Bicycle Fans - official thread for people who love riding th



  • andyj1984
    andyj1984 Posts: 76
    I have just started getting back into riding, and I love it, and can't believe I stopped for so long! I prefer off-roading it, so I have a big mountain bike which gets me everywhere. Its better for exercise as well, since you have to work much harder riding a mountain bike on roads. On the weekend I covered approximately 28 miles in two days, mostly off-road. I love it more than running (which I have also just started doing), since it doesn't hurt my ankles! LOL

    I have plans to buy myself a really nice super-duper Giant mountain bike, in a few months time... Then maybe treat myself to a holiday in Wales for a few days with it (riding & camping).
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I just moved up from my Trek 7.5 hybrid to a Trek 2.1. My mom just got a brand spanking new Madone 5.2 (holy crap, is it sweet bike!) so she gave me her "old" bike. I haven't gotten a chance to ride yet but I am super excited about going roadie and clipless. I normally ride at least 30 miles every Saturday but I need to bump it up to get ready for the Venus de Miles ride in August.
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    When the weather's been icy, too cold, snowy, or rainy I've been using the statrionary bike at the gym at work. I also have a trainer that I can hook my bike up to but I haven't used that in a couple of years (fell off the fitness/diet wagon). Hopefully next winter that's what I'll be using.
  • mrecker
    mrecker Posts: 34 Member
    I really started getting into cycling last year. I was riding on a $200 mountain bike (mostly road riding) and I pretty much took that as far as it could go. I *really* enjoyed cruising past people on their more expensive road bikes. I don't think they much liked being beat by a mountain bike out on the road.

    I had to upgrade this year. My bike was literally falling apart when I finally got myself a road bike. I got a great deal on a 2010 Trek 1.5 and absolutely love it. Now that the weather is finally warm again, I'm doing ~100 miles a week. M,W,Th are 20 mile days and Sat is usually longer, around 30-40 with Sunday being a toss-up. Sometimes I go hard on Sunday, sometimes I go easy.

    I'm counting down the minutes every day until I can leave work and start my ride.
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I just moved up from my Trek 7.5 hybrid to a Trek 2.1. My mom just got a brand spanking new Madone 5.2 (holy crap, is it sweet bike!) so she gave me her "old" bike. I haven't gotten a chance to ride yet but I am super excited about going roadie and clipless. I normally ride at least 30 miles every Saturday but I need to bump it up to get ready for the Venus de Miles ride in August.

    OMG a Madone 5.2?? I'm jealous!! LOL

    What is the Venus de Miles?
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    Okay. This may be a really dumb question, but what do y'all do in the winter when the weather's either too cold or crappy to ride?

    Our bikes stay parked in the garage, but we have a stationary bike, and elliptical, and a treadmill at's boring as he** using the machines that don't go anywhere, but it's better than nothing!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I really started getting into cycling last year. I was riding on a $200 mountain bike (mostly road riding) and I pretty much took that as far as it could go. I *really* enjoyed cruising past people on their more expensive road bikes. I don't think they much liked being beat by a mountain bike out on the road.

    I had to upgrade this year. My bike was literally falling apart when I finally got myself a road bike. I got a great deal on a 2010 Trek 1.5 and absolutely love it. Now that the weather is finally warm again, I'm doing ~100 miles a week. M,W,Th are 20 mile days and Sat is usually longer, around 30-40 with Sunday being a toss-up. Sometimes I go hard on Sunday, sometimes I go easy.

    I'm counting down the minutes every day until I can leave work and start my ride.

    Show off! :wink:
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I just moved up from my Trek 7.5 hybrid to a Trek 2.1. My mom just got a brand spanking new Madone 5.2 (holy crap, is it sweet bike!) so she gave me her "old" bike. I haven't gotten a chance to ride yet but I am super excited about going roadie and clipless. I normally ride at least 30 miles every Saturday but I need to bump it up to get ready for the Venus de Miles ride in August.

    OMG a Madone 5.2?? I'm jealous!! LOL

    What is the Venus de Miles?

    It is a beautiful bike. Not to mention has every cool component you can imagine. The Venus de Miles is a women's ride that benefits Greenhouse Scholars. I'll be doing the 67 mile route. There is no way I'll be ready for the 100.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    I really started getting into cycling last year. I was riding on a $200 mountain bike (mostly road riding) and I pretty much took that as far as it could go. I *really* enjoyed cruising past people on their more expensive road bikes. I don't think they much liked being beat by a mountain bike out on the road.

    I had to upgrade this year. My bike was literally falling apart when I finally got myself a road bike. I got a great deal on a 2010 Trek 1.5 and absolutely love it. Now that the weather is finally warm again, I'm doing ~100 miles a week. M,W,Th are 20 mile days and Sat is usually longer, around 30-40 with Sunday being a toss-up. Sometimes I go hard on Sunday, sometimes I go easy.

    I'm counting down the minutes every day until I can leave work and start my ride.

    So, what is a good price on a Trek 1.5? I looked it up and that is a nice looking bike. (Of course I understand if you don't want to post it online.) I am going to buy a road bike to supplement by road recumbent as it is great for commuting, but not suitable for everywhere I want to go.
  • stenochick0417
    stenochick0417 Posts: 124 Member
    I really started getting into cycling last year. I was riding on a $200 mountain bike (mostly road riding) and I pretty much took that as far as it could go. I *really* enjoyed cruising past people on their more expensive road bikes. I don't think they much liked being beat by a mountain bike out on the road.

    I had to upgrade this year. My bike was literally falling apart when I finally got myself a road bike. I got a great deal on a 2010 Trek 1.5 and absolutely love it. Now that the weather is finally warm again, I'm doing ~100 miles a week. M,W,Th are 20 mile days and Sat is usually longer, around 30-40 with Sunday being a toss-up. Sometimes I go hard on Sunday, sometimes I go easy.

    I'm counting down the minutes every day until I can leave work and start my ride.

    OMG -- I thought I was the only one who counted down the workday just so I could ride! I was absolutely beautiful here yesterday and it was all I could do to just make it to 4:30. :bigsmile:

    Well, when I started, I *struggled* on my $15 cheapie mountain bike, so I sure wasn't able to smoke anyone! And who cares if road bikers get irritated at people on "less worthy" bikes passing them. At least those bikers are out there doing something. My hubby, who rides A LOT, told me there's a such thing as bike snobbery out there. Who'da thought? I guess it's the same no matter what physical activity you try, or even if you go to the gym. Meh.

    Once I get stronger and build my endurance, I want to be able to ride 100 miles a week. Mostly, I want to be able to keep up with the hubby and go on rides with him.
  • emmabee87
    emmabee87 Posts: 13 Member
    I just got a bike yesterday and a seat so my 18month old can ride with me! We rode about 4 miles yesterday, loved it!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    The only "bike" person we got annoyed with was some guy on the creek trail with a GAS POWERED bike. Picture this, the creek trail, quiet, car-free, safe, pollution-free, walkers, sounded like a motorcycle was on the creek trail which would be illegal I think, but it was a guy on a gas powered bicycle....and it was flat....I didn't see the point of that. I know about electric bicycles but this was a stinky gas powered thing....and loud too.

    omg, it looked exactly like this:*F?&GUID=6f3159a812f0a0a9f6a2eac2ff389a4e&itemid=150477864455&ff4=263602_309572

    how funny, had no idea about gas powered bikes before.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    I really started getting into cycling last year. I was riding on a $200 mountain bike (mostly road riding) and I pretty much took that as far as it could go. I *really* enjoyed cruising past people on their more expensive road bikes. I don't think they much liked being beat by a mountain bike out on the road.

    I had to upgrade this year. My bike was literally falling apart when I finally got myself a road bike. I got a great deal on a 2010 Trek 1.5 and absolutely love it. Now that the weather is finally warm again, I'm doing ~100 miles a week. M,W,Th are 20 mile days and Sat is usually longer, around 30-40 with Sunday being a toss-up. Sometimes I go hard on Sunday, sometimes I go easy.

    I'm counting down the minutes every day until I can leave work and start my ride.

