Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - May Challenge!!



  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~~jyopchick..... what is your name?? i must have missed it cuz I have NO clue!~! I have been thinking about getting a HRM. I have heard so many people here talking aobut them and I think its time for me!~! I also think that will help keep me motivated trying to run when I am not in the gym. Is it something I can buy used or do I have to buy it new???? I heard that the good ones have chest straps and I shouldnt get one without it.. do you agree???? It makes sense to me, I just wanted to see what an avid user thought!~!

    ~~ Meag... again, you are crazy. Who knows that much?? lol . Im glad you are here!~! I know you LUVV icecream, do you have a healthy version that you could suggest as a replacement? German icecream is like icecream of the GoDs! I dont buy it but if we are walking around a town and they have a shop (alllllll the towns no matter how small have an icecream shop) I get icecream!~!~!~! just one scoop (sometimes 2 if we have been walking long) but I know I shouldnt do it. I feel that If I had a healthier alternative then I could eat that when I crave it instead of just trying to get the "good stuff" whenever it is available. Any suggestions?

    ~~Believe... it does take time... a few WIs in the begining were rough for me when I didnt loose anything but then I started to measure and I felt a little better. Just stick with it. It really does get fun after a while. I lost about 20 pounds so far and I am pretty happy where I am. I would like my legs to be half the size they are, lol, but I am ok with it. Now I am concentrating on toning while I loose the last couple. Its just nice to know that I can do it. You just wait, the feeling is AWESOME!~!

    AFM..... Very torn emotionally today. Half of me wants to go skipping outside handing out balloons to people. But the other half of me wants to sit in the corner and cry. I just feel like I have soooo much going on that I cant take it. I just wish someone would take something away and do it for me........ I dont even think I can have this conversation with my husband and ask for his help. Know why????? Ill tell you.... IM INSANE!~! ALL THE STUFF i think I have to do, I am making myself do. I know I am putting all this presure on myself, but I dont know how to stop it. Everytime I turn around there is something else I can do!~! I had to drag myself away from group today cuz I wanted to volunteer to babysit for this guy thats having a hard time. I DONT HAVE TIME FOR THAT!~! But I was gonna do it anyway. Just to drive myself CRAZY.... uhh... ok..ok

    I didnt workout yet today. Its already 1500. I was going to go to a meeting tonight but I might skip it and go to spin. If I dont go to spin I am at least going to the gym to run a little. I am trying to stick to a schedule. My legs hurt ALL last week so this week I am trying to run my heart out every other day, so I can rest my legs the next day. Then next week I am hoping to get in my runs and on oposite days just take a Looooong walk. I think last week I over did and thats why I was in so much pain. I tryed to make up for the days that I slacked off by killing myself the other days.... I see now that moderation and consistancy is the way to go. Its amazing.. I am pretty sure most of you have to me that before. And I am just getting it told u i was crazy!~!

    Have a grea day everyone!~!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    meag - your words to space were EXACTLY my thoughts - thanks for sharing my brain also, your advice is always fabulous - not sure what your career is, but if it doesn't involve helping people with your VAST amount of knowledge and UBER positivity, then you need to switch careers
    Thanks J! :blushing: I'd love to switch careers but I think I need one first before I can call it "switching"... :laugh: I'm a bartender/bouncer right now, actually. Not exactly the most glamorous or lucrative but it pays the bills. I would *LOVE* to do something in health and fitness, but I've got no credentials - just personal experience and a whole lot of interest! We'll see where life takes me. Really sweet words though. You're a doll :wink:

    I also LOVE the inner 5-year-old calorie burn comps! I need to get Tyler a HRM so that we can do the same. I am such a child sometimes, I'm sure we'd love that... haha After a run together we'll normally sit and compare running apps - I use RunKeeper and he uses Addidas miCoach. So funny. What a pair of dorks! :laugh:
    Meag-great advice for ^^^ I knew you would be able to articulate without fail!! good luck with those long work safe driving that long afterwards...a trick I have learned working nights...if you start getting sleepy while driving...pull over, run around your car a few laps, and then move on!!!
    Thanks Tara! I do my best! And good advice for the drive... I know that Fri morning around 4am I'm going to be really hurting for a bed... or floor.... or lawn, to crash on! :noway: Going to keep the windows down and the music blasting and hope I can stay alert. Worst case scenario I'll pull over and rest for a little bit before heading home. Not worth risking my life - that's for damn sure!

    Kan - I think you're right. This place has to be a great support network and positive space for EVERYONE. No sense throwing anyone under the bus, but it's definitely important to make sure that we're all promoting healthy choices, keeping each other informed and "in check" if and when we think dangerous methods are being used to achieve unrealistic goals, and supporting our "Pals" to search out additional assistance when they are really struggling. But first and foremost we all need to be here FOR US!

    If these last 2 years have taught me ANYTHING, it's that I absolutely need to work on *ME* first. When I am happy, healthy and feeling positive, it's so much easier to be a good friend, support system, and motivator for others. Fostering a safe and positive environment in here when each person feels comfortable doing what they need to do to make this journey "happen" for them is absolutely my #1 priority here. So if anyone is feeling like this group, or any part of it, is holding them back from reaching their goals or feeling good about themselves, it needs to be addressed ASAP. We've all gotta be in this for each other by first being in this for ourselves! :glasses:

    AFM - Going to take some pics very soon... Finally! Also going to get some chores done, including baking some protein brownies, laundry, and getting dinner going. Heading out for a killer run today since the weather is fabulous again, and also have to attack these push-ups. Week2Day2 here I come! First baseball game of the season tonight and I am stoked. Very fun, active day planned. Cannot wait!

    Make it great, ladies! :heart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Wedding dress pics finally taken... Please ignore my a) crazy wild bed-head and b) the sorry state of our teeny tiny washroom. It's a mess!



  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Wedding dress pics finally taken... Please ignore my a) crazy wild bed-head and b) the sorry state of our teeny tiny washroom. It's a mess!




    I love the dress Meag! It is perfect for a wedding! yay you did very good :) just throw on some heels and nice jewelry and your ready to go!
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    i only have two seconds but wanted to reply quickly...

    KanCrav - what is YOUR name? hehe - i don't know it either! mine is jennelle (i sign it at the end of every post if you ever forget!) and thanks for asking! i MUCH prefer to know people's REAL names! (so everyone should sign their names at the end of their posts!!) :bigsmile:

    as to your question about the HRMs, ill tell you what i know and what i prefer :bigsmile:

    a) although people suggest that the chest strap is really necessary for a good HRM, i have seen and experienced otherwise. first off, everyone raves about the bodybugg, which is a HRM and more... but has no chest strap at all. many others in this same family are also considered really great products, but they do not have a chest strap either. what i have learned is that what really matters is that whatever the product is, it needs to ask your gender, age, height, and weight and additionally check for what your PERSONAL resting heart rate is, before beginning to track heart rate and calories burned - this allows for the most accurate measurements possible!

    b) that all being said, products like the bodybugg and fitbit and others are VERY expensive and also come with a "membership" to an online program for tracking stats, etc which adds more to the price (i think the first 6 months is usually free however). i know bodybuggs are usually over $200 (if you get the digital display so that you can actual see your heart rate and cals burned during a workout) and then you have to pay for a membership to the online program after the 6 months. i personally was not willing to spend the money, and i would have been more likely to do it for the one time fee of the actual unit, but i don't need ANOTHER program to track my fitness progress - MFP has got all that i need :bigsmile:

    c) now THAT being said, i will tell you what i did instead! when i first wanted to try the whole HRM deal, i found a $60 pink and gray bowlfex watch that keeps track of heart rate and supposedly tracks calories burned. i used this for a LONG time, though i had a sneaking suscipion that is was not accurately measuring calories burned - as it never asked me my gender, age, weight, or height, and it often said i was burning over 800 cals in a short strength training workout :wink: so finally, just over a month ago probably, i started looking for something less pricey than a bodybugg but more accurate than the bowflex watch! this was also because my boyfriend really wanted to start tracking his cals too and the watch just wasn't cutting it! so, i did some research and i realize there are a ZILLION options out there, but i settled on the ePulse2! you wear it on our forearm, just below your elbow, it has no chest strap, but it has a digital display that tracks heart rate (current, highest, and lowest) as well as calories burned. it also specifically asks your gender, age, height, and weight beforehand when you first set up the device, and whenever you turn it on and it gets your heart rate, it already calibrates where your current heart rate falls from your normal resting heart rate! i find it to be SUPER accurate and really easy to use! it charges with a wall charger and the battery lasts at LEAST 9 hours (i wore it for my 20-mile Walk for Hunger and it still had at least a quarter battery power after the full 9-hour day was complete!). in truth, i have nothing bad to say about it :happy: i got mine on amazon and they happened to be having a sale, but it appears that on amazon the price has gone up - the cheapest place i found it just now is from the following site at $127


    i don't know if you can get them used, i haven't seen any offered on amazon or other sites, but you could certainly look around! although this ePulse2 was over $100 (barely for me, it was like $102), i really REALLY feel like it was worth it - it was a one time fee for a really accurate product that offers great peace of mind as well :smile:

    woah, i thought i was responding quickly? eeeek.... im never going to finish grad school at this rate! i clearly picked the wrong profession since i'd rather spend all day talking to all of you than work on my dissertation!!! :laugh:

    oh and meag - i LOVE serving, i was a waitress for a long time and it was no joke, one of my FAVORITE things to do! i love meeting new people and telling them what is delicious, etc! it may not be your dream job, but it's definitely a great profession... and it gives you lots of time to still focus on YOU!! :smile:

    ok ok im outta here....
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Good morning everyone

    So I have a bit of a delimma, as some of you know and some of you don't I was doing Weight watchers for the past 6 months or so during that time I am only down 1.5 from where I started. I was lower than that for a while but then stopped counting and went on vacation and bla bla bla. I was doing Weight watchers because it seemed easier and less stressful, but now that I am going to be doing more cardio and getting more accurate workout with calories I am thinking about going to the free program and doing just MFP. It is hard WW worked for me when MFP wasn't in the beginning but now that I train I feel like I don't know what to do. I guess if anyone has any ideas or support that would be great. My fiance is getting sick of me going back and forth like this. He says pick one and stick with it but now I am confused. Also I liked how WW had a points allowed system every week so I could mess up a little and it would be OK, with MFP I feel like I didn't have that. I just feel a little lost and I want to succeed. Thanks everyone for your help with this.
  • Yvalcaraz
    Yvalcaraz Posts: 8 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    So I just wanted to pop in really quickly and say hello. Today is my second day back to work and I am swamped! I haven’t pulled out my hair yet so I should be fine but I definitely can’t wait for the weekend again!

    So a little about my "vacation"... Well it wasn’t as relaxing as I had hoped. :( I did a lot of running around and although I did get some business done (mainly paying bills) I still didn’t find any time to reorganize my room as I had planned. So here I am now, broke and with a dirty room! I need to get back into the swing of things quick because I haven’t went to the gym in about 4 days and I don’t like it. Oh and did I mention I cheated! Oops! Honestly I don’t feel bad about it at all, I've been doing awesome for the last three months and decided what the hell. On the menu that day, sushi! Yumm. I've cut out rice, so eating it I was feeling mighty bad to the bone that day and I had a couple deep fried ones as well. That's right I'm bad! LOL .. And what do you know the scale didn’t move .. Woohoo .. It felt good to treat myself though and not worry about over eating and losing control.

