Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - May Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    ^^ Love this! So happy you could take something from my post, Aly!

    And I agree with everything you've said... For all the inconsequential things that bug me about my body, there are a hundred amazing things my body is capable of that make me super proud! I've been struggling a lot with myself lately and I know that 99% of it is a result of negative self-talk, over-analyzing my body and my choices, and just generally setting totally unrealistic standards that don't mesh with living a busy, normal life. Enough of that! I deserve to feel happy, proud, and accomplished. I deserve to love myself, and to believe my boyfriend, family and friends who always remind me of how wonderful and special I am to them. I deserve to feel beautiful, strong, and accomplished. And you all deserve to feel that way, too - So, no more body bashing or beating myself up for poor choices. Not today or tomorrow or the next day, at least. Sure I may make mistakes, but I need to enjoy the journey and that starts today, right now. This instance!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    My dad told me something the other day that really resonated with me

    " You don't need to be anything, everyone is running around thinking that they need to be this or they have to do that. The only thing that you need to do is be you. Just being you is enough for everyone except for yourself"

    Love is truly in the air right now, I can feel it.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    My dad told me something the other day that really resonated with me

    " You don't need to be anything, everyone is running around thinking that they need to be this or they have to do that. The only thing that you need to do is be you. Just being you is enough for everyone except for yourself"

    Love is truly in the air right now, I can feel it.
    VERY TRUE Aly! :heart:

    This sort of feeling is exactly what I needed to give me some peace of mind before my trip :bigsmile: Thanks!
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    My dad told me something the other day that really resonated with me

    " You don't need to be anything, everyone is running around thinking that they need to be this or they have to do that. The only thing that you need to do is be you. Just being you is enough for everyone except for yourself"

    Love is truly in the air right now, I can feel it.

    Your dad is a wise man! I need to remember this more
  • nurse_christieyne
    Just checking in.

    I have walked an addtional 5 miles this week.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Azluvin.... way to go on your 5 miles!~! They add up so fast dont they???

    ~Aly... I love what your dad said. It seems like it SHOULD be obvious "be yourself" but we get so wrapped up in life that we forget that. Its nice to have a reminder sometimes. I have a little thing I say to myself when I am getting down (i just learned it a few months ago) I AM enough, I HAVE enough, I DO enough.

    ~Meag... sometimes its hard for me to believe that you could ever be sad. I just dont get it, you have SUCH great wisdom to share with everyone else!~!~! LOL.... You really have this life stuff in a pretty good grasp. Im gonna call you Thin Budda.

    AFM.... Still cant get past this feeling of dispair. Yes, it has turned from nervousness to dispair. I just feel like my heart is going to explode right out of my chest its beating so fast. Then on top of that my mind races so fast that I cant figure out whats going on up there. Its almost like everything that has happend in the past four years of my life, good and bad, have all hit me at once. I have to say that If I didnt have you guys and this thread that I would have given up on trying to loose weight and eat healthy a longtime ago. I know I am going through alot of changes and I need to take it slow but I dont understnad what else I can NOT My counselor is going to have fun with me in our session today. Jeez. Im a mess. And I just realized that its been three days since I have showered. I dont understand how I can overlook basic hygene. Something is definatly not right. I have highlighted alot of lists though!! I know mental health should come before cleaning my house, CRAP! ok, Im rambling now.....

    I hope everyone has a great day!~! Its Friday!~
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Im feeling a little better than I did earlier.... and!~! I posted a pic of my VS Bikini that somehow got already!~!~!~! Its insane... i cant believe I posted oh well, now I know what want to work on.!

    Be back later to chat if anyone comes back
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Im feeling a little better than I did earlier.... and!~! I posted a pic of my VS Bikini that somehow got already!~!~!~! Its insane... i cant believe I posted oh well, now I know what want to work on.!

    Be back later to chat if anyone comes back
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Im feeling a little better than I did earlier.... and!~! I posted a pic of my VS Bikini that somehow got already!~!~!~! Its insane... i cant believe I posted oh well, now I know what want to work on.!
    Your pic is GREAT Kan! You look awesome! :drinker: And huuuge "ups" for having the confidence to post it! I'm not sure I could do the same...

    As for being some kind of wise "thin buddah"... Not quite :tongue: haha But thanks for the compliment! I definitely have my struggles and have dealt with mental health issues in the past, including depression. My journey with weight loss and self-esteem has been a total rollercoaster. For my entire life I was teased, bullied and made to feel inferior because of my weight, which only confounded my struggles with depression and feelings of worthlessness, leading to a vicious cycle of not thinking I was deserving of love, even love of myself and the effort it takes to get healthy and be good to me. Learning to love myself, develop self-worth, and take steps every day to foster feelings of accomplishment and pride in my body, my fitness, and my mental/emotional fortitude has been a long road and it's very, very tough to get started and stay motivated some days. But I learned early on that I can only ever do it for myself and I really have to want it. Some days it's so hard to be positive about my life or myself - it just seems like way too much work - but it pays dividends in the long term and once you get the ball rolling, things seem to fall into place and eventually get easier. Not every day will be easy, but they get easier in general. Sort of :wink:

    AFM - Weighed in this morning at 123lbs even. That's a loss of 0.2lbs from last Friday, but I'll call it maintenance. Trying to convince myself to do my push-up challenge this morning even though I really don't want to... What did I just say about only getting out what you put in? Ugh! OK fine... I'll do them! Not logging food today through Sunday on account of my trip and plan to be good, but not too good. Definitely going to spoil myself a little. I don't get to go away often so I figure it's alright once in a while. Not going to stress about it either. I am hoping that if the weather is nice tomorrow we can go on a crazy hike in Gatineau Park... That should undo some of the damage, right? haha

    Anyway ladies, I'm off to Ottawa for now!! I should be back Monday morning. Hope I can catch up with you all then :bigsmile: Have a VERY productive, self-positive and healthy weekend! And to all you young mother's - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! You all inspire me so much every day for putting your own health and wellness as a priority in your life. You're setting a fabulous example for you kids. Learning to love and respect yourself can be hard work but it's made much easier when you have a great role model to show you the way :wink:

  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    My dad told me something the other day that really resonated with me

    " You don't need to be anything, everyone is running around thinking that they need to be this or they have to do that. The only thing that you need to do is be you. Just being you is enough for everyone except for yourself"

    Love is truly in the air right now, I can feel it.

    your dad is right... I think it's something that we constantly need to be reminded of!

    Personal victory for me- I actually took a rest day yesterday. It was tough and I got grumpy... but I'm back at it today with 2 gym sessions then a visit to the track to run and do stairs.

    Keep on kicking *kitten*!
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Kandace - I hope things get better for you today. I know I go through rough depression spells but somehow I guess they just dissolve eventually for me. I wish yours could do the same. I love the bathing suit pic! It's really fun and colorful, oh, and yeah. YOU LOOK GREAT!

    Meag: Have a great weekend! We'll all miss you, but we'd rather you be out enjoying and spoiling yourself. You definitely deserve every millisecond of it. I hope you have a good vacation!

    McBody - (I'm not sure what your real name is) First of all I LOVE YOUR PROFILE PICTURE!!!!!!! ok now that I shouted that, Rest days are ALWAYS needed otherwise your body can't repair itself as well and then all that time at the gym isn't as beneficial as it should be. So enjoy them every now and then :)
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Kandace- Girl you are stressing me out with your stress! I know you will find a way to work everything out, its just going to take time and you need to remind yourself of that. You have already accomplished so much and I know you will keep pushing forward!

    Meag- YEAH! Bestie weekend!!! I love those and I am sure you are going to have a great time!

    AFM- Ran a mile this morning followed by another mile walking. My left hamstring is still tight and sore, but it is definitely getting better with some serious stretching. It is suppose to rain on Sunday so I think tomorrow I will go for a run, buy paint supplies for my kitchen, and then work on planting some plants I bought two weeks ago and haven't gotten around to planting yet. Then on Sunday I am going to relax or paint my kitchen if I don't get to it tomorrow. I am hoping to be able to do at least 2 miles tomorrow without stopping. The transition from Treadmill to outside has been difficult, but today I ran the mile in 10:48, my coworker and I had been running it at 11:30 ish so that is a huge difference! I am not sure that I could have kept that pace up, but it still felt really good. Any ways, I'll be catching up with all of you lovelies throughout the day but just wanted to say hi!!

  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Friday lovelies!!!

    Meag - I hope you have a great time in Ottawa with your BFF!! I hope you are able to find a good balance while you are visiting and aren't stressing too much because you are out of your bubble!!

    Meredith - sooo glad you are back!! Missed ya girly!! And I have just 10 days left of school and graduation June 4. I am super super excited!!

    Kandace - my :heart: goes out to ya girly!! I wish I could just give you a big hug and be there to just listen to you rant (if thats what you needed to do)!! You already know you need to take things slow and not take on too much. Hopefully you and your counselor are able to work something out so that you can breathe easier and slow down!! *big hugs* :flowerforyou:

    McBody - congrats on the rest day!! Those are very important for your body and mind!!

    Megan - great job on your run!! Sounds like you have a full weekend ahead of you....find sometime to enjoy it too!!

    AFM...yesterday was a HORRIBLE food day!! :noway: But today is a new day so I refuse to beat myself up over it. I have a full weekend planned. Going to see some Angels baseball with my kids and cousins tomorrow night. And then for Mother's Day, I will be taking my kids, mom, and aunt to watch more Angels baseball and then we will come home and have a BBQ with a friend and her kids. I think I will even get to see the bf Sunday night!!

    QOTD (sorry Aly): what are your plans for Mother's Day? If Mother's Day is just another day for you then how are you planning on enjoying the weekend??

    Hope you lovelies all have a great day!! :love: I am hoping to check in this weekend!!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Thanks guys, you all rock. Some times are hard (meag thanks for showing me that I am not the only one that cant shut off their mind) but I spoke with my counselor today and we narrowed it down. All this time I have been thinking that I am just sitting on my butt wasting space have been really hard on me. As I looked back on the past few weeks I realize taht I have been putting so much pressure on myself that I never gave myself a chance to calm down and enjoy anything. And when I did try to have fun, of do a workout that I wanted to do, instead of NEEDED to do, I got guilt feelings that I thought were nervous feelings. I felt guilty cuz of all the pressure I put on myself!~! Im such a freak... lol Anyway, I would not have posted that pic if I wasnt feeling so relieved after figuring that out about myself (again).

    Leela, I know you being NICE saying that I look GREAT, but thank you!~!~! Im thinking a tan might help my thighs not eat the bottom half of my bathing idk.... I was going to be ready to wear it at the end of the month.. so now I have a picture and I can compare. June 19th was my goal date.. so now I can narrow down what I want to work on and see how much I can do in 5 weeks or so.

    a victory I made today... I accepted a "Happy Mother's Day wish." my counselor called me back into his office as I was leaving and said kandace, have a happy Mother's Day. I could feel the compassion from his words. It took me back a min, I had to take a deep breath and regain myself, but after I did, I smiled and said thank you. It was nice to know I can do that. Im not a mom, but I have a mom and even though I cant hand her a present this year, maybe I can just be happy, happy for me and happy for her. So she can see me happy and not have to worry anymore.

    Happy Mother's Day to EVERYONE who WANTS it to be.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Kancrav- Please be nicer to yourself. You really do look good and don't keep beating yourself up about it. Honestly if you look at pictures of me in a bikini we aren't much different and I work out like a beast! I need to work on this too but we are all beautiful, even if we don't have thin thighs, or flat stomachs that is including bikini pictures :)

    Guam- No worries, I don't have the time I used to have to update on here so Please feel free to jump in with a QOTD whenever.

    AFM- I had an awesome night with some friends to let off some steam. I really needed it. Now I feel better even though I am a little hungover :) I am going to rest today and hit the ground running Saturday and Sunday with biking and swimming.

    QOTD- I am going to brunch with my momma then shopping then going to see the play Cats! So excited!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Helllllllo from Ottawa! Well, I got here about 1.5 hours early and my girlfriend is still at work so I'm maxing and relaxing at Starbucks (enjoying a 1/2 price Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee - my first non-water/coffee/tea drink in about a year, I'd guess! :noway: I'm going wild!) waiting for her to finish. Figured I would share my happiness with y'all for a min.

    Yesterday's posts about positive self-talk and loving your body and yourself at any shape/size/weight really influenced my mood and I woke up today feeling INCREDIBLE! I am feeling healthy, strong, beautiful and so capable :bigsmile: I am loving my body today - I feel attractive and I know that no matter what choices I make this weekend, come Monday morning things will still be nearly identical. But more than that I know that 95% of my choices will be incredibly healthy, even given the lack of control and the circumstances surrounding my trip. I know that every time I put something into my mouth, now, I consider where it comes from and what's in it. I don't always eat clean (see aforementioned Frapp) and I am far from perfect, but I make informed decisions, I moderate my intake of junk, and I know how to find balance with food. I also know how *not* to binge or just throw in the towel. One "treat" shouldn't derail my entire journey. And I trust myself to have one without worrying that all of a sudden all my hard work will be for naught. It's freeing!

    I was able to look at myself this morning, with all of my flaws - my stretch marks, loose skin, and tummy bulge - and fully LOVE how I looked. That's big, guys. Very big. On my 5.5 hour drive here I had a LOT of time to reflect on my feelings about myself, my body, my fitness and my journey. The sun was shinning and I must say I felt more at peace than I have in a very long time. I feel healthy, strong, and genuinely happy with who I am and what I've accomplished so far. And I want so much to share that warmth and joy with you all. If only I could give you each a piece of it!

    Please, if you do nothing else this weekend, take some time to bask in the sun, smile, and think about all the things you've accomplished. Let all your life's worries and stress fall to the side, just for 5 minutes, and find some peace with yourself, your body and your choices. Remove all distractions and just be in your body and in the moment. It's so worth it!

    I think I get so caught up in how stressful and rushed life can feel sometimes, I forget to just ENJOY it. Not today. :heart:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Helllllllo from Ottawa! Well, I got here about 1.5 hours early and my girlfriend is still at work so I'm maxing and relaxing at Starbucks (enjoying a 1/2 price Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee - my first non-water/coffee/tea drink in about a year, I'd guess! :noway: I'm going wild!) waiting for her to finish. Figured I would share my happiness with y'all for a min.

    Yesterday's posts about positive self-talk and loving your body and yourself at any shape/size/weight really influenced my mood and I woke up today feeling INCREDIBLE! I am feeling healthy, strong, beautiful and so capable :bigsmile: I am loving my body today - I feel attractive and I know that no matter what choices I make this weekend, come Monday morning things will still be nearly identical. But more than that I know that 95% of my choices will be incredibly healthy, even given the lack of control and the circumstances surrounding my trip. I know that every time I put something into my mouth, now, I consider where it comes from and what's in it. I don't always eat clean (see aforementioned Frapp) and I am far from perfect, but I make informed decisions, I moderate my intake of junk, and I know how to find balance with food. I also know how *not* to binge or just throw in the towel. One "treat" shouldn't derail my entire journey. And I trust myself to have one without worrying that all of a sudden all my hard work will be for naught. It's freeing!

    I was able to look at myself this morning, with all of my flaws - my stretch marks, loose skin, and tummy bulge - and fully LOVE how I looked. That's big, guys. Very big. On my 5.5 hour drive here I had a LOT of time to reflect on my feelings about myself, my body, my fitness and my journey. The sun was shinning and I must say I felt more at peace than I have in a very long time. I feel healthy, strong, and genuinely happy with who I am and what I've accomplished so far. And I want so much to share that warmth and joy with you all. If only I could give you each a piece of it!

    Please, if you do nothing else this weekend, take some time to bask in the sun, smile, and think about all the things you've accomplished. Let all your life's worries and stress fall to the side, just for 5 minutes, and find some peace with yourself, your body and your choices. Remove all distractions and just be in your body and in the moment. It's so worth it!

    I think I get so caught up in how stressful and rushed life can feel sometimes, I forget to just ENJOY it. Not today. :heart:

    I believe that this may be not only my favorite post from you ever but favorite post ever in our group! It is so great to hear you embrace this aspect of the journey. I am soooo sooo happy about this Meag! Enjoy every second of your weekend!!!
  • sarahmay25
    sarahmay25 Posts: 27 Member
    Im feeling a little better than I did earlier.... and!~! I posted a pic of my VS Bikini that somehow got already!~!~!~! Its insane... i cant believe I posted oh well, now I know what want to work on.!

    Be back later to chat if anyone comes back

    you look like you have more defined abs than I do in your picture. Way to go the bikini looks great!
  • sarahmay25
    sarahmay25 Posts: 27 Member
    I didn't drink at all on Cino de Mayo! Personal accomplishment. Well that and I went running yesterday instead and got a mile time of 9:30. I know its not great but I just started running because I used to dislike it alot, but it felt great to have such a low time for myself. I just hope it gets better next week and then I can just go ahead and work on my 5K time! P.S. got my abs workout in every day this week!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Meag - I'm with Cait!! It is so WONDERFUL to hear you talk like that!! :bigsmile: That is such a revelation for you!! I can't wait to see what else life has to offer you!! I know that one day, I will be able to get to that point as well!! Have a great time with your friend!! Can't wait to hear about all of your fun you had when you get back!!