Over 200 New Year New Me Part 48



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Check in -

    Cals - under by 38 ...woot
    Water - bad
    Exercise - 50 min/414 cals on arc trainer
    Proud - even though i have totally screwed up the last 2 weeknds i am still here.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning ladies !!

    well today my 9 lb bloat has gone down to only a 5 lb bloat so that is good..hopefully by the end of the week it will be gone
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning girls!
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories - just under ... but ate more carbs than I should have for a 2nd afternoon snack that I shouldn't have had :angry:
    exercise - good - an hour of step
    water - I think good but didn't track
    proud - roasted up a bunch of veggies to have for the rest of the week, unfortunately the cauliflower smells really bad after being roasted so no one wants to open the fridge. I brought some to have with my salmon for lunch today - no one is going to like me at work when I heat up my lunch today (salmon and roasted veggies), at least my office is the one directly across from the lunchroom so it probably effects me most - but I'm sure I will hear about it because everyone complains about stinky lunches!

    I'm worried about getting in my usual exercise this week. I always do a big workout Thursday nights at the Y and I consider it my 'last chance workout' before we weigh-in on Friday mornings .... my son starts baseball games this Thursday so I will need to go to most of his games and for sure this week, but I haven't figured out how I'm going to replace that 100 minute workout that I usually do on Thursday nights. I'm kind of afraid that if I drop that night's workout I will see less progress on the scale and maybe lose my momentum.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    I fail :grumble:

    These past few days have been filled with an infant that does not want to be released from his mother. Whether it be nursing or just wanting to cuddle he has pretty much refused to nap much on his own. What does this mean? Well it means that I've A) Hardly been able to get anything to eat [not good for the breastfeeding part] and B) Eating crap when I am able to grab a second. Things seem to be getting better now, he's passing this little stage [for the moment] so I'm starting fresh with the eating today and hoping to find some energy to burn it off:yawn:

    I'm now at 3wks PP and I'm afraid to step on the scale. Today is my weigh in day...and I'm nervous lol. I was heavy to begin with this pregnancy, and I gained 40lbs while pregnant, Topped off at 258lbs when I delivered. I'm only 5'4 and that amount of weight on my frame is KILLING my body...I feel about 20 yrs old than I should [and I'm Only going to be 23..] I need it off, I need some energy so I can play with my kids for longer than 5 minutes. NOT giving up!!

    Hope all you ladies are doing well
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Feeling near-death currently. Food sounds like the worst idea ever. Still waiting for TOM to show up.... we're not at T-plus 1 week. yikes!

    How late is TOM? Those sound like familiar symptoms that I have had on 4 different occasions:laugh: :wink:

    I seem to recall similar feelings about 6 months ago. :laugh: :wink:

    No, but really, my hormones went BONKERS last summer/fall and TOM ended up being super late (I had NEVER been late before. EVER). 2 weeks and 3,000,000 negative pregnancy tests later, he showed. By that point, hubby and I were disappointed I wasn't pregnant (hence me being 7 months pregnant now :laugh:).
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    p.s. I forgot to mention that I haven't gone to the casino since telling you guys that I wanted to quit. It helped that I was busy last weekend - but I was still tempted to figure out how to find some time to go, but I didn't. So 1+ week and counting.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    i think i am getting a UTI, i have only had 1 or 2 in my life...but it feels like i have to go and burns a little. I was reading alot on line and saying cranberry extrract will help. I don't have time to go to the doctor as my doctor now is like an hr away :sad: i hate going to new doctors.

    I have soo much to do at work i can't deal with being sick.
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Check in for today:..
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Took a 45 minute spin class and fourty minutes of different stations at the gym
    Water: Tons!
    Proud: I did the "sled" three times without any trainers telling me to
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Way to go Renea!!! Whoot!!!!:drinker:

    Deb- cranberry really does help! It was in the myth section of the NYT (as not a myth) and there are studies that show it helps. Not to compare you with my dog... :tongue: but poor ol' Mrs. Figg is a very wrinkly girl and she even has a wrinkle back "there" that can make it hard for her to keep clean.:sick: We put four or five cranberry pills into her food and she's fine. When we run out after about two weeks she'll get a UTI. The vet says if she has puppies it will get better but I'm not sure we're ready for that!:huh:

    Checking in...
    Calories - over a bit
    Water - awesome
    Exercise - uhm...

    Proud - I had a LOT of temptation today with all sorts of goodies around me and I did pretty well considering!

    I went to the doctor today and I'm cleared to work full time next week! Whoot!
    SO EXCITED! I have GOT to get this weight off so I can fit into the smaller summer clothes I bought last year. Plus I want to get down a few sizes before the final reconstruction surgery. I was "expanded" again today - it's like puberty on fast forward LOL - I am a B cup now!:drinker: I mentioned that my "girls" are a little wall-eyed and how the right one is a bit funkier than the left. The doctor reassured me he'll fix it in the final surgery then said "Remember - your breasts are sisters not twins" I thought that was pretty darn funny:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    lstpaul - CONGRATS:flowerforyou: You are doing GREAT and your self control is spilling over from exercise to other challanges! Keep up the great work! :drinker: :happy:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    i think i am getting a UTI, i have only had 1 or 2 in my life...but it feels like i have to go and burns a little. I was reading alot on line and saying cranberry extrract will help. I don't have time to go to the doctor as my doctor now is like an hr away :sad: i hate going to new doctors.

    I have soo much to do at work i can't deal with being sick.

    Cranberry pills (or cranberry juice -- NOT cranberry juice cocktail, because that has so much sugar in it) may help. But please keep a close watch on it because a UTI can pretty quickly turn into a kidney infection and that's really not so much fun. I let my UTI go several years & just took the Cranberry extract capsules. Yeah... that resulted in a kidney infection & a WHOLE lot of pain & a doc visit & antibiotics for days. I don't recommend it.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Renea: I agree that you should do your weigh-in on Monday and just report it to us on Friday. I definitely believe that stepping on the scale as little as you can is best.

    Melinda: You're too funny. Congrats on the B cups!

    lstpaul: I'm proud of you for not going to the casino!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over
    Water: Perfect!
    Exercise: None
    Proud: I'm taking the time to read Jane Eyre.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Heather BE CAREFUL!!! Because of Jane Eyre I dropped out of college and married an older man! :noway:

    OK maybe there were a few other factors...:bigsmile:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good
    exercise: good
    water: good (didn't track though)
    proud: walked for 45 minutes during my daughter's sax lesson ... it was the first HOT and muggy day here so I was sweaty and tired by the time I was done

    I had my nutrition class last night. It was about protein and how important it is for our metabolism, and to stop cravings by building neurotransmitters that produce seratonin. Eating more protein is one of the biggest changes I have made since starting my nutrition class and it seems to be helping quite a big. I still struggle with getting in all my protein because I have never been a big meat eater - but I'm working on it.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Sisters! I'm still here! Still logging and exercising! I am in a show this week, so you know what that means - no time to chat! Boo! :grumble:

    I am proud to announce I have not touched the junk food at all! I don't plan to, either. This will be the very first time I did not blow it during a show! I am so excited!

    Love you all and will return faithfully after Sunday!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    haha Julie! That's exactly where I'm at....

    Feeling mildly better today. I came home from work early today and have been catchin' up on tv IE: trying not to throw up. I HAVE managed to eat a half a box of wheat saltines and about 20 ounces of ginger ale AND keep it down!

    Even though the calorie count is ridiculous.... I haven't eaten more than 400 calories in the last four days. So I don't care so much.

    Oh! And no fever today! (As opposed to the 100* I had last night :( )

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hello sisters! I seem to keep getting lost and don't come back and check in as often as I should! I'm sorry! I still love all of you! :drinker: :flowerforyou: I'm working on coming back on a regular basis.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    thanks gals -

    I got some azo uti cranberry pills, I have taken them last night and today, i feel bunches better, so hopefully it will be all better soon.

    Check in today -
    cals - under by around 200 or so
    water - 3 cups
    exercise - 50 minutes and 497 calories
    Proud - Fell off the wagon with a box of hot tamles last night but got back on track today.

    teresa - did i miss something ?? are you joining the mom to be club?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    haha Julie! That's exactly where I'm at....

    Feeling mildly better today. I came home from work early today and have been catchin' up on tv IE: trying not to throw up. I HAVE managed to eat a half a box of wheat saltines and about 20 ounces of ginger ale AND keep it down!

    Even though the calorie count is ridiculous.... I haven't eaten more than 400 calories in the last four days. So I don't care so much.

    Oh! And no fever today! (As opposed to the 100* I had last night :( )

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

    Well, the good (I guess) news is that if your tests are negative at this point, there's hardly any chance at all you're pregnant (yeah, I didn't believe that either :tongue:). I definitely felt more sick the 2 weeks my hormones were going bonkers than I did the 2 weeks after I missed TOM because I was pregnant. I was also insanely irritable and exhausted & my boobs killed me during those 2 weeks.

    When I was actually pregnant my first symptoms were CRAZY dreams/nightmares (still have 'em), cramps, bloat, irritability (all EXACTLY like TOM was about to show up), and sore boobs. So, basically, my only symptom that was different then than it is with TOM was crazy dreams. So weird! Then a couple weeks later the nausea/exhaustion kicked in.

    I hope you feel better soon!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello my friends!

    Jess - just come back! No "trying" just do it we miss you!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories - over
    water - awesome
    Exercise - I walked to the restaurant for lunch (about 1/2 mile each way)
    Proud - I was a little over in calories but I ate high quality foods and I kept myself to 3 oz. of wine (you know how hard that is for me!). I'm also proud that I walked to the restaurant, it's as much walking as I've done since the second surgery.

    Blue - way to ROCK the performance! Whoot!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Morning, ladies!

    Melinda: Once I'm done reading it, I'll let you know. I'd love to know why it affected you so much, even if there were other factors. Good thing for me I'm done with college and am already dating an older man...even if he's only 5 years older.

    Nancy: Best of luck on the show. I'm so proud of you for avoiding the junk food!

    Theresa: Feel better soon!

    Jess: We love you, too!

    Deb: Love the new pic!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Way under, but I figure it balances the overeating on the weekend!
    Water: 84.5 oz.
    Exercise: Three hours volunteering
    Proud: I was able to eat some sweets without blowing the day's calories! Yay!
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