What makes you feel sexy/attractive??



  • millymoozie
    millymoozie Posts: 150
    dont really understand what you mean by this & maybe i have totally the wrong end of the stick ,but glad you feel so confident about yourself !!!! such a shame youve been single for 2 years ,cant imagine why !!

    One thing that depresses the crap out of me is it seems like all these friends on FB want to brag about their SO's today... And I've been single over 2x years. I know I'm more physically attractive than some of them... it just sucks.

    People have been posting this all day:
    While you scream at your woman, there's a man wishing he could whisper in her ear. While you humiliate, offend, and insult her, there's a man flirting with her and reminding her how beautiful she is. While you hurt her, there's a man wishing he could take her pain away. While you make her cry, there's a man stealing smiles from her.........Post on your wall if you are against Domestic Violence & Mental abuse

    I'm like... OH PLEASE~! Are you trying to make single women feel DOUBLE rejected? THANKS~
  • millymoozie
    millymoozie Posts: 150
    dont really understand what you mean by this & maybe i have totally the wrong end of the stick ,but glad you feel so confident about yourself !!!! such a shame youve been single for 2 years ,cant imagine why !!

    quote _____________

    One thing that depresses the crap out of me is it seems like all these friends on FB want to brag about their SO's today... And I've been single over 2x years. I know I'm more physically attractive than some of them... it just sucks.

    People have been posting this all day:
    While you scream at your woman, there's a man wishing he could whisper in her ear. While you humiliate, offend, and insult her, there's a man flirting with her and reminding her how beautiful she is. While you hurt her, there's a man wishing he could take her pain away. While you make her cry, there's a man stealing smiles from her.........Post on your wall if you are against Domestic Violence & Mental abuse

    I'm like... OH PLEASE~! Are you trying to make single women feel DOUBLE rejected? THANKS~
  • millymoozie
    millymoozie Posts: 150
    havent felt that for many years ,too many to remember what it feels like
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    when my husband mentions he notices my weight loss because of the way my clothes fit, or the things im willing to try in bed ;)
    when i notice women checking me out at the mall - because lets admit it, women are more picky about who theyll check out in public ;)
    when my boyfriend tells me he can feel a difference in my body when we hug
    fitting into a smaller size of anything, but especially bras and panties.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    Not much, except for maybe the fact that I actually take the time to do my hair now instead of letting it frizz out in curls. My husband doesn't pay attention to what I look like most of the time, so sometimes I wonder why I even bother. He doesn't seem to care if I am significantly overweight and unhappy about it. I think it irritates him when I ask him how I look or when I ask if he can tell if I have lost weight. I can tell and others can tell, but all he does is shrug and turn back to what he is either doing on the computer or watching his stupid wrestling.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    My husband definitely! He has always been wonderful about that no matter how much I weighed, but just last night he again told me he was proud of me, and thanked me because the weight loss has definitely added to our relationship, mostly due to my self confidence going up, and not hiding myself from him.

    (It just so happens to be our Anniversary today, I am truly blessed)

    Happy Anniversary!

  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    There is nothing that lights my fire like that look in my guys eyes that say he sees only me, and what he sees he likes. *shudder* Oh what a feeling! :smooched:

  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    My husband. I keep my hair very long (it's at my waist) because he LOVES it. Sometimes I'll take it down and shake it out if it's been up all day. I'm just enjoying how it feels to let it loose and I'll look over to see him watching me with "the look". Makes the upkeep of the hair totally worth it! He's spent the last 22 years trying his best to convince me that I'm beautiful. :love:
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    Going shopping for summer clothes and fitting into the size I was when I started college from stores like AE and Express. Now THAT is a confidence booster! I just need money to buy new clothes!!!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    Two things:
    - When out of no where, my fiance jumps on me and tears my clothes off
    - After my fiance and I have used the bed for it's rightful purpose (:smooched: ) and he carreses my leg, stomach, or whatever and says to me "You are so beautiful". I know he says beautiful, but it makes me feel super sexy to hear him say that
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member

    People have been posting this all day:
    While you scream at your woman, there's a man wishing he could whisper in her ear. While you humiliate, offend, and insult her, there's a man flirting with her and reminding her how beautiful she is. While you hurt her, there's a man wishing he could take her pain away. While you make her cry, there's a man stealing smiles from her.........Post on your wall if you are against Domestic Violence & Mental abuse

    Those things irritate me, lol especially the ones ending with "99% of people won't repost, will you?" Ugh, 99% of people need to stuff it.