    As for my goals for the month, the days I have been in the gym I have been doing very well running so I am optimistic about reaching my goal at the end of the month. & Situps .. I'm working on it. My goal was to do 1k 3 times a week .. I’m usually pooped after 700-800 but I just got to keep on pushing. Well I think I am going to wrap this up for now...I plan on stopping by on Friday to comment on others posts ... Speak to you all soon :)

    FYI- I feel I have to share this --- I write as I speak so I am a little of over the place and excuse the typos lol .. I seen another *kitten* kicker put a similar comment and thought it was too cute because I am exactly the same way .. So sorry in advance for my writing.. :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Aly - I think picking something and sticking with it is probably good advice, even if it's given out of frustration and impatience :tongue:

    My advice would be to take that same attitude you have with WW - little slip ups are all part of the program, so it's OK now and again - and try to apply that here at MFP. Count calories but set parameters. Allow yourself a 5-10% margin of error but don't go absolutely wild. Allow yourself to have a drink once in a while, a treat day now and again, but REALLY commit to not doing it every weekend. Resist temptation 4 times more than you give in, and find ways to feel good about saying "no" by treating yourself in other ways.

    Finding good substitutes for food as reward has been a major part of my journey. Eating out and social drinking made up a large part of my life pre-weight loss and fitness journey and I really needed to find alternatives to make this work for me. It's just not practical to maintain the same social life/activities unless your will power is absolutely rock solid when it comes to resisting the urge to over-consume. I don't mean to be harsh, throw you under the bus, or single you out, but it has struck me that you seem to be in a perpetual cycle of having bad weekends, feeling really sh*tty about them, training like a maniac to forgive yourself and get back to feeling in control and healthy, and then cycling right back into party mode when the occasion arises. Definitely advise that you find ways to avoid those situations to see really significant progress in your weight loss - I know it's hard to hear and definitely hard to make work, but I think that if you find things you really love doing, it can end up being a very "freeing" experience.

    I think my other advice would be to exercise moderately and in regular intervals. I'm not sure if you are still training for an event specifically, or just exercising for fitness and maintenance, but I would recommend trying to get some exercise 6 times a week - 3 days harder training and three days of lighter training or something leisurely/fun, like a game of tennis with a friend, a long walk or hike, or a bike ride that focuses on enjoying the ride and company instead of training for a race. This oscillation between hard training and fitness activities serves two functions. It helps your body recovery more easily from the hard training days by laying off a bit without letting your muscles totally veg out, and it also helps to feed your "soul" a little by making fitness fun and something to look forward to. Making exercise ALL about training, meeting goals, hitting PRs and burning cals can really take away from all the mental and emotional benefits of regular fitness. Injecting some fun is good for the body and the mind. It's also a great excuse to spend time with friends/family/fiances and really enjoy each others' company - without food and drink!

    Anyway I hope this message came off as it was intended. I don't want you to feel as though I'm judging your life choices. Just my $0.02 from what I've noticed over the last several months and how hard I've seen you work at this, and still struggle with results. Take it or leave it, as always. But I command you to take my <<hugs>> and :heart:

    Meag :bigsmile:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Meag- You are completely right. I know that I have gotten better in certain situations. But I do tend to go over the deep end when it comes to food and partying on occasion. It is a battle I will always have to deal with, It will take time and I will learn, eventually. I know that I can do this and I will, I appreciate what you said and I know that your right. Something has to change. If I can commit to only have 1 weekend out of the month where I have more than a small splurge that would be great(goal for next month?) I am training for another race right now. I truly do love the training, and I am going to commit to the weight loss because I really want this for me.

    I can only get mad at myself so much, and I am sure that it gets annoying to all of you and I am really sorry if it does. I guess I just figured this was a place to vent. I am frustrated with the new me fighting the old me and trying to find harmony. It is a life change and I just need to make it happen. I know I don't feel good after I party too hard I feel like *kitten* and guilty which sucks. I have to plan out my weeks and stay on track and only let the occasional slip up happen.

    Thanks for all the kind words meag, I just need to get my head in the right place. I could give a million excuses as to why I did this or that but mainly I wasn't committing 100% to anything.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey girl - I'm the LAST person that is going to judge you!

    Anyone that was on here through March and April saw how much I struggled. I struggle with so much guilt at times over what I eat, binging, making excuses, self-pity, and all the like. It's just no good for anyone. We all have rough patches, though. This I know. What matters is how we manage to pick ourselves up, dust off, and move forward. I absolutely *hate* how frustrated I get with myself and how 'disordered' I feel with eating sometimes. I cannot believe that after so many months of taking a balanced, sensible approach to weight loss and fitness I managed to fall into such a downward spiral once I injured my foot. Losing the freedom to run and train shifted my focus entirely to food and became obsessive and unhealthy - definitely *not* the person I want to be!

    So your battle with yourself resonates, Aly. Don't think for one minute that you can't use this group to vent. Just make sure that it\s productive venting and you are gaining something from it, because beating yourself up for decisions made without moving forward and learning from them is just an exercise in destructive self-bullying and I am definitely going to keep a check on that in this group. I know that I've dealt with my fair share of self-esteem problems and bullying in the past and I get the sense that I'm not alone. The last thing any of us needs is to be bullying ourselves.

    Be good to yourself this month, Aly. Work on giving yourself a break and learning from your slip ups to prevent them in the future and break that destructive cycle. Sounds like your goal for next month is a great one! Everything in moderation :bigsmile:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Moderation is a tough one, I have to say I lived my life being all or nothing all the time. I used to talk about that with my therapist and it was a strong issue with me. I am either being good or being bad, there doesn't seem to be an in between. But I can change that. I know what I have to do :)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Heading to bed (someones waiting.. :blushing: )

    I just wanted to say MEAG.. LUV the dress!~!~!~!

    and ALY.... you know how strong you are but I understand how horrible the mind can be sometimes. Dont think too much, dont let your mind get the best of you. You know what you and your body need!~! You got this!~!

    See yous in the morning!~!
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Geez it has been a while and a busy couple of weeks!

    Meag- Love the dress, it's beautiful!!! Great job picking it out!

    Aly- You definitely have to go with what you think is the best for you. I actually did WW for a while, but found myself just wasting the money I paid each week because I would get too busy or just not long my food. I tried MFP and it all changed, I started joining groups and just loving this place and have succeeded so far and plan to get to my GW. There is going to be struggles for you in which ever program you choose you just have to find out what works for you. Life happens and you have to continue to enjoy it, but try for moderation. You can do it!

    Meg- congrats on almost 40lbs! Your doing awesome!

    AFM: It has definitely been a while since I have been here, took me pages to catch up lol. Well I did not get to do my race this past week. I ended up pulling/tearing a muscle in my upper back, right by my left shoulder blade a couple weeks ago and it was not that bad, I took it easy, but then it got worse and started affecting work and just walking around in general. So I went to the doc and got meds and muscle relaxers. I just want to be able to go back to running and not hurt, but not for right now till it heals properly. So now all I can do is let it heal and strengthen my back. So anyone know of some good exercises that strengthen your back?? Any advice is great! I took some time off and now I can start exercising, but just in moderation of the exercise. YAY!
    Other than that, summer is looking like it is finally here and I am so excited! Hope everyone is doing great!

  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    MAN! I KNOW I wrote a reply on this thread at around 7:00 EST. I guess I never hit post? Well I'm too far down the line to be replying that far back now. lol. I'm only home for a moment to get my stuff for class and pack a dinner... pbj? lol I'll have my laptop in class because it is wicked boring.. Darn, I wish my post actually made it up. I'll be back on later to post again!


    And to Jennelle's comment of signing our names, I think that's a great idea.

    My name is Lisa, but I usually use Leela as my alias name lol. So you can refer to me by whichever :tongue:
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    leela - the HRM will change your LIFE! i absolutely LOVE my current one :love: the one i use now is the epulse2. i originally had a pink bowflex watch but i found it to be pretty inaccurate with the calorie burn as it didn't ask for my age, heigh, or weight - it always over estimated - but it was the least expensive one out there so i used it for over a year and it was still super useful. i finally splurged and got this $100 one less than a month ago but i couldn't be HAPPIER with it! my boyfriend and i both got one and we love to compare heart rate and calories burned when we are doing something active together - it brings out our inner 5-year-old "my heart rate is higher than yours!!" "oh yeah, well ive burned more calories than you, na na na na boo boo!" :laugh: but i digress... which one did you get??

    I got the Polaris 7S or something like that. Idk my 'rents had a coupon for it so that works for me! I looks like a good one! I have a general idea of what my heart-rate is depending on my exhaustion rate, but I really want it more to track my calorie burn :)
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hey Everyone-

    I don't have the time or energy right now to completely catch up with everyone. I have spent the entire day busting my butt trying to get something done for work and when I hand it to my boss to edit everything needs to be done differently. This is fine except I get at 4:30- needless to say I'm still at work and while a program is running in the background to get the needed data I am taking a short break. The meeting was originally scheduled for tomorrow at 11:30, but luckily we aren't doing it then anymore. The only problem is that it appears to be rescheduled for next wednesday morning and I have a dentist appointment wednesday morning that I made yesterday that I now need to cancel. Ugh! Why does it have to be so difficult!! Its just stressful and my year review is on Friday. Its my first year here and my first real job since Grad School doesn't count and I am just nervous. Although I know I will do fine its just nerve racking.

    Hopefully everything works out. At least I have bootcamp in the morning to work out some stress and days like today are exactly why I work out in the morning!

  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    has there been a QOTD? I realize it's late in the date for some of us, but i just replied to a thread that was titled "what do you LOVE about yourself" (with know "buts" allowed!). i really LOVED this idea, so im sharing my response below and want you all to do the same!!!! :bigsmile:

    so... what do you LOVE about yourself??

    physical: i love my arms & shoulders! ever since i started working out they have become defined and if i ever feel like ive had a bad food day or haven't worked out and im "back to where i started" (yes i like to be dramatic sometimes haha) - i can look at my arms and think OH NO chickie, you still got this :wink:

    non-physical: my ability to be calm and rational and my ocd tendencies :happy: i grew up in a chaotic household with lots of constant changes and instability. as an adult, i have learned the importance of consistency and stability and how staying level headed can really be the key to personal happiness success :smile: and although at times im sure it drives others nuts, my love for organization, 90-degree angles, cleanliness, and overall pleasant/ matching aesthetics is a part of my self-concept that i both embrace and adore! we all have to love our crazies :heart:
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Jennelle: I LOVE this QOTD! What a great idea! Thank you for creating this. We've seemed to all have gotten to the point where we are needing extra motivation, this would really be great to read and to help everyone remember we are all beautiful.

    physical: my eyes. It's not really that motivation to me, but it's the one thing I've always gotten and get complimented on. So it's not like I worked hard to get that way, just born with it. Ok so for things relating to fitness lol, I really love how I can really start to see some veins in my arm. And I don't mean those little ones, I mean the big ones that guys get. I find veins fun, (weird I know) but it makes me feel like YEAH, if I was heavier I wouldn't see those!

    non-psychical; hmm this one is harder for some reason. I guess my compassion, but that usually gets me hurt more than anything because I always seem to care more for other people than they do for me and then I get hurt and upset.. So hmm, IDK what's what I have, I think it's something that other people can notice in me, and I like that THAT makes me different lol.

    Great question!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Jennelle- I Love this quote too!! I kind of flaked on the QOTD- since I am in Cali it is hard for me to get a real morning question in haha.

    physical: I have to say that I love my legs, When I wear a skirt or shorts they look pretty awesome. All the running really makes a difference.

    non-psychical: My ability to make friends with almost everyone. I am really social and it is so much fun! I also just have a very strong committed drive that I never thought that I Would, so lets see that put into work shall we?

    AFM- I am feeling really good today after all my venting and talking (mainly to meag thanks!), I am ready to take on the world and have fun while I am doing it.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    @meag- What do you think I should have my settings be on here? I have it set to me working out 6 days a week for about an hour, I am almost to that level with my workouts and I know I soon will be. Right now my workouts range from 30minutes-3hours(on the bike) should I lower my settings? Just wanted your opinion.