Looking for other P90 Master Series Support (not P90 or P90X



  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Day 39, UML plus wieght circuit DONE.

    Approaching the halfway point of P90 MS!!!

    Doing either Sweat 5-6 or Core Cardio tomorrow, depending on how my knees are feeling.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Hey gang,

    Still here, just got the kids packed back off to FL after a nice visit. Didn't get many workouts done, didn't log, didn't weigh-in but generally made healthy meals and snacks so I don't think I'm too far off track. I'm also neck deep into my personal trainer and nutrition specialist studies. I'm trying to get them done by mid-August so that takes up most evenings. Everyone keep up the great work!

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey Brent, good to hear from you! Glad you had a nice visit with the kids! :happy:

    Day 40 done this morning! I decided to do Sweat 3-4 today, since I wanted to go easy on my knees a little bit. Sweat 3-4 doesn't have a lot of jumping around, but it's still a great workout. In fact, in some ways it's harder than Sweat 5-6 and some of the other Master Series cardio workouts, because there are no pauses between exercises. There's just the one water break in the middle, and other than that it just flows from one move to the next. Anyway, it was a solid workout and it didn't hit my knees too hard.

    Sculpt 5-6 and Ab Ripper tomorrow!

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • dee74
    dee74 Posts: 62 Member
    I really pushed hard this week and was able to drop 3 pounds in a week which I was happy about. I did wonder this morning if anyone else feels like me when I see Dreya and Dan Brown. My first thought is man this going to hurt lol. then I do the workout and I am glad I did it. I definitely will need to work off this weekend, I am sure there will be a cookout or two in my future.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey everyone, Sorry for not posting lately but really busy at work these days. I decided I don't have enough minutes in my day--- I am always a few minutes behind....

    Remember when I posted about Advocare products - well I decided to go ahead and try ( a friend is selling/distributor). Well I can say so far so good. I am pushing through my plateau and I staying consistently at the lower end of my range. Also I am only on day 9 of the 24 day challenge. So I will post at the end and let you know the complete results. But thte whole point was to motivate me and it did because I am seeing results - where I was just kinda staying the same until now. I have also been conssitent with the power 90 programs switching in master series and power 1/2 with original power 90. I can see the results the most in my arms and abs. Yes I actually can see my abs pretty good.

    Glad to see everyone is doing good - keep up the good work~~~
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Day 41, Sculpt 5-6 and Ab Ripper 250 done this morning! Great workout!!

    Rest Day tomorrow, doing X Stretch as usual.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all, happy 4th of July!

    Today is day 43 for me, did Cardio Intervals this morning! Love that workout!!

    Looking forward to Sculpt 5-6 and Ab Ripper tomorrow!

    Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday!

  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    Back at it today although I have a broken toe. I hope I'm able to workout. It doesn't hurt as bad so I am going to try it. The kids finally seem to be over the salmonella. OMG! It was horrible. I wouldn't want anyone to ever have to deal with it. My 2 year old fell & had to get 3 stitches on Sunday. We were in the ER for 5 hours. I need to exercise. I have been so stressed, my body aches. Today should be day 51 but we are going back to day 37. sweat 5-6 & AR 200 today :)
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Day 44, Sculpt 5-6 and Ab Ripper 200 banged out this morning... Feeling good, tomorrow is the halfway point!

    Crystal, glad to hear the kids have recovered, and hope your toe is ok!

    Tomorrow is supposed to be Plyo for me, but I think I'm going to do something with a little less impact, since my knees are still sore.

    Hope everyone's having a great day!

  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    So I missed yesterday too. My father in-law stopped by when I was going to workout. So I did sweat 5-6 & ab ripper 200 today. It was supposed to be plyo legs but there is no way I could do all thatt with my toe hurting. It hurt just to put on socks & shoes. I did alot of modified moves in sweat but I got through it. UML tomorrow. I think I can handle that.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I am still here...trying to find the right balance. I did UML this morning. I knwo alot of you don't like it but I love it. It's my favorite. I think because I feel a great core workout...

    Update on Advocare - I am on day 13 so half way throught the 24 day challenge. Feeling really good... eating right and working out. Just one and half pounds to my lowest goal weight.

    Keep pushing play!!!
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    I am still here...trying to find the right balance. I did UML this morning. I knwo alot of you don't like it but I love it. It's my favorite. I think because I feel a great core workout...

    Update on Advocare - I am on day 13 so half way throught the 24 day challenge. Feeling really good... eating right and working out. Just one and half pounds to my lowest goal weight.

    Keep pushing play!!!

    I like UML. I don't like cardio intervals & I think alot of others do like it. lol
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member

    Completed Day 45 this morning - did Sweat 3-4 instead of Plyo Legs since I'm still nursing sore knees. 45 more days to the finish line... or the starting line of P90X, however you want to look at it!

    Tomorrow will be UML plus my extra weight circuit.
    I like UML. I don't like cardio intervals & I think alot of others do like it. lol

    I like both UML and Cardio Intervals... But I supplement UML with a bunch of heavy weight exercises and pull ups, since I feel it is too short and not intense enough by itself to be a good resistance workout for me.

    I LOVE Cardio Intervals... Super burn from that one!

  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    Mike, you are doing great. I still can't see myself doing P90X yet. I think I might do P90MS again after I'm done & then do P90X. I watched an infomercial on insanity while we were in the waiting room at the hospital on Sunday. It kept my 2 year old entertained. lol He loved it & kept asking me if I was going to do insanity. People were looking at us waiting on me to answer I guess. I told him no & that I was too scared. Several people laughed.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Back at it tonight. Did FBE and can definitely tell I've missed my daily appointment with Tony. I've been focusing on my personal trainer studies and have let exercise slide. How ironic, lol.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Sorry for not posting much lately.

    Got home Friday from a much-needed week on vacation at the beach. I didn't exercise the whole week, but did plenty of walking. I also didn't worry too much about my meals. Nothing crazy bad, but had a few drinks and lots of ice cream.

    I must say for the first time in many years, I wasn't embarrassed walking up and down the beach. It IS actually amazing how out-of-shape our society has become. Other than teen-agers or younger, it was hard to find people on the beach that weren't over weight.

    Saturday...Core Cardio (plus walked the dog and did yard work)
    - Really felt the workout, especially since it's been a week and a half without exercise
    - Slowly getting back to within my daily calories
    Sunday....UML (plus moving lots of river rock from one area in my yard to another)
    - Did better with my diet again today

    Feeling GREAT! Hopefully the week off has re-motivated me.
    Weighed in this morning and only gained about 2 pounds, which I'm not worried about at all.

    Glad to see everyone doing what they can to stay active!

    Have a motivated and accomplished week!!!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    You have a motivated and accomplished week too my friend!

    Got another FBE done tonighht, still catching up to myself but tonight's was better than the last one.

    I've decided that it's time to start focusing on fat loss and muscle building rather than sheer loss through calories. I think next month i'm going to adopt the P90X fat shredder meal plan. 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat with a larger overall calorie intake but still a net loss so I continue to lose. I've been using MFP generated goals for 2lb/wk loss but these new numbers will put me a 1lb/wk.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Man it got quiet in here, lol. Knocked out a 4 mile run yesterday, felt good to get back out and pound pavement. Had a great FBE tonight, gonna enjoy it while I can, gonna get back on the MS train at the beginning of August when I start my fat shredder meal plan. Hope everyone is KPPing :)
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Dabbled in MS with UML tonight. Did better than I remember doing the last time. Got a great burn :)
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm still here. Just busy with the kids. We are still pushing play. It's just hard for me to get on here & post. I haven't lost any weight but I'm not gaining. I'm just trying to maintain until the kids go back to school. then I'm going to work on losing again.
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