Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - May Challenge!!



  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    @meagalayne: I do weigh myself every day. Multiple times a day. I can't weigh myself once or twice a week because I'll get off track. And I do see day to day weight changes. I only been on this diet for 4 days, but I haven't gained any weight. I want it to happen overnight, so I try to make it happen overnight lol.

    I know a couple others commented on this as well- and I don't want you to take any of it as a personal attack... but I've been where you are, and it's not a healthy habit to have. My husband saw what I was doing (weight multiple times and restricting food to control weight) and got rid of the scale. Since then I've actually put on about 10lbs, but I'm actually healthy and strong and capable of being competitive again. What is starting off as an experiment for you, or as your motivator to keep you in check, can quickly (and will) turn into an unhealthy addiction and cause health problems (both mentally and physically). I'm not sure what your current weight is now, but you don't want to be on the eating disorder & depression side of things either- it's not a pretty place.
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    @Carro- happy early birthday... I'm right behind you and will be 26 in July.

    Hope everyone has a good night and gets lots of rest so they can kick *kitten* tomorrow.
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Melissa - I am so impressed with how consistently your pace is improving. You are a tried and true example of how persistence and hard work really pays dividends when it comes to running, or any other fitness endeavour. You are so inspiring and I hope that the newbs and other members can get a lot of motivation from what a stellar example you set. You're FABULOUS! :bigsmile: You really do just have to LIVE THIS!

    THANKS!!! You always have such kind words!! Have a little running/weight loss story to share. So this past Saturday I ran a 5K near the town where I grew up...don't really talk to a lot of the people that I grew up with any more other than on facebook or through random emails. Of all people to run into...I run into my ex-boyfriend (dated him all through high school and 2 years of college-was even engaged). He asks me what I'm doing in town and I explain that I'm visiting my mom and grandma and that I ran in a 5k race. He looked at me like I was crazy. I was always an athlete in school but HATED running-in fact I made fun of the track and cross country people. I tried to explain to him that it just kind of fell into my lap about a year ago and I love it! He told me I looked good and couldn't tell I had 2 kids...he on the other hand looked like he was 9 months pregnant :laugh:

    It really made me step back and realize how far I've come in the last year...I went from being pretty much sedentary to running 4-5 times a week for a total of 20-25 miles AND I've run a 1/2 marathon! WOW!!!!

    If nothing else today...celebrate where you are and how far have come!!! BE PROUD :heart:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Hey all! I'm spending this week at home with my family, and I really appreciate the tips y'all gave me. My family knows and is pretty supportive of my choice to start eating healthy. So I've decided to just make healthy alterations to their eating choices. Like tonight, we're having burgers on the grille. Well instead of having a bun, I'll just use romaine lettuce as a 'bun'. I hope this works! We'll see.

    Megan/Meag -- I have a minor in math on my bachelors' degree, and when I finish my PhD in engineering, I hope to be able to teach some math classes at a local community college, on top of whatever 'real' job I end up getting when I graduate.

    Aly -- I was a competitive swimmer through my youth and teen years. It's such an amazing workout -- one of the best calorie-burners out there. Be careful with your shoulders!

    AFM - So I'm starting this month off a little frustrated. I've been at the same weight for the last four weigh-ins, even though I've been good with calories (I've actually been low most days, minus my one cheat day /week) and good with water (for the most part) and good with exercise (really good, actually). I'm having a really hard time convincing myself to raise my calories, even though I know about the whole 'starvation mode' thing. I drove 14 hours yesterday, and listened to Jillian Michaels' podcasts yesterday, and she talked a lot about calorie intake. And I'm starting to wonder if MFP has my daily calories set too low. MFP has me set at 1430/day (to lose 1 pound per week), and my BMR is 1530. I've read that you're supposed to eat your BMR calories, but... ugh. I just don't know how I feel about upping my calories. Any tips/ideas?

    I have her 30 day shred and No More Trouble Zones-which I absolutely :heart: :heart: LOVE:heart::heart: !!!!

    I just wanted to say that I LOVE the Jillian Michael's podcasts!!! :smile:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    QOTD - I always wanted to be a teacher....until I had my daughter. Then I didn't think that I could handle putting up with a room full of kids that you only have somewhat control over and then having to come home and give my daughter all of the attention that she deserves and needs. So then I quickly changed my major. And in 2 weeks I will be done with my classes for my bachelor's degree in Business Management and will graduate June 4...woohoo!! :drinker:

    CONGRATS on being so close to graduating!!! I teach 2nd grade and I completely know what you are talking about with time...It is hard to give both my girls all the time that they deserve...BUT I also realized that I NEEDED my time too (enters running). My oldest is in kdg in my school so I get to see her all day and my 2 year old is in daycare right in the district. During the week obviously we don't get a lot of quality time but we definitely make up for it on the weekends :happy: Again CONGRATS!!!!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    @meagalayne: I do weigh myself every day. Multiple times a day. I can't weigh myself once or twice a week because I'll get off track. And I do see day to day weight changes. I only been on this diet for 4 days, but I haven't gained any weight. I want it to happen overnight, so I try to make it happen overnight lol.

    Just throwing in my 2 cents :grumble: ...we all would like to see results overnight but in order for something to stick, it needs to be a process. During that process, you will realize who you are and what you really want. When you get where you want to be, the journey is just as important as finally being there.

    Ohhh......I like it!!! Nice words of TRUE!!!! Even though I'm finally maintaining and figured out how to balance my intake with my exercise without having to log my food I don't forget where I started...and I never want to go back there!!!! Thanks for posting that...things that make you go hmmmm :laugh:
  • MisMolly
    MisMolly Posts: 88 Member
    Super cool. I'll write mine tomorrow.
  • RadicalCharlie
    RadicalCharlie Posts: 123 Member
    @meagalayne: Uhm... Not sure. It just keeps me from eating too much and exercising too little.

    The number on the scale isn't the same for me day to day. It's been changing everyday, for the better. I know I have a feeling I'll be disappointed later on, but that's when I know I need to change something. And I will. I calculate how much weight in water I drink, and how much I'll excrete by the morning, and then how many calories I burn at the end of the day and how that equals up in pounds. That's why I get on the scale so much. I don't expect to gain weight, because I'm not the type to mess up on my diet, especially now.

    I have an eating disorder, so the scale means pretty much everything to me... but I'm trying to get in the habit of going off measurements rather than pounds, so I made a goal-measurement chart today. And I have set out sets of jeans in 4 different sizes that I've had over the years, and every 10 lbs I lose, I will try them on from biggest to smallest to I get to the very end of the pile. That motivates me. Also, I went shopping today for goal clothes and that motivates me more.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey everyone- I just got back from my first day of half-ironman training and I feel great. It was great to get in the pool again. Feeling good.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jennelle-Glad you are enjoying the group....I've been a part of this lovely thread since I joined in October and everyone is great!

    Space-congrats on the lbs lost and the inches lost!! that is great! and I also weigh myself every day...I try not ot obsess about it though, I mostly do it to see what my choices every day do or do not do for me if I do have a higher day it reminds me that I have to stay focused the rest of the week to reach my goals.

    Meag-thanks...fingers crossed as usual for tomorrows(todays) WI!! I think it will be good!! and I hope you hear bout the job soon...I HATE waiting! LOL :laugh:

    Kandace-thanks girly!! When I think that I have done really well I just can't wait for the day to see if I truly have!! I'll post it tomorrow afternoon after I wake up!! Great job on continously putting yourself out there and trying new things...I think everyone could learn a thing or 2 from you! :flowerforyou:

    Kat-I think the QOTD is good!! keep em coming!

    QOTD-I also wanted to be a vet...then I switched it to a FBI agent...which I would still love to do!! LOL

    Leela-thanks for sharing that tid bit about cardio hindering muscle growth...who woulda known??? I am gonna definately look into it more though! As for my inspiration for staying on track...mostly it is myself!!! I also would like to prove to others that huge weightloss can happen without surgery!! Of course I wanna show my son that healthy living is important, and I wanna look hot for my bf since he is so hot himself :love:

    Megan-take it easy girl!!! LOL and FYI...i LOVE math too!! :happy:

    Shannon-as for upping your cals...I am not a big fan of the whole starvation mode concept...but a lot of people on here are firm believers!! I do not feel that your body will think its starving if you are eating 1400 cals a 1200 is a diff story! when my mom was on Jenny Craig she got 1200 cals/day...when she plateaued they raised her to 1400 and she started losing again! My thoughts are...all you can do is try it and see what happens! keep your head up, and keep on doing what you are doing, and things will head in the right direction for you soon I hope!

    Bethany-thanks!! I have a feeling April will turn out to be another great month for me!! I'm glad to hear that you have a potential room picked out...keep us posted on how that works out! :smile:

    Melissa-I think that yoga booty ballet is my fave!!! You feel kinda stupid the first time you do it, but then it is fun and goes by supper quick the next time!! :bigsmile:

    AFM-well as you all is my last WI for April then I will finally be able to post my May goals and join you all towards that!! Super stoked to start it and to finish up this journey strong!!
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Hey everyone- I just got back from my first day of half-ironman training and I feel great. It was great to get in the pool again. Feeling good.

    Wow! Impressive! Great workout and keep up the training! I know we all feel like quitting when we get to that point when we should be pushing ourselves harder. I know I do it... all the time...But You're doing great! Keep up the training and just remember how good you are going to feel when you finish!
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Woooot for strong, kick-*kitten*, numerically literate women! :drinker: Soooo cool ladies!! I love it :bigsmile:

    Looks like I managed to turn the day around. I am still feeling MEGA stressed since I've got a million things to do, and have no idea what Im having for dinner, BUT I went to spin class, got a great burn, and feel good about it. I also spoke with my best-y via email and have sorted out some details for my trip. That's a relief!

    I think that a majority of my stress and anxiety comes from not being able to convince myself that things will eventually get done, in time, and not everything needs to be a top priority. Some things may actually never get done. But I need to find a way to just feel OK with that... Working on it!

    Meag: Best friends are the best for sorting through life's problems.I wish I could talk to the friends that mean the most to me, but we are all so time crunched. The best thing that I like to do when I'm overwhelmed is to make a to do list. Or like what I did in class last night, make up a to do list for the next 4 weeks of my quarter listing out all my work assignments, when projects are do and what week I have to get them done. It helps me to look at the overall picture. I get easily stressed out when there's too much stuff on my plate.

    I hope you find whatever works for you and KEEP YOUR HEAD UP! You look amazing, you're a tough women, you CAN and WILL get everything done!!
  • NurseNatalie2011
    wannabrn-it's Natalie right?! First of all...congrats on the upcoming wedding!! I have never tried the "hot" yoga but I do like doing diff kinds of yoga dvds at home! My 2 faves are Denise Austin's "Yoga Burn", and "Yoga Booty Ballet"! They both have cardio included so you end up getting a pretty great burn!

    Thanks for the ideas...have a few different yoga shows dvr'd but not so hot on them...will have to check those out :happy:
    THanks :) I also like the Body by Betheny yoga dvd and it had a boooty bonus and a weights session too!
  • NurseNatalie2011
    Just weighed in...I lost the 2lbs I gained last week going on vacation but I am still at 161.4!!! I want to be done and out of the160s!!!
    I am ganna really put the effort in even more this week and hopefully next week I will be at least at 160lbs.
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    i wish i could keep up with this thread! you're all so inspiring, i want to read every post! eeeek! :smile:

    im in my 4th year of a doctoral program and ive had an incredibly stressful week - i am in an experimental research program, and if there's one thing that is true of research, it's that you can't put a deadline on it (it just doesn't work that way) - yet of course, there are deadlines left and right to meet and the closer i get to the end, the more anxiety ridden i am with meeting these arbitrary departmental deadlines!!! :sad: :explode: :noway: :embarassed: :ohwell: - i go through this range of emotions on the reg as a result haha

    reading this thread reminds me to stay focused on my fitness goals, no matter what else is going on! i've always been able to continue working out, it's the nutrition that gets me off track - but making my MFP diary public to all the MFPers, my twitter friends, AND my facebook friends is actually really helping me stay focused! and i REFUSE to fall back into old habits of stress/ exhaustion eating - and i know you won't let me do that anyway :happy:

    so thank you all for reminding me what really matters, and that deadlines are dumb :tongue: hehe
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    THanks :) I also like the Body by Betheny yoga dvd and it had a boooty bonus and a weights session too!

    oh!! thanks...I will have to check that out...can never have too many booty burns!! LOL
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Shannon- It sounds like uping your cals may be a good idea. Also have you been measuring? Sometimes I find that I drop inches even when the pounds don’t come off. And lets say you up your cals and after a couple of weeks you don’t like the changes, you can always change them again.

    Meag- I am glad you are liking spin class! I LOVE IT!! I feel like I really push myself and get a great work out in. And as always your determination to find your balance and get everything worked out is a continuing inspiration to searching for that balance in my own life!

    Bethany- I hope you find the perfect place for you soon! I know it is super stressful right now so I am glad to hear you are keeping a handle on your food for this month. Just keep you head up and a positive attitude that you already have and everything will work out.

    SpaceCoconaut- I think everyone has had some really good advice about you weighing yourself everyday. Its hard when you want to just drop the weight, but I’m pretty sure you didn’t put it on overnight so why is it so important to drop it over night? If it were me I would be concerned that once I did get to the weight I wanted I actually didn’t learn anything in order to make my new life and weight sustainable. But that’s my personal opinion. I hope you figure out what works best for you and that when you are trying to figure out what that is you keep in mind your emotional and mental health as well because sometimes getting those worked out really help with getting the weight situation worked out as well. Also I see that you said you have an eating disorder- are you talking to someone to get help with this? I don’t want you to feel like people are putting you down or judging you, a lot of these ladies have been through this process and have gone through the struggles and are just trying to help you gauge what to expect.

    Carro- welcome and I like your goals! Vacations are probably the hardest thing to figure out because all you want to do is relax and enjoy everything which includes tons of delicious and high cal foods!! I hope you like this thread as much as I do!!

    Melissa- I totally love your post! SO Inspirational!! And it makes me want to go back out and run some more :)

    Tara- your picture is AMAZING!! You look like a fierce woman and I love it! Can’t wait to see what you May goals are!!

    Wannabrn- Great job on dropping the vacation weight! I am sure soon you will see the 150s with all your hard work!

    AFM- This morning when I woke up it was raining and 48 degrees outside. Needless to say the thought a run was kind of blah- but then I got to the gym, met my coworker/running buddy and the thought of the treadmill instead of the pavement was way worse! So we went outside and did 2 miles. I guess I’m a runner now when I would rather be outside in the cold rain then inside :) and boy oh boy does that feel good!! I am keeping my fingers crossed that work will slow down today, put in a lot of hours yesterday in hopes of seeing an easier stretch the rest of the week- either way I am still feeling good about my run, however my legs are super sore! STRETCH STRETCH STRETCH! I hope you ladies have a wonderful day!!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Just weighed in...I lost the 2lbs I gained last week going on vacation but I am still at 161.4!!! I want to be done and out of the160s!!!
    I am ganna really put the effort in even more this week and hopefully next week I will be at least at 160lbs.

    Great job!!! keep up the hard work and I bet you will BLAST into the 150's!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jennelle-all I can say is CONGRATS on all of your hard work in life and fitness!! you are obviously motivated and dedicated, and I am sure that you will succeed with all aspects of this journey as well!

    Megan-thanks bout my pic, thought I would switch it up a bit ;) I will be posting my May goals today...can't wait!! Great job on getting out there and getting your run in! you are truly inspiring!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Quote of the day:

    If food is your best friend, it's also your worst enemy. ~Edward "Grandpa" Jones, 1978

    I had a super duper crappy night at work last night... Ate everything in sight... Had to leave a patient who was in a semi-emergent situation to the next shift which made me feel like a total tool. I really hate being a nurse sometimes.. after a night like last night anyway. I really want to find another line of work...:frown: I don't think I'm cut out for it even though it pays my mortgage and I'm not totally sure how I would do that without it. So to keep my mind off of all this I kept eating... Food can be my best friend sometimes. It does make me feel better..

    Don't mean to be a total downer. Just writing this out to share is making me feel a little better though. I'm so happy I don't have to go back to work tonight. I just want to go collapse on my bed... which I will shortly. Then I'll get to hang out with some friends tonight which I'm looking forward to. I will keep looking forward and remembering that God is in control. If I'm meant to do something else then that is what will happen. Life is not all roses and puppies, and the hard stuff often brings us to where we need to be. Time for sleep :yawn: I hope to have a shinier, happier post for y'all tomorrow.

    Rachel =D