Move it To Lose for May: CHALLENGE



  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Hi, fergac and Dusk!

    We are at capacity for our challenge, but feel free to join in, post here, and follow along. Add any of us as friends. The only real difference may be that you won't get all of the personalized mail conversations. But you're more than welcome to join us!

  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Hello, CHALLENGERS!!!!!

    How is it going?? You're two days into challenge, and hopefully have burned (or have plans to burn) about 520 calories by end of day if you're trying to average the total 1800 for the week over each day.

    We've also had TWO mini-challenges. One before we even started, and one that challenged you Move It for 60 full minutes today. How did you do???

    I slipped in, just barely, but I made it!!

    So, ready for bonus challenge number 3?!?!?!?!

    (((((((((Drum Roll)))))))))

    For Tuesday *and* Wednesday, can you give yourself a total of SIX unique compliments... EACH DAY? So that's a total of TWELVE compliments. They can be about anything that pertains to YOU. Remember, these challenges are optional. You also don't have to post your compliments to this thread, but if you are comfortable - it would be fantastic if you would.

    You also have the option to complete all 12 compliments at once, anytime before end-of-day Thursday. Who's up for this mental challenge????
  • FitMomma0722
    FitMomma0722 Posts: 50 Member
    663 Calories burned of 1, 111 between yesterday and today. yay!

    Not sure how i'm feeling about having to eat the extra calories ...

    Have to eat the extra calories?? I thought the whole point was to get rid of more!!

    Noooo... you don't have to!! You *could*, but you definitely don't have to!

    i c this is a very debatable topic. I hear YES you should DEFINITELY eat what you burn and I also hear you don't have to. I never had a problem with eating too many calories. I used to do Michael Thurmand's Six Week Body Makeover and I would only eat about 700 calories a day AND workout and I never ran into a problem with not loosing due to starvation. But hey...I guess I will just take it day by day. If I feel like eating them back I will...if I don't, I'm not going to over eat just to eat off what I've burned. That to me just doesn't make sense. IMHO
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    Met the mini today with 70 total mins of exercise, 796 calories. I'm tired now!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I love it!!! And it's definitely something I need practice at! I am well known for being to critical about me!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Was this challenge for 60 minutes total for the day, or 60 minutes at one time? Maybe I met the challenge...maybe I didn't!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Was this challenge for 60 minutes total for the day, or 60 minutes at one time? Maybe I met the challenge...maybe I didn't!

    60 minutes total. Can be spread throughout the day.
  • secogeni
    secogeni Posts: 17 Member
    Hey! I hope it's okay if I follow along too. Meeting specific goals with other people will really help to keep me motivated. I did get in a good burn on Saturday, biking a little over 2 hours, and so far today I've burned about 277 cals. I'm really looking forward to this!
  • dcberg00
    dcberg00 Posts: 33 Member
    Good evening, everyone! Day one of challenge down!! Some have already posted how they did, and I'm hoping it went well for everyone. Don't forget, your goal for the week is 1800 calories torched... so even if you didn't get it in today, you have time to make it up. In addition, our mini-challenge for tomorrow is to exercise for at least 60 minutes.

    I did well today - got in 307 calories and 40 minutes... so, ahead for the week so far if we average 258 calories burned a day.

    Tomorrow promises to be a bear of a day. Up early to walk my two pups, then a full day at the office, then I'm hoping for a strength training hour in the evening. Should make for a restful night sleep.

    And a few personal comments:
    - dcberg - YAY for getting on the ice! Awesome! You're going to blow us all away!
    - Jessesgirl - GREAT burn today, especially with the crummy weather!
    - l3xii - you got this!!! You can get a jump tomorrow!
    -RedMax - as always, you put us to shame! Keep it up!!!!
    - And to my collective SAHMs: You all make me laugh, thank you!!

    Bring it tomorrow!! 60 minutes bonus challenge is optional, but make sure to start your burn!

    Thanks.... I just happened to start up again Friday. It's been 8+ months. It's only 1 or 2 nights a week, depending on who might need me!! It's a fun way to burn!!
  • dcberg00
    dcberg00 Posts: 33 Member
    BTW-- Mini challenge update... 56 mins (391 cals) working out today, so just under, unless you will count the JUNK moving we have to do to get out basement ready for a sump pump installation tomorrow!! :wink:
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Hey! I hope it's okay if I follow along too. Meeting specific goals with other people will really help to keep me motivated. I did get in a good burn on Saturday, biking a little over 2 hours, and so far today I've burned about 277 cals. I'm really looking forward to this!

    Yes, it's fine and welcome!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    BTW-- Mini challenge update... 56 mins (391 cals) working out today, so just under, unless you will count the JUNK moving we have to do to get out basement ready for a sump pump installation tomorrow!! :wink:

    I believe that falls under the category of cleaning-vigorous effort!
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    I just want to jump in quick and say I love this group! I love the weekly challenges (I wrote them down to remember them) and the mini challenges are a little extra push. :) I'll have to keep my eye out if there is going to be a June group...I'd love to be part! Good luck everyone and have a great month!!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    BTW-- Mini challenge update... 56 mins (391 cals) working out today, so just under, unless you will count the JUNK moving we have to do to get out basement ready for a sump pump installation tomorrow!! :wink:

    You are SOOOOOOOO CLLLOOOSEEEEEE!!! I personally challenge you to 4 minutes of jumping jacks! Running in place! Stepping! Anything! C'mon, c'mon - 4 measly minutes, My friend! You can do it!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    I got my 60 minutes in with a 70-minute workout for a 438 calorie burn! Woohoo!!

    And the first compliment I will give myself is that I am a very patient person. It wasn't until recently that I had realized that I had patience with everyone in my life except for myself. In terms of weight-loss, I could never be patient long enough to allow my body to show me results. I'd have a half or 1-pound weight gain and be like that "forget this" and grab a bag of Doritos (or whatever junk food I could get my hands on). And then something just finally clicked. It took me 10 years to put the weight on, I can give myself the time to take it back off. I have found that the change in attitude has made a WORLD of difference. I no longer get jealous of my husband when he looses 3 pounds in one week, I no longer get discouraged by weight gain... I've learned to allow myself the same level of patience that I afford others. :wink:
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    BTW-- Mini challenge update... 56 mins (391 cals) working out today, so just under, unless you will count the JUNK moving we have to do to get out basement ready for a sump pump installation tomorrow!! :wink:

    You are SOOOOOOOO CLLLOOOSEEEEEE!!! I personally challenge you to 4 minutes of jumping jacks! Running in place! Stepping! Anything! C'mon, c'mon - 4 measly minutes, My friend! You can do it!

    I LOVE THIS! I am starting the timer right now so that he does that extra 4 minutes. 2 minutes of jumping jacks and 2 minutes of running in place!!!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    BTW-- Mini challenge update... 56 mins (391 cals) working out today, so just under, unless you will count the JUNK moving we have to do to get out basement ready for a sump pump installation tomorrow!! :wink:

    You are SOOOOOOOO CLLLOOOSEEEEEE!!! I personally challenge you to 4 minutes of jumping jacks! Running in place! Stepping! Anything! C'mon, c'mon - 4 measly minutes, My friend! You can do it!

    I LOVE THIS! I am starting the timer right now so that he does that extra 4 minutes. 2 minutes of jumping jacks and 2 minutes of running in place!!!

    DONE!!! ****out of breath***

    EDIT--- Sorry... didn't log my wife out!!!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member

    DONE!!! ****out of breath***

    EDIT--- Sorry... didn't log my wife out!!!


    You two are amazing! Inspiration! Now that's some challenge dedication!!!!!!!!! Keep it going!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    <deep breath> Okay. I'm staring my Challenge 3 tonight. Coming up with 12 is going to be tough!! So here's my first 6, with 6 more to follow tomorrow.

    1. My legs are ridiculously strong. They always have been. Had to be to carry 500+ pounds around... and they are only getting stronger as I lose weight.

    2. I've got a great face. One of my best features.

    3. I am very, very organized. I can break an insurmountable task into manageable, logical pieces.

    4. I am extremely persistent. When I put my mind to something, there is NO stopping me. Even if it takes me 7 years. (Like, getting to my goal weight)

    5. I'm fun to be around.

    6. I'm an optimistic realist with a dash of compassion and a Plan B. And C. I'm rarely delusional, I can usually find the bright side, my backup plan has a backup plan, and I enjoy helping others do the same.
  • gnutrifitness
    gnutrifitness Posts: 169 Member
    Ok so my day 2 ended up being awesome, I burned 510 calories doing my workouts and I stayed under my cal allowance!!!...:love: Officcialy this is my day one, because It's my first day doing the challenge...

    By the way, I will introduce myself better. I'm Gaby, 23 years old, I just got my license in Nutrition & Dietetics, I love everything about fitness, nutrition and exercising!!! I'm struggling to lose 15 pounds I recently gained because I just discovered I have thyroid issues (still without medication), so It has been so difficult to me to lose these pounds, I lose some one week and then If I just have a little slack on my diet, I gained all them back!:sad: ...I have to eat very a little amount of calories because my metabolism is just very slow...So I'm challenging myself LOL...

    My normal weight used to be 110 pounds, I'm just 5'1'' and I felt awesome. Now my current weight is 126 pounds, and I don't feel good, my clothes doesn't fit, so I have to work on this guys!!

    Wish me luck, I'm pretty excite about this challenge!! :flowerforyou: