Who wants to start 30 day shred with me tomorrow?!?



  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    Unfortuantely its not 5 inches it was only 1/2 and inch .5. 5 inches would of been awesome! Sorry to hear about whats going on with your husband. The only thing I can think of is sitting down and having a serious conversation with him. That is if you haven't already. Just stay strong and stick to your guns.
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Ugh! I have had such a crazy week...ever since last Wednesday I have been running crazy, driven a couple thousand miles (not exaggerating) and feeling really down. I keep thinking it will get better and then, it doesn't...something else keeps coming up. I am glad to see you all doing well. I have missed checking in. I did stop by the running store today and bought me a running hat to start C25K next week! I know that sounds dumb, but I tend to sweat a lot and it runs in my eyes and I think I look dorky in a sweatband...so I am jazzed!

    Nikki, I think your progress sounds awesome! I will be checking in with the end results next week...although it has been a few days since I have been able to do DxJ, hopefully I will still show some good progress. Pretty sure I am not going to see the same as my half way numbers, but hopefully still some change. Life just got in the way I guess.

    Keep it up ladies! It will be nice when Sweets gets back next week too!
    Cheers my dears!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Julie, I forgot to mention...kudos on the size change (it is nice not to have the X along). Also, congrats on standing your ground with your hubby and getting those running shoes! You are a total inspiration to me. I don't have a great support system either...I mean, my kids are cool with it, but they better be I'm the mom! I don't really have anyone else...my closest friend is actually kind of pissy with me because I am losing weight and working hard and she now weighs more than me and it ticks her off. So I don't really see her much any more and when I do I just don't mention it...beyond that, I don't have a lot of friends. That sounds really pathetic, and it is, I have never been really "social". It makes it easier to just be doing it for me though! Hang in there and know that we are here to support you and help when you need it.

    Hugs to all!
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    Ive decided Im starting it tomorrow. Who wants to do it with me!!?? Lets do it!!
    Ill weigh, measure and take before pics in the morning.

    I'm in, I've been having a hard time sticking with it for the last couple of weeks.