Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - May Challenge!!



  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Aly... Do you like eating every 2 hours?? I think I end up doing that anyway if I let my body tell me when to eat. Now that I have learned which proteins and GI foods to eat I dont get as hungry as often. If I know I dont have time to workout and I only have my base cals to eat that day I try to split up my meals so I dont get as hungry. If I get hungry I get nausious and shakey, blood pressure drops BAD!~!~! I hope it works for you. Its something new and you never know, you might love it and just stick with it cuz it works!~! Just rememeber to give it time to work into your routine, sometimes its easy to get frustrated with new things.

    ~Meag... you are sooo busy, how do you sleep???? Im glad you have fun on your run. You make it seem so fantastic and wonderful@!~!~!~! I just hope one day I have 30% of your enthusiasm for running so I can stay in shape! Keep up the good work.

    ~Tara... try not to predict what the scale is going to say, I heard stress isnt good for WI days!~! What the scale say, it says. you said it yourself!~! Plus, its only week 2! (or one for you?) your GOOD!~!

    AFM... feeling ok today. Kind of tired though. I dont know why but I woke up at 0530. The sun was shinning in my window and the birds were singing and I just HAD to get up!~! I thought about getting in a work out but instead I took it easy and relxed to start my day off gently. Then I went to a womens group (my new thing) and tonight we have dinner with our friends. I think we are going to grill soemthing. I dont think I am going to be able to fit in a workout so I am just going to make me and Codys walks a little longer today. (and I am ok with that) Im trying not to be hard on myself, can you tell????

    Good Morning everyone!~! Hope your Tuesdays are awesome and you get a piece of the sun that I am getting right now!~!
  • NurseNatalie2011
    My big goal for this month is to get out of the 160s and into the 150s. I weighed in this morning and I am stil stuck at 161.2; the same weight for the past 3 weeks! I am getting so annoyed!!! I am sticking to my 3 workouts a week and eating healthy/portion control is good most of the week. I would work out more but with my crazy school schedule and graduationg nursing school in June I just dont have the time.

    I am thinking of changing up my workout. Sometimes if I do that the weight comes off easy. I am going to start back at the gym using the eliptical, stairs, and treadmill. (I think I might get some weigh tranning in there too but I really need to bump up my cardio.) I will continue to do hot yoga 1-2x per week too. And with the weather getting nicer out I have been trying to go for 30 min walks. I also want to try to start to go for a walk after dinner....even if it is 15 minutes its better then sitting on my butt digesting all the food and being tempted to eat dessert right away.

    Does anyone have tips about what to do when being stuck at a weight? I dont want to cut my calories too much because everytime I cut down on cals I gain weight or dont lose any at all (the whole starvation mode thing). I know its sounds like a cop-out but I struggeled for 2 months with that I after going to see a specialist they said I was in starvation mode and need to eat moer because I am a big framed body type. I appriciate any and all advice!

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Wannaburn- I think you should switch up your workouts. Maybe even do things on different days to help trick your body. Adding weights or circuit training should help as well. Are you taking your measurements? I suggest trying that as well if you are not. Sometimes the scale is not reflecting all the hard work and the measurements will. How are your clothes fitting? Just some things to keep in mind. Also switch up what you are eating, that can also trigger it of you tend to eat the same things a lot. I wish you luck and be strong this is a long hard road ;)

    Kandace- I actually like eating every 2 hours. I just have to be smart about what I am eating and count everything. Which is good because I kind of fell off the wagon in April as far as tracking and counting goes. I have heard from numerous sources that eating 6 small meals a day is the way to go for weight loss and general health. So why not give it a try? Last night I even said no to ice cream. Tonight I might not be so lucky hehe.

    Meag- Thanks for the kind words. I have a bad habit of feeling like I ruined my whole week when I have a bad day. I am going to work on picking myself back up when I fall instead of letting it spiral. So happy about your dress and your great compliments from the boy yay! I can't wait to see the pictures!

    AFM- I was going to try to wake up at 5 this morning to swim but when the alarm went off it was not happening. I am going to swim tonight after work instead :) I have my lactate threshold test with my trainer Wednesday night. Then we take our engagement photos on Thursday and I have to fit in a workout in the morning hehe. Busy busy week but I am ready for it! About to set myself up for success and make my healthy lunch and snacks for the day.

    QOTD- What healthy snacks are your favorite??

    I love a lot of snacks, greek nonfat yogurt,cottage cheese with fixins, Apple with almond butter yumm!
  • NurseNatalie2011
    Wannaburn- I think you should switch up your workouts. Maybe even do things on different days to help trick your body. Adding weights or circuit training should help as well. Are you taking your measurements? I suggest trying that as well if you are not. Sometimes the scale is not reflecting all the hard work and the measurements will. How are your clothes fitting? Just some things to keep in mind. Also switch up what you are eating, that can also trigger it of you tend to eat the same things a lot. I wish you luck and be strong this is a long hard road ;)

    Thanks! I am thinking of the same things. I haven't taken measurements...just didn't do it in the begining and didn't want to start now! I bought a pair of jeans about 1.5 months ago and they are getting big on me already. And I can tell my hips and my butt are slimmer and even my fiance had said something about it too. I am feeling good and feeling like I am getting slimmer but the scale just isn't agreeing!
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    ooooie i just LOVE this group! always feel SO great about myself and THE WORLD when i read all of your posts :)

    aly (i think?) - i am right with you, i the absurd level of positivity in this group is the best thing i've got going :) i love having a place where i can talk all about fitness and nutrition (all the ups and downs) and no one tells me they've heard enough of my crap :) you all DEFINITELY keep me going!

    meag - you are like a daily affirmation for each and every one of us! who needs a self help book when we've got MFPals like you! i love your energy and you are such a great model of how to think about fitness and health as a lifestyle :) thanks for being so awesome :)

    i would love to respond to more but for now i have to get back to work (i am already behind on my own schedule for work because i can never get myself off of MFP! it's too addicting! haha). but i did want to share one more thing...

    so a LOT of us i imagine have heart rate monitors that also track our calories burned. when i got my first one i was OBSESSED and it was the best motivator EVER! i recently got a much better, more accurate one, and still continue to love it in every single way. but i realized that sometimes i am just chasing the burn now, checking the calorie count ALL the time after every section in Turbo Fire or CLX, in the 5 months that i lost my 30lbs, i didn't have any way to track my burn and it didn't matter - it was about pushing myself and feeling like i kicked my own *kitten* and got the best workout possible! while i LOVE knowing how many calories i've burned, i realized i needed to get back to this mentality - focus on the moves, on the fun, on the WORK, and get my sweet treat when im done - checking the calorie burn that is :) so today, that's exactly what i did. i did Turbo Fire 45 (one of my favorite workouts of all time) and i told myself that i wouldn't check my calorie burn until after the first Turbo Fire drill, but then once i got through the drill, i said - no, let's do this BLIND baby! i told myself i was going to push myself as hard as i could, investing myself FULLY into every minute of the workout. i got to the end of the workout and realized i didn't care at all what the calorie burn said - i felt AMAZING! it was one of the best workouts id done is SO long! and it's like something once again clicked in my brain this morning, and i thought...

    ...the numbers don't define me. not on a scale, not on a heart rate monitor, and not on a calorie burn tracker...

    and it's that tiny piece of immense realization that i wanted to share with all of you :) i got over caring about the number on the scale only to care about the number on my calorie burn tracker! silly jennelle, don't you know that's replacing one addiction with another? ;) hehe

    anyway, i hope this makes you all stop and think and REMIND yourself why you love to do what you do - it's not for the burn or the lower number on the scale - it's because you feel AWESOME when you accomplish it. you feel strong, powerful, and capable of anything. you feel whole. :heart:
  • tacoma210
    tacoma210 Posts: 19
  • RadicalCharlie
    RadicalCharlie Posts: 123 Member
    Whoops... Haven't been here in a while.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    I had a terrible time last night. I took too many pills in a short period of time and ended up throwing up. After that, I just wanted to binge on chicken nuggets from McDonald's.

    Glad I was too weak to get out of bed though.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Space- Glad you're back! Hope you are feeling better :(

    Jennelle- I also LOVE my HRM and I find that if I keep it on the screen that only shows my heart rate I tend to not look at is as much and I don't allow myself to flip to calorie burned screen until my workout is over. And sometimes if I am just 20 or 30 more calories from hitting the next 100 I will jog around the room until I get there, but otherwise I try and do what you say and just ignore it and just work my *kitten* off!

    Aly- You do have a busy week girl! I am glad that you are working hard to find a balance between enjoying this time in your life and still maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I have 100% faith that you will totally make it happen because you are one determined lady!

    AFM- Did spin this morning for the first time in 2 weeks because the instructor I like (aka my boss) has been out of town. It felt so good!! And then we did our usual mini-bootcamp after. Also yesterday I did 2 runs. My usual run in the am and then a short 1 miler plus a ton of walking in the afternoon because it was just too nice outside to not! The dog and the hubby joined as well. I ran up ahead of them and then when I caught back up to them we walked the rest of the way home. It was like a 2mile round trip and I probably ran 1.25-1.5 of those miles. I found a route that is 3.25 miles so I think that will be good for training for my 5k in June. I think I am going to start making myself run it on the weekends, so I can get used to doing that distance all the time and so I can see how much further I can push myself with running it. Its going to be good motivation I think. Alright everybody back to the grind of work :(

    Have a great Tuesday!!

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Whoops... Haven't been here in a while.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    I had a terrible time last night. I took too many pills in a short period of time and ended up throwing up. After that, I just wanted to binge on chicken nuggets from McDonald's.

    Glad I was too weak to get out of bed though.

    Honestly this makes me a little concerned. I am not sure it is healthy for you or anyone else to talk like this on public boards. This post honestly put a damper on my day. I am not trying to be mean or rude but I just think you need help beyond what MFP can give you and I don't want others to suffer :ohwell:
  • RadicalCharlie
    RadicalCharlie Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks for the support.

    I'll just leave.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    hey ladies! :bigsmile: I've been up and out since 545am today and haven't had a chance to check in... looks like there's lots going on! I only have a few mins so here goes...

    Space- I am really sorry to hear that you are struggling so much with this journey. The journey toward healthier living encompasses all aspects of our lives - physical, mental and emotional health - all of which require a great deal of effort, care and support from those around us. It's definitely important to have a safety net you can count on and for a lot of us this group provides that added padding where our RL friends and family just cannot fill the void. But we are not medical or mental health professionals and we cannot always be counted on for the kind of support that it sounds like you are searching for. I really truly wish you the best, but feel that it may be in your best interest to search outside this group - in your community or with your physician - for professional help to tackle some of your issues with weight, nutrition and self-image. This group is not meant as a substitute for that. It is only here as a safe place for young people to search out encouragement, support and friendship throughout their journey. It's important that this group makes everyone feel good about themselves and their progress, so I hope that the general air of positivity in this group continues and that you are able to take from it some motivation and inspiration to be good to yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Megan - Your running plan sounds fabulous! Love your weekend runs idea :bigsmile: And so nice that your hubby and pooch could join you! That sounds just way adorable :bigsmile:

    AFM - Had a freaking amazing day today! Shopping, sun, picnic lunch in a park, coffee on a patio with a friend, and super cheap whey isolate - Yay bargain shopping! It's been a long one though and I still have plenty to do before Tyler and I head out to a concert tonight so I better jet. Pictures still forthcoming. Bought another summer dress today so I'll include that one, as well!

