Pregnancy 2011 - April



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Just quickly checking in - No baby yet!! Still waiting! Today's her day, but still no signs...she's going to be one of those late comers apparently!

    You have made such a nice home for her in there :D
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    So we went and had our belly bump pictures done today. I think I am reaching the last points in my pregnancy where I still feel really cute. Pretty soon the stretch marks will appear. I'm not even going to try to tell myself I might not get them. I've had stretch marks since I was in 7th grade. Anyway, I knew I wouldn't be up for naked belly pics once that happened. Don't worry, the only naked thing in the pics is my belly. I put on a button up shirt and unbuttoned it. Made one of the pics my new profile pic. It's my favorite.

    I love your pics! I dont feel like I am cute preggo yet. So I am waiting a month or 2 before asking my sister to take some shots. I have some good ideas but my belly isnt so cute right now.

    I am so proud of myself! I did a 1/2 marathon today. I walked a lot of it, but I finished! 3:29 finishing time!

    WOW awesome!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Jsecert – welcome!

    Sheri – stop by all you want, we miss you! I hope Brooklynn starts to sleep better for you.

    Kaymd – I have to take my prenatal with dinner or it makes me sick. I also had a hard time with water in the beginning because it made me so sick. I’ve only been able to start drinking more than one glass a day recently

    Mel – oh how I miss sleep! I’m glad someone’s getting a good night sleep.

    Amanda – maybe your LO is getting to come out early!

    Megan – I can’t wait to heard you had your LO. I hope you have a easy delivery.

    Hkyster – that’s awesome!!!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I want to know why people thing it acceptable to touch a pregnant woman’s belly. All day at the bridal shower I had people touching me; no one would ever think to do that if I wasn’t pregnant so why do they think its ok now?

    I’ve had a very long and emotional weekend; I think most of yesterday was spent crying. My husband has been helping out a lot with the housework, especially in the beginning of my pregnancy when I was sick and exhausted all the time. No problem right? That’s what he should be doing. Well for some reason I was feeling horrible about this. It takes me forever to clean the house, I let the laundry pile up, I hardly every cook anymore. (I think the last time we had sex was in January :embarassed: ) In my head yesterday I was a horrible wife and convinced that he was going to leave me - which is insane because he tells me all the time that I do too much and need to let him help me more. The only thing I know that bothers him is the lack of sex, but he’s not pushy about it and is careful not to make me feel guilty. So yesterday I was planning a surprise romantic day us, but my body had other plans. I could not keep anything down and threw up 6 times. Any romantic time was out of the question and it just added to my “I’m a crappy wife” feeling. I finally ended up telling him and spent most of the night lying on the sofa with him letting me cry it all out. I’m a lot better after talking to him about it, but I still feel “off”. I just want to feel normal again – but I guess this is the new normal. :ohwell:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I am so proud of myself! I did a 1/2 marathon today. I walked a lot of it, but I finished! 3:29 finishing time!

    Awesome! Great job! There is the Music City Marathon here at the end of the month. In Jan I was planning to do it with my SIL who is coming down with some friends from IL to do it, but with my back surgery I had to decide not to do it. I really wanted to because I thought it'd be a great story to say - did a 1/2 marathon at 7 months pregnant! (last time i climbed a mountain at 7 months pregnant.) I guess this time my story is just "had back surgery at 4 months pregnant. So not as impressive! :laugh:
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Just quickly checking in - No baby yet!! Still waiting! Today's her day, but still no signs...she's going to be one of those late comers apparently!

    You sound positive. Hang in there, each day brings you closer to your sweet baby.

    I'm staying positive - I know she'll come when she's ready. Now, ask me in a few days and I might not be so positive anymore.... lol :laugh: I will so miss being pregnant, but I am looking forward to the next beginning! So amazing.
  • theaimster
    I am wanting to get pregnant this year, but I am so scared about the weight I will gain. I have a little boy, so I have been through pregnancy before, but that pregnancy wasn't healthy. I had placenta previa, meaning bedrest for MONTHS and NO exercise, and I was over 200 lbs when I had him. It has taken me so long to finally get the the point of loosing weight, I'm finally down to 145 (being 5'8.5"). I want to loose 10 or so more pounds before getting pregnant. Has anyone struggled with this? Having the fear of getting pregnant because of weight gain?

    Thanks for any advice!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    I want to know why people thing it acceptable to touch a pregnant woman’s belly. All day at the bridal shower I had people touching me; no one would ever think to do that if I wasn’t pregnant so why do they think its ok now?

    I’ve had a very long and emotional weekend; I think most of yesterday was spent crying. My husband has been helping out a lot with the housework, especially in the beginning of my pregnancy when I was sick and exhausted all the time. No problem right? That’s what he should be doing. Well for some reason I was feeling horrible about this. It takes me forever to clean the house, I let the laundry pile up, I hardly every cook anymore. (I think the last time we had sex was in January :embarassed: ) In my head yesterday I was a horrible wife and convinced that he was going to leave me - which is insane because he tells me all the time that I do too much and need to let him help me more. The only thing I know that bothers him is the lack of sex, but he’s not pushy about it and is careful not to make me feel guilty. So yesterday I was planning a surprise romantic day us, but my body had other plans. I could not keep anything down and threw up 6 times. Any romantic time was out of the question and it just added to my “I’m a crappy wife” feeling. I finally ended up telling him and spent most of the night lying on the sofa with him letting me cry it all out. I’m a lot better after talking to him about it, but I still feel “off”. I just want to feel normal again – but I guess this is the new normal. :ohwell:
    The belly thing has been happening to me lately too. Thankfully it's just family thus far but it is a bit weird for me. The only person I ever did that to was my sister and I always asked before doing so if it was okay.

    I think the emotional weekend rubbed off on a few of us. I had a similar instance this weekend- I think the hubby sometimes forgets I'm preggo/emotional/hormonal etc. And doesn't always handle it well. If only the knew just what we were going thru. Maybe try next weekend for what you wanted to this. Crying is good though- let it out <3
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    Rachel--I'm sarcastic and punchy, so I would've said something like "Yea, she's huge! So when are you due?!" I'm glad you're more tactful than I am! And let me just agree that she was probably too chicken to do a 10 pound baby vaginally. You don't seem chicken to me :)

    Jsecret--congrats! And welcome! When are you due?

    Mel--I keep trying to convince BF that a bug is an appropriate "mom" car...thanks for giving me some ammo!

    Bethe--congrats on baby Wade!

    So, update on the BF situation. He stayed at my house all weekend (he usually does on weekends he doesn't have his little girl) and it ended up being a great weekend. He EVEN took me to this baby fair thing today (HIS suggestion!). He walked around all the booths with me and asked questions. We decided which hospital we will have the baby in. There was even an OBGYN office there doing free ultrasounds, and he wanted to see the baby blob, so he stood in line with me for an hour to see it. He never got excited or really happy about it, but I'm considering that a HUGE step in the right direction. He's still freaking out that he's not ready, but I think he will be. His main thing is that it's all happening so fast. Which I would have to agree, for sure. We've been dating for over 3 years, but right now it really feels like the pressure is on.

    Side note...the ultrasound tech said that my uterus is tilted back. All she said was that it makes baby harder to see until the bean gets bigger. Does anybody know if this will have any affect on labor and delivery??
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    jaimster - I struggle with this daily. I have a very hard time understanding my weight gain after being in weight loss mode for so long. I just eat as healthy as I can. I am lucky there hasnt been a bedrest order, so I try to exercise as much as I can too. But eating healthy food helps keep the weight gain to almost entirely baby (which has worked so far).

    kacylaine - I am glad it sounds like he is coming around. He may just still need time since its a big life changing event thats gonna happen. I know seeing the baby in an ultrasoud really helped my bf fall in love with her.

    mjtwomail - A lady in much better shape (and prolly 50 lbs lighter than me) did jog by at 7 months pregnant. I was very impressed by her. She had done a 1/2 the month before and said doing this one seemed natural. I had signed up before I found out I was pregnant and since there was no refunds I figured I should try. I am so sore today!

    The belly touching thing really weirds me out. I had my first random one last week (and it even including baby talk). I dont understand why people think that my belly isnt part of my personal space bubble anymore. I am so tempted to turn around and rub their belly in return. But I am way too polite.
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    Hello ladies, hope you all had a great weekend, i'm feeling pretty sorry for myself today got a bad head cold and headaches, I'm trying to rest now my daughters in nursery for this afternoon, hope my boys are going to be kind to me lol!

    To make matters worse the heavens have opened today and the lovely sunshine has disappeared, it makes a big difference to my moods and energy levels when the sun disappears :(

    Anyway I have booked a hair appointment on wednesday to cheer myself up.
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member

    Don't worry..I was the same way! Except I was overweight this time before pregnancy. Now, I'm so scared about how I'm going to lose all the weight I had put on before, plus whatever baby weight I gain! My DH and I weren't preventing pregnancy, but we weren't really trying, mostly because I kept saying I wanted to get healthy first. I didn't do a good job sticking with any diets that I said I would. I was about 60 lbs overweight, and I'm only 5'0 :-( Well, I managed to lose 10 lbs and then the next month, I was pregnant! I guess it was just my time! So, since I'm over the moon about becoming a mommy again, I try to not concentrate on the weight, and just concentrate on things I can control for now. And after my new LO is born, I will have to use her as motivation to lose all this weight so she can have a healthy mommy! We're all in the same boat, struggling with our weight, so just know there's plenty of support for the good days and the bad. That's why I'm so glad I found this group...I'm glad you found it too!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Good morning ladies. I had a great weekend with my husband, though I did get a pretty nasty sunburn yesterday. Must remember to lather on the sunblock before our next walk.

    Exercise challenge for the week was met. Monday: short 13 minute walk with hours upon hours of housecleaning. Tuesday: 30 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes weights. Thursday: 30 minutes elliptical, 15 minutes weights. Friday: 45 minute walk. Sunday: 72 minute walk. GO ME!

    I'm definitely feeling like I'm starting to nest. I had to get the house clean on Monday and have been adament about maintaining that clean ever since. I usually get a lot better about maintaining the house when the weather is nicer. There is just something about the fresh air and sunshine that makes me want a clean house. I want everything to be as fresh and crisp as the spring weather is.

    kacylaine- I'm really glad it looks like he's coming around. He'll get there!

    I actually don't mind people touching the belly, which surprises me since I'm not a huggy/touchy kind of person. I kind of like it. Some friends have asked me if it is okay for them to touch the belly and I'm all like, "Of course!!" and grab their hands and pull them to my large stomach. At this point, I feel really comfortable and proud of the cute tummy. It's huge, yes, but I like to throw it around :laugh:
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Good morning I hope everyone's weekend went well. I feel incredibly lazy (or tired, I can't tell the difference anymore) but I will find time to workout on my treadmill today anyway. Didn't sleep well last night because my hubby wasn't here. He won't be here tonight either...*sigh* but he will be home Tuesday night. My oldest two are in school today and it's just my daughter and I so maybe I can get her to help me clean my!
    Well, I hope everyone's day goes well.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Kacy – I’m glad he’s starting to come around.

    Theaimster - I struggle with this constantly. I was at my lowest weight ever when I got pregnant and I’m having a hard time with the scale going up. However, the weight gain is temporary and as long as there are no complications we can continue to be active which will help.

