Bicycle Fans - official thread for people who love riding th



  • HayesSanborn
    HayesSanborn Posts: 34 Member
    My stable includes Blue Norcross from Cyclocross racing. Waiting on delivery its back ordered. Can't wait to build it up.

    Felt DA 2008 for Triathlon and Time Trialing

    Serotta CX for road racing
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I have the beginning signs of arthritis in my knees, which jogging exacerbated. My doctor recommended biking as a lower impact activity to maintain leg strength, joint stability, and lose weight. I would need to get a bike that fits me, as the frame I bought from a friend many years ago is too tall for me.

    I would like to be able to ride on the gravel bike trails along with some road biking. Not thinking of mountain trails yet, although I live in Colorado. I was considering a hybrid or comfort women's bike. I want a flat bar and more upright posture, not a bent over racing bike. Any suggestions of what to look for? Should I join a gym first and do some stationary work before buying a bike? I was considering a gym for weights and cardio classes in any case. Thanks.

    I'm not sure about the Springs but Denver has the BEST bike paths that are mostly paved. Look for a lighter weight bike and make sure you get a professional to fit you.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    My stable includes Blue Norcross from Cyclocross racing. Waiting on delivery its back ordered. Can't wait to build it up.

    Felt DA 2008 for Triathlon and Time Trialing

    Serotta CX for road racing

    Man you have some super sweet bikes! Way out of my league - even out of my dream capabilities. Congrats.
  • fasttrack27
    fasttrack27 Posts: 324
    I've gotten into biking the last couple years. I also do a lot of spin classes year-round which helps keep my legs and butt ready for summer. I'm not into cold weather biking so I only have 4-5 months of the yr to bike outside. Where I live isnt safe (hilly, narrow, high speed streets) so I have to drive to places where I can go which limits me from going more often. I usually get in a couple 10-20 mile rides a week, and an occasional 30-40 mile trip. Most of my gym workouts are crazy early while its still dark out - its the only time I can fit them into a very busy life. This is another reason I dont get to bike as often as i'd like. I'd like to do a century some day, or join a group the rides from here to the Mackinaw Bridge once a year - we'll see. I just have a pretty basic Giant road bike, but its been very dependable.
  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    I am TOTALLY loving biking!!

    I've got a mid 90s Specialized Rock Hopper and a 15 mile trail right by the house. I did some riding last year when we moved here, kind of sporadically, never got over 8 miles or so, except a few times when we went out as a family and did a leisure ride.

    but this year, I decided that biking would be my main form of exercise and I was going to do it nearly every day. For the last 4 weeks I've ridden at least 5 times a week, and I've gone from 8 mile rides at around 9 or 10mph to 17 mile rides at 12-12.5mph.

    I told myself I'd never ride less than an hour, and now I'm out around an hour and twenty minutes every time, pushing myself to do 'just a little more' than the last ride!

    I'm burning 500-630 calories at a time, and I've lost 8 pounds in these last 4 weeks!

    My goal is now is to get to 30 miles---that's riding the whole trail up and back. We live at the half-way point on the trail.

    Anyway, glad to see other bicyclists! :)
  • maorifulla
    Love cycling, cycle everyday to work 12km there and back on my roady and hit the local mtb tracks right in my backyard on my hardrock. Awesum
  • billdavismqt
    billdavismqt Posts: 11 Member
    I love to bike. We still have snow on the ground so have not been outside yet. This winter I hit the stationary bike pretty hard at the gym (100 miles or so per week) but I am getting tired of that. One of my goals after my initial weight loss was to ride the Michigander which is a 6-7 day ride covering about 300 miles. It has a different course each year so the distances vary. I am getting ready to send in my registration for this year which will be the third time I have done it. I had to miss one year due to hip replacement. Riding outdoors is the time I feel less like a draft horse and more like a race horse! I have both a road bike and a mountain bike, both made by Specialized. I think that the most important decision in choosing a brand is the local dealer, especially for new riders. A good bike shop will make the difference between pleasure and torture as they will help you choose the right bike and make sure that it fits properly as well as works properly.
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    I <3 my bicycle! I have a Ridgeback Speed hybrid. It is white and shiney and I like to honk my horn at tourists. I love being able to get about the city quicker than anyone trying to drive or use public transport.

    Woo hoo for BICYCLES!

    A recent test with some of my friends who all happened to have got to the same location for dinner via different modes of transport

    Oxford city centre -> my house
    Bicycle - 12 minutes
    Motorcycle - 13 minutes
    Car - 20 minutes
    Bus - 35 minutes
    Skateboard (!) - 50 minutes
  • michelegrayson
    Great thread! I love bike riding and rode my first metric century this weekend (63 miles). Actually it turned out to be 66 miles as they did not mark the course accurately but who is counting! We climed over 2500 feet in the hills of California and it was quite the workout. I couldn't stop eating at all the rest stops and I'm hoping i don't post my first weight gain this week!

    I am in the market for a new bike as mine is a 15 year old Steel Trek. The BF and I ride every weekend so I feel I have earned a new bike. Any recommendations??
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    @Michele - my husband bought a Specialized Crosstrail that's supposed to be very fast & good. They actually built it for him, he tried it twice and on the 2nd try-out he bought it.

    Today it was lightly raining/sprinkling & I saw a bike rider (male) in shorts, with his helmet riding around... :)
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    I'm into cycling!

    Bought a new Carbon Road Bike for cycling to work - amazing bike!

    Doing some serious mileages on it now too; my ride tonight was 27 miles, two days ago I did a 33 mile route... I have clocked up 175 miles on it already!

    My distance to work is 12.8 miles and it takes approx 49 minutes, but I'm aiming on trimming that down a little :wink:
  • mistyrider
    I LOVE my road bike. I did a lot of mountain biking as a kid/teen, but then didn't get on a bike for years. I bought a road bike last summer, and fell in love my very first ride. Nothing has ever felt so freeing as a good long ride does. I'm a single mom to 3 kids under 7 yrs, and my time on my bike is the only "me" time I get. We have fairly mild winters where I live, but it still gets dark early, so I don't get a lot of miles in alone during those months (I usually have a sitter come after the kids are in bed, but that doesn't work so well when it's dark out!). I got a Chariot trailer this fall, so I could pull my son during the day, while my older kids are in school, so that helped a bit - but it's still not the same. I'm so glad that it's lighter out now, and am going to get the sitter booked in 2-3 times a week so I can get back out there! Soooooo looking forward to it!!!

    Oh, I ride a Rocky Mountain Prestige 30 CR (it was my "good for you, you finally left your awful husband" gift to myself, LOL!)

    Glad to have found some fellow cyclists on here!
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Whoops I nearly fell off mine this morning!! Signalled to turn left into the work carpark, and managed to not quite put my hand down on the hoods again - which meant I couldn't reach the brakes. D'oh!

    Have had my Scott since Sunday and have ridden her every day, so am getting more and more used the the new position, though it's a bit scary going downhill at any speed!!!! :laugh:

    Why oh why are car drivers so ignorant and hostile??? Signalled to turn right yesterday, and some total prat actually sped up and nearly took my arm off, and then proceeded to shout abuse as me as he went past. Why???? I have just as much right to be on the road as he does. Just as well I hadn't started to move out into the traffic ready to turn or he'd have wiped me out.

    Do you react when people do these things or do you just keep going? Feel very vulnerable sometimes as a lone female cyclist!
  • rayfromtx
    rayfromtx Posts: 111
    I'm sorry about the rude drivers. I ignore them and riding on the road is either going to help me live past 90 or get me killed. I live in rural Texas so the rednecks in pickups like to rev their engines as they roar by kind of close. I ignore it. The fact that they have to live with themselves is my only satisfaction. They can't have a very happy life if they treat others that way.

    I just parked the '98 rockhopper in favor of a new Cannondale CAADX105 cyclocross bike. It's close to being a road bike but can handle the gravel road that I live on so I don't have to load it in a car when I want to ride. My rides are usually in the morning before dawn. I see maybe two cars on a 12 mile ride. My afternoon rides are more traffic filled but not nearly like living in town. The dust on my roads makes for more maintenance and cleaning so I got a stand that holds the bike at a good level for working on it.

    I've ridden 89 miles since I got the bike on Friday. I have a 40 mile ride with my brother planned for Saturday morning.
  • gtm124
    gtm124 Posts: 179
    New here and cycling is my main form of exercise. I have 2 bikes, both Specialized. One is a road bike, Roubaix Expert and a hybrid, Sirrus Expert. Love both of them. I typically ride over a 1000 miles a year. I am sure it has been mentioned on this thread, but I have not gone through all of replies and that is go to a bike shop and get properly fitted for a bike. There is nothing worse than trying to ride an ill-fitted bike. And yes, at my weight I am considered a Clydesdale (riders 200+ lbs or higher) :)
  • Aritiger
    Aritiger Posts: 14
    I love to ride my bike. I dont ride everyday either. Would like to find a person or two near by to ride with. Somehow 5 miles doesnt seem so far when your riding with another. lol
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    1980 schwinn world tourist > 5 speeds = ace.

    1963 robin hood, down with a crank issue > 3 speeds, my favorite bike, but not as fast

    1950 columbia cruiser > slow as molasses, but one helluva workout.

    i live in the city, commute to work (8-10 miles each way, depending on where i have to go). i ride as many bike paths as possible, but sometimes it's just not. i wear a police whistle (i call it my rape whistle); i use it when necessary, but mostly to inform drivers i'm crossing forked roads or to keep myself visible. more and more often, people aren't looking at the road when they're driving, so i feel a whistle is another way to remind them that there are other people, some of us not in cars (walking, biking, skating), on the road.

    i have been known to yell at drivers occasionally, but mostly i will try to be polite. they can't help being self-centered; after all, they're in a car with a false sense of security, so i try to go at each day armed with empathy instead of aggression.

    i ride in the street as much as possible also, especially around blind corners. it forces drivers to see you.

    i will also kindly instruct drivers to not text while driving if i see them when i am alongside; or i will remind them that bike lanes are sometimes unavoidable for parallel parking, but to remember to watch for bikes.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I took my first spinning class last night. It has been raining all week here so my new bike is just sitting lonely in the garage. :grumble: My boyfriend has been going for a couple of months and I kept resisting. I broke down last night and joined him. I thought I would suck but I was one of the strongest in the class. I don't know why I am always so down on myself. Anyway, this will definitely help me with the tougher rides we do on the weekends. Rain rain go away (except we need it so much here).
  • andyj1984
    andyj1984 Posts: 76
    I just spent the last hour at work planning my weekend bike ride, I'm aiming to do about 30miles on Saturday, stopping for lunch etc... Should be great fun, its a mix of small country roads, busier roads, as well as about 15miles cross country :) I can't wait!

    I have also decided next month to buy a new bike, with an aluminium frame, will probably spend quite a bit, since I would love a really nice MTB. Haven't decided whether to get a full suspension or a hardtail. I think a hardtail like my current bike might be best. Anyone got any opinions on this?
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I just spent the last hour at work planning my weekend bike ride, I'm aiming to do about 30miles on Saturday, stopping for lunch etc... Should be great fun, its a mix of small country roads, busier roads, as well as about 15miles cross country :) I can't wait!

    I have also decided next month to buy a new bike, with an aluminium frame, will probably spend quite a bit, since I would love a really nice MTB. Haven't decided whether to get a full suspension or a hardtail. I think a hardtail like my current bike might be best. Anyone got any opinions on this?

    The world has gone the way of the full suspension mountain bike, but I am old fashioned. I love hardtails, and I prefer 26" wheels over the current rage of 29'ers. The full suspension rigs and 29'ers roll over things easier, but a well done 26" hardtail is a dream to ride, especially since you do have to go uphill some of the time. I have owned full suspension but I'm back on a hardtail now. Part of it is money. If you can afford a top end full suspension go for it. But if every dollar counts the hardtail provides better value at the lower end. But I was mountain biking before there was even front suspension, so maybe I am just too old! You can take my thoughts with an aged grain of salt.