Who wants to start 30 day shred with me tomorrow?!?



  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Death by Jillian! How funny! I cracked up when I read that. I was only able to do about 1/2 the shred today due to being weak from being sick these last few days. I was able to get on my exercise bike for about 20 mins and did a light pace. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better for me.

    Thank you all for helping keep me motivated. I don't know why but with this forum, I feel like if I don't do it I would be failing you guys. It helps me press play everyday for my daily dose of death by Jillian :laugh: (that is now how I am going to view the 30ds from now on)

    Hope everyone is having a fantabulous day!

    I'm glad you liked "Death by Jillian"...he is really a funny kid! Part of why I love having him around...that and he makes breakfast for the 17 DS and 9 DD every morning so I can get my workout in.

    1/2 a Shred is doing well after being sick! It takes a bit to come back from any illness, but it sounds like you are doing well. I agree about this forum and the support...and feeling like I am letting you all down. It is the coolest thing!! You are all so amazing...i think I am getting emotional :sad: OK, I'm better now.

    Hoping you are all having a great Tuesday!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Love the death my Jillian thing too!! Thats awesome! And very accurate!

    Im glad you all are finding this group motivating. Thats exactly why I came on and started the thread. I knew I would hold myself more accountable if I had people doing it with me. And here we are - rockin it out!

    Nikki - glad youre feeling better and for getting back at it!! Its so easy to excuse away exercise after youve been ill. So go you!

    Oh man, Sunday was my daughters bday. I ate light all day because I knew we would be going to a place for dinner where healthy wasnt even on the menu. I "treated" myself to a burger and fries. Something I havent eaten in MONTHS. Im soooo sick still. My body just can not handle that stuff anymore. Its effecting my shred too - I just feel bloated and yuck trying to jump around. Lesson learned!!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Julie: It's funny how our bodies adjust. If you are like me, you do something like that and then wonder how you used to do eat that kind of stuff every day. It's like last night, I left over 700 calories uneaten because I just didn't feel like I could eat any more. I had a stressful day so I decided to burn some of it off with exercise...burned almost 500 calories after dinner. The thing that was interesting to me was that I didn't feel like turning to food, I wanted to sweat when I got stressed...and I didn't want to eat just because I could with 700 calories still on the table. Not every day is like that, but it represents a big mental shift for me.

    I got up this morning and did Day 2 of Level 2. My arms are killing me by the end and for quite a while afterwards...what is it with lifting the weights like that and then right into planks? That's just mean!

    Death by Jillian complete for today!
  • ginmo333
    ginmo333 Posts: 100 Member
    Death By Jillian....DONE... (for the day at least) :) I think we should nickname our group death by jilllian....it suits us perfectly! Today marked my Half-way goal...I would be there a couple days sooner but I take sunday's off.

    What day is everyone else on?
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    Nice posts!! I had a decadent meal last night (enchiladas and margaritas) and I too felt gross after. Not mad at myself - physically bleh.
    Got up this morning and did 760 stairs and about 1 mile running at a local park (an extinct volcano! :) and plan another workout w weights this evening.
    This week is about reminding myself that my entire day is happier & more productive if I wake early and workout.

    SO - I've taken almost a week off of shred and no Zumba.
    Running stairs and doing kickboxing only.
    Knees feeling much better.

    I'm going to add Shred back in this weekend to see how it goes. (or maybe tonight??)
    I suspect Zumba tweaked my knees.

    I'll be starting Day 3 Level 2...my 11th day total since starting on April 23.
    So I'm behind but feeling alright about it.

    Where is everyone else at?
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    I am almost at 100% and I'm so glad. I really hate being sick! I did all of the shred today but there was more modifications. Tomorrow I'm hoping I'm back to where I was before the sickness. I'm planning on starting level 3 on Monday:noway:.

    I weighed myself this morning and I am only 3 pounds from being under 200! I can't believe how close I am to ONEderland! I honestly don't think I have been under 200 pounds in about 10 years. Oh god I'm anxious for it! My goal was to be under 200 for my wedding and I'm so close! Eep!

    Ok, I'm going to go snack now :laugh: I have about 500 calories to consume somehow.
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    BIG Congrats, Nikki!!! That is fantastic!!!
    You are rocking it, keep up the awesome work!
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
  • ginmo333
    ginmo333 Posts: 100 Member
    Way to Go NIkki!!! That is sooo exciting and awesome :) Glad you're feeling better.... and glad you knees are feeling better too sweetmanjd!!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    thats so awesome Nikki!! I have a while to go still but I can NOT wait to get there!
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks Ginmo :)
    Julie - you are totally kicking *kitten* and taking names...keep it up chica!!
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    Way to go NIkki! I like the term ONEderland!
    I am all for being called Death by Jillian!
    I did Turbo Jam this morning, which felt lame compared to the shred, to be honest. I definitely like Jillian's style, even if I yell at her through the t.v. I'll be doing level 1 on Tuesdays, level 2 on Thursdays and level 3 on Saturdays and mixing it up in between. Any suggestions?
    Keep it up DJs! (get it? lol)
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Hey fellow Death by Jillian devotees...I love reading all the posts! I just finished Level 2 Day 3...13th day overall. I have missed a couple of days, but I am still kicking it out. I am starting to see and feel muscles...granted it is still under the layer of blubber, but it is definitely making a difference. I agree that the day goes better when I get up and workout. I also see to do better on my food choices (I am not going to do Death by Jillian and then screw it up with a Big Mac!)

    Nikki, that is so awesome you are that close! When is your wedding? I am getting really close to ONEderland myself...about another pound. I wanted to be there May 1, but I will settle for sometime in May. Glad you are feeling better.

    Sweetmanjd, I am glad your knees are feeling better too. Keep up the great work, but don't push too hard, listen to your body, it knows what it can handle.

    Hey perktms, I love the "DJs" How about DxJs?

    Well, off to get ready for work. Keep it up ladies, you are an inspiration to me!
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    I like the term ONEderland!

    I stole that term from livestrong.com lol. That site is pretty much just like this one but everyone on there refers to weighing under 200 as achieving ONEderland.

    Charice, my wedding is Sept 2nd so I still have a few months. My over all goal was to be under 200 for it but if I could get to 180 that would just be fantastic! I'm not going to put any extra pressure on myself though because that's when I tend to screw up. Congrats on being so close to ONEderland also! We can do it! Just got to stick with is and kick some but!

    Hope everyone's having a great day!
  • ginmo333
    ginmo333 Posts: 100 Member
    I like the term ONEderland!

    I stole that term from livestrong.com lol. That site is pretty much just like this one but everyone on there refers to weighing under 200 as achieving ONEderland.

    Charice, my wedding is Sept 2nd so I still have a few months. My over all goal was to be under 200 for it but if I could get to 180 that would just be fantastic! I'm not going to put any extra pressure on myself though because that's when I tend to screw up. Congrats on being so close to ONEderland also! We can do it! Just got to stick with is and kick some but!

    Hope everyone's having a great day!

    Nikki- you are going to look smokin hot for your wedding! you are doing so great!! I was just looking at your pics on your profile and you are doing awesome. how tall are you by the way?
  • jlzrdking
    jlzrdking Posts: 501 Member
    Is anyone else having knee problems while using 30DS?

    I started level 2 this past Sunday and when I woke up yesterday morning (Wed) my right knee had gotten stiff. I'm not really in any pain but I am limping some, I took last night off from 30DS and today I feel better but not back to normal.

    I really don't want to stop doing this workout but I do not want to cause a more serious injury either.

    Any advice?
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    Is anyone else having knee problems while using 30DS?

    I started level 2 this past Sunday and when I woke up yesterday morning (Wed) my right knee had gotten stiff. I'm not really in any pain but I am limping some, I took last night off from 30DS and today I feel better but not back to normal.

    I really don't want to stop doing this workout but I do not want to cause a more serious injury either.

    Any advice?

    I've had some knee issues, but they sound different than yours. And I've not been able to pinpoint if Shred is the cause.
    Have you had knee issues in the past?
    Any particular moves in the Shred that you noticed felt odd or aggravating to the knee? Absolutely modify as you need.

    For stiffness of the knee, I would suggest warming up your back and hips a bit more thoroughly before the shred with some active stretches (try googling "back warm ups" and "hip openers")...I had a physical therapist explain to me that a lot of my knee issues came from my back and hips not "being there" for my knees. If they are warmed up, your knee take less of a beating.

    Also, I highly recommend foam rolling...especially your IT band. (foam rollers are about $15 and there are tons of instructional videos on You Tube...I consider it my miracle cure for knee and hip pain.)

    Finally, there's nothing as basic and simple as ice-and-elevate for 20 min after working out. I use bags of frozen peas:)
    Good luck!!!
  • ginmo333
    ginmo333 Posts: 100 Member
    Is anyone else having knee problems while using 30DS?

    I started level 2 this past Sunday and when I woke up yesterday morning (Wed) my right knee had gotten stiff. I'm not really in any pain but I am limping some, I took last night off from 30DS and today I feel better but not back to normal.

    I really don't want to stop doing this workout but I do not want to cause a more serious injury either.

    Any advice?

    That is a bummer! I have had the same problem except with my ankles..so the thing that I did, was just lower the impact by modifying each workout. especially like the plank jacks and things like that. Good luck, hopefully you will still be able to do it with a lower impact.
  • jlzrdking
    jlzrdking Posts: 501 Member
    Is anyone else having knee problems while using 30DS?

    I started level 2 this past Sunday and when I woke up yesterday morning (Wed) my right knee had gotten stiff. I'm not really in any pain but I am limping some, I took last night off from 30DS and today I feel better but not back to normal.

    I really don't want to stop doing this workout but I do not want to cause a more serious injury either.

    Any advice?

    I've had some knee issues, but they sound different than yours. And I've not been able to pinpoint if Shred is the cause.
    Have you had knee issues in the past?
    Any particular moves in the Shred that you noticed felt odd or aggravating to the knee? Absolutely modify as you need.

    For stiffness of the knee, I would suggest warming up your back and hips a bit more thoroughly before the shred with some active stretches (try googling "back warm ups" and "hip openers")...I had a physical therapist explain to me that a lot of my knee issues came from my back and hips not "being there" for my knees. If they are warmed up, your knee take less of a beating.

    Also, I highly recommend foam rolling...especially your IT band. (foam rollers are about $15 and there are tons of instructional videos on You Tube...I consider it my miracle cure for knee and hip pain.)

    Finally, there's nothing as basic and simple as ice-and-elevate for 20 min after working out. I use bags of frozen peas:)
    Good luck!!!

    I had knee surgery 4 years ago but not on this knee on the other and it's fine no problems.

    I think what I will do is give it another day and then go back to level one for a little while and before doing anymore 30DS I will stretch my lower body more and then use ice packs after I finish my work out. I will see what happens and then go back to level 2.
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    Nikki- you are going to look smokin hot for your wedding! you are doing so great!! I was just looking at your pics on your profile and you are doing awesome. how tall are you by the way?

    Thanks! :blushing: I'm 5'7