Over 200 New Year New Me Part 48



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh, Laila, you are so strong. I think you handled it well. I really hope your daughter didn't take anything he said to heart. She absolutely does not exist soley to try to please men as it seems your BIL would have her believe. My husband fell in love with me when I was 50 pounds fatter (than I am at 31 weeks pregnant!) with no make-up on at all. And for that reason I'll always know he's a good man who really loves me for who I am instead of a shallow *kitten* of a misogynist in disguise like your BIL seems to be. :smile: I'm so glad you spoke up about it instead of letting his idiotic comments go.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Laila - you ROCK! You were one serious Mama Bear and I love you for that! You were 100% right!

    I would have confronted him too. I confronted my son-in-law when he made comments on my grand daugter's weight back when she was 5. Yes FIVE- he said "oh don't let her have a second piece of pizza! She'll get FAT!" I said "I don't EVER want to hear you talk that way to her or about her again" about a year later he made some snide comment to his wife when Meghan was asking for a glass of milk (2%) and I told him he couldn't talk to his kids that way when in our home.

    Yesterday I was encouraging Meghan to eat a spoon full of peanut butter before she dashed out the door, and she took the spoon paused and said "I wonder if I make myself feel sick when I look at high calorie foods because I know how much my dad hates fate people?" (or something like that). It sticks in their brain for years!!!:explode:

    Checking in for the weekend-
    Friday -
    Calories - Under
    Exercsie - thought about it :tongue:
    Water - good
    Proud - I stayed under my calories to partially make up for a bad Thursday. It didn't totally make up for it but I liked that I could stop myself from eating anything in the evening!

    Saturday -
    Calories - just over
    Exercise - none
    Proud - Meghan and I went down to my parents farm and there was a lot of great food available! I was able to control myself and came in (guessing at the time) pretty close to my calorie goal! (and I didn't open the second bottle of wine!)

    Sunday -
    Calories - Over
    Exercise - none (hey - it was really cold and rainy here!)
    Proud - I knew I was at or over my calorie goal when I got home, and I refused my husband's offer of a grilled cheese which sounded AMAZING at the time!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Oh, Laila, you are so strong. I think you handled it well. I really hope your daughter didn't take anything he said to heart. She absolutely does not exist soley to try to please men as it seems your BIL would have her believe. My husband fell in love with me when I was 50 pounds fatter (than I am at 31 weeks pregnant!) with no make-up on at all. And for that reason I'll always know he's a good man who really loves me for who I am instead of a shallow *kitten* of a misogynist in disguise like your BIL seems to be. :smile: I'm so glad you spoke up about it instead of letting his idiotic comments go.

    OMG Julie, I just noticed your ticket and your profile picture (can I say you look adorable!) and you are close to your due date. So how are you feeling? R u feeling the pressure...

    for me, the closer I got to my due date the more tense and uptight I was about everything. Any little thing just bothered me and I wanted to be left alone.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Laila - you ROCK! You were one serious Mama Bear and I love you for that! You were 100% right!

    I would have confronted him too. I confronted my son-in-law when he made comments on my grand daugter's weight back when she was 5. Yes FIVE- he said "oh don't let her have a second piece of pizza! She'll get FAT!" I said "I don't EVER want to hear you talk that way to her or about her again" about a year later he made some snide comment to his wife when Meghan was asking for a glass of milk (2%) and I told him he couldn't talk to his kids that way when in our home.

    Yesterday I was encouraging Meghan to eat a spoon full of peanut butter before she dashed out the door, and she took the spoon paused and said "I wonder if I make myself feel sick when I look at high calorie foods because I know how much my dad hates fate people?" (or something like that). It sticks in their brain for years!!!:explode:

    Checking in for the weekend-
    Friday -
    Calories - Under
    Exercsie - thought about it :tongue:
    Water - good
    Proud - I stayed under my calories to partially make up for a bad Thursday. It didn't totally make up for it but I liked that I could stop myself from eating anything in the evening!

    Saturday -
    Calories - just over
    Exercise - none
    Proud - Meghan and I went down to my parents farm and there was a lot of great food available! I was able to control myself and came in (guessing at the time) pretty close to my calorie goal! (and I didn't open the second bottle of wine!)

    Sunday -
    Calories - Over
    Exercise - none (hey - it was really cold and rainy here!)
    Proud - I knew I was at or over my calorie goal when I got home, and I refused my husband's offer of a grilled cheese which sounded AMAZING at the time!

    I missed you and this thread so much...I had to come back to my MFP family:blushing:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lalia - I think you handled it great, i would be soo appalled if someone family or not talked to my girls like that.

    Well another weekend failure...don't know why i can't get on track when it comes to the weekend. but got back on track today, so hopefully one day i will get it together.

    Check in today

    Cals - 348 left
    Water - 4 cups
    Exercise - 50 min arc trainer (465 cals)
    Proud - after again another failed weekend back on track today
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Laila -- I'm feeling fine, thanks for asking. I haven't really even been feeling pregnant (relatively!) for the last few weeks but it's getting to me again this week, especially with the nausea creeping back and my belly growing out of control. :laugh: I haven't been too irritable/hormonal lately, thank goodness. I can't stand myself when I'm like that.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    I took a bit of a vacation from logging, but now I know that this is a key part of being successful in changing my lifestyle. I am not far from my ticker weight but will adjust it after Friday's weigh in.


    Calories: under
    Water: over
    Exercise: 1 hour
    Proud: that I am logging again
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Finally getting a biggest loser competition together at work! Hopefully this is the motivation I need to start working out again. I think I've gotten the eating more under control. Just need the exercise!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - that is awesome about the bl competion at work, hopefully that will help

    Doing good so far this week, getting back in my groove of working out everday at lunch. Eating good, i have only been eating some of my exercise, but have had the last 2 days 150+ cals left.

    Still working on some of the sodium bloat , but getting close to my lowest weight (well when i say my lowest weight i mean my recent lowest weight :smile: hopefully i can get out of these 270's soon!!
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    CHeck in for yesturday
    Calories: Under (but over on surgar and sodium)
    Water: 6 classes
    Exercise: 1 hour
    PRoud: I ran two laps at the gym :)
    ... I know I have lossed 25 pounds, but I still do not feel like I have :(

    Redneckwmn: That is amazing to have one at work. This is an awesome idea! My community has something like the biggest loser. I applied for it and got excepted...we are 7 weeks in and i have lost 25 pounds :)
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member

    Calories: about on
    Water: over
    Exercise: 15 minute walk at lunch, 1 hour with PT
    Proud: I went through most of my clothes and am donating most of them to a group that outfits women coming out of treatment centers, jail and abusive relationships with business clothes for interviewing and starting out at a job.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Morning! The past two days have been tough because of special events both dinners. Ah well, moving on...

    Checking in for Monday and Tuesday:
    Cals - Over
    Water - Good!
    Exercise - Just walking around
    Proud - Did not go for seconds at Monday night BBQ (small wins!) and split a dessert last night.

    ladeb - Love that you're donating your old clothes. I NEED to do that as well. I have probably 3-4 garbage bags of clothes that can be donated.
    Renea - Great work at the gym!
    Jess - Love that you made yourself do a 5K! I'm making myself go to the gym tonight and I might just follow your lead! (Walking/Running of course!)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    good morning gals

    Hope everyone is doing great.

    I was soo happy i was right around back to my weight 2 weeks ago, i am hoping it sticks and i can show some loss this week...would be awesome to see a 26# again ....

    I am very proud i am drinking water !! I have to be in this right mindset i guess. yesterday i had about 60 oz, and alrady had about 40 oz this morning and about to go filler up!

    work is soooo duper stressful right now but i am soo proud of myself cause i haven't been snacking due to that.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lauren-I'm really glad I made myself do the 5k. I struggeled but I felt good about myself after! I know you can do it!

    Deb-Your doing great. Keep it up girl!

    Renea-25 pounds is amazing! You should feel great about that!

    I forced myself to do a 5k on the treadmill. I had started over the c25k program but I felt like I wasn't going to be 5k ready. I wasn't getting close to a 5k. I figured the best way for me to train is to run intervals for the whole 5k. And I did it in 42 minutes and 43 seconds. Not too bad I guess. Going back to the gym tonight. Not going to do another 5k as I'm SORE but I'm going to do some type of cardio and weights I think! Went out to watch the Mav's game last night and only drank water. WIn for this girl!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning girls! I missed you the last couple of days - I was at a very boring seminar.
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good - but too many carbs, not enough protein
    exercise: only a 20 minute walk - but that's ok because I've been over-doing it a bit with exercise the last couple of weeks
    water: good
    proud: that I threw away half of the bagel that I took at the seminar - I shouldn't have taken any, but at least I didn't eat it all
    proud#2: week 2 no casino trip ... I can't say I wasn't tempted at various times over the weekend

    Positively: Your story about your BIL made me mad ... I really hate men (and women) with attitudes like that. Especially when they are talking about children! We have enough negative body image influences on our girls! Good for you for standing up to him!

    lildebbie: weekends are my hardest times too, I didn't do all that great last weekend either. Didn't track at all (which is usually a sign of how I'm doing)

    Renae_Kay: I am SO proud of you! You really seem to be in a good groove with your weightloss!

    Once again I forgot about everything else I was going to comment on ... old age ... :embarassed:

    I'm not happy with the scale the last couple of days. I know I probably shouldn't be weighing every day - and I also shouldn't let it get to me if I am weighing every day. My weight fluctuates all the time ... usually my lowest weight is Friday morning (just in time for our official weigh-in :happy: ), and my highest weight is Monday mornings (probably after eating too much salty food over the weekend). But for some reason this week I am really worried about the 2.5 pound gain that is stubbornly staying on my scale. It is bugging me because it has thrown me back into the 23#'s and I was soooo happy to get into the 22#'s, and I am really paranoid that my progress is going to stop. I have never had as much success as I have since starting my nutrition class and I really want to keep it going. People are just starting to notice and compliment me on my weight loss and it is exciting, but I have a long way to go. I know I just need to keep plugging away and not let the scale get to me, but I'm still hoping by Friday the scale will have gone back down into the 22#'s.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    p.s. my nutrition class last night was about how good healthy fats (in moderation) are for our metabolism. Healthy fats being nuts, natural peanut-butter, butter, olive oil, avocado, olives, coconut milk & oil, peanut oil, heavy cream, sour cream, cream cheese, etc..

    And I got this email today from my nutrition class about why we are addicted to sugary foods:

    here is an excerpt if you don't want to read the whole article:
    "There also may be a biochemical explanation of why the cupcakes called out to Julia, “Eat me; eat all of us.” Addiction specialists have discovered that we produce opioids when we eat excess amounts of sugar and fats. What are opioids? They are the same addictive chemicals found in heroin, cocaine and other narcotic drugs. Opioids give people the high that keeps them coming back and wanting more of the drug. Opioids are actually a by-product of digestion when we eat large amounts of sugar and fat. Julia’s cupcakes were broken down into opioids in her digestive tract, and the opiods led her to eat not one cupcake, but many.
    Still with me? Who would think that eating cupcakes could be so complex? No doubt you are starting to realize that first, you are not alone, and second, there are multiple causes for overeating. No wonder so many people in the USA have eating issues. “I can’t stop with one” behavior is not simply a lack of willpower. I applaud Julia’s honesty and willingness to talk about her cupcake experience on air because my guess is most of us have had a similar experience at some time in our lives. The good news is that after clients understand their reasons for overeating, they are able to stop beating themselves up, let go of the guilt, and move forward with their lives.
    As with any addiction, people who are struggling with food issues need ongoing nutritional counseling and support to break the cycle of dieting and bingeing. If food thoughts are consuming your energy and your life, it is time to look for a nutritional solution."
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lstpaul - That is very interesting regarding sugary foods. Thank you for sharing.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lstpaul: Thanks for the info.

    Laila: Great job standing up to the jerk!

    LaDeb: What a great idea on donating the interviewing clothes to women with social barriers.

    Renae: You're doing so great with the 25 lb. loss! Congrats!

    Checking in for Monday:
    Calories: Over (darn last minute movie!)
    Water: 12 glasses
    Exercise: Chased my horse around the pasture
    Proud: Didn't pass up being spontaneous when my friend called at 9:15pm to go to a 10pm movie!

    Checking in for Tuesday:
    Calories: Over...too much sugar!
    Water: None
    Exercise: Wandering around shops in Stillwater.
    Proud: Took the day off to see Easton Corbin at Toby Keith's. Sometimes you gotta roll with it...

    I learned yesterday that sugar is evil. It made me tired all afternoon and evening. Ick!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Got a little cookie crazy today...will DEFINITELY need to spend some time at the gym for that!!