    Oh, lol as for the sexy part, when I see a big plate of buffalo wings.... LOL No just kidding, seriously, um, when I'm really happy I think.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    Well strangely I feel sexy all of the time. My husband contributes to this trend a lot :heart:
    It did feel awesome when my neighbor who I used to work with fifteen years ago when I was a slender thing said to me as I approached her on our cul de sac if I was about to go out on a date because I looked beautiful :blushing:
    I just ran errands that day :laugh:
    I think really it's just a state of mind, oh it doesn't hurt to get action regularly btw :wink:
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Just getting dressed up and going out.. I went out the other night with my guy friends and all of them were flirty, I thought that was kinda funny. :P Also after working out.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member

    But yes...having a REAL man to stand up for me, even when I barely register what's going on, against the silly little boys who presume to try and embarrass me over my size in the middle of a busy supermarket...now if that doesn't make you feel sexy, I don't know what else will :D

    That is the best feeling in the world, knowing that someone has your back AND you are worth it to them.

    On a lighter note if I said my Big Beaver made me feel sexy do you think that would be misinterpreted? LOL

    I feel sexiest in................
    *A sun-kissed tan and the perfect tank-top
    *Pink toes and flip-flops
    *Perfectly waxed brows
    *My husbands arms

    I feel most attractive when.................
    *My jeans start hanging off me
    *I noticed a guy checking me out and then he quickly looks away (BUSTED)
    *I've had a really healthy and productive day
    *I get mistaken for younger than I am or get carded
    *My husband picks out clothes he wants to see me in
    *I finally have a chance to wear something modern
    *I'm told "Mommy, you're bootifull"
  • suerun11
    suerun11 Posts: 136 Member
    When my husband wraps his arms around my waist and tells me I am sexy! :happy:
  • suerun11
    suerun11 Posts: 136 Member
  • KristenAnn711
    I thought about this thread at work yesterday. A customer asked for my number. I said no obviously and probably would not have said yes had I been single, but it's nice to know someone wanted it lol.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    ok, to revoke what I said yesterday I realized last night that I feel sexy when I TRY to belly dance or when I am working out. Oh, and when my husband told me yesterday he was proud of me for what I was doing without my even bringing the subject up. It made me realize that he is paying attention to what I am doing, he just doesn't always say anything!
  • Rocki_
    Rocki_ Posts: 166 Member
    Nothin makes me feel sexy at all ive got no confidence wat so ever but im hopin the more weight i lose that i might start to like myself a bit more!x
    You are what you want to be and never believe you are not beautifull or sexy...never let anyone take that away from you !! I understand the thoughts and why,but the person inside you makes the outside..!!!!!

    I could not POSSIBLY agree MORE with Gino's response!!!! And I will go one further than my pal, Gino, and say that no matter how MUCH weight you lose, if you can't/don't/won't love yourself as you are now then it will never be enough. You will never be thin enough, pretty enough, sexy enough, smart enough, together enough, regardless of the amount of weight you lose because you will never see it. You will only ever see what you allow yourself to see and right now, it sounds like what you allow yourself to see is not a special, unique, caring, beautiful person. See her. Get to know her. Feel her pain and her successes, her strengths and weaknesses...and LOVE HER! You will be amazed at how quickly you can let go of the weight after that!

    Yes, it will still take hard work and dedication, but until you can love and accept who you are today, you can't move on to tomorrow.

  • Rocki_
    Rocki_ Posts: 166 Member
    personally, I think the word sexy is too often linked to sexual appeal for the purpose of having sex.

    that said, I prefer to be seen as a whole package and not just a physical being. of course I know this is difficult for most of us to do because vision is one of our strongest senses and we are genetically wired toward physical attraction for the purpose of survival of species. still, knowing that I'm being checked out is not something I'm comfortable with.

    and yet, when a man is being discreet in his checking me out, I have great respect for that. not sure why.

    as for what makes me feel attractive? I'd have to say, with great Eros vanity, the image I see in the mirror when I'm liking and accepting it. when I'm not liking or accepting my reflection, I'm the last person I want to see lol!

    AMEN, Sistah!