Over 200 New Year New Me Part 48



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    I've had a rough week! Monday there a great start then MEXICAN and $2 Margaritas. Alcohol is evil not just the empty calories but the bad choices it encourages! (not wine of course - wine is nothing but good!)

    Tuesday was a trip to Ray's Place - a bite here and a bite there of fried foods add up fast!

    Today I went to the Indian restaurant and only made one trip to the buffet! However, there was about 400 calories of Naan alone *sob*:sad: :sad:

    Calories OVER
    Water GREAT
    Exercise :huh:
    Proud - that I didn't eat the table or chairs - omg Mexican food is amazing!!!

    Calories - OVER
    Water GREAT
    Exercise :ohwell:
    Proud - I didn't eat more than 3 wings?

    Calories: OVER
    Exercise :indifferent:
    Proud- I didn't go back for dessert?

    I was "expanded" again Tuesday and now "the girls" are the same size! Of course the right side is pointed off the the right side like it's distracted by something shiney. It's also about an inch highter than the left side... but hopefully things will even out by the end of the whole process (and the final surgery).

    Yesterday it felt like I had a screwdriver digging into the left side just below the expander. I emailed my nurse because I'm not scheduled to go in for a few weeks and she said that I've been doing much better than expected with the expansion so having this pain is probably just the stress on the muscles (pulling/tearing away from the chest wall as the stretching takes place). She told me to take it easy until next week... It hurt so badly today that I came home a little early and took some narcodic pain meds for the first time in weeks. Booo!:angry:

    On the up side - I haven't had anywhere near the discomfort with the muscle expansion up to this point and they've gotten them up to about a C-cup and about the same size so I can back off and wait a few weeks and if things settle out OK this couild be the last of the expansion sessions! I'm hoping I can put off the final surgery until this fall and give myself time to lose 40-50 lbs.

    I love you guys!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    Hey everyone! I'm just popping in to say hello and let you all know that I'm alive and just working on getting back on track a bit. Between beach week and graduation, I was really not as focused on weight loss or eating properly, and barely filled out my calories for the day. But, I'm planning to get on the scale tomorrow morning and see where I am, good or bad. I need to get my act together before starting work in just 2.5 weeks!

    Hope you all are doing well - I'm going to be checking in more regularly soon. :)
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over :angry:
    exercise: good - an hour of step at the Y
    water - not so good

    I didn't have a great night last night - I made a double batch of a hamburger, sweet potatoe hash that I was going to have half of for lunch today - but instead ate it all last night. :sick:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Happy Friday Eve!!

    lstpaul - While this isn't helpful for you, sweet potato hash sounds delish!! :laugh: Maybe a big salad for lunch today? I've done salads for the past two day and only used balsalmic vinegar as my dressing. Tasty and under 200 cals!
    Allison - Hope you enjoyed your beach week - I LOVED mine!! I think I was south of you near Charleston. You were at Myrtle Beach, right? Congrats on graduation and you'll get your focus back!
    Mstahl - I love that wine is never evil in your world! Glad you enjoyed your margs, but Mexican food, while delicious, is usually very mean. Happy to hear the girls are getting back to normal, even if one has a "lazy eye"!!
    Heather - glad you enjoyed the concert! I love that you took a day for yourself!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Cals - UNDER! :drinker: :drinker: It's been awhile, but I can proudly say I was under cals with exercise. Turns out that oatmeal cookie was ok!
    Water - 104 oz GULP GULP!
    Exercise - Treadmill for 45 minutes. I ran/walked (mostly ran!!) a 5k in 38:51 and then did a cool down for 6 min. I also did some intervals at my fastest pace yet - 5.3 mph! It's so much fun to push yourself and realize you can go faster.
    Proud - See all those exercise notes! It felt great to get to a gym and run! I also weighed in this morning (not Friday official) and found that I've lost most of my vacation weight. I'm only 1.5 lbs over my pre-vaca weight!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Checking in for Wednesday:

    Calories: about on
    Water: under :grumble:
    Exercise: none :grumble: :grumble:
    Proud: Didn't pig out at Jr. High end of year gathering.
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    Hi there! I hope its ok if I join up in this group? I need some serious motivation and love to chit chat! :)

    A little about me... I'm Kim! I just joined MFP and its definitely been a great thing so far. I also just got engaged and we're planning to marry next June. It wasn't until I looked at pictures from the proposal that I realized how terrible I look after gaining nearly 60 lbs in the past 3 years. I've never been a thin or lean girl - usually hovered in the 130-145 range. An accident a few years ago that left me in a leg cast for a few months plus a change from jobs on my feet all day to sitting all day at a computer... well, that was enough to change my habits and the weight just didn't pop off like it did when I was 20. :grumble:

    Regardless, I'm here for the long haul and I'd love to get some support from others who know what the 200 side of the scale looks like!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning! It looks like there are some good things happening here again!

    Allison: Welcome back from the beach! I look forward to seeing you on here more in the near future.

    Melinda: Congrats on the C cups!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: On target
    Water: 76.9 oz.
    Exercise: Three hours volunteering
    Proud: That I only ate two of the three tacos I ordered for dinner because they weren't as satisfying as I hoped they would be.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    mstahl-Talk about a rough week! Hope your week turns around. Sounds like you are recovering very well!

    purple-Enjoy your time before you start working. You will get back on track, I have no doubt!

    lstpaul-Sorry you had a bad night. I hope today is a better day for you!

