Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - May Challenge!!



  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    I am not sure if I can handle this for much longer :/

    Handle what?
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Meag- sounds like you have an awesome weekend coming up and i'm super jealous!

    Tara- holy moly your a beast and i knew you would crush your last april weigh in

    Aly- i hope the docotrs help you figure out whats happening. I know this has been going on for a while and it is super frustrating- but whats happening that you feel like you cant handle? Are you ok? Hugs

    Space- Sounds like you have figured out a plan that is working for you and thats what really matters

    Qotd i love yellow. It just makes me happy

    Have a great night everyone!
  • Yvalcaraz
    Yvalcaraz Posts: 8 Member
    I am not sure if I can handle this for much longer :/

    aww hun whats wrong? Hang in there whatever it is and smile its a beautiful day! :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Almost forgot - QOTD: What's your favourite colour?

    Purple! I love it :blushing:

    I was cruising when I saw this. Brother from another mother. Not sure if we've done the color discussion so far but here goes:

    Until I was 6 I refused to own anything that wasnt purple. It was so bad that my younger brother almost 'failed' preschool because the teachers thought he couldn't identify the color purple....because he would say "Meggy" when ever they showed him the color :smile:
    I refused to wear anything other than purple until I was about 8 years old :laugh: What's up with us? Too funny! I still wear purple all the time and Tyler even has his blackberry modified with an app that turns the light to purple when I text, call or email him. Yea, we're dorks :glasses:

    Aly - Very concerned about your post. Hope everything gets sorted out. Sending some love, girl <<hugs>>

    Tara - Fab fab fabulous! I've already posted on your statuses but yea - you deserve another *HIGH FIVE!* Rock on lady! :drinker:

    Megan - Hope so! :happy: I am really, really excited about it! Going to plan some meals ahead of time for when I'm there and if I can control breakfast and snacks, then I figure I'll be able to mellow out a bit at meals and let myself enjoy some "cheat" food. I'll just dedicate it all to my new GP - That's been the trend recently :laugh: Hopefully my WI on Friday will give me some peace of mind going into the weekend. Fingers crossed!

    Have a fabulous night, ladies! :heart:
  • sarahmay25
    sarahmay25 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm happy with the past few days. I've got my abs workout in every day at least 10 min, but I'm working for more time! But I haven't started running yet, so that's a work in progress...
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    OK here's yet another selfish post, as there's tons to comment on and not nearly enough time to do it it!
    yay for it being a new month, and i'm looking forward to reading how everyone is doing with their goals! there seems to be a lot of enthusiasm going around and i for one am loving it!

    i signed up for my first 5K the other day! i have 1 month, and am feeling pretty good about it after i ran straight 3 miles.. the distance is coming back thank goodness. the rain totally ruined my plan of running yesterday, though instead I got my Turbo on after Jillian.. i'm 6 days into Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred, and i have to stay i'm proud of myself for getting up and doing it as consecutively as i can, even though it's such a butt-kicking 20 min. by then end i def feel great, and will hopefully see a change, if not in weight then inches.. prob should've measured before starting :tongue:

    quick rant about work.. i hate the fact that 1 person can have such an effect on 6 other people... i know i've complained before but it just freaking amazes me how "grown up" women can be such.. you-know-what's, over every little thing that doesn't go their way. and i hate the fact that my shift is so short that we def can't afford to let go of her.. and the fact is that she comes to work and does her job, however her attitude is completely horrible it's getting to the point where some days i dread coming to work, and i never used to feel like that. at my next charge tech meeting with my boss i'm going to complain (again) and request that something be said to her (again)... it's days like that that make me want to turn in my resignation.. OK rant done..

    hope everyone is getting a great start to the month! i'm attempting to be diligent with the logging.. baby steps lol... have a great Cinco de Mayo!!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    Dear Kick *kitten* Crew,

    I have missed this thread a lot - I can't believe that I was gone all of April (and some of March if I remember correctly!) :frown: I am in my final semester of college (and now, my final month, omgomgomg!!!!) and stress hit the fan and there were a lot of things that had to give within the past few months. Unfortunately, the gym and logging were two of them. I also switched a class to P/F because I could not keep up with the work - which is something that is unheard of for me. A saving grace is the yoga class that I enrolled in through our Health and Exercise Science department - if I don't go, I get an F on my transcript, so I have been forced to dedicate at least 3 hours a week to my body.

    Braved the scale for the first time in about 2 months, and I found out that I essentially maintained during this whole time. Although I'm not as far along in my weight loss journey as I had wanted, this is a HUGE success for me! That I can make decisions that are driven by convenience and stress while not having MFP to keep me accountable and MAINTAIN is really good. I CAN be accountable to myself without the MFP middleman. This is giving me hope that when I get to my goal weight, I will be able to stay there!

    Yesterday I logged everything for the first time in about a month. Went over by about 200, but I made mostly healthy choices (mainly because I have no more junk food in my apartment). I've got an awards/honors dinner tonight (complete with really, really awesome desserts) so today's logging will be a total guess - but it's better than nothing, I suppose.

    In any case, my May goal is mainly finishing and passing my thesis (and fitting all my stuff into my car when I move out). I defend in 2 weeks and I am still writing :noway: Officially terrified!! I'm also going to make an effort to cook dinner more often than I have been.

    :heart: you all!!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Quote of the Day:

    We never repent of having eaten too little. ~Thomas Jefferson, 1825

    If I can, I'm going to link my quote and my update... so basically I ate too much yesterday and I'm repenting, lol. Today is a new day. I have to work tonight, but having last night off really helped my frustrations. Called my colleague at work and that patient is fine.... applied to another job online also that I would love to turn into something... we'll see. My vision of myself in the future is a fit healthy woman who says no to cookies and chocolate because they are crappy for her and not loosing sleep over it. I don't actually loose sleep over skipping goodies, but I just seem to agonize over how yummy that thing might have been. My weight is still at about 165-166, but I really haven't been consistent with my diet and exercise this month. Therefore, I shouldn't really be seeing results yet. Short term goal: The next 6 days within my calories. I owe it to myself and my goals. There is nothing stopping me but my own gluttony. Love you girls and talk to you soon. =D

    Finn – Great advice. I use word also. Have fun running that 5K with your mom. Sounds like a very fit mother’s day.

    Yvalcaraz – Sounds like you did a pretty great job with weight loss in April. Just goes to show that even if you don’t do everything perfectly that your good decision can still make a big difference. Glad you have you back in May!

    KanCrav – Totally echo Finn’s advice. Please talk to someone first before coming off any medication (for depression or otherwise). The flip side is that your doc should be able to prescribe you something else that doesn’t make you feel so jittery. Sorry about your cramping and lady issues. I absolutely HATE birth control pills. They make me feel like poop. I’m on Nuvaring right now and love it (low and local hormone dosing = reduced side effects AND I don’t have to think about it for 3 weeks).

    LA Kat – Feels good not to be in the clean plate club!! I used to be able to eat like 4-6 slices of pizza in one sitting (BIG ONES) and now if I eat more than 2 I start to feel sick… That is a good thing! And you have lunch for today.

    I’m glad that weight came off. Our bodies just freak out sometimes. =/ That is the technical term if you missed it…spelled “f-r-e-a-k space o-u-t” lol. I hope those blood tests hold the answer to curing your headaches.

    Meag: Sounds like you had a great time with your mom. I love scrabble (me= pretty big nerd, but nerd to me is super cool!!). Recreational bike ride with ur man sounds so romantic and fun and I hope that was how it went. Have fun on your vacation and I hope you have that beer and just relax (disclaimer: I honestly hate beer but support the consumption of it by others, lol). Cheers to you and enjoying life!

    TJ: You are truly radd!! Great job on your April goals!!! I aspire to be as victorious. Hail the conquering hero (to quote the Genie from Aladdin.. good ol’ Robbin Williams)

    Gonk: Cracked me up about your brother almost flunking preschool because of your obsession with purple. haha!

    Allie: Please measure yourself!! It can be a really great indication of progress when the scale fails you as you get closer to your goal weight. Also take a picture of yourself for before and after purposes (if you haven’t yet) cause over enough time even making just small good decisions changes your body for the better. Besides.. before and after pictures are really motivating!

    QOTD from Yesterday: Pink!!!!!! I’m a total girl. ;D
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Welcome back, Meredith! Adding you to our growing list...

    Leela30: comment more on this month's challenge; eat at least 80g of protein a day
    Believeinmagic: To lose 13 pounds; eat more vegetables and do more strength training
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 133lbs; to run my 10k course at least 1x, Run my 4m run at 9:30
    Allie7383:get out of the 150's finally, continue with the 30 Day Shred, work on increasing my running distance, and overall feeling good about myself!
    SpaceCoconaut: To lose 2-3 lbs a week and stick to my experiment.
    Shannonaufman: lose 4 pounds to hit 169. Drink 64+ ounces of water 25/30 days. Finish C25K. Start One Hour Runner. Stick with 30DS.
    ~KanCrav~ Reach 143, Jog at least 3 times outside,follow WO schedule, incorporate Low GI foods into my diet.
    rai8759: GW 160.4, One day off per week (tracking food), WI on Friday, JM should kick my *kitten* 5-6 days a week, Cardio 3-5 days a week x 20-30 min., Tracking every day except day off, Eat less processed sugar
    wardiemelissa (Melissa)-continue to maintain weight between 120-125 lbs; exercise routine 5 days running, 2 days strength, 1 day rest (long run 10+miles on Sundays), continue to test out new recipes (including new fruits and veggies), and making more time for my family, AND try to post at least ONCE a day!!!
    pixycats: lose 5 pounds, continue C210K at least 3/week, stay under calorie goal 6/week, rest one day/week
    finncmh- not focus on the scale loss! keep working on running plan that I came up with for the 5k in June. Start the push-up and squat 6 week challenge
    lostalykat- To get back to 169 by June 1st. Work on headache prevention and be mindful of what I am doing and eating. Focus on my new training plan and enjoy life. Stress less, yoga more!
    WannabRN10- get out of the 160's!!! Work out at least 3 days a week (piloxing class, hot yoga class, and weights class). Eat Dairy Queen only twice (it is my fav!). Stay in a positive mind set and not get over-stressed with school.
    alwhisler-Increase my run to 45 minutes non-stop, get down to that lower pant size instead of being in-between :)
    sarahmay25- Complete an ab circuit every day of the week except rest day, and decrease my finish time of a mile by the end of every week.
    mkingraham (Megan)- get down to 208, strength train at least 2 times a week, run 3 times a week
    eleanoreb (Eleanore or El) - improve 10k run time, stay in bottom part of weight range, face food head on and not give in to temptations (rather than just avoid)
    MamaMango: Lose 7 pounds,keep my portions under control, do HIIT 3 times a week,strength train moderate-heavy 5 times a week,do some form of low to moderate cardio every other day,eat more fresh greens and less starch and grains! :)
    jyopchick: get back to 130lbs, only allowed one day to go over cals (and within reason), and MORE WATER!!
    crystalfaith: continue to workout at least 4 times a week, drink tons of water, finish the C25k program, and break into the 140s
    LisaRid - lose 10 lbs, drink 8 glasses of water each day, exercise 4x per week, and curb my dessert eating. May is the month!!! :)
    emmarie- do the best I can!
    shelsab-keep up my 10k running schedule, lose 5lbs, strength training 2x week, 3 yoga classes.
    k_ewilliams - log in everyday and keep out of the red, lose at least 5 pounds, run 3x a week
    spellbinder25: (1) Lose 4lbs to reach 133.5, (2) Do 30 Day Shred 5 times/week, (3) Count calories everyday, (4) Update on this thread at least twice a week.
    meagalayne - get back into my maintenance range and stay there, log food no more than 5 days/week, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge, make it to 4 spin classes, increase H2O consumption, and find ways make each day great!
    nausicaa11-lose 6 pounds and try to reach the 8km/h mark on the treadmill.
    McBody- actually rest on rest days; incorporate yoga; get back on a running schedule for race
    carro585-workout 4x/week, average less than 200 beverage cal./day, don't fall too far off the wagon while on vacation
    yvalcaraz-(Yolanda)- Run for 3 miles w/o stopping, lose 8lbs, 1000 sit-ups 3x wk, post at least once a week to the group
    tjradd73(Tara)- to lose -5.4lbs to put me at 100lbs lost total, 8 cups H20/day, 3 days of my strength plan, 3 days of cardio, no more than 4 days over on my cals, and >20 under on my sodium.
    stuartme123- finishing and passing my thesis, and cooking dinner more often
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Just a quick post this morning to see how everyone is, but there hasn't been much movement since last night.

    meredith- Welcome back and way to go with maintaining! I remember how stressful writing and defending research is so just keep on trucking and soon it will be all over and I'm sureyou will do amazing!!

    AFM- I did not do bootcamp this morning because after doing insanity on Tuesday and running on Wednesday my left hamstring is CRAZY tight and sore. I am stretching it out throughout the day, but that's a little hard to do in the middle of the office and I plan on a nice long walk this evening in hopes of stretching it out. Other then that I have to get some stuff out the door for work today and then start working on the next thing- it is all higtting at once it feels- YIKES! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    No worries guys I was just a little frustrated with a few things on this board. But I stepped away and all is well. I did a hour bike last night and ran/walked for 30mins this morning. It felt great to get back into training. I lost 2 pounds from last week! So I am calling this my official start point of May. Ready to lose a few more pounds and focus on getting rid of the headaches and working out since I truly love it. Gotta run again sorry for all the selfish and distressing posts. I promise to get back on the ball soon.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Meag- dude this push-up challenge in for serious! Haha. I have been doing my squats on my push-up rests and it’s a nice little non-stop circuit. Definitely need to get some other strength stuff back in there though. Sucks about the baseball game being canceled- I know how much you love your baseball! I hope you have SOOO much fun this weekend. You deserve to enjoy yourself and be healthy (and part of that IS moderation)!!!

    Meag/Gonks- You two and your purple. I refused to like purple or pink after a boy told me they were only for girls when we were in kindergarten. Then I almost beat up said boy another time when he made fun of another little boy for wearing a red shirt because only girls could wear it… SHEESH should have none then I would be a trouble maker. I am just now starting to get over my dislike for those two colors. However, in 4th grade I decided that orange and yellow would be my favorite colors since no one else ever picked them… I know I know explains a lot doesn’t it… hehehe little nutty even then!

    Tara- as always you are a machine. I always love reading your goals and you keep us all motivated throughout the month. Great job in April and here’s to a Kick *kitten* MAY!!!!

    Rachelly- No worries. Just jump in when you can. Missed ya!

    Megan- I am starting to think we may be MFP twins. Yellow WHAT! Running 5ks WHAT! Great job on signing up for the 5k. Sounds like its going to be a great one! Cant wait to hear about it.

    Sarah- glad to hear this week is going well for you. One step at a time!

    Allie- its so hard when things are tough at work. It can be ALL consuming for the other aspects of our lives. I hope that you can work through this and find some peace there.

    Meredith- we are just glad you are still kicking *kitten*! This time of the semester is really really tough. Just get through it and keep doing what you are doing. Awesome that you maintained through all of this. That’s ultimately what life is all about- reality not just logging and losing. Keep it up lady!

    Rai- good luck with your short term goals. Just keep taking one step at a time.

    Aly- boards can be tough. Sometimes we just have to let it go and focus on ourselves (good to be a little selfish sometimes) Good for you for stepping away and doing what you gotta do!

    AFM- got in W1D2 of the push-ups and W3D2 of the squats yesterday. Holy moly! It was rough but I am not as sore this morning as I thought I would be. Also today marks 1 week since I upped my calories (I basically just changed them on here to lose ½ a week since a lot of other sites were giving me much higher calorie numbers to lose that 1lb a week) Well as of this morning I had lost a pound exactly. I promised myself I would give it a few weeks to see how my body adjusts regardless so I am still going to do that. I have a feeling I am just going to have to change it up every few weeks to keep my body guessing.

    Anyway, low-key 1.5-2 mile run on the schedule for today. Then tomorrow and Saturday rest days (probably will get in some walking just to stay moving) 5k with my madre is Sunday. Pretty excited to see if I have made improvements to my time from the one last month.

    Anyway, have a great Wednesday everyone!!!!

  • NurseNatalie2011
    I am doing workout #3 for this week today. One of my goals is to workout at least 3 days a week. I am finishing up with my BSN and school is so crazzzzy. I am glad that I am finding time to work out the 3 days and it's only Thursday today! I think I will try to get in a work out tomorrow or Saturday too...maybe both days to get rid of school stress!

    How does everyone else deal with stress? I used to be a bing eater when I was stressed and I have really learned how to say NO during those times. I have also been doing my nails too...saving money and relaxing!
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    just one of those days...


    you thought i was gonna say "when i wanna be all alone" didn't you?? NO WAY! in fact, i wish all you MFPers lives in boston and we could just skip out on life for the day and run around doing sweet fitness things and eating healthy and feeling GOOOOOOOOD :glasses:

    do you ever have days like that? where you just feel AWESOME? and you wish that you didn't have to work on anything but yourself? haha that sounds so selfish but i think focusing on your personal health and fitness is the LEAST selfish thing you can do!!

    so yea, today is one of those days where im SO happy to be in the category of "living a healthy & active lifestyle" and i LOVE that i have all of you to talk about this with on the reg - because sometimes i just want to scream at the top of my lungs THIS IS SO FREAKIN AWESOM!!! :love:
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    just one of those days...


    you thought i was gonna say "when i wanna be all alone" didn't you?? NO WAY! in fact, i wish all you MFPers lives in boston and we could just skip out on life for the day and run around doing sweet fitness things and eating healthy and feeling GOOOOOOOOD :glasses:

    do you ever have days like that? where you just feel AWESOME? and you wish that you didn't have to work on anything but yourself? haha that sounds so selfish but i think focusing on your personal health and fitness is the LEAST selfish thing you can do!!

    so yea, today is one of those days where im SO happy to be in the category of "living a healthy & active lifestyle" and i LOVE that i have all of you to talk about this with on the reg - because sometimes i just want to scream at the top of my lungs THIS IS SO FREAKIN AWESOM!!! :love:

    Yaaaay!!! Sounds great. You gave me a boost for today. =D Thank you!
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    fantastic!!! we are taking this day BY STORM :happy:
    just one of those days...


    you thought i was gonna say "when i wanna be all alone" didn't you?? NO WAY! in fact, i wish all you MFPers lives in boston and we could just skip out on life for the day and run around doing sweet fitness things and eating healthy and feeling GOOOOOOOOD :glasses:

    do you ever have days like that? where you just feel AWESOME? and you wish that you didn't have to work on anything but yourself? haha that sounds so selfish but i think focusing on your personal health and fitness is the LEAST selfish thing you can do!!

    so yea, today is one of those days where im SO happy to be in the category of "living a healthy & active lifestyle" and i LOVE that i have all of you to talk about this with on the reg - because sometimes i just want to scream at the top of my lungs THIS IS SO FREAKIN AWESOM!!! :love:

    Yaaaay!!! Sounds great. You gave me a boost for today. =D Thank you!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Good Morning Lovelies!! Although I am sure its afternoon for just about everyone except for me, Aly, and Tara!!

    Just caught up with the posts but don't have time to respond to everyone.

    Meredith - welcome back girly!! Missed ya!! I am finishing up my last week and a half of school myself...exciting!!

    AFM...had a loss on the scale this morning so that was a win. I believe it was water weight but I will take that as a win!! Small victory for me of the girls in the office was selling chocolate bars for her godson so I bought one but told her I didn't want it and that she could give it away but I still wanted to support. Woohoo!!

    Hope everyone has a great Thursday!!
  • maddyguru
    maddyguru Posts: 6
    Im new at this but I believe this will help and encourage me to lose the weight I need to lose.

    Leela30: comment more on this month's challenge; eat at least 80g of protein a day
    Believeinmagic: To lose 13 pounds; eat more vegetables and do more strength training
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 133lbs; to run my 10k course at least 1x, Run my 4m run at 9:30
    Allie7383:get out of the 150's finally, continue with the 30 Day Shred, work on increasing my running distance, and overall feeling good about myself!
    SpaceCoconaut: To lose 2-3 lbs a week and stick to my experiment.
    Shannonaufman: lose 4 pounds to hit 169. Drink 64+ ounces of water 25/30 days. Finish C25K. Start One Hour Runner. Stick with 30DS.
    ~KanCrav~ Reach 143, Jog at least 3 times outside,follow WO schedule, incorporate Low GI foods into my diet.
    rai8759: GW 160.4, One day off per week (tracking food), WI on Friday, JM should kick my *kitten* 5-6 days a week, Cardio 3-5 days a week x 20-30 min., Tracking every day except day off, Eat less processed sugar
    wardiemelissa (Melissa)-continue to maintain weight between 120-125 lbs; exercise routine 5 days running, 2 days strength, 1 day rest (long run 10+miles on Sundays), continue to test out new recipes (including new fruits and veggies), and making more time for my family, AND try to post at least ONCE a day!!!
    pixycats: lose 5 pounds, continue C210K at least 3/week, stay under calorie goal 6/week, rest one day/week
    finncmh- not focus on the scale loss! keep working on running plan that I came up with for the 5k in June. Start the push-up and squat 6 week challenge
    lostalykat- To get back to 169 by June 1st. Work on headache prevention and be mindful of what I am doing and eating. Focus on my new training plan and enjoy life. Stress less, yoga more!
    WannabRN10- get out of the 160's!!! Work out at least 3 days a week (piloxing class, hot yoga class, and weights class). Eat Dairy Queen only twice (it is my fav!). Stay in a positive mind set and not get over-stressed with school.
    alwhisler-Increase my run to 45 minutes non-stop, get down to that lower pant size instead of being in-between :)
    sarahmay25- Complete an ab circuit every day of the week except rest day, and decrease my finish time of a mile by the end of every week.
    mkingraham (Megan)- get down to 208, strength train at least 2 times a week, run 3 times a week
    eleanoreb (Eleanore or El) - improve 10k run time, stay in bottom part of weight range, face food head on and not give in to temptations (rather than just avoid)
    MamaMango: Lose 7 pounds,keep my portions under control, do HIIT 3 times a week,strength train moderate-heavy 5 times a week,do some form of low to moderate cardio every other day,eat more fresh greens and less starch and grains! :)
    jyopchick: get back to 130lbs, only allowed one day to go over cals (and within reason), and MORE WATER!!
    crystalfaith: continue to workout at least 4 times a week, drink tons of water, finish the C25k program, and break into the 140s
    LisaRid - lose 10 lbs, drink 8 glasses of water each day, exercise 4x per week, and curb my dessert eating. May is the month!!! :)
    emmarie- do the best I can!
    shelsab-keep up my 10k running schedule, lose 5lbs, strength training 2x week, 3 yoga classes.
    k_ewilliams - log in everyday and keep out of the red, lose at least 5 pounds, run 3x a week
    spellbinder25: (1) Lose 4lbs to reach 133.5, (2) Do 30 Day Shred 5 times/week, (3) Count calories everyday, (4) Update on this thread at least twice a week.
    meagalayne - get back into my maintenance range and stay there, log food no more than 5 days/week, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge, make it to 4 spin classes, increase H2O consumption, and find ways make each day great!
    nausicaa11-lose 6 pounds and try to reach the 8km/h mark on the treadmill.
    McBody- actually rest on rest days; incorporate yoga; get back on a running schedule for race
    carro585-workout 4x/week, average less than 200 beverage cal./day, don't fall too far off the wagon while on vacation
    yvalcaraz-(Yolanda)- Run for 3 miles w/o stopping, lose 8lbs, 1000 sit-ups 3x wk, post at least once a week to the group
    tjradd73(Tara)- to lose -5.4lbs to put me at 100lbs lost total, 8 cups H20/day, 3 days of my strength plan, 3 days of cardio, no more than 4 days over on my cals, and >20 under on my sodium.
    stuartme123- finishing and passing my thesis, and cooking dinner more often
    maddyguru - Build up endurace at the the gym and go at least 4-5x a wk, lose at least 5-6 lbs
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Welcome Maddy! If you're looking for motivation, you're in the right place :bigsmile: Great to have you! And I love your goals. It's wonderful to be flexible and know that you can only do the best you can do! I think there are a few of us here that could stand to learn that lesson.... :blushing:

    Just wanted to share with you guys something a MFPal of mine posted today.
    The Body Pledge: I vow to try and start loving my body, however I am feeling, however I look and wherever I am. I promise to stop the negative self-talk and fight back against my negative thoughts- not everything I say is true. I pledge never to participate in group body bashing of myself and others. This includes snide remarks towards other girls and picking apart myself. I promise to refrain from hurting my body by- doing violence to it, not feeding it right and not taking care of it. I promise to try and not compare my body to others. I promise to not be affected by the negative appeals of the media. I know that the media does not set the standards of beauty or perfection. I promise to recognize that all body types are beautiful. I vow to recognize my strengths, achievements and attractiveness. I am a wonderful, unique person. I promise to not get down on myself when I make a mistake. I am human; mistakes are how I learn. I pledge not to change my personality or how I act no matter how I feel around other people. Those who do not respect me and my true self do not deserve my friendship. I vow to stand up for myself and others. We all deserve respect and love.

    Self-love, positive self-talk and having love, respect and true understanding for other women and their bodies/struggles is a major part of this journey. I thought we could all stand a little "pledge" today! I am totally vowing to be good to "me" today - Feeling good about myself, my body and my fitness. And good about my choices even when they aren't "perfect". I'm vowing to recognize how far I've come, how good I look and feel, and to be my own best coach, motivator and friend today :bigsmile:

    Let's all have a great Thursday! :heart:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Welcome Maddy! If you're looking for motivation, you're in the right place :bigsmile: Great to have you! And I love your goals. It's wonderful to be flexible and know that you can only do the best you can do! I think there are a few of us here that could stand to learn that lesson.... :blushing:

    Just wanted to share with you guys something a MFPal of mine posted today.
    The Body Pledge: I vow to try and start loving my body, however I am feeling, however I look and wherever I am. I promise to stop the negative self-talk and fight back against my negative thoughts- not everything I say is true. I pledge never to participate in group body bashing of myself and others. This includes snide remarks towards other girls and picking apart myself. I promise to refrain from hurting my body by- doing violence to it, not feeding it right and not taking care of it. I promise to try and not compare my body to others. I promise to not be affected by the negative appeals of the media. I know that the media does not set the standards of beauty or perfection. I promise to recognize that all body types are beautiful. I vow to recognize my strengths, achievements and attractiveness. I am a wonderful, unique person. I promise to not get down on myself when I make a mistake. I am human; mistakes are how I learn. I pledge not to change my personality or how I act no matter how I feel around other people. Those who do not respect me and my true self do not deserve my friendship. I vow to stand up for myself and others. We all deserve respect and love.

    Self-love, positive self-talk and having love, respect and true understanding for other women and their bodies/struggles is a major part of this journey. I thought we could all stand a little "pledge" today! I am totally vowing to be good to "me" today - Feeling good about myself, my body and my fitness. And good about my choices even when they aren't "perfect". I'm vowing to recognize how far I've come, how good I look and feel, and to be my own best coach, motivator and friend today :bigsmile:

    Let's all have a great Thursday! :heart:

    Meag I truly love this. I have been having a hard time emotionally with everything lately, to the point where I somewhat exploded this morning at work because I was feeling I was doing everything wrong. I vow to let mistakes happen and not let them change my thoughts or feelings. I truly love myself and my body for enduring all it could to get me this far in my life. There are too many people who have "real" issues for me to not love myself and my body for doing what it can for me today. Lets all love ourselves and realize that part of growing up is loving yourself no matter what :)