Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 4



  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    khaleesinoodlebelly Posts: 165 Member
    258.8! Sorry little excited to be getting closer to where I was.

    This week. Get over illness! Get to the gym as much as possible! Drink water! Be good to me and the people I love. :)
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Still moving in the wrong direction and still lacking any real focus. Seeing the doctor (again) about my knee tomorrow. Up to 189 this morning.
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Up .8 today. The sodium over the weekend really kicked my butt. :( Hopefully next week goes better!!

    Got on the treadmill yesterday and had my fastest mile so far at 12 min!!!
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    151.5!! 1.5 lost and not sure how, but I'll take it...can't wait to be out of the 150's...trying to stay focused so I can lost the 1.5 pounds next week!! I CAN DO THIS...keep up the good work PIN-UPs!! ;-)
  • Great job last week ladies! I missed yall! I was away on the cruise last week so couldn't weigh-in last Mon.and was SO nervous to get on that darn scale this am- seriously- I thought I broke out of and would have to make my way back into Onederland! I ate, drank (although not nearly as much as I would have in the past) and was so darn puffy with sodium I could hardly wear my wedding bands towards the end of the trip. So the last few days I've been drinking and drinking (water, that is.)

    It was a blast, the kids had a great time, I tried not to care about how silly I must have looked climbing into that Auqaduck ride with (mostly kids) in my trusted skirt sexy bikini there. Then I went down a waterslide thing at Disney's island in the Bahamas (the things we do for our kids- hmmm) and the skirt flipped up the whole ride, and there I was, spiraling down, right next to all the kids/dads (not too many moms on this one.) Just to be dumped out into the water, insult to injury- losing my Dolce's. NOT a happy girl. What can you do? A glass or two of vino later and I was ok again (well, almost.)

    I'm really not self-conscious. I'm just body-conscious- make sense? Next thing I volunteered (and was chosen to stay-yikes!) on stage for Ricky Kalmon's comedy hypnosis show. THAT was a hoot. Who knew a 43 yr. old mom of 2 was secretly starstruck by the Jonas Brothers?! Amongst other things...let's just say I did it for the boys- and they got a big kick out of it! I really don't care what people think, I'm just not fond of being in a swimsuit! lol

    OK, rambling aside, I was 192 two Mondays ago- now I'm 192.9. I'll take it- happily. Lots of work to do this week. Have a wonderful week ladies! :bigsmile:
  • I'm in at 200 on the dot this morning.

    Not bad considering the way the last half of my week went, and my weekend. I don't know what happened to me, but I was just like "Oh, I'll eat whatever, it doesn't matter" for the last 5 days or so!!! What the heck!!!

    I know I can get down during the week, but my weekends just kill me.

    Even still, I've been averaging about 1/2 a pound a week loss. As long as I can keep that consistent, I'll get somewhere eventually!! AND, it's WAY better than my first time around with the Pin-ups!!

    My main goal this week is just going to be to refocus and maintain my focus.

    Great job this week, ladies!!! Can't wait to see the chart tomorrow!!!
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    Unfortunately I'm up today....back to 142.

    I think I must have overdone it with the food this weekend. Ok-will NOT get discouraged and will just be more careful of what i'm eating this week.

    No more eating out, I do so well all week long then lose my mind on the weekends.

    So Goals this week:
    20 miles running and tons of water. Also will watch the sodium.
    Great job to all you pin-ups, it's a great motivator to get my butt back in gear!:bigsmile:
  • cursteena
    cursteena Posts: 7 Member
    back up to 150. :-/
    Trying not to get discouraged. I refuse to buy new clothes.
  • cursteena
    cursteena Posts: 7 Member
    Me too! I don't know where my brain goes.
    No more eating out, I do so well all week long then lose my mind on the weekends.
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    Gone for two weeks so let's just say the scale was not nice to me!

    But hey, I'm at least marginally sure most all of it was water weight (I went from 212 to 209 in a day)...

    So 209 I guess? I hope Im back down in two days or so!

    Get my booty back on P90X! I was doing soooo good (Week 5!). Daggumit.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    135.6 for me, so down 0.4.

    How was everyone's weekend?
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Weighing in at 132.
    Totally sad today:( Up 2 pounds from last Monday.
    We stayed in town with my parents all weekend and she keeps candy and lots of food that I don't normally eat. She should have hid the candy, but no... she just kept refilling the bowl everytime it emptied.
    Plus, I'm sure the baby probably has something to do with it also.
  • Weighing in at 132.
    Totally sad today:( Up 2 pounds from last Monday.
    We stayed in town with my parents all weekend and she keeps candy and lots of food that I don't normally eat. She should have hid the candy, but no... she just kept refilling the bowl everytime it emptied.
    Plus, I'm sure the baby probably has something to do with it also.

    Please don't get down on yourself, these things happen. It's hard when we're with family and old habits emerge- or better yet- people make it hard for us to focus because of their "habits" that we don't usually engage in. Look ahead, you'll have a great week- it's in the past. Besides, you look fabulous! :flowerforyou:
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    139 this morning. Down 1 lb...losing the same pound over and over again. Monday's are always my highest weight of the week. I was at 138 for a few days last week through Sat morning, but then I hung out with a friend and drank a lot of calories :drinker: I hate when one bad day messes with your success. And, next week is TOM so then I'll most likely be back up again...:angry:

    Keep at it ladies! Have a great week!
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    220.8...only down .8 from last week, but hey, almost out of the 220s!
  • Down to 225... ! I was out of town this weekend and drank too much champagne and ate more brownies than I needed - ah well, will tackle that in the gym this week!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    keeping my weight the same. i was down yesterday morning... then ate junk. :(
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member

    the scale is being wonky this week. up down up down. I am hiding it for the week. very stressful.
  • sray30
    sray30 Posts: 97 Member
    Up this week to 219.8. I saw higher numbers a couple of days last week so I guess I should be happy that it went down a little. This week will be better!
  • Laarien
    Laarien Posts: 4
    Hey there, Ladies!

    I'd like to join this group if that's alright.

    I started MFP a week ago - Starting weight was 232, weighed in this morning at 225!

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