Over 200 New Year New Me Part 48



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    helloo..where is everyone at.

    Guess i am the 1st tone to weigh in, down 2.1 lbs , i was 2.5 yesterday sooo booo,

    debra ....-2.1..............0.78%
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Great job, Deb!

    debra ....-2.1..............0.78%

    Water retention is giving me a hard time these days. Yesterday I was down 0.4# for the week but I'm up 0.2# today so I'll own it. As long as I gain 1/2 pound or less each week from here on out, I'll consider each week a huge win. :drinker: I'm up 32.6 pounds.

    I had an OB appointment yesterday and their scale shows I haven't gained anything in the last 4 weeks. :happy: I wish I had gotten my act together earlier but it's very likely I'll gain less than 40 pounds total. That's a huge amount of weight but I expect I'll be back down to my pre-pregnancy weight by 12 weeks or so after birth. I'm retaining a TON of water right now. I wouldn't be surprised if I dropped about 30 pounds in the first few weeks (very wishful thinking, I know :wink:).
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Great job, Deb!

    debra ....-2.1..............0.78%

    Water retention is giving me a hard time these days. Yesterday I was down 0.4# for the week but I'm up 0.2# today so I'll own it. As long as I gain 1/2 pound or less each week from here on out, I'll consider each week a huge win. :drinker:

    Julie - .2 + is not too bad for being 33 weeks pregant :smile: YOu don't got much more to go. DId you ever pick out a name for your little girl
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Deb, I think we settled in on Maisie Charlotte.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Juile - that is very pretty,
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Congrats on not gaining in four weeks. That's amazing!

    Deb: I have to agree with you on the PT. You probably saw my response when you had it posted in your status. Losing 50 lbs. on your own is a HUGE accomplishment, so please don't let anyone make you think otherwise. It's taken me 1.5 years now to lose 42 lbs. but I'm still very proud of myself. You should be proud of yourself, too. Just know you're so much more likely to keep it off when you lose it slowly by making the small changes you can keep up forever. You know what works for your body, so keep at it.

    Now, here's my rant. Most of you probably saw it on my status update, but I'm TIRED of weighing myself and caring about the number. I'm going back to once per week weighing (Tuesday - WW day) and will post that weight on Fridays here. My clothes are looser and I look and feel better, so there isn't any point in worrying about the number. My body doesn't allow me to lose both weight AND inches at the same time, so it's becoming apparent that I'm losing inches again. I'm going back to focusing on fun movement (rather than exercise) and Intuitive Eating.

    I won't have access to the computer this weekend, so Happy Memorial Day weekend to everyone and I'll be back Tuesday. I may check in more today, though.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over
    Water: 10 servings!
    Exercise: Volunteering
    Proud: I stayed after volunteering to give a short riding lesson to three other volunteers. They were super appreciative and we all had fun with it!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    debra ....-2.1..............0.78%
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    debra ....-2.1..............0.78%

    Between TOM and being home, I'm UP this week. Oh well, enjoying time with family.

    Now I'm off to enjoy the long weekend.

    Hugs to all!
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    Gorgeous name for the upcoming baby. I love that "older" names (Maisie, Ethel, Posey, etc) are making a comeback.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over ... ambien induced late night sandwich craving did me in
    Water: more than 8 glasses... I'm terrible at counting
    Exercise: Tacked up the horse to go riding... hopped on and then lightening... untacked and had to run a couple of horses in from pasture to keep them out of the crazy storm that rolled in.
    Proud: Not feeling too proud of much right now!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    debra ....-2.1..............0.78%
    lstpaul... -1.6.........0.69%

    I'm very happy to be back down to where I was 2 weeks ago. It's going to be a challenging weekend with food, hang in there everyone and have a Happy Memorial Day!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    hello girls, hope everyone is doing good.

    I had a rough day, you know i know i fell off the wagon some but after today i just was soo upset.

    FYI - vent!!!!

    I had a meeeting with a PT , i thought it was an intro to all the machines and stuff, but really was a selling meeting. This guy was telling me that i have failed at getting to my goal and that i needed a pt 2x a week for several months, pretty much if i didn't i wouldn't meet my goal since i haven't met my goals yet. THat i needed him to tell me what to do since apparently i didn't know what to do, that since i hadn't been doing strength that is the reason i gained weight , that my nutrion wasn't good since i was mainly only looking at calories.

    at 1st i was thinkign , maybe this guy is right and i really need him, but the more i thought about it and with dh perspective that he is telling me all this so i think i need him.

    Made me upset cause i think i have done good , even with my setback, i still have lost around 50 lbs and i don't think that is anything to sneeze at, for this guy to tell me that i have no clue what i am doing just took a stab into confidence that i really can't do this.

    Hubby has tried to reassure me i can do this without paying this guy thousands of $$

    You've done great lildeb ... don't let that PT get to you, they just want your money!
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    debra ....-2.1..............0.78%
    lstpaul... -1.6.........0.69%
    Renea.....-2 .........0.81%

    lildeb...i have a pt i go to once a week...its great workout but i do most of my exerciseing on my own...i beleive its possible...at the gym i go to we dont even use equipment...we run around...we carry broomsticks....truthfully even machines are sometimes a waste of money!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend! The last few days can be summarized below:

    Cals - O. to the V. to the E. to the R!!
    Water - Not enough
    Exercsie - HAHAHAHAHA, hilarious. No.
    Proud - Enjoyed some wonderful time with family and friends.

    If anyone else had a similar weekend, I encourage us all to put it aside and move on. New week starts today!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Lauren: I'm with you on the calories! Whoa. I'm seeing 4 lbs of sodium induced water retention today. Need to get rid of it before the WW weigh-in tonight. Yikes...

    kdmallon: I didn't know you were a fellow "horsey" person! Sorry to hear you didn't get to ride because of the weather. I didn't get to go to the barn to ride mine this weekend due to the unpredictable weather and storm warnings this weekend. Boo! Hopefully this week will be better. What kind of horses do you have?

    Looks like it was quiet around here this weekend...have a great day and I'll "see" you all tomorrow. It's month-end AND payroll here, so I won't have a chance to check in again today. Drink your water, everyone!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey ladies, I am back. I have been very busy. 2 of my children graduated one from 8th grade the other from high school. I have found my re motivation I believe. My daughter wanted to post pics from her graduation and I said as long as I am not in any of them. What a jerk I am... This won't be happening to my kids again. Posting my food intake today and keeping track of my water. We are going to the park to play here in a few and there is a 1 mile nature trail there. I plan to walk it 2x. Then when hubby gets home he is taking me on a 1 hour walk.... Looking forward to the time with the man... My sexy man:glasses:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hey ladies,
    Just dropping in to say hi so you know I have not forgotten about you - wow the thread is slow these days though! Where is everyone??

    Well mother and baby are doing well - in one week we go for the 20 week anatomy scan and I'm planning on finding out. Gut says it's a girl........

    My weight is doing well so far, I think I'm up about 6 lbs but didn't weigh since Friday. Trying to keep it until 20 lbs total but who knows if I'll be able to manage that.

    Hope you are all doing well and toughing it out - did anyone meet their goal yet????

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    momma - congrats on your kids 8th and 12th grade !! what a proud momma i know you are. Good job getting back on it

    Meookk - Soo exciting !!! I loved my 20 week scan seeing my girls, which i knew both times it was a girl, hubby was hopefull for boys but i knew !!! Mother intuition is something i believe.

    I was horrible this weekend, sunday was good, but the other days not so much

    I am planniong on going to the gym when hubby gets back. Since our fitness center here in our neighborhood got damaged and now won't be fixed till july they are sayihng. They gave each family 1 monht membership to the gym i go to. So he is up there now.

    right now sitting and almost 400 over :sad: so hoping to do at least that much . i did like 15 min of kinnects game, just couldn't get into it though.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member

    FYI - vent!!!!

    I had a meeeting with a PT , i thought it was an intro to all the machines and stuff, but really was a selling meeting. This guy was telling me that i have failed at getting to my goal and that i needed a pt 2x a week for several months, pretty much if i didn't i wouldn't meet my goal since i haven't met my goals yet. THat i needed him to tell me what to do since apparently i didn't know what to do, that since i hadn't been doing strength that is the reason i gained weight , that my nutrion wasn't good since i was mainly only looking at calories.

    at 1st i was thinkign , maybe this guy is right and i really need him, but the more i thought about it and with dh perspective that he is telling me all this so i think i need him.

    Made me upset cause i think i have done good , even with my setback, i still have lost around 50 lbs and i don't think that is anything to sneeze at, for this guy to tell me that i have no clue what i am doing just took a stab into confidence that i really can't do this.

    I use a personal trainer and I have to tell you - if that was what my first meeting was like he would never have gotten the job. You have done a great job on your own and don't let anyone tell you differently! If you are new to the club, ask a MANAGER to provide someone to train you on the machines and let them know that the PT's sales pitch was anything but!

    Counting my blessings that I found an uplifting Christian PT who is motivating & supportive, but realizes that ultimately it is up to me.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    FYI - vent!!!!

    I had a meeeting with a PT , i thought it was an intro to all the machines and stuff, but really was a selling meeting. This guy was telling me that i have failed at getting to my goal and that i needed a pt 2x a week for several months, pretty much if i didn't i wouldn't meet my goal since i haven't met my goals yet. THat i needed him to tell me what to do since apparently i didn't know what to do, that since i hadn't been doing strength that is the reason i gained weight , that my nutrion wasn't good since i was mainly only looking at calories.

    at 1st i was thinkign , maybe this guy is right and i really need him, but the more i thought about it and with dh perspective that he is telling me all this so i think i need him.

    Made me upset cause i think i have done good , even with my setback, i still have lost around 50 lbs and i don't think that is anything to sneeze at, for this guy to tell me that i have no clue what i am doing just took a stab into confidence that i really can't do this.

    I use a personal trainer and I have to tell you - if that was what my first meeting was like he would never have gotten the job. You have done a great job on your own and don't let anyone tell you differently! If you are new to the club, ask a MANAGER to provide someone to train you on the machines and let them know that the PT's sales pitch was anything but!

    Counting my blessings that I found an uplifting Christian PT who is motivating & supportive, but realizes that ultimately it is up to me.

    Thanks, I know i have done good soemtimes i just need to get reminded of that :smile: