Turbo Fire - i need some buddies!



  • xXHeatherRaeXx
    xXHeatherRaeXx Posts: 175 Member
    Hey guys! I started TF on May 9th, so will finish out the end of week 2 tomorrow.

    I pulled a lower ab muscle (found out it's the inguinal ligament) during my first week doing Core 20, so am having to modify and stay away from any and all tuck jumps, air jacks, sit-ups, planks, etc., so that bites. I feel like it's going to hinder progress, but I'm gonna keep on keepin' on until this stupid thing heals.

    Great finding so many other TF enthusiasts! Feel free to add me on, as well :)
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I wasn't sure that I wanted to weigh-in this morning because I started AF and I feel bloated and icky. But I still lost 2 lbs this week! That's 7 lbs in 4 weeks. Not too bad. I'm also doing measurements and pictures, but I am going to wait until a little later to do that.
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Hey all....I didn't know this group was here, YAY! Completed Fire 60 today, on the first try, it was intense! Im glad I finished it but I have to admit I like the 45 and 55 better. I burned 706 today but it's also my so-called "cheat day" so I had to gun it so I won't feel guilty for indulging today. Just a side note, TF is changing my life. Not just with exercising and weightloss but mentally too. I'm becoming more confident!

    Funny story, I just started my new job this week and this lady comes up to me and she's like, ur always so cheerful, everytime I see you, you're humming a tune. LOL--yeah I do, she doesn't know that that tune is the "who's house" song lol! Gotta <3 it!

    Welcome to our group! I haven't done Fire 60 yet, but I love 45 and 55.

    That's really funny about that song. :laugh:
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    Glad to find this group. I am doing Turbo Fire and love it! I did Fire 55 today.I have only been at it for two weeks now and so I am just getting the hang of the moves. Please add me!

    I'm just ending my 4th week, and I'm still getting the hang of some of the moves too. It takes a little while, but once you start getting them down, you can work on intensity and not worry about the moves anymore.

    I love Fire 55!
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Week 3 - DONE!!!! Just finished 55EZ.
    Started out with the weighted gloves, but my arms were pooped. I could only give abut 80% with them on. So I dropped them about half way through and was instantly relieved - felt like my arms were floating and I was able to give my all again.

    I found my HRM the other day - but of course it's one of the cheap ones that ONLY does heart rate and nothing else.
    Think I'll get a calorie counting one this week. And maybe some new shoes too because...

    Been jumping more as my back has been feeling better but now my knees are starting to hurt. I found some different shoes in my closet that have been better but maybe I just need to go ahead and get some new ones. I'm also wondering if working out on carpet is making my knees torque badly.
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    fire 55 ez done. wasn't really giving it 100% but considering I'm on call this weekend and was stressing about getting a call about an emergency in the middle of it - and didn't! - I'm pretty pleased.
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Yesterday I did HIIT 20 and Tone 30 and today I am supposed to do Fire 30 (being lazy today but I am going to make myself do it before the end of the night).

    Edit: I forgot to add that I down to 158 lbs. So it looks like I won't make it to 150 by my birthday but I'm so happy with my progress.
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    hello my pretties!

    ok - so it's been a really busy long weekend and i miss checking out everyone's progress. (so if you see an overload of comments from me, it's because i'm playing catch-up.

    i'm pretty impressed that i haven't missed a single class in 3 weeks. had to get up beyond early yesterday and today to workout, but i knocked off core20/stretch 40 yesterday and 55EZ today. and YAY - today was the first time i did 55EZ without the new to class!

    i also lost 2lbs!! i thought my scale was deceiving me but i stepped on it a number of times just to be sure. However, i went to a bridal shower and a birthday party tonight and everyone was commenting that I've lost weight. that's such a great feeling when others around you notice without you even saying anything!

    next week is week 4 which means measurements! i can't wait to see the results. i'm really happy with this program so far. i'm also so glad to have found such an amazing bunch of people on here! you guys are just so wonderful and i honestly believe you give me the motivation to press play everyday! oh wow. i'm such a sap. (but it really is true!)

    so i'm going to go catch up and comment on all your fabulous progress over this weekend. hope you had a great one!

    keep up the awesome job everyone!

    danielle :glasses:
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Great Job Dani, i only have 2 more weeks of turbo fire :sad: and then i am going to do a turbo fire/ insanity hybrid for 2 months , i cant wait till summer gets here , night guys :flowerforyou:
  • xXHeatherRaeXx
    xXHeatherRaeXx Posts: 175 Member
    I ended week #2 with Fire 45. No results on the scale or with measurements, but I've noticed a big spike in my endurance, so that's saying something. I'm hoping TF can help blast through this big plateau I've been in since January! :mad:
  • kelleypf
    kelleypf Posts: 152 Member
    Why is time spent with family and friends always mean FOOD?! I had a fabulous weekend with my cousin and best friend in from out of town, but I felt like all we did was EAT!! Not to mention drinking half my calorie intake Saturday night out with the girls. At least maybe I burned some calories dancing life a fiend. I even skipped a workout, which I never do. Sigh...

