SWaT Walking Group - May Walk



  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Ladies!! :flowerforyou:

    I miss the group and need back in :blushing: . I realize how much I really need you all, It gives me the drive to keep on going.

    I don't know what's going on with me? (Mid life crisis / early menopause) Or just going crazy on the treadmill 2 weeks in a row. UGH! Grrrr I also plan on stopping my 2 hour walks to the park. trying to slow it down

    My customer came back last week, So I started back work early :ohwell: . So With the Wildfires / Rain & Heat I missed getting my outside walks & now I'm back working more hours, I'll have to be stuck on that treadmill longer. I just thought of something :bigsmile: Maybe I should go back doing the Leslie Sansone Tapes. YAY!! I'll go back and give it a try.

    I'm starting all over with the ticker, So as of yesterday till the end of the month my goal is 48 miles . Sunday I walk to the beach one way with my umbrella ( which I had to use 1/2 way into the walk) My husband picked me up when I got there & we went out to lunch And this morning I walked the boring treadmill 1 hour. Total miles walked 6.

    AZchatter... I'm glad your Dad's in good spirits, Thats so important. Congratualtions on the new Job!

    Sandy ...... walking around the flea market for hours and only spending $1.00 to Funny. My husband would Love you!! :laugh:
    plus a great calorie burn :wink:

    Have A GREAT Monday! :happy:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Wow lots of chatting going on.
    AZ-Congratulations on your new job! I asked for a new position at work but I guess they've eliminated half of the position I was inquiring about and that won't work since I'm a full time employee. Glad your Dad's spirits are high...

    Sandy-love flea markets but I could never get away from one only spending $1! My favorite part is looking at all the things that we had in our house growing up that people save, buy, or whatever. It's like a walk down memory lane... Also a question for you. Are WATP DVD's Leslie Sansone or someone else?

    Teresa-Welcome back to the group. Sounds like you need to find more variety in your exercise routines. Are you still playing tennis? Do you have a bike? Are you swimming in your pool? I'm trying to do different things so I don't get bored and I'm also backing off a little since I've read that 30 minute workouts if they include bursts of cardio and strength training intervals are more effective with weight loss that going for 60 + minutes of the same cardio routine that your body adjusts too and then you plateau. I changed my goals and am changing up my routines....

    My middle son Jeff is home from college now. He and I went for a 56 minute bike ride together through the regional park by our house tonight. Beautiful weather and it was nice to ride and chat, catch up on life, etc.

    Got a call from my cousin today and my mom's oldest sister who also had late stage dementia like my mom, died today at the age of 91. It's a blessing considering her condition was poor but I feel bad for my cousin because she lost her brother 1-2 years ago and her husband was just diagnosed with cancer. Talk about bad things coming all at the same time.

    I guess we all should feel blessed that we are experiencing success in improving our health and have our families and one another for support. Life's short...

    So on a lighter note, have a wonderful day tomorrow, embrace the day, make good choices, and enjoy yourselves!

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday 4M

    Jenny, It is such a struggle dealing with dementia. My MIL has been in the grip of this disease for many years. Probably many more than anyone realized. It is so hard to watch, I hope that she is not aware of all that has changed. Prayers for you and your family. Your poor cousin, I hope she finds some comfort, and the strength to go on.

    Teresa, do you have Netflix? Lots of great workouts on there. I pay $8.00 a month for unlimited streaming to my TV through another gizmo. But really enjoy the whole thing. I also watch a movie or some such if I am on the elliptical. I am also downloading workouts from Exercise TV on my computer. You can burn your own DVDs and use them on the TV. The TV has to be good for something other than a magnetic dust collector and DH entertainment unit.

    Sandy, hope to hear from you soon.

    AZ, is this your first day at the new job? Hope it's great, good luck!

    Back to work for me, :drinker: Alice
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello group!!!

    I walked 4 miles today with Leslie Sansone.

    Sandy.... I usually log Leslie S. as aerobics moderate & how many minutes. It seem's to be more Aerobic to me then just walking. How do you log your workouts? It felt really good, Its been such a long time. I was able to do the knee lifts even with the boost, couldn't do that before.

