Turbo Fire - i need some buddies!



  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    I know I'm not ready for the weighted gloves. More power to you that you can do that.

    Today was CLX Burn it Off and Recharge. Didn't feel 100% I guess because it wasn't my normal workout time and I did it before lunch.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Went for a walk and did Core 20 today...feeling good.Tomorrow is my weigh in day and next week is my measurments,can't wait to see how many inches I have lost.I am trying not to let the scale piss me off!LOL:smile:
  • hoyagirl03
    hoyagirl03 Posts: 220 Member
    Had the Sculpt 30 today, but I also did 17-18 minutes of the EZ 55 to get the blood flowing and offset a bit of that Cinco de Mayo chow from Thursday. :-) I'm back on track. :) It got my boyfriend motivated that he went to the gym earlier than he had planned. :-) I love Turbofire!
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    hi friends!

    making this one a quickie ---

    i'm sick as a dog but i somehow managed to get through Fire 30/Stretch 10 without losing a lung! yahoo!!!!

    @hoya - working out is contagious!!! i'm really happy that most of my close friends are on a healthy kick!!

    @jessicapages - I am so excited to hear about your measurements and weight loss!!!! can't wait for you to post the results!

    @myroots - the important thing is you still made time to press play today!!!

    @sass and @civicsista - y'all had awesome workouts today! great burns guys!!!!

    @dmkaiser LOL at batwings! it's finally sunny, i want to sit outside on a patio and instead i'm trapped indoors with the flu. booo. have so much fun!!!!!

    @muffintop - glad to hear you are on the right track! i have no problem with working out, i just wish i had a faster metabolism. i love food! (including cheese and wine!)

    tomorrow is core/stretch and a big mother's day brunch. ohhhh boy. seeya tommorow guys - have an awesome night!

  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I'm so impressed with everyone's dedication. You guys are such a good influence and I'm really happy that I found MFP and this thread! THANKS!!!!
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    today is my rest day, and I totally needed it!
    looking into weighted gloves since my arms seem to be the only thing that isn't sore and I need to feel the fire!!

    About 1/2 way into the program, I started using the weighted gloves I bought through Beachbody. You will definitely be feeling the fi-yah using those bad boys!
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    too a long time to get motivated today. Didn't work out until after mowing the lawn and cleaning the house to start getting my body moving. Did Fire 30 for 300 calories and Push circuit 2 for 220 calories. Not my best day, but feeling good since I didn't slack off and actually did what I was scheduled to.

    Good work everyone!
  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    Went for a walk and did Core 20 today...feeling good.Tomorrow is my weigh in day and next week is my measurments,can't wait to see how many inches I have lost.I am trying not to let the scale piss me off!LOL:smile:

    That scale is ready to get thrown out the window, but I am trying to think long-term. Long-term results are going to be amazing:)
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Went for a walk and did Core 20 today...feeling good.Tomorrow is my weigh in day and next week is my measurments,can't wait to see how many inches I have lost.I am trying not to let the scale piss me off!LOL:smile:

    That scale is ready to get thrown out the window, but I am trying to think long-term. Long-term results are going to be amazing:)

    I am OBSESSED with the scale,I have to weigh myself EVERYDAY!! And if I don't like what I see I will move the scale to another position in the bathroom! LOL I might get my husband to hide it and only give it to me every 2 weeks.AUGHHH LOL:smile:
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I weighed in the morning and took my measurements. Somehow I've gained 1.3 pounds since last week at my weigh-in. I've only gone over 1500 calories once this week though, and every other day I've stayed well below 1500. Plus, I haven't missed a workout... and I push myself every time. So I'm thinking that I either grossly miscalculated what I ate OR I'm gaining muscle. I'm going w/ gaining muscle, b/c otherwise it's kind of discouraging.

    On a better note, I've lost 6 1/4 inches in 2 weeks... I think. It's always hard for me to tell exactly where I should be measuring. But either way, I can for sure tell a difference in how my clothes are fitting and so I know I've definitely lost some inches! :smile:

    Today is Fire 45 and Stretch 10. I'm getting ready to get started in just a few minutes. Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    I weighed in the morning and took my measurements. Somehow I've gained 1.3 pounds since last week at my weigh-in. I've only gone over 1500 calories once this week though, and every other day I've stayed well below 1500. Plus, I haven't missed a workout... and I push myself every time. So I'm thinking that I either grossly miscalculated what I ate OR I'm gaining muscle. I'm going w/ gaining muscle, b/c otherwise it's kind of discouraging.

    On a better note, I've lost 6 1/4 inches in 2 weeks... I think. It's always hard for me to tell exactly where I should be measuring. But either way, I can for sure tell a difference in how my clothes are fitting and so I know I've definitely lost some inches! :smile:

    Today is Fire 45 and Stretch 10. I'm getting ready to get started in just a few minutes. Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I had the same problem the first time doing TF.I was not losing but gaining.It is muscle I think,because I was working out SOOOO hard and really looking at everything I was eating(I was not on MFP then but I did watch everything that went into my mouth.I also logged it in my TF tracker)So I am trying not to worry about the weight but look at the inches!We are losing something, I mean I better be losing something (weight or inches) with all the SWEAT I get after these workouts!!! :smile:
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I am OBSESSED with the scale,I have to weigh myself EVERYDAY!! And if I don't like what I see I will move the scale to another position in the bathroom! LOL I might get my husband to hide it and only give it to me every 2 weeks.AUGHHH LOL:smile:

    Ditto - I can't stop weighing myself! Everyday I get on the scale and if I don't like what it says, I'll do the best 2 outta 3. Or 3 outta 5. I love seeing tiny moves (in the right direction) an ounce today, maybe 2 ounces tomorrow. Then again, I get so crazy when it says I've gained, I could stomp down the street flipping cars over with my bare hands.
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I weighed in the morning and took my measurements. Somehow I've gained 1.3 pounds since last week at my weigh-in. I've only gone over 1500 calories once this week though, and every other day I've stayed well below 1500. Plus, I haven't missed a workout... and I push myself every time. So I'm thinking that I either grossly miscalculated what I ate OR I'm gaining muscle. I'm going w/ gaining muscle, b/c otherwise it's kind of discouraging.

    On a better note, I've lost 6 1/4 inches in 2 weeks... I think. It's always hard for me to tell exactly where I should be measuring. But either way, I can for sure tell a difference in how my clothes are fitting and so I know I've definitely lost some inches! :smile:

    Today is Fire 45 and Stretch 10. I'm getting ready to get started in just a few minutes. Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I had the same problem the first time doing TF.I was not losing but gaining.It is muscle I think,because I was working out SOOOO hard and really looking at everything I was eating(I was not on MFP then but I did watch everything that went into my mouth.I also logged it in my TF tracker)So I am trying not to worry about the weight but look at the inches!We are losing something, I mean I better be losing something (weight or inches) with all the SWEAT I get after these workouts!!! :smile:

    Did you eventually lose weight again, or are you still dealing w/ that? I'm thinking that I'll probably start losing weight again in the near future... I hope! This week, I'm going to be extra careful about what I eat, and I'll see what happens.

    Thanks for the feedback; I'm glad I'm not the only one! :smile:
  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    Chalene has a great article about gaining when you start a new program. It's not really muscle gain but your muscles are adjusting- you should start seeing loss in a couple weeks. And measurements don't lie. Obviously you are doing something right:happy:

  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Chalene has a great article about gaining when you start a new program. It's not really muscle gain but your muscles are adjusting- you should start seeing loss in a couple weeks. And measurements don't lie. Obviously you are doing something right:happy:


    That was an awesome blog! Thanks so much for sharing; I don't feel so bad anymore. :happy:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    I weighed in the morning and took my measurements. Somehow I've gained 1.3 pounds since last week at my weigh-in. I've only gone over 1500 calories once this week though, and every other day I've stayed well below 1500. Plus, I haven't missed a workout... and I push myself every time. So I'm thinking that I either grossly miscalculated what I ate OR I'm gaining muscle. I'm going w/ gaining muscle, b/c otherwise it's kind of discouraging.

    On a better note, I've lost 6 1/4 inches in 2 weeks... I think. It's always hard for me to tell exactly where I should be measuring. But either way, I can for sure tell a difference in how my clothes are fitting and so I know I've definitely lost some inches! :smile:

    Today is Fire 45 and Stretch 10. I'm getting ready to get started in just a few minutes. Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I had the same problem the first time doing TF.I was not losing but gaining.It is muscle I think,because I was working out SOOOO hard and really looking at everything I was eating(I was not on MFP then but I did watch everything that went into my mouth.I also logged it in my TF tracker)So I am trying not to worry about the weight but look at the inches!We are losing something, I mean I better be losing something (weight or inches) with all the SWEAT I get after these workouts!!! :smile:

    Did you eventually lose weight again, or are you still dealing w/ that? I'm thinking that I'll probably start losing weight again in the near future... I hope! This week, I'm going to be extra careful about what I eat, and I'll see what happens.

    Thanks for the feedback; I'm glad I'm not the only one! :smile:

    I got pissed and quit at the 9th week.I then took 2 weeks off and saw that that was not going to work, and I went back to it,at the 9 week point..I felt guilty that I had quit and was almost done with the program,So I decided to just start over.I am making it a goal to finish it this time!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Chalene has a great article about gaining when you start a new program. It's not really muscle gain but your muscles are adjusting- you should start seeing loss in a couple weeks. And measurements don't lie. Obviously you are doing something right:happy:


    WOW wish I would have read this a couple of months ago!That would have really helped me feel better about it! I was SOOO upset that I was not losing the weight!My clothes were fitting better (they really were)but that didn't matter all that mattered was what the scale said:explode: I looked at pics that my daughter had taken of me right before I quit, and now I can really see that I was smaller and looked good!I am not going to give up this time!!!! Thanks for the link!!:smile:
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    I weighed in the morning and took my measurements. Somehow I've gained 1.3 pounds since last week at my weigh-in. I've only gone over 1500 calories once this week though, and every other day I've stayed well below 1500. Plus, I haven't missed a workout... and I push myself every time. So I'm thinking that I either grossly miscalculated what I ate OR I'm gaining muscle. I'm going w/ gaining muscle, b/c otherwise it's kind of discouraging.

    On a better note, I've lost 6 1/4 inches in 2 weeks... I think. It's always hard for me to tell exactly where I should be measuring. But either way, I can for sure tell a difference in how my clothes are fitting and so I know I've definitely lost some inches! :smile:

    Today is Fire 45 and Stretch 10. I'm getting ready to get started in just a few minutes. Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I had the same problem the first time doing TF.I was not losing but gaining.It is muscle I think,because I was working out SOOOO hard and really looking at everything I was eating(I was not on MFP then but I did watch everything that went into my mouth.I also logged it in my TF tracker)So I am trying not to worry about the weight but look at the inches!We are losing something, I mean I better be losing something (weight or inches) with all the SWEAT I get after these workouts!!! :smile:

    Did you eventually lose weight again, or are you still dealing w/ that? I'm thinking that I'll probably start losing weight again in the near future... I hope! This week, I'm going to be extra careful about what I eat, and I'll see what happens.

    Thanks for the feedback; I'm glad I'm not the only one! :smile:

    So I just had to see....my weight has not gone up or down but I just took my measurments and in 2 weeks I have lost 8 inches!!! Feeling GREAT!! I will still take them at the end of my 4 weeks,but I had to see lol
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Finished WEEK 1 of Turbo Fire!!!!
    I caught up today doing Fire30 & Core20/Stretch40. Holy crap - Core 20 was tough. I literally started seeing stars during the floor series, had to pause a few times.

    Kinda bummed about the Stretch 40 tho - lot of yoga with weight/strain on my wrists. This is why I'm not a fan of yoga - my wrists can't take it. Plus I don't have the patience to hold poses and just "relax". Seems like a waste of time. Someone convince me it's good for me, of I may end up skipping this one from now on.
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    Hello my awesome turbo fire peeps!

    Happy Mother's day to all you moms out there - hope you guys are enjoying the day!

    I am so happy! I completed week 1 and i followed the workouts according to schedule each day. That is a big accomplishment because if life gets too busy, i start making excuses and begin missing workouts. I'm really happy to have you guys and to see how much energy you all put into these things! SO EVERYBODY, CONGRATS ON MAKING IT THROUGH THE WEEK!! WOOHOO!

    on to other news, OMG @myroots, thank you so much for posting that blog entry. I was freaking out because I only lost 0.5 lbs this week and for the last 3 days the scale kept showing that I was gaining 2lbs. in all fairness, I could have eaten 10 time better than I did. I unknowingly ate a dessert yesterday that had about a billion and five calories. anyway, losing weight takes time, it just doesn't fall off overnight - sometimes I lose sight of that.

    @stacio and @jessicapages - holy moly great job on the inch loss! that's so freakin amazing!!! my goal this week is to hide the scale so i don't weigh myself every spare chance i get. as for measurements, I think i'm going to hold out until week 4. Did you guys do the before/after shots?

    anyway, today i did core 20/stretch 40. I'm so not a big yoga fan at all. @muffintop, i hear you - i don't find it relaxing at all but i'm going to plow through it in the weeks to come. i loved core 20 - I can still feel the burn which is an awesome feeling!

    gonna go enjoy the sunshine - stay fabulous guys! :glasses: