Looking for other P90 Master Series Support (not P90 or P90X



  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Thanks for checking in Crystal, I thought the zombies had gotten everyone, lol. Great job maintaining, that's a struggle in itself sometimes. Hope to see you more often once the kid's start back to school :)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hi everyone, just checking in.... I am at my base line for maintaining. I reached my goal (again). I am now trying to maintain the goal. I have been doing the power 90 / power 1/2 / and master series. I do them at least four times a week. The gym two times. So far that seems to be working... Now if I could find the magic number of calories I should be consuming... I know that some calculations have me at 2,000 with the exercise. I am thinking mine is closer to 1700 - I know that seems low but... I am eating really clean healthy foods... a little bit more fat and little less carbs... Just trying... I will let you guys know.

    Keep pushing play!!!!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Congrats on maintenance! I'll get there one day, lol. Just got done with a KILLER plyo legs. I think my HR limited me more than my leg muscles did but whew!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all, I'm still here and still plugging away. Today was day 58 for me, and I did Sculpt 5-6 and Ab Ripper. I've been dealing with sore knees and sore shoulders, so I've been modifying things a bit. Lighter weights on all of the shoulder exercises, lower impact cardio (been doing Sweat 3-4 some days instead of Plyo Legs, Cardio Intervals, etc.). Still getting a good burn every day, and hoping that by lowering the impact and lightening the load on the shoulders, that I'll feel better before I start P90X at the end of August...

    Hope everyone is going great! Keep pressing play!

  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Great job Mike, you continue to inspire :) I hear ya on the shoulder and knees. My right shoulder has been giving me fits for months and soreness in my knees comes and goes.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Day 60! UML plus my added weight circuit complete! Only a month to go...

    Knees and shoulders are a little better today - hope that trend continues in the right direction. Started taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM for my joints, and Curcumin for it's anti-inflammatory properties to replace the double doses of Aleve I was taking twice a day. That stuff is really no good for you long term...

    How's everyone doing?

  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Keep up the great work Mike! I hope the new supplements help things.

    Did the Men's Health Spartacus workout the day before yesterday, left me trembling at the end. GREAT burn! Did another FBE last night, always a good time. Gonna take a rest day today, didn't want to but I have been in the dumps all day today. Gotta decompress a little and just step back from things. It's a long whiny story so I won't bore anyone here with it. I think I'll just play X-Box all night tonight and see if that helps :)

    KPP eveyone!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Okay so I decided to quit being a whiny punk and got out there and ran. I feel so much better! Not 100%, still a little down but better nonetheless. <contented sigh>
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    My NEWEST P90MS restart began this evening with a spirited Sculpt 5-6. Really wishing I had adjustable dumbbells but oh well. Made do with 10's and 15's.

    I've started the P90X fat shredder meal plan. High protein, low carb. I picked foods and servings right outta the book but the numbers don't quite match up here in my diary. Oh well, I'll try it for week and then maybe change it up some to make it fit better.

    I'm finally going to go see the doc about my shoulder again. It's been almost a year and while it's gotten better it's not 100% so I need to see what else can be done.

    That's about it on this end, be good and KPP everyone!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Shoulda done Sweat 5-6 but ran 5 miles instead training for Thurday's race.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Hi guys!!
    I used to be over in the p90 support thread but I just started P90M yesterday - can I join here too!?
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Oh and I have to say - I was expecting sculpt 5-6 to be a bit harder... but maybe it just seemed not as hard because I am not doing the moves correctly. Some of them i found it hard to do them and watch the TV for instruction so it was a bit of a guess.

    Sweat 5-6 is tonight.

    Overall I'm thinking of doing the standard program, and then the lean program after - just to switch it up. That should take me into January.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Yay Steff!

    Great job jumping right in :) Keep up the great work.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Yay Steff!

    Great job jumping right in :) Keep up the great work.

    Thanks! Although I'm pretty sure after Sweat 5-6 and ab ripper 200 that Tony Horton is trying to kill me.

    Also: I sure hope my co-ordination improves.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I've been away for a month.
    Looks like everyone else has vanished too? (except Steff).
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I'm so far off the P90MS wagon it's not even funny. I've been cycling into work (about a 7 mile round trip) every day for the last couple of weeks. I'm also going to start taking advantage of a policy at work which will let me take an hour in the morning twice a week for exercise. I'll ride in at the usual time then take that hour lifting weights in the base gym. I really think my lack of heavier dumbbells would be a limiting factor with MS.

    Maybe when winter gets here I'll start MS again. i'd really like to do a full round at some point. Maybe by then I'll have enough money to get a set of adjustable dumbbells.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    I'm still here, and still plugging away. I missed a few workouts last week because I hurt my back, but it's much better now. This thread had pretty much died so I stopped posting in it...

    Next week is my final week of the Master Series. Then I have a week in Myrtle Beach with the family, and then back home to start P90X!!!

    Hope everyone is doing great!

  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I'm so far off the P90MS wagon it's not even funny. I've been cycling into work (about a 7 mile round trip) every day for the last couple of weeks. I'm also going to start taking advantage of a policy at work which will let me take an hour in the morning twice a week for exercise. I'll ride in at the usual time then take that hour lifting weights in the base gym. I really think my lack of heavier dumbbells would be a limiting factor with MS.

    Maybe when winter gets here I'll start MS again. i'd really like to do a full round at some point. Maybe by then I'll have enough money to get a set of adjustable dumbbells.

    What a great policy! Can you imagine if every workplace let their associates do that? We'd all be so much healthier, and companies would save far more money in Health claims then the hour they lose. Sounds great that your staying active with biking and other routines! I think winter is a good time to be doing the dvd's.

    I'm still here, and still plugging away. I missed a few workouts last week because I hurt my back, but it's much better now. This thread had pretty much died so I stopped posting in it...

    Next week is my final week of the Master Series. Then I have a week in Myrtle Beach with the family, and then back home to start P90X!!!

    Hope everyone is doing great!


    Sorry I haven't been hear to support you guys! You sound like you have so much motivation on your own and continue to be amazing with your workouts! Congrats on finishing up MS and enjoy a much deserved vacation with your family. I look forward to hearing about your X progress.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    First day back on MS in quite a while. Finished up Core Cardio. I had to skip the last 4 routines as I can feel the effects of not working out in a month. But little by little I hope to get back to working out at least 5 times a week. So far since starting again on Thursday I did a walk at lunch followed by treadmill on Thursday and Friday, and Core Cardio today. I'm really hoping I can stay motivated and the exercise helps me get out of some depression I've been having. We will see!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member

    What a great policy! Can you imagine if every workplace let their associates do that? We'd all be so much healthier, and companies would save far more money in Health claims then the hour they lose. Sounds great that your staying active with biking and other routines! I think winter is a good time to be doing the dvd's.

    It's great on paper but it's a bit harder in practice, at least it has been in my experience. It's hard to get on a consistent routine with it because of operational commitments. That being said I think this time will be easier since most of the office is on board. We've broken it up so that no more than 2 of us are exercising on any given day so it shouldn't affect the job. Wish me luck!
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