    Have a great Tuesday night, ladies! :heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-thanks girl...yep it is week 1 for me and like I said I wasn't planning on having a loss this week!! but I was also not planning on having a gain so we shall see!! I know stressin doesn't help, but it is def hard sometimes!! enjoy your BBQ and the walk with the pup!

    Natalie-sorry to hear about your plateau-this can def be a hard time for anyone! I don't know how many lbs you set MFP at or how many cals that they set your goal at but if cutting your cals didn't work I would suggest maybe upping your cals by like 200/day. Also they say if you stagger your cals like 1200, 1400, 1600, 1400, 1200... that it keeps your body happy by thinking that it is going to consistently get the higher amounts! I do think that switching up your exercise is a good idea too! good luck! :flowerforyou:

    QOTD-healthy snacks-smartpop popcorn, 90 cal fiber one bars, pretzels, and skinny cow ice cream!

    Jennelle-all I can say is thanks!!! you are always positive and have great "words of wisdom" for the group!! I think I am gonna call you The ProFIT!! LOL :laugh:

    Megan-you rock!!! you are really pushing yourself on the workouts these past few months, and I love your dedication!! keep it up!

    Aly-all I will say is..."well said". :ohwell:

    Meag-can't wait to see your dresses!!! I love wearing sundresses in the really makes ya feel good about yourself and "pretty"!!! glad to hear that you are having a great day, and hope you have a blast at your concert!! :bigsmile:

    AFM-WI day today, and hoping for a miracle!! LOL ok enough of that...I get what I get!! Have a great day ladies!!:tongue:
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    meag: I glad you had yourself a great weekend and even splurged a little while saving money on a really cute dress and some whey protein! Summer dresses are the best! I haven't had a picnic in such a long time, that sounded like such a great idea!

    Jennelle: My HRM is in the mail right now! I'm so excited to finally have one to make sure I am not subtracting less cals than I actually am.

    Aly: You can do it!! We have let ourselves get off track a little bit so that we don't end up binging and giving in.

    Megan: Great runs! Good luck on your 5k!!

    Kandance: WAY TO PUSH YOURSELF! That is a great accomplishment!:bigsmile:

    QOTD: LOVE 90 cal fiber bars
  • believeinmagic
    I haven't checked in for a while, its nice seeing how good everyone is doing so far :) So I need some advice, the other day I decided to weigh myself to see my progress and it turns out my weight is still the same, but I've lost quite a few inches and can see definition/toning in my legs,stomach and arms. I was wondering, does muscle burn fat? Will I eventually lose weight?
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I"ll let Meag (or one of the other FITNESS pros) answer this for you!! Need any advice on the "diet" part...I've got your back!! Congrats on the toning and loss of inches though...I am sure that the scale will catch up eventually!! DON'T get discouraged you are obviously doing something right or you wouldn't be losing inches! WTG!! and welcome back!

    I haven't checked in for a while, its nice seeing how good everyone is doing so far :) So I need some advice, the other day I decided to weigh myself to see my progress and it turns out my weight is still the same, but I've lost quite a few inches and can see definition/toning in my legs,stomach and arms. I was wondering, does muscle burn fat? Will I eventually lose weight?
  • believeinmagic
    Thanks! No I wont get discouraged, I'll just keep working on it :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I haven't checked in for a while, its nice seeing how good everyone is doing so far :) So I need some advice, the other day I decided to weigh myself to see my progress and it turns out my weight is still the same, but I've lost quite a few inches and can see definition/toning in my legs,stomach and arms. I was wondering, does muscle burn fat? Will I eventually lose weight?
    Hrmmm Interesting question!

    First of all - CONGRATS on losing inches, getting toned and feeling good about your progress with regards to fitness. If you are working out regularly, doing a good mix of cardio and strength, and really challenging yourself than there is no question that you should be seeing some definition appear and losing inches. You are altering your body composition - but a net weight loss is not always a part of that.

    There are really several ways to "attack" this journey. The most common is strictly weight loss at any cost and through restrictive dieting (almost exclusively). This does work and I'm not going to knock it - I know it works because it's how I managed to lose a good portion of my initial weight. Over time, I've realized that this method didn't result in the type of body I wanted to achieve and it did very little for my body composition and physical fitness(again, personal preference). By trying to lose weight without toning and weight training, my body was actually depleting my muscle stores to feed itself and to fuel up for long, hard cardio sessions once I started running.

    Another less common but more balanced approach would be to tackle weight loss and body composition in tandem. It's less common because truthfully it requires a lot more work. One has to be diligent about what they eat in terms of maintaining adequate nutrition, fueling for workouts, and staying within/around their BMR intake while simultaneously dedicating time and energy to cardio and strengthening exercises multiple times a week. This method works really well for several reasons: a) building lean muscle does help to burn fat over time - the more lean muscle mass your body has, the more efficiently it runs, and the more fuel it can and will burn; b) strength training does burn calories, so you're still getting a burn while you're at it ; c) switching up your exercises keeps your body guessing, which promotes consistent and steady weight loss as well as shaping and toning the body you have; d) fueling properly throughout the duration of your weight loss period helps you train harder, recover faster, and keeps your body from going into survival mode. It also helps you ease into a maintenance lifestyle, which (as you can tell from my own struggles) can be one of the most difficult parts of this journey. If you're putting on lean muscle while you are losing fat, your body comp is bound to change to a much greater degree than your perceived weight loss. It's a qualitative loss, instead of a quantitative one.

    I guess the real question is - What matters more, looking and feeling good, lowering your body fat % and thus your susceptibility to heart disease, diabetes, and other maladies, and gaining confidence in your fitness and ability; or being able to quantify your loss in terms of #s on the scale? I know the scale can seem like the be all end all sometimes and we just desperately want to see a loss, but ask yourself whyyy such a loss matters when you know you've lost inches, toned up, and you are fitter than you were when you started. Only you and you alone know how much weight you've lost. Everyone else just notices the other stuff.

    Oh and yea - you should see a loss on the scale. It just takes time. Just sayin' :wink: A loss on the scale shouldn't define your journey. Be proud of your accomplishment so far!!

    AFM - Long long long day but so good. Concert was a total bust tonight but we made the most of our time together anyway. Lots to do tomorrow in preparation for my Thurs/Fri from hell. Working Thurs 430pm-3am and then Fri 11am-3am. That's 10 1/2 hours followed by a straight 16 hours the next day. Only 8 hours to rest between shifts, but that includes a 1 1/2 hour commute each way :ohwell: Saturday is going to be a MAJOR rest day! Did I mention that I was working on my feet the entire time? Ugh! Anyway I am going to be completely absentee from Thurs afternoon until Sat or Sun, I assume. May pop on for a min but otherwise I'll be out of town working. So get your questions in now :laugh: Or just eagerly await my return.

    In other news, I got a sweet sunburn today. I know I shouldn't be happy about it because it's really bad for your skin, but it's a constant source of heat and for that reason alone I love it! They don't bother me in the slightest, actually. Bring on the burn!

    Speaking of, I am notorious for chasing the burn! Thankfully my watch doesn't show my total burn until I've completed my activity and allowed it to calculate my recovery HR. It's a damn good thing because otherwise I'd be checking constantly. We just all need reminders once in a while about why we're doing this and what we are getting out of healthy living. When the burn count isn't as important anymore, what motivation will you have to get out there and be active? Hope you've got something because those days are fast approaching! :tongue:

    QOTD - I snack constantly! Fruit (!!), fresh veggies, plain yogurt, protein brownies, edamame beans, popcorn (w/ choc and cinnamon yum!), ice cream .... basically whatever I can find! :blushing: NOM! This is making me hungry just to think about...

    Off to bed for now. I'm going to take those pics tomorrow for sure. Talk to you lovelies ASAP. :heart: Have a GREAT hump day! Get it started out right with a good breakfast and attack the day with a positive attitude. Doesn't hurt to feel like you're going to kill it before even getting out of bed :wink:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    believe-glad to hear that you are stickin with it!! your hard work WILL pay off!!

    Meag-great advice for ^^^ I knew you would be able to articulate without fail!! good luck with those long work safe driving that long afterwards...a trick I have learned working nights...if you start getting sleepy while driving...pull over, run around your car a few laps, and then move on!!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hey everyone... not too much time right now but I had some feelings I dont want to hold on to cuz I know I will just supress them and add them to my crazy bank, and they dont deserve space in my head!~!

    Space... I dont want to throw you under the bus and neither does anyone else here. But come on, you know that you are going to get a negative response when you say things like you are. In the begining you said you wantted to continue your "Experiment". I have to say that if your experiment means starving yourself to see what you think you can handle we strongly encourage you NOT TO> However,, I feel as though you are just doing this for attention and I dont think its fair. Everyone on MFP deserves to be heard but all you have done here is argue with us that your unhealthy ways of weightloss are better than what we are doing. I dont think its fair, there are people on MFP who are very voulnerable and WILL listen to anyone who says they have the answer. Please think before you say anything to anyone. Stop trying to get attention, we are all here for a common goal and a shared exeperience. Most importantly we are here for support.

    Anyone who needs support or who wants to share some are very welcome. If your issues are out of our hands we will let you know. If you just think this is a game, stop wasting your time..... we like MFP the way it is.
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    happy hump day MDPs (my darling pals, of course) :happy:

    i just completed a killer workout (intense strength training, followed by a HIIT, followed by an extended stretch) and i feel like a bazillion bucks! (yes, that's way more than a million) :laugh:

    megan - i do the same thing, i see that im super close to the next 100 or 50 cals, ill just run around like a hooligan until i burn those last few cals off :bigsmile: my HRM has a setting where the screen is blank unless you hit a button, so i just keep it that way and show some serious will power by NOT hitting the button! i am happy to report that i did not ONCE push the button during my HIIT workout - which is usually my FAVORITE thing to do! i like to check after each drill what my heart rate is to see if i've pushed myself enough...but i realized i KNOW if i've pushed myself enough, i don't need the numbers to tell me :wink:

    meag - your words to space were EXACTLY my thoughts - thanks for sharing my brain :tongue: also, your advice is always fabulous - not sure what your career is, but if it doesn't involve helping people with your VAST amount of knowledge and UBER positivity, then you need to switch careers :bigsmile:

    tara - OMG I LOVE The ProFit!! best compliment EVER!!! you win for my favorite person of the day!! THANK YOU!!! :flowerforyou:

    leela - the HRM will change your LIFE! i absolutely LOVE my current one :love: the one i use now is the epulse2. i originally had a pink bowflex watch but i found it to be pretty inaccurate with the calorie burn as it didn't ask for my age, heigh, or weight - it always over estimated - but it was the least expensive one out there so i used it for over a year and it was still super useful. i finally splurged and got this $100 one less than a month ago but i couldn't be HAPPIER with it! my boyfriend and i both got one and we love to compare heart rate and calories burned when we are doing something active together - it brings out our inner 5-year-old "my heart rate is higher than yours!!" "oh yeah, well ive burned more calories than you, na na na na boo boo!" :laugh: but i digress... which one did you get??

    afm - im clearly doing GREAT! (which is actually surprising since it's that WONDERFUL time of the month and i normally hate the world on those weeks :frown:) but i feel GOOOOD this week! and my goal for the day is to stay with my planned food and you know... not eat a 600 cal brie log or a 1000 cal quesadilla... nbd :wink:

    as to the rest of you darlings, i hope you have a GLORIOUS day filled with lots of empowerment and overall acceptance of your awesomeness :heart:

    *The ProFIT* :wink: