their "baby shower". I thought the same thing you did, where's the cake?? :laugh:

    Congrats on winning the gift card!!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Bethe - YAY!!! Congratulations and welcome baby Wade! :flowerforyou:

    Hope you guys are doing well, can't wait to hear all about it and see pics. So happy for you!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    So, we just found out yesterday that my husband's cousin and his wife are expecting as well! This is their second.

    They have the same last name as us, and in a tiny town like where we live there are going to be a lot of little Dundas babies running around!

    Anyways- the weird thing is that she is due August 6th. I am due August 12th. And they only just told people. They did the same thing with their first- told people in the family in July and the baby was born in early November. So she was 20-25 weeks + when they shared, and right now she is 23 weeks and they just shared with the family.

    I told people like over 2 months ago when I was 10 weeks. It makes me feel... stupid for telling people so soon when she was ahead of me and never shared. I know sharing news like a baby is a very personal choice, but I just don't get it.

    Hubby is out of town all weekend playing in a hockey tourney, so I rented 4 movies, and have my best friend coming over today to sew. I am going to work on my baby quilt. Then tomorrow I am meeting a friend for brunch. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    My sister sister- in- law waits pretty long to tell people too. Don't worry about it. People just choose to do it differently! Don't feel stupid, I told people at 10 weeks too!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Bumping for later!

    I just found out I'm preggers with our first and am going to need all the insight I can get!

  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Congrats Bethe! I am so excited for you. I can't wait to hear your birth story and see pictures of the little one... that is if you are willing to share :smile:

    So we went and had our belly bump pictures done today. I think I am reaching the last points in my pregnancy where I still feel really cute. Pretty soon the stretch marks will appear. I'm not even going to try to tell myself I might not get them. I've had stretch marks since I was in 7th grade. Anyway, I knew I wouldn't be up for naked belly pics once that happened. Don't worry, the only naked thing in the pics is my belly. I put on a button up shirt and unbuttoned it. Made one of the pics my new profile pic. It's my favorite.

    Getting ready to go have a fire outside with roasted marshmallows. Hello sugar high for my baby! :laugh:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    So we went and had our belly bump pictures done today. I think I am reaching the last points in my pregnancy where I still feel really cute. Pretty soon the stretch marks will appear. I'm not even going to try to tell myself I might not get them. I've had stretch marks since I was in 7th grade. Anyway, I knew I wouldn't be up for naked belly pics once that happened. Don't worry, the only naked thing in the pics is my belly. I put on a button up shirt and unbuttoned it. Made one of the pics my new profile pic. It's my favorite.

    Getting ready to go have a fire outside with roasted marshmallows. Hello sugar high for my baby! :laugh:

    Your pic is really cute Brittony! Hope you enjoy the bonfire, can't wait til it's nice enough to have one here, almost!!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    So today I had my first unwelcomed comment on my size. My friend and I went to the restaraunt in town, it was the woman who owns it, who I know but not well.

    So she noticed my belly and asked if there was a baby on the way, told her yes, she asked me my due date. Then she said "woah, big baby in there". She then continued to tell me about her 10lbs 8oz baby and how she didn't even attempt at vaginal delivery, blah blah blah.

    Anyways, I couldn't help but be a little bit offended by the "woah, big baby in there, Not to mention I am totally self concious about my size, worried my baby will be too big to deliver vaginally, worried my weight will effect my stamina and my ability to even do it, worried in general. And that comment certainly didn't help!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Baby Wade arrived at 4:56 am! He is 8 lbs 9 ozs!

  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Congrats Bethe! I am so excited for you. I can't wait to hear your birth story and see pictures of the little one... that is if you are willing to share :smile:

    So we went and had our belly bump pictures done today. I think I am reaching the last points in my pregnancy where I still feel really cute. Pretty soon the stretch marks will appear. I'm not even going to try to tell myself I might not get them. I've had stretch marks since I was in 7th grade. Anyway, I knew I wouldn't be up for naked belly pics once that happened. Don't worry, the only naked thing in the pics is my belly. I put on a button up shirt and unbuttoned it. Made one of the pics my new profile pic. It's my favorite.

    Getting ready to go have a fire outside with roasted marshmallows. Hello sugar high for my baby! :laugh:

    Very cute!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Brittony -- Love the belly picture. :smile:

    Joonz -- I'm still getting the "I can't even tell you're pregnant" comments. I know it's because people are used to seeing me so much bigger but it's really beginning to get on my nerves because I really feel like I'm VERY obviously pregnant.

    We had the service for my brother yesterday. I had been feeling strong since Tuesday but I cracked yesterday when one of his best friends came up to talk to me & I haven't really been able to stop crying since. I am completely heartbroken my daughter will never know my brother and I don't think I'm dealing with it very well. I guess it'll get less painful in time, but right now I'm having a hard time even being excited about getting closer and closer to her arrival because all I can think about is how he won't be there to meet her. My SIL's sister told me my brother would come to her house to take care of her baby and he would say he was "practicing" for mine. He was so excited to be a "real" uncle (his words). I'm so sorry to be such a downer but this is where I am right now. I've never not had a big brother before and I'm lost.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    We had the service for my brother yesterday. I had been feeling strong since Tuesday but I cracked yesterday when one of his best friends came up to talk to me & I haven't really been able to stop crying since. I am completely heartbroken my daughter will never know my brother and I don't think I'm dealing with it very well. I guess it'll get less painful in time, but right now I'm having a hard time even being excited about getting closer and closer to her arrival because all I can think about is how he won't be there to meet her. My SIL's sister told me my brother would come to her house to take care of her baby and he would say he was "practicing" for mine. He was so excited to be a "real" uncle (his words). I'm so sorry to be such a downer but this is where I am right now. I've never not had a big brother before and I'm lost.

    Please don't feel like you are being a downer or that you have anything to apologize for, that is not the case at all. We all understand what a difficult time this is for you, and we are here to give you support.

    You will always have his memory, that can never be taken away from you, and you will be able to share his memory with Masie.

    I hope you know that I am here, and I know everyone else is too, if you need support or to talk. You are still in my prayers.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    So today I had my first unwelcomed comment on my size. My friend and I went to the restaraunt in town, it was the woman who owns it, who I know but not well.

    So she noticed my belly and asked if there was a baby on the way, told her yes, she asked me my due date. Then she said "woah, big baby in there". She then continued to tell me about her 10lbs 8oz baby and how she didn't even attempt at vaginal delivery, blah blah blah.

    Anyways, I couldn't help but be a little bit offended by the "woah, big baby in there, Not to mention I am totally self concious about my size, worried my baby will be too big to deliver vaginally, worried my weight will effect my stamina and my ability to even do it, worried in general. And that comment certainly didn't help!

    Ugh....been there (still there).... :grumble:

    It gets a little bit easier to deal with because you eventually get used to hearing comments like that ALL THE FLIPPIN TIME.....

    Don't worry about your baby being to big to deliver vaginally, I think that is a pretty rare scenario. If I had to guess, I'd say she is a pansy and chickened out. I don't know you in real life, but I'm willing to bet you're much tougher than her :wink:

    And, just because we are overweight doesn't mean we don't have any stamina. I know plenty of skinny people who are really out of shape and get more winded than I do going up a flight of stairs. Try not to worry, you're gonna do great!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    So today I had my first unwelcomed comment on my size. My friend and I went to the restaraunt in town, it was the woman who owns it, who I know but not well.

    So she noticed my belly and asked if there was a baby on the way, told her yes, she asked me my due date. Then she said "woah, big baby in there". She then continued to tell me about her 10lbs 8oz baby and how she didn't even attempt at vaginal delivery, blah blah blah.

    Anyways, I couldn't help but be a little bit offended by the "woah, big baby in there, Not to mention I am totally self concious about my size, worried my baby will be too big to deliver vaginally, worried my weight will effect my stamina and my ability to even do it, worried in general. And that comment certainly didn't help!

    omg this is all I've heard for the past few weeks... "WHOAH, how many babies are in there??", " That's a BIG baby!", "What are you having, a boy or girl? WOW, that's a big girl!" (Um, excuse me, no girl likes to be called big, lol), "There's no way you're going to make it to your due date!" (<--FYI my due date is tomorrow, lol), and more more more! I wouldn't say I get use to them, but it doesn't get easier to laugh at them. I totally know what NOT to say to pregnant ladies now! Especially those I have never met before....
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    @ LittleSpy - *hugs* you are in my thoughts. I don't know what to say, except don't apologize for your thoughts. We are your sounding board, and you will heal by letting out your feelings. *hugs* I wish there was something I could do for you.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Julie- I don't think you're being a downer at all. I want you to feel completely comfortable talking to us about anything you need to talk about. Part of what I love about this group is that you can vent, you can cry, you can be goofy happy about the silliest thing- it's here for you to let it all out. Sometimes it's nice to be able to express what you are feeling to people who are outside the situation. We are always here for you. I think about you and your brother every day. I can't imagine what you are going through.

    I got the, "That must be a big girl," comment the other day too. I mean, I feel huge and my tummy grows more and more every day, so it's pretty easy for me to agree with them and laugh about how big I'm going to end up getting. I'm pretty sure that, by the end, those comments will drive me crazy.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Brittony- I like your photo! Glad you enjoyed them.

    Rachel- I have started getting belly comments a lot but mostly they are… oh, now you look pregnant type things… but they don’t say it in that nice way. I just smile and ignore.

    Julie- Do not apologize, we are hear to listen. It will be very hard not to have your brother there for your little girl. You can pass on everything special about him to her. You are in my thoughts still as well.

    Megan- Due date TOMMOROW! Whoo hoo.

    AFM: I chaperoned prom last night... it was fun but standing in heels for hours wasn't the best idea ever. I have just given up on the idea of sleeping... guess I will be prepared for when the baby comes but it is making me so angry when I am waking up right now. uhg.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Joonzgurl – I told my mom 2 days after I tested, which is pretty much the same as telling my whole family. Then I told my office at 10 weeks. Don’t worry about it, everyone makes is public at different times. One of the ladies I work with didn’t tell anyone until she started to show in her 3rd trimester.

    Brittony – I love your picture!!!

    Julie – you don’t have to apologize for anything. I can’t imagine what you’re going through but I want you to be able to talk to us about what’s bothering you. Being able to talk about my dad when he passed away helped me a lot. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    AnneElise – I barley slept at all last night. And when I did, I had a dream that my baby could breathe fire and read minds!! :noway:

    I haven’t gotten any comments about my size yet, but I’m sure that’s because I don’t look pregnant yet. I figure that combined with the fact that everyone is used to me be over 50 heavier than I am now will keep the comments away for a while, but I’m sure I’ll get plenty.

    I finally got a pair of maternity jeans at Old Navy last night. They’re so frickin’ comfortable I think regular jeans should be made like that!! :laugh: