Most Backhanded Compliment Ever Received?



  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Two weeks ago an old friend of mine says, "I can really tell you've lost weight by looking at your face. You look like old Mikey, like when you were 13." Ok...thank you!

    Last weekend during a holiday dinner my dad gets everyone's attention and says, "look at Mike over there...can you believe he's lost 30 pounds! Doesn't he look so much better? Hey Mike, how many inches have you lost off your waist again?" *queue awkward silence as no one at the table knew what to say*

    Today I talked to my doctor about losing weight and what my goal weight should be. He just looked at me and said, "you might want to set smaller goals for yourself like 10-15 pounds and then see if you're ready to lose more." I know what he was trying to say, but it was like he was telling me I couldn't do it.

    Ugh, I know right! those doctors!! Mine actually said shortly after I got to the point she was sure I would have given up on, "You know you'll never look like other 21 year olds because you had three kids right?" I swear to god there was steam coming off my head when I left her office.
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    Wow...your penis looks bigger now that you lost some weight! :grumble:
    Please post before and after pics so I can verify. :laugh:

    Let's see...I've gotten the "you have such a pretty face" comment...yeah, I get it. The face is pretty and the body sucks, I own a mirror, thanks! And from the parentals -" you used to be such a tiny kid, the doctors were worried you weren't eating." Yep, I'm a medical f*cking marvel, I survived childhood anorexia. ha!
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    I've lost 18 lbs so far. I'm 46 years old. The single most annoying "compliment" I seem to keep getting lately is

    "You've lost weight - it really shows in your face!"

    Yeah, my face has gotten a bit saggier now that it's not puffed up with as much extra fat. But jeez - way to make an ageing lady cringe!! (Esp. when a 25 year old tells you this...)

    What's the most ignorant, silliest, or worst backhanded compliment that YOU have gotten since losing weight? C'mon, let's share the pain and chagrin!

    I know how you feel but honestly, I *cringe* when I hear people complain about this compliment. WHY? Because it really IS a nice compliment! Don't believe me? Go check out my profile, I have 2 "before" pictures. I look so freakin' bloated and it's hard to believe that was me almost 130 lbs ago.

    I have been a member at my gym for 3 years (at my heaviest) and just recently, one of the attendants told me it was time for a new picture. He said, " doesn't even look like you. You look completely different."

    I know, BELIEVE ME, I know that when you are first starting out, you want people to notice the weight loss in other places. But you WILL see the difference in your face. TRUST me. I look so much younger and happier and more "alive" now than I did then.

    Hold your head up high and be proud that someone has noticed. Congrats on the 18 lbs!
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    A 27 year old guy offered me his room key (I'm 43) - "No thanks, I'm married..."

    After talking for a while, I asked him what it was about me...
    "Look at you. You're F***ING HOT. Plus I'm totally into older women" OUCH!
    We are friends now and actually laugh about that night.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    "I like bigger girls." Said to me by drunk customer one night at work. He was trying to hit on me, but failed miserably. I had put on a considerable amount of weight from bartending. :/

    Orrrrrrrrrrr...You are so sexy I like thick girls. I will always have an *kitten* and t*ts but is there a need to call me thick...if I never hear that word again even talking about milkshakes I will be :-)

    Agreed! Thick makes me sick.
    some things are just better thick!!!

    NOW WE'RE TALKIN'!! Touche'
  • fancythis
    fancythis Posts: 20
    My mother gives me the classic "good for you! you've stopped gaining!"


    'Cause you know. Every breath I take I get fatter. Good grief.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Wow...your penis looks bigger now that you lost some weight! :grumble:
    :bigsmile: :laugh: Okay, I just spit my water out all over my keyboard. :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Our wedding colors were black and white, and one of our guests stopped me at the reception to congratulate me and said "You know when I first heard what your colors were going to be, I thought it would be dull, but everything looks very nice".
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    After losing 7 lbs a "friend" said 'wow I can tell you're losing, those pants used to be REALLY tight!!!'

    Walk away before I slap you mmmmk?
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I met a guy I know the other day, I was actually at the hospital waiting for bloods to be taken, and he said to me wow you lost a lot of weight, I can tell because your boobs are smaller.......

    ummm they are actually still a 32GG, so not like I went all flat chested lol, but hey, the girls are not quite as mahoosive as he remembered lmao
  • SueLaboo
    SueLaboo Posts: 26
    My mother-in-law (after not seeing me since around the 10 lbs lost marker)..."Well, SOMEone's been on a diet!" I KNOW she's not smart enough to have thought it up as a mean thing to say, but there are a THOUSAND ways of saying it nicer than that, no?? LOL

    Also, "Where did your boobs go?" To which I have replied, "The same place as the fat from my gut!"

    And, finally, after having lost 40 lbs, a co-worker I haven't seen in a couple months says to me, "Why do you look different?" Really?? LOL I should have told her I got a haircut! *rolls eyes* (FYI, my start weight was 172 and my height is 5' 3.5" 40 lbs is a pretty big difference on my body!
  • aunt_hbomb
    aunt_hbomb Posts: 204
    I got the "I can notice it in your face" compliment today about my weight loss. I took it as it was meant because I've only lost about 15 lbs in the past 6 weeks and have a very, very long way to go. Any progress that is noticed is something I want to celebrate.
  • LowCarbAmanda
    LowCarbAmanda Posts: 129
    A friend I hadn't seen for a while recently said, "WOW! Look at you! You've gone from an obese person to a large normal one." I nearly died! LOL!

    Non-weight related - when I was ONLY 6, my dentist said, "You could be pretty, IF you got braces." He wanted me to convince my poor parents to get them for me. Instead, he convinced me to not smile in pictures for the next 20 years, and to cover my mouth when I laughed. I'm over it now, but I once told someone this story, and they said, "You know, it's not too late." *sigh*
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    One of my friends says "GURRRRRLLLL you getting so skinny I thought you was on something.....whew :ohwell: it's just a diet. But your booty sure is getting bigger"

    :mad: .....why I outta belt you one buddy. Did you guess came from a dude? According to you, I look like a crackhead but you still look at my *kitten*? I mean, really??
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    From my husband after losing 45 pounds..."Your butt is huge! You have a badonk-a-donk!" I didn't know butts get bigger when you lose weight...? Hopefully it's just the tighter pants :wink:
  • MaureensFreshStart
    MaureensFreshStart Posts: 102 Member
    About a year after the birth of my 2nd daughter I lost 20 pounds (from 158 to 138), and a rail thin older woman at work made the comment "You can definitely tell you've lost weight, you were getting kind of big there!" ~ Gee thanks. I'm 5'5 so 158 wasn't THAT bad to begin with lady!
  • sweetsapphire85
    I had a guy (who was rather large himself) in high school offer to take me to my junior prom I clarified it would be just as friends because I didn't like him like that. And he stopped me and said "i'm just reassuring you that won't be a problem, trust me your no Carmen Electra"

    Not quite about weight but stuck with me for 10 years now.

    I got another comment from another large guy (he was about 300lbs) at one point when i had dieted and lost 10lbs that now I would be datable, but then amended "but this is really the largest he would go for."
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I had a really awful manager when I worked in fast food, at one point I was two pounds shy of 40 lbs lost and I was talking about it to someone else during a slow period and she saunters up and says "You lost 40 pounds? Where at?" and I said "Excuse me??" and she said "I can't tell."

    Keep in mind I was wearing a men's XXL drive thru jacket (it was cold as all get out and those were the only coats we could wear on the clock), but the next day I did go out and buy more form fitting work pants. I shouldn't have let it bother me so much but I knew that she meant that I was still fat even though I'd lost weight (I'm 5'2" so any loss is good loss but I have a long way to go)

    I guess that wasn't really a compliment, I'm just venting :explode: These stories got me all riled up, lol!

    My grandmother also does not have a mouth filter, as a kid she told me repeatedly that I'd never get as fat as her (she's rail thin) since she weighed 120 lbs at 5'3" so I've always had this weird twinge of guilt around her for being so big because I know that she's disappointed... Last year I was 20 lbs lighter than I am now and I had gotten some really nice new makeup from my mom for my birthday and went over to her house and she CRIED and said "Oh, Jessie, you're so pretty!" like she had been waiting 20 years for me to finally be pretty or something lol!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    The FIRST "compliment" I receieved in my weight loss was, "Your boobs are shrinking."

    Way to pour salt in an open wound. Of all things you could have said, you mention the one that is most sensitive to me!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Just the Yankees hat alone makes him a *kitten*! :wink:

    (Go Red Sox!)


    My favorite, "You're looking flatter, running must be working!" from a woman who promptly walked away...I hope she meant my tummy, but I've been checking on my girls like crazy hoping they aren't disapearing, I'm not busty to begin with so I need what I've got!

    OH, and HR told me on Monday that I need to buy new work pants (I'm a receptionist) because she is worried I'm "going to walk right out of them"