    Exercise challenge: I failed this week, I think I walked twice. :frown:

    I slept great last night and am in a much better mood today. Hopefully it lasts! It’s supposed to be really nice this week so I should be getting out and walking a lot more.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Brittony -- I'm with you on the nesting. My house has stayed cleaner than I think it's ever been since last week. I'm actually loading the dishwasher with dishes as we use them. I know that's standard practice in many households but we're definitely not a couple that normally pulls that off. I've even been thinking about what I'm going to do every day to maintain the clean instead of doing my usual 3-4 hour cleaning fest every week or 2. Sounds so easy -- 30 minutes/day rather than hours on the weekend. Why haven't I always done that? :indifferent:

    I've also not been so weird about people grabbing my belly and I'm a pretty socially awkward person normally. I could see the fear in my husband's eyes as everyone came up to me hands poised to pet my belly when we were at my brother's service. Maybe I was just too distracted to care but it really didn't bother me.

    I wanted to let you ladies know that this morning I've learned the people who say effed up things to you about your pregnancy (for example, "Was it planned?") are apparently people who will say effed up things to you about all major life events.

    The same coworker who was the first person to ask me if my pregnancy was planned walked up to me today & said "Honey, I'm sorry. So, you're an only child now?" :noway: How the *$#& is that an appropriate thing to say to me right now?!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    The same coworker who was the first person to ask me if my pregnancy was planned walked up to me today & said "Honey, I'm sorry. So, you're an only child now?" :noway: How the *$#& is that an appropriate thing to say to me right now?!

    What the hell!? I want to say so many things about this obviously ignorant woman, but I'm not even going to pollute the thread with what's in my head. Some people are so stupid and insensitive!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Ron - I'm sorry you had an emotional night. I was having the same kinds of feeling in my first tri because all I had the energy to do was a load of laundry here and there, and cook dinner a few times a week. Other than that, I worked and slept. Try to understand that your body is going through a lot of changes and you will get your energy back - eventually. And as far as the sex life, ours has also slowed down significantly. Don't think of this as the new normal - it is all temporary. Thank God for understanding hubbies, huh?

    Kacy - It sounds like your boyfriend is warming up to the idea, that's awesome, and I'm happy to hear it!

    hkystar - Great job on the 1/2 marathon!

    Brittony - I am also feverishly working on my nest :laugh:

    Megan - So glad that you are staying positive, hope I am feeling the same way when I get to my due date. Can't wait for little Annabelle to arrive!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    The same coworker who was the first person to ask me if my pregnancy was planned walked up to me today & said "Honey, I'm sorry. So, you're an only child now?" :noway: How the *$#& is that an appropriate thing to say to me right now?!

    I'm sorry that you have to deal with this ignorant woman. It is very frustrating that people feel the need to say something elaborate in a situation like this, when all they really need to say is "I'm sorry for your loss".

    I work in Hospice care and I have heard so many inconsiderate and inappropriate things said to family members after a loss, and it drives me crazy!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    There aren't enough words to describe how incredibly happy I am that my baby is due in June. SERIOUSLY. The high temp yesterday was 81', but with a slight breeze it was great during the day....and then came the night... :indifferent: It was so flipping hot and I was so uncomfortable that I barely slept, and of course our fan is in the shed. The high temp was a fluke and we are back in the 60's for this week, which makes me a happy girl :bigsmile: I don't think I could handle being pregnant throughout the entire night of torture was enough.

    I met the exercise challenge for this week, and I'm really proud of myself!

    Monday - 60 mins walking on treadmill

    Thursday - 30 mins walking on treadmill

    Saturday - 45 mins walking through Target, Wal-Mart, and BRU

    Sunday - 60 mins walking on treadmill

    A friend of mine has a small gym in her basement with an elliptical, treadmill, bike and stairstepper, and she gave me her security code forever ago and told me to use anything whenever I wanted. I always felt like I was taking advantage of her and never wanted to do it, but I finally figured, why the hell not? I worked out in her gym once by myself this week and once with her. So hopefully I can keep up with that! And, I'm gonna take advantage of a free 2 week pass to a crappy gym in my area, just cause... :wink:

    Hope everyone has a good week!