StrongLifts 5x5



  • NubyGloom
    NubyGloom Posts: 49
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!

    That's great! Just do yourself a huge favor, just in case you're not already there, watch videos on good form for the exercises I mentioned. These programs are great but nothing will F you up faster than screwing up on one of them.
  • NubyGloom
    NubyGloom Posts: 49
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!

    That's great! Just do yourself a huge favor, just in case you're not already there, watch videos on good form for the exercises I mentioned. These programs are great but nothing will F you up faster than screwing up on one of them.

    Yeah I hear ya! I havea few guy friends who where traingin and got hernia [if thats how ya spell that] and one pulled his shoulder,,,.... ouch!!! I will defently in the next cuple month be practing more form before i lift heavyer! I hope to start SL 5x5 in the middle of august!! thanks! so much everyone! for being so helpful!!! :bigsmile:
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!

    You could start your squats without any weight, no bar, just your body weight. And for the other exercises you could use a non-Olympic bar to start with. The idea is to start very light and work your way up slowly but consistently. You also might want to look into getting fractional weights, (they come in ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 pound increments, or something along those lines) that way you can increase your weight by ½ pound each time instead of 5 pounds each time.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!

    You could start your squats without any weight, no bar, just your body weight. And for the other exercises you could use a non-Olympic bar to start with. The idea is to start very light and work your way up slowly but consistently. You also might want to look into getting fractional weights, (they come in ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 pound increments, or something along those lines) that way you can increase your weight by ½ pound each time instead of 5 pounds each time.

    Fractionals are great latter on to break plateaus. In the beginning I would stick to the 5lb increments. Once you get to bodyweight squats it should start to become significantly harder and the fractionals will be more beneficial then. The low weight is simply to get you used to the technique and to give you a starting point, the real benefit comes in the weight increases. Now, I am not downplaying technique, it is the most important part, but you also need increases large enough to facilitate muscular adaptation, and in the beginning, farcationals are not enough.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Fractionals are great latter on to break plateaus. In the beginning I would stick to the 5lb increments. Once you get to bodyweight squats it should start to become significantly harder and the fractionals will be more beneficial then. The low weight is simply to get you used to the technique and to give you a starting point, the real benefit comes in the weight increases. Now, I am not downplaying technique, it is the most important part, but you also need increases large enough to facilitate muscular adaptation, and in the beginning, farcationals are not enough.

    Another thing that I would add to this is that it's so easy to cheat with light weights. When you add weight to the bar, then you really start to focus more on form and technique, at least it was this way for me.
  • NubyGloom
    NubyGloom Posts: 49
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!

    You could start your squats without any weight, no bar, just your body weight. And for the other exercises you could use a non-Olympic bar to start with. The idea is to start very light and work your way up slowly but consistently. You also might want to look into getting fractional weights, (they come in ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 pound increments, or something along those lines) that way you can increase your weight by ½ pound each time instead of 5 pounds each time.

    Fractionals are great latter on to break plateaus. In the beginning I would stick to the 5lb increments. Once you get to bodyweight squats it should start to become significantly harder and the fractionals will be more beneficial then. The low weight is simply to get you used to the technique and to give you a starting point, the real benefit comes in the weight increases. Now, I am not downplaying technique, it is the most important part, but you also need increases large enough to facilitate muscular adaptation, and in the beginning, farcationals are not enough.

    ok sweet! yeah the only fractional ones i have right know are 71/2lbs lol but ill be looking into possibly buying more equipment. I only owe dumbbells up 20lbs, I have been using my dads weight stuff, and ill be moving out again lol, So is there anywhere I can get stuf for a not a bad price! the bar we have is deffenlty not an Olympic bar lol I think it might be like a 2lbs bar if that lol, this is so awesome! I am so glad I am getting extrainfo on this Ill be ready to rock it in august!!!
    I am even passing this one to my dad for fathers day! he has been wanting to train and start woking out again I think it will be a good kick for him! Awesome thanks guys, when i get started may i put my status up here? thanks again!

    @hroush yeah I was think of doing that in the next two months to train me before I get going in auguat!! ^^ this rocks Iam already exicted I want to do it now! lol
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!

    You could start your squats without any weight, no bar, just your body weight. And for the other exercises you could use a non-Olympic bar to start with. The idea is to start very light and work your way up slowly but consistently. You also might want to look into getting fractional weights, (they come in ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 pound increments, or something along those lines) that way you can increase your weight by ½ pound each time instead of 5 pounds each time.

    First, i really don't believe you'll need fractional weights for anything, they're not that good in the first place and really only effective for Dumbells but for programs like this you should focus on bilateral versus unilateral movements.

    Yes and no. The point of this is to move heavier weights but you'll start your exercise off lighter. We can use me for example on the Bench Press and for a 5x5 I would probably use 195lbs on the Bench Press. This may not follow the StrongLifts version exactly but this is what I do to get myself prepped for the lifting.
    The coach I learned this from calls this, "Neural Ramping". It's like warming up but it's meant to get your muscles "in the zone" and ready for the lifts. Take these sets seriously even though they won't be strenuous.
    Feeler set: 90lbs x 3 reps (remember the reps should be fairly explosive, move the weight with some momentum, no grinding)
    Set 1: 135 x 3
    Set 2: 155 x 3
    Set 3: 175 x 3
    Set 4: 195 x 3 (this is my training weight)
    I jump 20lbs at a time because my 1RM is above 200lbs, if you're 1RM is below 200lbs then ramp up 10lbs at a time, if less than 100lbs, 5lbs at a time.

    Then go about doing your Bench Pressing, 5sets of 5

    Make sense?
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!

    You could start your squats without any weight, no bar, just your body weight. And for the other exercises you could use a non-Olympic bar to start with. The idea is to start very light and work your way up slowly but consistently. You also might want to look into getting fractional weights, (they come in ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 pound increments, or something along those lines) that way you can increase your weight by ½ pound each time instead of 5 pounds each time.

    Fractionals are great latter on to break plateaus. In the beginning I would stick to the 5lb increments. Once you get to bodyweight squats it should start to become significantly harder and the fractionals will be more beneficial then. The low weight is simply to get you used to the technique and to give you a starting point, the real benefit comes in the weight increases. Now, I am not downplaying technique, it is the most important part, but you also need increases large enough to facilitate muscular adaptation, and in the beginning, farcationals are not enough.

    ok sweet! yeah the only fractional ones i have right know are 71/2lbs lol but ill be looking into possibly buying more equipment. I only owe dumbbells up 20lbs, I have been using my dads weight stuff, and ill be moving out again lol, So is there anywhere I can get stuf for a not a bad price! the bar we have is deffenlty not an Olympic bar lol I think it might be like a 2lbs bar if that lol, this is so awesome! I am so glad I am getting extrainfo on this Ill be ready to rock it in august!!!
    I am even passing this one to my dad for fathers day! he has been wanting to train and start woking out again I think it will be a good kick for him! Awesome thanks guys, when i get started may i put my status up here? thanks again!

    @hroush yeah I was think of doing that in the next two months to train me before I get going in auguat!! ^^ this rocks Iam already exicted I want to do it now! lol

    You could get a rack, bench, bar and weights new for around $1k. If you look on craigslist in your area, you could probably get it all for half that.

    Full Rack (for higher ceilings):

    Half Rack (for lower ceilings):


    And a ****’s (or similar sports store) would have a decent starter (300lbs) Olympic weight set that you could get. If you have the space, defiantly go with the full rack.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!

    You could start your squats without any weight, no bar, just your body weight. And for the other exercises you could use a non-Olympic bar to start with. The idea is to start very light and work your way up slowly but consistently. You also might want to look into getting fractional weights, (they come in ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 pound increments, or something along those lines) that way you can increase your weight by ½ pound each time instead of 5 pounds each time.

    First, i really don't believe you'll need fractional weights for anything, they're not that good in the first place and really only effective for Dumbells but for programs like this you should focus on bilateral versus unilateral movements.

    Yes and no. The point of this is to move heavier weights but you'll start your exercise off lighter. We can use me for example on the Bench Press and for a 5x5 I would probably use 195lbs on the Bench Press. This may not follow the StrongLifts version exactly but this is what I do to get myself prepped for the lifting.
    The coach I learned this from calls this, "Neural Ramping". It's like warming up but it's meant to get your muscles "in the zone" and ready for the lifts. Take these sets seriously even though they won't be strenuous.
    Feeler set: 90lbs x 3 reps (remember the reps should be fairly explosive, move the weight with some momentum, no grinding)
    Set 1: 135 x 3
    Set 2: 155 x 3
    Set 3: 175 x 3
    Set 4: 195 x 3 (this is my training weight)
    I jump 20lbs at a time because my 1RM is above 200lbs, if you're 1RM is below 200lbs then ramp up 10lbs at a time, if less than 100lbs, 5lbs at a time.

    Then go about doing your Bench Pressing, 5sets of 5

    Make sense?

    Yes warm-up sets are important once the weight gets heavier. But in the beginning, no one needs to really warm-up much for just the bar a few bw squats would suffice. Once you pass the bar, I would start all sets with 1-2 warm-up sets with just the bar. Then once you get to 95lbs, start adding some weight to your warm-up sets (just the bar, 65lbs, then 95lbs for example)

    And fractionals ARE beneficial past the 1 to 1.5x body weight range.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!

    You could start your squats without any weight, no bar, just your body weight. And for the other exercises you could use a non-Olympic bar to start with. The idea is to start very light and work your way up slowly but consistently. You also might want to look into getting fractional weights, (they come in ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 pound increments, or something along those lines) that way you can increase your weight by ½ pound each time instead of 5 pounds each time.

    First, i really don't believe you'll need fractional weights for anything, they're not that good in the first place and really only effective for Dumbells but for programs like this you should focus on bilateral versus unilateral movements.

    Yes and no. The point of this is to move heavier weights but you'll start your exercise off lighter. We can use me for example on the Bench Press and for a 5x5 I would probably use 195lbs on the Bench Press. This may not follow the StrongLifts version exactly but this is what I do to get myself prepped for the lifting.
    The coach I learned this from calls this, "Neural Ramping". It's like warming up but it's meant to get your muscles "in the zone" and ready for the lifts. Take these sets seriously even though they won't be strenuous.
    Feeler set: 90lbs x 3 reps (remember the reps should be fairly explosive, move the weight with some momentum, no grinding)
    Set 1: 135 x 3
    Set 2: 155 x 3
    Set 3: 175 x 3
    Set 4: 195 x 3 (this is my training weight)
    I jump 20lbs at a time because my 1RM is above 200lbs, if you're 1RM is below 200lbs then ramp up 10lbs at a time, if less than 100lbs, 5lbs at a time.

    Then go about doing your Bench Pressing, 5sets of 5

    Make sense?

    Yes warm-up sets are important once the weight gets heavier. But in the beginning, no one needs to really warm-up much for just the bar a few bw squats would suffice. Once you pass the bar, I would start all sets with 1-2 warm-up sets with just the bar. Then once you get to 95lbs, start adding some weight to your warm-up sets (just the bar, 65lbs, then 95lbs for example)

    And fractionals ARE beneficial past the 1 to 1.5x body weight range.

    Most professional strength coaches teaching modern trends would disagree with you.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!

    You could start your squats without any weight, no bar, just your body weight. And for the other exercises you could use a non-Olympic bar to start with. The idea is to start very light and work your way up slowly but consistently. You also might want to look into getting fractional weights, (they come in ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 pound increments, or something along those lines) that way you can increase your weight by ½ pound each time instead of 5 pounds each time.

    First, i really don't believe you'll need fractional weights for anything, they're not that good in the first place and really only effective for Dumbells but for programs like this you should focus on bilateral versus unilateral movements.

    Yes and no. The point of this is to move heavier weights but you'll start your exercise off lighter. We can use me for example on the Bench Press and for a 5x5 I would probably use 195lbs on the Bench Press. This may not follow the StrongLifts version exactly but this is what I do to get myself prepped for the lifting.
    The coach I learned this from calls this, "Neural Ramping". It's like warming up but it's meant to get your muscles "in the zone" and ready for the lifts. Take these sets seriously even though they won't be strenuous.
    Feeler set: 90lbs x 3 reps (remember the reps should be fairly explosive, move the weight with some momentum, no grinding)
    Set 1: 135 x 3
    Set 2: 155 x 3
    Set 3: 175 x 3
    Set 4: 195 x 3 (this is my training weight)
    I jump 20lbs at a time because my 1RM is above 200lbs, if you're 1RM is below 200lbs then ramp up 10lbs at a time, if less than 100lbs, 5lbs at a time.

    Then go about doing your Bench Pressing, 5sets of 5

    Make sense?

    Yes warm-up sets are important once the weight gets heavier. But in the beginning, no one needs to really warm-up much for just the bar a few bw squats would suffice. Once you pass the bar, I would start all sets with 1-2 warm-up sets with just the bar. Then once you get to 95lbs, start adding some weight to your warm-up sets (just the bar, 65lbs, then 95lbs for example)

    And fractionals ARE beneficial past the 1 to 1.5x body weight range.

    Most professional strength coaches teaching modern trends would disagree with you.

    Which part? About warm-up sets or fractionals? In either case, let them, my experience and research suggest otherwise.

    I have gone toe-to-toe in debates with many “professionals” and “certified” people on these forums alone with plenty of evidence backing my points of view. I don’t care who agrees with me and their credentials, I care about what works.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I think we need to remember this thread is about the SL 5x5 program, if you want to do that and add advice and support, good, if not, there are other threads you can get advice and offer help on.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!

    You could start your squats without any weight, no bar, just your body weight. And for the other exercises you could use a non-Olympic bar to start with. The idea is to start very light and work your way up slowly but consistently. You also might want to look into getting fractional weights, (they come in ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 pound increments, or something along those lines) that way you can increase your weight by ½ pound each time instead of 5 pounds each time.

    First, i really don't believe you'll need fractional weights for anything, they're not that good in the first place and really only effective for Dumbells but for programs like this you should focus on bilateral versus unilateral movements.

    Yes and no. The point of this is to move heavier weights but you'll start your exercise off lighter. We can use me for example on the Bench Press and for a 5x5 I would probably use 195lbs on the Bench Press. This may not follow the StrongLifts version exactly but this is what I do to get myself prepped for the lifting.
    The coach I learned this from calls this, "Neural Ramping". It's like warming up but it's meant to get your muscles "in the zone" and ready for the lifts. Take these sets seriously even though they won't be strenuous.
    Feeler set: 90lbs x 3 reps (remember the reps should be fairly explosive, move the weight with some momentum, no grinding)
    Set 1: 135 x 3
    Set 2: 155 x 3
    Set 3: 175 x 3
    Set 4: 195 x 3 (this is my training weight)
    I jump 20lbs at a time because my 1RM is above 200lbs, if you're 1RM is below 200lbs then ramp up 10lbs at a time, if less than 100lbs, 5lbs at a time.

    Then go about doing your Bench Pressing, 5sets of 5

    Make sense?

    Yes warm-up sets are important once the weight gets heavier. But in the beginning, no one needs to really warm-up much for just the bar a few bw squats would suffice. Once you pass the bar, I would start all sets with 1-2 warm-up sets with just the bar. Then once you get to 95lbs, start adding some weight to your warm-up sets (just the bar, 65lbs, then 95lbs for example)

    And fractionals ARE beneficial past the 1 to 1.5x body weight range.

    Most professional strength coaches teaching modern trends would disagree with you.

    Which part? About warm-up sets or fractionals? In either case, let them, my experience and research suggest otherwise.

    I have gone toe-to-toe in debates with many “professionals” and “certified” people on these forums alone with plenty of evidence backing my points of view. I don’t care who agrees with me and their credentials, I care about what works.

    LOL, k
  • ajricketts
    ajricketts Posts: 32
    I don't understand why you start with only the bar for weight. It seems like it would take ages to work up to any sort of actual weight. For me, doing pushups would be much more beneficial than bench a 45lb bar. Can anyone explain why you are supposed to start with that?
  • NubyGloom
    NubyGloom Posts: 49
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!

    You could start your squats without any weight, no bar, just your body weight. And for the other exercises you could use a non-Olympic bar to start with. The idea is to start very light and work your way up slowly but consistently. You also might want to look into getting fractional weights, (they come in ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 pound increments, or something along those lines) that way you can increase your weight by ½ pound each time instead of 5 pounds each time.

    First, i really don't believe you'll need fractional weights for anything, they're not that good in the first place and really only effective for Dumbells but for programs like this you should focus on bilateral versus unilateral movements.

    Yes and no. The point of this is to move heavier weights but you'll start your exercise off lighter. We can use me for example on the Bench Press and for a 5x5 I would probably use 195lbs on the Bench Press. This may not follow the StrongLifts version exactly but this is what I do to get myself prepped for the lifting.
    The coach I learned this from calls this, "Neural Ramping". It's like warming up but it's meant to get your muscles "in the zone" and ready for the lifts. Take these sets seriously even though they won't be strenuous.
    Feeler set: 90lbs x 3 reps (remember the reps should be fairly explosive, move the weight with some momentum, no grinding)
    Set 1: 135 x 3
    Set 2: 155 x 3
    Set 3: 175 x 3
    Set 4: 195 x 3 (this is my training weight)
    I jump 20lbs at a time because my 1RM is above 200lbs, if you're 1RM is below 200lbs then ramp up 10lbs at a time, if less than 100lbs, 5lbs at a time.

    Then go about doing your Bench Pressing, 5sets of 5

    Make sense?

    Yes! I was reading that last night and didnt really get it ..

    Only question is how do you start the program... example, so i can squats 30lbs right know, how do i know what to work up too? the first time I go into it do I just go...?
    As for feeler sets, how much lower then the 5x5[set] should it be? [if that made sence]
    set1: 15x3
    set2: 20x3
    set3: 25x3
    set4 30..x3
    Or do I just go to 35 cuz I can already squat 30. and then do 5x5 at 35lbs? sorry the anwser seem so simple but for some reason my brain cant process this, this morning... S:
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I don't understand why you start with only the bar for weight. It seems like it would take ages to work up to any sort of actual weight. For me, doing pushups would be much more beneficial than bench a 45lb bar. Can anyone explain why you are supposed to start with that?

    First and most important reason is to learn proper technique. Second is because it is a basic point that almost everyone can start at. Start too high and you will stall sooner. The program adds 5lbs every time you perform a lift, that adds up quickly. For example if you started with just the bar, you would be at 105lb squats at the end of 1 months, 165lbs after 2, and 225 after 3 months.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Sign up for the free 5x5 report here

    It will give you a detailed outline of how this works.

    Alrighty! I think it will be an awesome challenge only question do i have to start at the 45lbs, right know I do 30lbs squats not sure if I can do 45., lol or can I just start working my way up from 30, and I am way lower on my dead lifts I do 20lbs, 30-35 bench press... lol i suck at rows like bent rows and stand row, maybe 15lbs the most... and I have never done over the head press before so thats something new ^-^

    And I'll probly start this in august or spetmeber, just because I promised some people I would do some other programs with them. till about then ^^ but Iam all ready exicted about this! I stilll have lots to read so Iam going to get to it!

    You could start your squats without any weight, no bar, just your body weight. And for the other exercises you could use a non-Olympic bar to start with. The idea is to start very light and work your way up slowly but consistently. You also might want to look into getting fractional weights, (they come in ¼, ½, ¾, and 1 pound increments, or something along those lines) that way you can increase your weight by ½ pound each time instead of 5 pounds each time.

    First, i really don't believe you'll need fractional weights for anything, they're not that good in the first place and really only effective for Dumbells but for programs like this you should focus on bilateral versus unilateral movements.

    Yes and no. The point of this is to move heavier weights but you'll start your exercise off lighter. We can use me for example on the Bench Press and for a 5x5 I would probably use 195lbs on the Bench Press. This may not follow the StrongLifts version exactly but this is what I do to get myself prepped for the lifting.
    The coach I learned this from calls this, "Neural Ramping". It's like warming up but it's meant to get your muscles "in the zone" and ready for the lifts. Take these sets seriously even though they won't be strenuous.
    Feeler set: 90lbs x 3 reps (remember the reps should be fairly explosive, move the weight with some momentum, no grinding)
    Set 1: 135 x 3
    Set 2: 155 x 3
    Set 3: 175 x 3
    Set 4: 195 x 3 (this is my training weight)
    I jump 20lbs at a time because my 1RM is above 200lbs, if you're 1RM is below 200lbs then ramp up 10lbs at a time, if less than 100lbs, 5lbs at a time.

    Then go about doing your Bench Pressing, 5sets of 5

    Make sense?

    Yes! I was reading that last night and didnt really get it ..

    Only question is how do you start the program... example, so i can squats 30lbs right know, how do i know what to work up too? the first time I go into it do I just go...?
    As for feeler sets, how much lower then the 5x5[set] should it be? [if that made sence]
    set1: 15x3
    set2: 20x3
    set3: 25x3
    set4 30..x3
    Or do I just go to 35 cuz I can already squat 30. and then do 5x5 at 35lbs? sorry the anwser seem so simple but for some reason my brain cant process this, this morning... S:

    If you are doing 30lbs right now (and it is not taxing), you could easily and safely go to 45lbs and just warm-up with bodyweight squats.
  • ajricketts
    ajricketts Posts: 32
    I can see that a couple of them would add up over time. But what about the bench press? I guess I just don't understand how lifting 45lbs of the bar 5 times is helping me at all when I could realistically do it 40-50 times.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I can see that a couple of them would add up over time. But what about the bench press? I guess I just don't understand how lifting 45lbs of the bar 5 times is helping me at all when I could realistically do it 40-50 times.

    In the beginning it is not about the weight, it is about technique. If you are truly experienced and have next to perfect form, then you can start higher, but still lower than whatever your current work weight is. Does 45lbs help most people strength-wise, no, but it builds, technique, a routine, and habbit that transitions into a very successful program.

    There are two major things that make this program unsuccessful. Inconsistency (missing days) and ego (starting too high, or increasing too much.)