    It sounds like everyone else had a pretty "good" weekend. Congratulations Danielle and Staclo on your weight loss this week! I'm glad to hear you're starting to get a hang of the moves and really put more into it. Chalene is right - when you get the basic moves down you can really rev up the intensity. I find myself jumping higher and faster now that I know the routines.

    I've got 55 on the menu today, and maybe throw in Core and something else to make up for my bad weekend!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I found it hard to get in my turbo fire workouts this weekend. We got some bikes and had a great 9 mile bike ride around the city yesterday, but I was beat when we got home. I got in the workout on Saturday because it started raining but it was core 20 and stretch 40 so I figured it wouldn't hurt me as bad. I couldn't bring myself to do the workout last night though.

    I hope to go through my rest day this week because I didn't get my turbo fire in yesterday though. That's my plan anyway.
  • Hey hey girls! So, apparently I havent lost any real weight in 3 weeks. Went from 150.8 on May 10th down to 148 then today I am back to 150.8. It is so frustrating. I know I have probably gain at least a pound or muscle tho :) It has been a combo of missing like 3 Fire 55 EZ classes, plus I have barely been eating. I dont get hungry or I eat a small salad or some kinda crap at 12pm. Probably adding up to 800 cals a day. Big difference fromt he 2400 that TF suggests I eat. GrRr. I reallllly need to re focus!! I am really looking forward to seeing some big rsults in my 2nd month of Turbo. Today is the start of Week 6. Honestly I expected myself to be 147 by now :( I am gonna step my game up and really start eattttting and try to not miss workouts. My schedule at work is changing. No more closing shifts until 130 am for a while. Now its 8am to 5 pm days. I alwaysss have more energy to work out around 11 am but wont be able to. Hmmm. I wonder if switching the times I work out (probably 7pm now) will help. Ugghhh. Anyways, I still loveeeeeeee Turbo, and I feel great after Fire 55 today, but I really wanna see some results by week 8. Any suggestions or pointers? Im happy to see everyone else doing so well. Here comes bikini seasonnnnnnn

  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Week 4 started today and I still like the workouts just waiting for the scale to move. Other than that I'm pushing play, I decided last week that I missed lifting so I added in P90x videos (none of the cardio). I already did my Fire 45 this morning so tonight I will do chest and back (hate that workout), If it gets cooler I will try and hop on my bike to log some miles we hit 100 degrees today
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    55EZ today and 633 calories burned. I am so hungry today, I have decided to up my calories to bmr. Gonna see how it works. On a good note I finally broke 140!!!!!
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    was really not feeling up to what was scheduled for me today - fire 45 and push circuit 3 since I only got a few hours of sleep and worked later than anticipated. Did switch it with tomorrow and did core 20 and stretch 40 instead. I estimated about 230 calories. last time I wore my HRM when I did these two it worked out to about 300 calories, but I'd rather under estimate than over estimate.
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    55EZ today and 633 calories burned. I am so hungry today, I have decided to up my calories to bmr. Gonna see how it works. On a good note I finally broke 140!!!!!

  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    I sooooooo did not want to work out today... but I did - Fire 45 & Stretch 10 - done!
    As soon as I got on my workout clothes, I started "feelin' it" and when I pushed play, I just zoned out and nailed it. This is not my favorite workout - was hurting my knees a lot during all the twisting front to side on "Boom, I gotch yer boyfriend..."

    And for the first time in like FOREVER, I'm not that hungry today. :noway: Haven't had dinner and nothing in my fridge looks all that appealing. I think, maybe, the inner beast is calming. We'll see what tomorrow brings tho.
  • romiga
    romiga Posts: 44 Member
    Hey yalls! I did fire 55ez today and burned 868 cals...according to my HRM...I can honestly say I pushed today but looking at some other folks cal burn on the same program I'm wondering if the HRM is right. I brought it brand new last week, and I know we burn differently cuz of weight and intensity, and I've been losing weight since I started (7 lbs in 2 wks of TF), I just don't want to fool myself if I'm not burning as much as the HRM says I am. IDK....guess I'm just scared of messing this up somehow.
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