Move it To Lose for May: CHALLENGE



  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Here's my info: I'm Dee, and I'm doing the challenge to help me stay motivated as the heat creeps in for May. I'm also looking forward to the added accountability and incentive to get it done!

    As you know, our goal for this week, beginning Sunday, is to torch 1800 this week, Sunday to Sunday. Along the way, I will be posting *completely* optional mini-challenges.

    Can't wait to get started tomorrow!! I met my mini-challenge for today, and am looking forward to the week. (That alone is a good reason to do a challenge, right?!)

  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Hi, I'm ready to do this! I've got 587 calories burned credit today! I feel better just seeing that in writing! I'll be checking in each day to beg for help and to offer it, so if you don't see me....Yell at me!!!
  • FitMomma0722
    FitMomma0722 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for adding me to the group. I'm looking forward to it. I didn't know about the BONUS challenge...guess it's not TOO late to burn 400 calories...just really tired and will barely burn these 200 I need to stay under calorie.

    This is VERY exciting...looking forward to burning with you all.
  • Sexymama34
    Sexymama34 Posts: 43 Member
    I have made my mini Challenge for the day..woohoo...I burned 603 for the day!!...I am so excited for tomorrow:)...this weight has to go!!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    My name is Jessica and look forward to the extra motivation for May. This will be perfect to kick-start the summer. My goal is to hopefully drop a size by the end of May. I am currently doing P90X so the calorie burns shouldn't be too much of a problem, but I look forward to adding some walking and/or jogging into the mix. I've been wanting too for weeks, so this will be extra motivation.
  • themarketco
    themarketco Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for letting me in. I started off with your pre-challenge, 455 calories burned today biking and hiking.
    Ready for the next 31 days!!!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    ... ... ... ... and. . . . . we're OFF!! Sunday is our first official day!!! <<<fires gun (blanks, I swear!) into the air>>>

    And it's time for our second BONUS challenge. Remember this is completely optional.

    So our week's goal is to burn 1800 calories. For MONDAY... can you also complete and log more than SIXTY MINUTES of activity?!?! It can be anything you choose, and will count toward your week's goal. So... can you do it?!?!

    Don't let any of those Monday-scuses hold you back. Yes, it's a weekday, Yes, you probably had to work. Yes, you are probably tired. Yes, you have other commitments.... but can you put yourself first for 60 whole minutes and focus on you? Here's hoping we all can!!! And for those folks who just won't have time to complete this Monday, you can complete it tomorrow (Sunday) instead.

    Good luck!
  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
    Girl we need to stick together on this one. We can lose the pounds and celebrate our birthday. : )

  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    I have this mini challenge down. Mondays I work out for close to 2 hours. (:
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Ariel and I'm really excited to be doing this challenge with you all. :) I'm hoping that this will help me to hold myself accountable, keep up a decent workout regime, and also make some friends. :)

    I barely made the challenge yesterday, but I made it! Hope everyone is having a good weekend! Let's start the month off with a bang!
  • redxmasqueen
    Happy May 1st and greetings to my fellow challengers! My name is Sue and I am stoked for this month and all it's opportunities to be a better me. My weight this morning and therefore my May challenge start weight is 224.6. Let the fun and games begin!! Good luck to each and everyone of you!!!!
  • ptillison
    ptillison Posts: 15 Member
    Hi my name is Pam and I joined this challenge so that I can learn to set a goal and achieve that goal, to finish what I start. I also have a mini challenge for myself this week. That challenge is to drink 8 glasses of water. I am always thirsty but I won't drink so I have to force myself to drink water. By the end of the challenge, I would also like to lose 5 pounds and be able to ride my bike for 20 miles. I am currently riding 5 miles (I got the bike a week ago).
  • scmusicbiz
    scmusicbiz Posts: 35 Member
    Good morning, and happy May! Let's get this party started! I'm Steve, and I seem to have returned to MFP at exactly the right moment. I expect to make some serious progress this month. I am motivated, and now that I'm in this challenge, I am accountable to 19 other people besides myself, and there is no way i am going to let my team down.

    My current weight is 201. My goal weight is 170. Let's see how much closer I can get to goal before Memorial Day.

    Good luck, fellow Challengees, and thanks for your support.
  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    I guess I'll introduce myself as well. I'm Amanda, I'm 21 and a SAHM. My weight starting this challenge is 139, and I'm hoping to lose at least 5 lbs this month. (:
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member

    I barely made the challenge yesterday, but I made it! Hope everyone is having a good weekend! Let's start the month off with a bang!

    YAY!! You did it!!!!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I'm Amanda, I'm 21 and a SAHM.

    I had to look it up, but HOORAY!!! I love it Sexy And Hot Mama! (I hope that's what you mean!!)

    You better work it, mama! :-D
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    Hi all....
    I'm Tammy. I don't have a scale in the house but Wednesday I was at 212.6, hoping to get to ONEderland by June 4 (family wedding) so I needed this challenge for May. Good luck to everyone... I'm off to get started with an hour on the dreadmill. :tongue:
  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    I'm Amanda, I'm 21 and a SAHM.

    I had to look it up, but HOORAY!!! I love it Sexy And Hot Mama! (I hope that's what you mean!!)

    You better work it, mama! :-D

    Hahaha I meant stay at home mom, but I like sexy and hot mama MUCH better.
  • tiffanyjade09
    tiffanyjade09 Posts: 70 Member
    Haha sexy and hot mama. I guess I am a SAHM too!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    So, I'm starting off the May Challenge by having a cookout at the house. Fortunately this is a "get your butt moving challenge" right? I'll have my 1 and 2 year old granddaughters here with their mom on bedrest and their dad in charge of the grill, so I have no doubts about being able to meet my calorie burning goals today. 2 babies and 2 dogs and a water hose!!!