    Lauren-38 minute 5k!? That's amazing. Great job. And good job pushing yourself. I struggle with really pushing myself!

    kdmallon-Welcome to our group!

    Tomorrow is my initial weigh in for my BL Competition at work and the first time I have been on a scale since Monday. I just want to see it go down from where it was on Monday! That's all I wish for at this point in time!! For it to move in the RIGHT direction! I only got 1 good workout in this week but I think my eating has been okay. Plan on hitting the gym this weekend!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Shame on all of you for coming to my state without letting me know. :frown: Or maybe shame on me for not reading the parts of your posts about where you were going. I remember just assuming Allison was going to a beach in VA. I'm a few hours from Myrtle Beach since I-20 stops in Florence & the little highways have much lower speed limits, but damnit, Lauren, I can zip down I-26 and get to Charleston in just 1.5 hours! :tongue:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I have had a better day so far ... even though it started out with a warm banana nut muffin that my neighbor brought over. But I restrained myself to one (and fed my son who is home sick with a cold 3 of them). I didn't have a salad (good suggestion elmox), but made an omelet with spinach and cheese for lunch - so pretty good. For supper I'm having a protein shake on my way to workout at the Y. I'm hoping the scale will move back down again by tomorrow morning!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    mstahl - sounds like you are recovering well , sorry about the tough week.

    Jess - good luck in your initial weigh in.

    kdmallon - welcome to the group!!

    i am being optimistic about weigh in tomorrow, of course my obsessive stuff i have been weighing in a couple times a day - but after dinner weeks ago i was sitting at right at what i was 2 weeks ago (last week i was up )., so hoping that maybe i can be out of these dang 270's for good this week.

    I am feeling good though, been under cals everyday and working out every day
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member

    Check-in for yesturday
    Calories: Under
    Water: 6 cups
    Exercise: 1 hour :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I gained 1.8 pounds overnight on Sunday and stayed there all week. Then I gained another 0.2 pounds overnight last night. I've had an incredibly sodiumriffic week and I'm retaining so much water I can even see it in my ankles (I think I may have the beginning stages of cankles, even!). I'll be doing better with the sodium thing over the next few days to see if I can drop some water. I don't mind gaining weight, but it irritates me when it happens magically overnight.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Julie.......+2.0...... :huh:

    My good news is I've lost all but the last 1/2 pound that I put on last week during vacation!! I can definitely handle being 0.5 up, because I'm confident I can bring it back down next week.

    Julie, sorry we didn't get to see each other when I was in SC, I thought of you a lot though, if that's any consolation. BTW, Coast Brewing? Do they distribute in Columbia? If so, they have an amazing stout that you will love after July. I hear stouts are good for milk production, so it's good for you and your baby girl!

    Renea, HOORAY for you loss this week! And for figuring out the percentages! :wink:

    kdmallon, welcome! Since no one's given the run down of our group yet, I'm on it! You'll notice that everyone is weighing in today and then putting a percentage. We weigh in as a group (on whatever day is your weigh in day, some people are Tuesday, some are Friday, whatever is your schedule!) and post our losses and the percentage of weight loss. To get the percentage of weight loss take what you loss/what you weighed before the loss. Our "Biggest Loser" gets to give the group a challenge for the next week, even though we haven't been so good at that lately. Daily, we post our calories, water intake, exercise, and something we are proud of. I will demonstrate below!

    Yesterday's check-in:
    Cals - UNDER with exercise! I forgot how lovely it is to type that! 1,489
    Water - 72 oz
    Exercise - 1 hour of yoga in the park. This was not much of a work out, but it was a nice stress reliever. I don't think I burned much more than 150 cals for an hour.
    Proud - Went to yoga, enjoyed spending time with my girls afterwards.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    I lost 2.8 pounds this week since Monday! Must be water retention! I'm not putting a percentage because I don't know what I used as my last weigh in so I will start next week from here.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    I am soo excited to see a loss again :smile: as much as i wanted more than 1.3 lbs, TOM showed up yesterday so maybe when that is gone it will go down some more :smile:

    Best part thought of this morning weigh in, i was 269.6 , barely, but i made it back down to the 260's. only about 27 or so lbs to my lowest point.

    rena - GOOD job on the #'s lost !!

    Jess - WOohoo on the 2.8, just think that is just since monday, give yoru self 7 days and you will rock it even more...

    Was a little annoyed this morning,i got paid, but no $$ :sad: we changed banks so i changed my direct deposit and so i have to have a live check , probably just for this check, they said they mailed it yesterday , really hoping it gets here soon.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Okay, the gain is a little frustrating, but nothing to panic about. I was down to 176.4 on Monday and back to 178.2 this morning. Boo! I plan on being active this weekend to make up for it. I may even go for my first run in the rain because the weather forecast is full of rain for the whole weekend. I also need to get out and ride my horse a little. Move, move, move will have to be my mantra for the weekend.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over
    Water: 71.6 oz.
    Exercise: Two hours volunteering
    Proud: That I only ate enough cheese curds to satisfy the craving (6 curds) and threw the rest away.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Proud: That I only ate enough cheese curds to satisfy the craving (6 curds) and threw the rest away.

    OMG I :love: :love: :love: cheese curds!! I'm so jealous!
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Updated my tracker today with a gain of less than 1 pound. I am not to upset based on my little hiatus.

    Checking in for yesterday:

    Calories - over by 55
    Water - only 56 oz.
    Exercise - 35 minutes on elliptical
    Proud - I only ate 1 spoonful of the Nestle's Tollhouse cookie dough my daughter left in the fridge (front and center).