    OMG -- I thought I was the only one who counted down the workday just so I could ride! I was absolutely beautiful here yesterday and it was all I could do to just make it to 4:30. :bigsmile:

    Well, when I started, I *struggled* on my $15 cheapie mountain bike, so I sure wasn't able to smoke anyone! And who cares if road bikers get irritated at people on "less worthy" bikes passing them. At least those bikers are out there doing something. My hubby, who rides A LOT, told me there's a such thing as bike snobbery out there. Who'da thought? I guess it's the same no matter what physical activity you try, or even if you go to the gym. Meh.

    Once I get stronger and build my endurance, I want to be able to ride 100 miles a week. Mostly, I want to be able to keep up with the hubby and go on rides with him.

    I have to tell you, I would be pretty surprised if someone on a mountain bike passed me on a bike trail. I averaged 21 mph for the last 3 miles of my commute today. It wouldn't irritate me though, it would impress me.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    The only "bike" person we got annoyed with was some guy on the creek trail with a GAS POWERED bike. Picture this, the creek trail, quiet, car-free, safe, pollution-free, walkers, sounded like a motorcycle was on the creek trail which would be illegal I think, but it was a guy on a gas powered bicycle....and it was flat....I didn't see the point of that. I know about electric bicycles but this was a stinky gas powered thing....and loud too.

    omg, it looked exactly like this:*F?&GUID=6f3159a812f0a0a9f6a2eac2ff389a4e&itemid=150477864455&ff4=263602_309572

    how funny, had no idea about gas powered bikes before.

    Okay, that bike is awesome. It has a WWII French Resistance look to it. I know what you mean though. I love the serenity of a separate bike trail with no motors.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Okay, that bike is awesome. It has a WWII French Resistance look to it. I know what you mean though. I love the serenity of a separate bike trail with no motors.

    Oh yeah, it looked awesome, it was just loud....that was why it was a bit annoying. But definitely very cool looking.
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    I have the beginning signs of arthritis in my knees, which jogging exacerbated. My doctor recommended biking as a lower impact activity to maintain leg strength, joint stability, and lose weight. I would need to get a bike that fits me, as the frame I bought from a friend many years ago is too tall for me.

    I would like to be able to ride on the gravel bike trails along with some road biking. Not thinking of mountain trails yet, although I live in Colorado. I was considering a hybrid or comfort women's bike. I want a flat bar and more upright posture, not a bent over racing bike. Any suggestions of what to look for? Should I join a gym first and do some stationary work before buying a bike? I was considering a gym for weights and cardio classes in any case. Thanks.
  • vanadia
    vanadia Posts: 18 Member
    I just wish my town was more bike friendly. It's not fun having to bike on the shoulder of a road with cars going 50 mph and having few places to chain up the thing.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    I bike everywhere I can.

    That's all. ^_^
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I have the beginning signs of arthritis in my knees, which jogging exacerbated. My doctor recommended biking as a lower impact activity to maintain leg strength, joint stability, and lose weight. I would need to get a bike that fits me, as the frame I bought from a friend many years ago is too tall for me.

    I would like to be able to ride on the gravel bike trails along with some road biking. Not thinking of mountain trails yet, although I live in Colorado. I was considering a hybrid or comfort women's bike. I want a flat bar and more upright posture, not a bent over racing bike. Any suggestions of what to look for? Should I join a gym first and do some stationary work before buying a bike? I was considering a gym for weights and cardio classes in any case. Thanks.

    I have a hybrid comfort bike a Marin Stinson, and it's definitely a great bike! I even have the "boy bar" on it because that bike fit me better than the girl bike. I tried a Trek Navigator and that was really fun....the downside is that online some people said that they had spokes that broke on it, but the dealers fixed it or w/e. The upside about the Trek Navigator is that it comes in a Lilac color, and I really really wanted that color and wanted that bike, it was comfy and great. But my bike, the Marin Stinson just gave me a perfect fit and was totally awesome, plus, we wanted to buy our bikes at the same shop - DH & I, and he wanted his Specialized Crossroad, I mean really wanted it, so I got my Marin Stinson, which is awesome, but not in a pretty Lilac color like the Trek Navigator (it's in silver). So I would recommend you get to a Trek store and try out their Navigator, I'm pretty sure you'll love it.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    I have been an avid cyclist off and on for the past several years, I think that it is about to be back ON since I am signing up for this: