30 DAY SHRED 4/18/2011



  • cally112
    cally112 Posts: 16
    day four level one done!!! really startin to feel it on my legs now!!! finally gettin better at push-ups though, couldn t do even one on day 1 now am up to ten!! i despise push-ups lol!! :laugh:
  • shellymallon
    Day 4 done
  • rlittle2
    rlittle2 Posts: 79 Member
    Day 4 down! Only 26 more to go! Definitely feel like the workout is getting a little easier each day, but I know Level 2 will be a killer!
  • Blakemore1229
    Day 4 much better for me...not as sore and feel good...video didnt feel as long also!! Hope everyone has a great day
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    Much to work with
    Today, you’re more experienced and more knowledgeable than you’ve ever been. And that makes you more capable of achievement than ever before.

    If you’ve attempted something in the past and been disappointed, today you can make another stronger, more experienced and more informed attempt. Today you could very well make a breakthrough.

    Living the moments of your life certainly takes its toll. And yet, in living through those many days and hours you continually add value and substance to the whole of your experience.

    Now is when you can tap into that value. Now is when you can achieve in a way that’s more meaningful and effective than anything you’ve previously known.

    The joys, the pains, the challenges, the triumphs, the disappointments and the moments of unspeakable beauty all add to the richness of your being. The opportunity you now have is to express that richness in new and fulfilling ways.

    Whatever life may have given you, it has given you much to work with. See the value, make thankful and meaningful use of it, and live the richness that continues to grow within you.

    — Ralph Marston

    Read more: http://greatday.com/#ixzz1KBdhdrPX
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Got through day 4!!!!

    Tomorrow I need to work in some running too. I need to keep up on that training as well. :wink:
  • JVWard98
    JVWard98 Posts: 49 Member
    Today was Day 4 for me to~still a little sore but getting better and it does seem a little easier than the 1st day. I still can't get thru all those push ups hardly and I'm doing modified lol also the bicycles are killing me at the end!!!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Today was Day 4 for me to~still a little sore but getting better and it does seem a little easier than the 1st day. I still can't get thru all those push ups hardly and I'm doing modified lol also the bicycles are killing me at the end!!!

    I do the modified versions of the exercises too... I can do 18 pushups on the first 30 sec and the second 30 seconds I only get 12!? But I am doing them and that is what counts! :wink:

    I am wondering how many are doing the workout with the modified versions... I know that I am and hoping that I am not the only one, because then I am a slacker :noway:
  • shellymallon
    Day 5 done, halfway through level one
  • mazatha
    mazatha Posts: 12
    Not feeling motivated at all to do 30DS today but I will! I am determined! Though I really just want to take a nap when I get home from work! Need to do it as soon as I get home so I can't talk myself out of it.
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    Forced myself to do all of Day 4 yesterday( I was exhausted), tonight I will do day 5, half way thru level 1 already. Awesome job all!
  • JessicaBuff
    JessicaBuff Posts: 233
    Hey girls!! I will be out most of the weekend but i will catch back up with everyone monday! Dont forget to send me your weigh in on monday!! Have a great Easter!

    The Daily Motivator - www.GreatDay.com

    Friday, April 22, 2011
    Richness in the challenges
    It may be inconvenient, yet you can do it. It may be frustrating or complicated, time-consuming and tedious, and yet you can do it.

    You know you can achieve what you choose to achieve. You can reach the goals you are most firmly committed to reaching.

    Sure, life has been unfair to you and you find yourself at a disadvantage. Even so, you still have the powerful advantage of being able to choose where to focus your time, attention and attitude.

    So instead of focusing on the excuses, focus on how you can make the most of the opportunities now in front of you. Instead of focusing on what has gone wrong, focus on creating new and meaningful value.

    If you’ve already tried and failed, now is when you can stop merely trying. Now is when you can take a more positive and proactive approach of knowing you can and doing whatever you must.

    Along the most difficult trails you’ll find the most spectacularly beautiful scenery. See the richness that’s hiding in the challenges, and bring that richness to life.

    — Ralph Marston

    Read more: http://greatday.com/#ixzz1KGmTVSWs
  • macjenkins
    macjenkins Posts: 62 Member
    Today was Day 4 for me to~still a little sore but getting better and it does seem a little easier than the 1st day. I still can't get thru all those push ups hardly and I'm doing modified lol also the bicycles are killing me at the end!!!

    I do the modified versions of the exercises too... I can do 18 pushups on the first 30 sec and the second 30 seconds I only get 12!? But I am doing them and that is what counts! :wink:

    I am wondering how many are doing the workout with the modified versions... I know that I am and hoping that I am not the only one, because then I am a slacker :noway:

    Great job on the pushups! I also do the mod version and they hurt me too. I follow the modified on most of the exercises so you're not alone. We are doing it and that is what counts!
  • shellymallon
    don't think I'd make it through it without the modified versions
  • mazatha
    mazatha Posts: 12
    Forced myself through day 5 though really not in the mood! Starting to find it less difficult but the push ups are still a struggle!
  • mazatha
    mazatha Posts: 12
    Yeah I was thinking tonight that the second set of push ups seemed shorter!
  • rlittle2
    rlittle2 Posts: 79 Member
    Day 5 down! 25 to go!
  • Blakemore1229
    Go day 5 in today...now my question is, is anyone going to be taking a break in it...and when?? after 10 days or when? i dont wanna fall behind anyone but just wondering about a break not ready yet but maybe come sunday yes.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I got through day 5!!! :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow I am going to start using 5 pound weights for the rest of level 1. I hope that it helps strengthen me for level 2. I really need to work on my jumping jacks too. :embarassed:

    I plan on watching level 2 after tomorrows workout so I know what to expect :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Go day 5 in today...now my question is, is anyone going to be taking a break in it...and when?? after 10 days or when? i dont wanna fall behind anyone but just wondering about a break not ready yet but maybe come sunday yes.

    I didn't plan my "break" but I wasn't able to do day 2 due to time constraints. I am not planning on taking any breaks. But sometimes the day has other ideas.