    Jenny...... So Nice you and your son going bike rideing together. How sweet! Sounds like such a wonderful bike ride through the park. Sorry! Your Aunt past away. I feel horrible that your cousin's husband has cancer & her brother died. Thats So sad :cry: Your so right! Life is way to short :frown: Thank God we're finally taking our lives back. My grandmother had dementia for 13 years before her death at age 93. My Mom is 69 yrs old & I pray she doesn't get dementia at age 80 like her mother did. It's absolutely horrible when your mother doesn't remember you. :cry: When i was 16 & my mom overdosed on sleeping pills because her husband left her, She was admitted to the hospital & when I went to visit her, she did not know who I was. ( Something I'll never forget) at age 16, I was crushed. Thank God her mind came back soon after.

    Tennis! I wish. My only good partner is my younger brother & our scheldules never match up. My bike needs fixing & my husband never cleans the pool often enough.
    Your right! I need to switch up my routines.

    Alice...... I don't have Netflix. But I love the Idea of downloading workouts from exercise. tv to your computer. Now if I can figure out how to do it ;-)) LOL, about the tv being a dust magnet :laugh:

    Alice I want your life, living on the Farm. Staying busy Sounds wonderful & working with animals. Plus you must be burning lots of calories working on a farm :smile:

    AZ... How was the new Job? I keep saying Im going to start filling out applications online for extra work, But I get so caught up on MFP.com I never get the chance :bigsmile:

    Have a Great night !!! Time to cook dinner
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everybody!

    I'm still here! I was so tired last night I just went to bed early. I didn't even walk at lunch yesterday but I did today. Perfect weather for it, not too hot, not too cold.

    Jenny, I really do love the flea markets for looking at the old stuff like you said. I see so many things that I remember having as a kid and wishing I still had them now. LOL If we only knew. I also have a weakness for old chenille bedspreads but I think my husband will kill me if I get any more. :laugh:

    I've really been worried about my Mom too about the dementia issues. She's 83 and it's hard to tell if it's just natural aging or really something else starting. We are going to start her on a memory helping drug in a couple of weeks and see how that goes. My Dad is the same age and his memory seems fine he just has other health issues that go along with being 83. It is sometimes overwhelming dealing with parents, teenagers and work.

    Teresa I'm glad your back with us. I need to get back to walking with Leslie again too. I use the walking exercise setting because when I tried the low-impact aerobics it worked out to be exactly the same calorie burn. But I do agree that some of her workouts could go to the higher level aerobics. I haven't really wanted an HRM in the past but I've been considering it lately. Maybe it would help me now since my calorie burn has dropped so much with the weight I've lost. It might help me see where I need to improve.

    And I don't know what is up with me this week but I just want to munch all the time! :sad: It's driving me crazy!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Sandy-I hope your mom isn't heading into dementia. It's hard to watch and I'm sure the person is aware of the change in themselves. In my Mom's case I think it caused her to be easily agitated, paranoid, and angry at us as her children. She trusted strangers but not us at that stage. Now she doesn't know any of us and is calm because she doesn't seem to understand who she is, what things are or her situation. Are the WATP's Leslie or someone else?

    Teresa-glad you enjoyed Leslie today. I really like her workouts and they get results. My sister has a lap pool and hates taking care of it. She does it but complains. Her husband has advanced MS and use to swim to maintain muscle tone but I don't think he goes in it any more unless someone is with him.

    Took a break tonight. Too much to do and it gives my joints a rest. Walk and Zumba tomorrow...

    Have a nice evening.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    Jenny, You brought back alot of memories of my grandmother. She didn't trust any of her family members It was aweful, Sad But some how being with my mom through it, we had to laugh at some moments. She was living in my house at the time & she would get very, very jealous of my Mom and I when we talked. She got so paranoid that she was getting nasty with us and started running away from the house. We let her go to see how far she'd walk. She walked to the second house & was starting to tell the neighbor about how bad we where. I think back about times me and my Mom had with her and I cry :cry: I thank God I had my Mom with me. It just reminds me of how horrible it really is. Oh!!! I don't look forward to having to go through that again with My Mom being the victim. :frown:

    I tried cleaning my pool twice. Way to big of a pain in the butt. It takes forever for it to vacuum up it mostly seem's to stir the dirt on the bottom instead. I expect it to vacuum like the house vacuum :blushing:

    It was actually a beautiful day today & I don't have to go into work until 6:30 PM so I finally got a nice Outdoor walk In. I So apprecitaed it. I walked to the Beach today & then along the beach sand & back home. Next time I need to bring my bathing suit, The ocean was flat as a pancake, It was gorgeous. This beauty is why I live where I do. 2 miles from me & I don't make the time to enjoy it more often. But then again I guess I wouldn't appreciate it as much as I do. It made up for the horrible 2 weeks I had on that treadmill.

    Walked 5.6 miles , 1hour 49 minutes

    Time to relax with a cup of coffee
    Everyone enjoy your evening
    And stay strong :heart:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Teresa, Humor is the way my sibling and I have gotten through the last 12 plus years of my mom's journey with dementia/alzheimers. People who haven't experienced it with a loved one don't understand and think we are insensitive. We have cried and laughed and humor is most often the only way to cope with the sadness and stages of deterioration. I hope your mom doesn't take that journey and I hope you and I don't either!

    Did Zumba tonight and it was a little cooler in the gym. I didn't appreciate that the custodians at the school watched our class. Maybe they were curious but it felt like they were gawking at all of us women. Then someone's teen daughter watched the class and snapped video or photos with her cell phone of some of us and her mom while we were dancing and I could see she sent or posted it somewhere (Facebook, You Tube, etc.). That makes me mad and feels like a violation of our privacy. My friend told the instructor and asked her to talk to the person. They ended up deleting the photos but I'm sure they sent them off and did not tell their mom or the instructor. Cell phones and how people use them in certain situations/locations is a pet peeve of mine.

    Loving my HRM and glad I bought it. Burned 477 calories in 45 minutes of Zumba tonight. I was able to check my heart rate and work to stay within my zone for cardio work.

    Well need a shower. I'm going to surpass my exercise minutes for the month and hope to make the 40 miles walked goal.

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Late check-in for me tonight. I did my lunch walk again and this time I went up to the lookout. It's a pretty steep hill and I did it just fine. No way would I have ever made it before losing weight. Now I'll have to do it more often.

    I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow!

    2 more days until Friday! :bigsmile:
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Good morning!

    Jenny... I understand perfectly. My Mom and I did the same, we laughed many of times, So we could cope with the pain. I cry sitting here writing you, Thinking how much I miss my grandmother. I Loved her So :cry: .... I Feel so heart felt that your going through this now with your Mom. ( I Am So very, Very Sorry) :heart: I also pray My Mom & You and I don't go through it either.

    congratulation on surpassing your goal, YAY!!!!!

    Sandy ..... great! On your steep hill climb. WTG!!!

    I'm not doing to good this week. I've been late night gorging, It's horrible :frown: The scale is showing it this morning :sad:
    Ever since my customer came back & I have no time for enjoying my long walks in the mornings is depressing.
    I downloaded a workout video from exercise tv, BUT!! It seem's to only have downloaded to exercise tv location & not to my hard drive? That stinks! It says you can copy to a DVD I don't see how if it's not on your hard drive. I guess I'll just have to play it on the Exercise tv site. :ohwell:
    I better get a move on if I want to get some exercise in before going to work.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Okay! I feel like I'm talking to myself LOL :laugh:

    Walked 3 miles with Leslie S. this morning

    The video I downloaded "Chris Fayteg" I started it out & then it got hard So I Did Leslie S. . With Chris Fayteg's video the straight forward lunges bother's my knee's & she does' it quickly too, to much for me. I like to take things gently

    Alright! Good Night you all!!

    Friday tomorrow YAY!! :drinker:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Morning all! I have been both walking and working, unfortunately my big butt is not falling off.

    You are not alone Teresa we are still with you.

    I have done a couple of Freytags workouts and they are to bouncy for me. Not that she is to bouncy, the motions are. I do like the Trainers edge workouts. They do stretch my limits though. I have referred to the big blonde trainer, ( in moments of extreme duress) as the Exernazi:noway: Just about the time I think I am going to fall apart they start the cool down. I also like the 10 minute solutions work out that does the whole body, bit by bit 10 mins at a time. Does not overstress any area but works them all. Jumping Jacks are my nemisis, I get so uncoordinated! Also pushups which in my youth I did on fingertips and toes. I had hand surgery years ago and never got the strength back.

    I still do my walking workouts and incorporate those moves into my outdoor walks. Looks silly but what do I care!

    Have a great day all! Off to work, Alice
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    I'm Back again :blushing:

    Alice... Your right! " feytags" workout was very bouncey. But the forward lunges is what did it in for me.:noway:

    I Canceled working today, And I took my walk to the beach and walked along ocean sand, Absolutely Gorgeous! On the way back I stopped off and had lunch at Wendy's, I tried thier Apple Pecan salad 1/2 order & the Pomegranate vinaigrette dressing. OMG! I LOVE IT!!!! I only needed 1/2 the dressing packet. It taste just like the salad I was buying at the Hard Rock cafe. Awesome!!! $3.99 was well worth it!!!

    Ooops! forgot to add in I walked 5.6 miles

    Happy Weekend Everyone :drinker:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I'm still here just not much exercise this week except biking on Monday and Zumba on Wednesday. My hip and right leg are sore tonight and I'm very tired. Kind of in a slump with not prepared for what I should be eating, low energy for exercising, and the end of the year crunch at work. It's gray and gloomy with rain so that may be part of it too!

    I've done a Chris Freytag?? workout on Exercise TV. It was really good but I sweated buckets and the lunges were fast and furious which is hard on my knees. I know what you mean Teresa! Maybe I should do some of the short 10 minute workouts and see if that allows me some calorie burn without the longer stress on my joints? I'll try one this weekend and report back.

    Lazy evening for me. Took a nap when I got home from work and now catching up on MFP.
    Have a nice evening and talk to you all tomorrow. I need to get some walking in this weekend...

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello !
    Jenny, Yes it was Chris freytag walk cardio, You had mentioned it before, SO I checked it out. That & Zumba are to bouncey for me. But at least Zumba looks like it's more dance, were as Chris Freyatg is brutal on my knee's :blushing:
    At age 48 My body just isn't strong enough to cope with hard exercise as it once could of.

    I feel ya! Jen, I too had no energy all week for exercise & I did horrible with eating too. I'm back on track today since i'm going back to eating 1200 calories. But I did have more to eat today then the 1200 calories, But I stayed under my calorie goal this time.

    I plan on walking to the beach again tomorrow, But this time I'm bringing the bathing suit & beach towel and staying for a swim. I'm crossing my fingers that it's a nice day tomorrow.

    I've had some pain under my arm at my breast, So I've stopped the weight lifting for 4 or 5 days. I'm praying it's nothing serious, that maybe it was the way I was sleeping or leaning against the couch when playing with the laptop? So I'm going to wait it out a couple more days before trying again to lift weight's.

    Alice... Impressive! In your younger days doing pushups like that. I never had any interest in working out in my younger days :bigsmile: I wish I had though
    Thats my name... Miss uncoordinated.. OMG! I went to dance classes as a group & private, Oh the poor teacher. i was planning on going back when i lost some weight. If I had the money i'd be going now. I'm sure the teacher is very happy i'm broke :laugh:

    Good Night! I'm getting a lil hungry, I better get to bed before the food monster comes out. :noway: :laugh: :bigsmile:
    Night Night!!!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everybody,

    I'm still here, just haven't been able to walk for the last 2 days. I plan to make up for it tomorrow. We're going on another road trip that involves another huge flea market and a very nice waterfall (Dry Falls, you can walk behind the falls) that you have to walk to. So I should get in plenty of walking tomorrow.

    I agree with what you are all saying about some of the workouts being a bit much on the knees and such. I did a biggest loser workout and it was very bouncy, especially on the upper body if you know what I mean. :laugh: I'm 49 and I really don't want to kill or injure myself. I made an appointment for next Tuesday with Curves. I"m going to go check out their Zumba routine. I did curves several years ago and it's right on my way home. Maybe it would get me back into some kind of regular routine. I know it's not really a super good workout but I still plan on doing some walking too. And it was fun when I went before and a friend may join with me if we like what we see.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm still here, too, Teresa (and everyone!).

    I actually used to love Chris Freytag's workout but I haven't done them in so long I guess I don't remember much about them! I do think I must have modified some of the moves, though, as I have to keep things kind of low impact.

    I plan on starting again with Leslie. I have REALLY fallen off the wagon and weigh about 6 pounds more than I did a few months ago. I am going to reset my weight-loss ticker when I weigh myself in a bit and start with at least a mile video a couple of times a day.
    I know I will have to force myself at first, but I also know I can do it--AND I'll feel better in the long run, too!

    Sandy, I really enjoyed going to Curves years ago but the one where I live now is WAY too expensive! Over 50.00 a month! We are actually looking into getting a family membership at the local Y. We'll see how it goes!

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! I'll try to get back to check in later but no promises!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    Jenny *HUGS* :cry: I'm Sorry about Leo. xoxoxo

    If anyone's interested I took pictures of my walking journey to the Beach, posted in my profile pics. :blushing:

    Walked 5.4 miles to the Beach & went for a wonderful Swim Laid out in the sun for an hour & walked back. Stopped off at Wendy's for that delicious Salad. It was one of the Best day's I've had in Many years. First time wearing a two piece bathing suit in public on the beach. OMG!!! If you knew me, You'd be very surprised. I've come along way & still have 15 to 20 pounds to lose. I'm still so top heavy UGH!!!!!! :frown:

    I weighed myself this morning & thank goodness I'm back down to what I weighed last week friday. I had gone up 1 to 2 pounds from the 3 night gorge, But now I'm back on track 2 days. It terrifies me when I go off :sick: :sad:

    Have a Blessed Weekend :flowerforyou:

    Kathy.. I feel you!! about falling off the wagon :frown: It's So darn easy to gain the weight, A day or two I'm up 2 pounds Oh My goodness If it's a week I'd be up 6 pounds easy. And It's So darn Hard to take off!!! ITS NOT FARE :sad:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Hi Ladies/Gents- My hip was hurting last night and I took two Advil PM's and one regular so I could sleep through the night. I'm resting it today and not exercising. I'm going to try a walk or bike ride tomorrow and see how it goes.

    Teresa- Thanks for your kind word regarding Leo. For those of you that did not see my post on my wall, we euthanized our black lab, Leo, this morning. He was 13 1/2 years old and had been failing the past two months. Last night he was gasping for air worse than he had been and this morning he looked as if he couldn't manage life anymore. We called the vet and took him in. Russ and I stayed with him during and after and said our good byes. Very tearful day for me because he use to be my walking buddy until he couldn't go with me anymore. He was a great family dog and I'll miss him terribly!:cry::brokenheart: :love:

    Sandy- good luck with Curves! It seems as if a few of us on here are struggling with our goals and yo yo weight gain/loss. I need to look at what I'm doing too. Zumba is ending this week and I may not go if my hip still feels the way it does. I may try swimming one night a week at the middle school pool and then bike and walk the other times. I do have a groupon for hot yoga I need to use that gets me a month unlimited classes. Starting in July I will be able to walk or ride my bike to work when I don't have appts. with families. My school office is moving to one mile from my house instead of 5 miles. So time to reload and plan new goals and menus!

    Have a nice evening!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Jenny--I'm so sorry about Leo! It's so hard when one of our furry babies has to go. Many condolences!