what type of body dose a guy look for in a girl?



  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    one with a pulse.........................dont care about shape

    I didn't have to look to see who posted that one! :happy:

    I've had total crappy luck in the dating department, I'm not the most gorgeous but I'm not gargoyle ugly either...I know its down to confidence which i've lacked at fly weight as much as I have lacked at heavy weight. Work on building your confidence and I reckon you'll be well on your way.

    Oh CC !!! you caught me !!!

    On a real note.............. everyone is different.....me......................... i go for curves.....................
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    one with a pulse.........................dont care about shape

  • AniMarieSt
    AniMarieSt Posts: 119 Member
    I have been overweight, unable to walk, shaky, and unable to do a lot of household stuff for many years. My health is slowly improving. My husband tells me every day how beautiful and sexy I am and how much he loves me.

    Size and body shape do not matter...Love does... :D

    That is beyond adorable and deserves it's own blog. Thank you for sharing. ((Hugs))
  • Foxerlina
    Foxerlina Posts: 51
    I can definitely say that it's not about how you look, it's about how confident you are. I actually had someone finish with me because I was so obsessed with not looking a certain way....and actually he just loved my body the way it was. It made me realise that I just need to change my mindset about how I look at myself as it has been distorted over the years.

    I'm the biggest I've ever been (not going to lie, I'm not huge) but it has been tough accepting that I'll never look like society's idea of perfect. These days though, I'm rocking the confidence and a lot of people say how great I look and how my curves are nice....and if I stop and listen to these compliments rather than dismiss them, it's a big boost! I'm still trying to shed some body fat so I can have a nice toned and lean look, but I no longer aspire to look a certain way...I just want to make the most of what I've got. I'm doing it for myself, and not to please anyone else.

    I've been single for about 2-3 yrs...but I've learned to overcome a lot of my body issues in that time. I still struggle, but I'll get there. Love yourself first and the rest will follow my lovely :) Just remember that men aren't the be all and end all of everything. You've got to look after number one first! Don't ever feel you need to change yourself to please someone else...that's just a sign that they are not worthy of your time :)

    Good luck with the dating, I hope you have lots of fun! Go and get your flirt on tiger!x
  • HolsDoinIt
    HolsDoinIt Posts: 327 Member
    i agree that there is someone for everyone, but i honestly think that most men want a confident woman...regardless of their size or shape. If you feel good about yourself, and care about yourself, your size isn't really what they see. And in my experience, most men appreciate curves (not necessarily fat), but they're not into stick figures. Everyone has rough patches where they aren't looking their best... just jump right into dating, be yourself, be honest and he/she will come along!

    I agree...confidence is key..