Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - May Challenge!!



  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Kandace - just checked out your bikini pic and I think you look great!! I have never pictured myself in a bikini but I think you have inspired me to purchase one and give myself a real goal!!
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    I didn't drink at all on Cino de Mayo! Personal accomplishment. Well that and I went running yesterday instead and got a mile time of 9:30. I know its not great but I just started running because I used to dislike it alot, but it felt great to have such a low time for myself. I just hope it gets better next week and then I can just go ahead and work on my 5K time! P.S. got my abs workout in every day this week!

    Great job completing your ab goal!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Quote of the Day

    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
    Thomas A. Edison

    Quick update. Came down 1.4 lb today at wi!! I'm very happy with that. To me this just says that embracing healthy choices and saying no to the very very temporary satisfaction of putting a lot of junk food in my mouth is worth it. I didn't make good choices as much as I wanted to, but the ones I did make paid off.

    I'm really excited to tackle this next week and make the most of my days! Just keep swimming... just keep swimming...

    Much love,
    Rachel =D
  • shannonaufman
    shannonaufman Posts: 383
    Ugh, I'm a horrible *kitten* kicker. I've been reading, just not commenting. I'm sorry! I'm home for the week with my family, and I only rarely get to see them. So all I've got time for is logging food. Anyway...

    Cait – amazing job on the push-up challenge. There is absolutely no way I could do that! I have some shoulder problems and have never done a real push up in my life. But more power to you!! Good luck on your 5K tomorrow! How awesome that you're running it with your mom!

    Guamgrly – Great job on the self control! I did a similar thing with girl scout cookies--I paid for 3 boxes but only took 1 of them. Why can't groups sell healthy food as fund raisers? No fair it's always yummy bad stuff!

    Meag – I'm so gald you're having such a blast in Ottawa! You deserve a fun weekend. I definitely think 0.2 pounds is well within maintenance fluctuations. You're clearly very determined and focused, and I have no doubt you'll get it down to science before you know it. I'm also really proud of you for having a positive self-talk day. This could really be a turning point for you! I drove 14 hours to my parents' house this week, and it was the best time to reflect on everything and consider everything I've been doing lately. Sometimes driving is the perfect alone time we all need.

    Aly – I got similarly frustrated and had to break from the board for a little while. But I'm back now in full swing! I love that you were able to blow off some steam, it just sucks that it has to come back to bite you the next morning. Since I've been eating less, I can't drink as much and I get twice as hungover. But Ernest Hemingway once said “if the hangover came before the drinking, we'd all be alcoholics.” Haha!

    Rai – congrats on the loss! We can't make perfect choices all the time. It's all about balance, and it sounds like you've got it under control! Way to go! This week will be awesome, too.

    AFM – I'm still home with my parents, until Sunday. I upped my calories some this week, trying to bust through a little plateau I've been stuck in. I've been having a hard time eating all of my calories, but I'm trying. I tend to worry that I underestimate calories eaten, so I need to leave some on the table at the end of each day. I don't know if that's logical, but it's what I do.

    In the exercise side of things, I made an investment into some good running shoes today. I talked to the lady in the store for close to an hour about all sort of running things, and I feel really good about where I'm at. Better than I did yesterday, that's for sure. I'm looking SO forward to my C25K run tomorrow, and I think these shoes are going to be awesome. I'm taking some mountain bikes back with me (my parents had 2 trek bikes and weren't using them, so they're giving them to me and my husband!). So it looks like I'll be adding some trail biking into my workout routine. I'm a little nervous, but really excited to share this with Matt. I still plan to stick with running and 30DS, because the biking will be mostly a weekend thing. So things are going well so far. I'm feeling really, really good today about myself and the changes I've been making. I'm just kind of hoping the scale or the measuring tape will reflect that! Keep kickin' *kitten*, y'all!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Megan, Meag, Rachel, and Cait-thanks girlies :flowerforyou:

    Sarah-great job on getting in your ab workouts...I do 3 days/week and have been for about 4 months straight now! and if I were you, I would be stoked about that mile pace...I think it is great and especially since you just started running again:wink:

    Allie- you are doing great with the shred...I had tried it a while back and remember it kicking my butt too, so wtg! sorry to hear about the gal at work, I have a few coworkers that I can't stand either!! :grumble:

    Cait-great job on the loss so far!! hopefully you have found your bodies "trick"! I am very impressed on your consistency with the running too, keep it up girl!:happy:

    wannabrn-great job on your workouts!! and as far as stress relievers...I like to clean and listen to music or take a bath and listen to is the key for me I think!! lol

    Jennelle-that is awesome!!!! I LOVE that feeling and am having more and more days like that as I go!! keep up the great work and the positive attitude girl!! :happy:

    Bethany-congrats on the loss and congrats on not eating the chocolate...I don't think that I could have passed it up myself! :flowerforyou:

    Maddy-welcome to the group! I am sure that you are gonna love it!

    azluvin-congrats on going above and beyond with your walking :)

    Kandace-first of all...I agree with Meag...congrats on posting the bikini shot you look great and will be rocking that bikini by summer! i hope that your counseling session went well?? I'm glad that you are still trying the lists and maybe you could just add the shower as a little reminder to (and minds) get happens! :ohwell:

    Meag-congrats on the weight and have a blast on your trip!! seeya Monday! and CONGRATS on seeing the REAL are a beautiful strong woman and don't ever lose sight of that! :heart:

    McBody-well way to get the rest day sure not to overdo it on the day following though!

    Megan-that's a great are improving by leaps and bounds girl! keep it up! a lil trick that I have learned to help with the get a resistance band, lay on your back on the floor, wrap the band around your foot, pull tight to bring foot to ceiling (same hand same foot), then bring leg over body towards wall and hold, then go towards the other wall (leg open) and hold. Hopefully you understand that from the description!! LOL :laugh: but that is my fave hami stretch.

    QOTD-well i normally work on Sundays but since it is my 30th b-day AND mother's day, I took the day off!! My mom, son, and I are gonna start the day off at artfest downtown, then she will come over to the house for dinner. I am making steak, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob!! YUMMM!!!

    Rachel-congrats on the loss...glad to see that your healthy choices are starting to pay off!

    Shannon-congrats on your new shoe purchase...its a nice reward and incentive for al the hard work that you are doing!

    AFM-all is going well...I have started my workout schedule for the month and so far am right on track! I did use 1 of my 4 days over on cals yesterday for my b-day party but I am def ok with that...not to mention that the 1260 cals I was over was completely from booze! yikes!! oh well...I was planning on drinking and partying and that's what I did..and i had a blast! :drinker:
  • Adrianamdelacruz

    Leela30: comment more on this month's challenge; eat at least 80g of protein a day
    Believeinmagic: To lose 13 pounds; eat more vegetables and do more strength training
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 133lbs; to run my 10k course at least 1x, Run my 4m run at 9:30
    Allie7383:get out of the 150's finally, continue with the 30 Day Shred, work on increasing my running distance, and overall feeling good about myself!
    SpaceCoconaut: To lose 2-3 lbs a week and stick to my experiment.
    Shannonaufman: lose 4 pounds to hit 169. Drink 64+ ounces of water 25/30 days. Finish C25K. Start One Hour Runner. Stick with 30DS.
    ~KanCrav~ Reach 143, Jog at least 3 times outside,follow WO schedule, incorporate Low GI foods into my diet.
    rai8759: GW 160.4, One day off per week (tracking food), WI on Friday, JM should kick my *kitten* 5-6 days a week, Cardio 3-5 days a week x 20-30 min., Tracking every day except day off, Eat less processed sugar
    wardiemelissa (Melissa)-continue to maintain weight between 120-125 lbs; exercise routine 5 days running, 2 days strength, 1 day rest (long run 10+miles on Sundays), continue to test out new recipes (including new fruits and veggies), and making more time for my family, AND try to post at least ONCE a day!!!
    pixycats: lose 5 pounds, continue C210K at least 3/week, stay under calorie goal 6/week, rest one day/week
    finncmh- not focus on the scale loss! keep working on running plan that I came up with for the 5k in June. Start the push-up and squat 6 week challenge
    lostalykat- To get back to 169 by June 1st. Work on headache prevention and be mindful of what I am doing and eating. Focus on my new training plan and enjoy life. Stress less, yoga more!
    WannabRN10- get out of the 160's!!! Work out at least 3 days a week (piloxing class, hot yoga class, and weights class). Eat Dairy Queen only twice (it is my fav!). Stay in a positive mind set and not get over-stressed with school.
    alwhisler-Increase my run to 45 minutes non-stop, get down to that lower pant size instead of being in-between :)
    sarahmay25- Complete an ab circuit every day of the week except rest day, and decrease my finish time of a mile by the end of every week.
    mkingraham (Megan)- get down to 208, strength train at least 2 times a week, run 3 times a week
    eleanoreb (Eleanore or El) - improve 10k run time, stay in bottom part of weight range, face food head on and not give in to temptations (rather than just avoid)
    MamaMango: Lose 7 pounds,keep my portions under control, do HIIT 3 times a week,strength train moderate-heavy 5 times a week,do some form of low to moderate cardio every other day,eat more fresh greens and less starch and grains! :)
    jyopchick: get back to 130lbs, only allowed one day to go over cals (and within reason), and MORE WATER!!
    crystalfaith: continue to workout at least 4 times a week, drink tons of water, finish the C25k program, and break into the 140s
    LisaRid - lose 10 lbs, drink 8 glasses of water each day, exercise 4x per week, and curb my dessert eating. May is the month!!! :)
    emmarie- do the best I can!
    shelsab-keep up my 10k running schedule, lose 5lbs, strength training 2x week, 3 yoga classes.
    k_ewilliams - log in everyday and keep out of the red, lose at least 5 pounds, run 3x a week
    spellbinder25: (1) Lose 4lbs to reach 133.5, (2) Do 30 Day Shred 5 times/week, (3) Count calories everyday, (4) Update on this thread at least twice a week.
    meagalayne - get back into my maintenance range and stay there, log food no more than 5 days/week, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge, make it to 4 spin classes, increase H2O consumption, and find ways make each day great!
    nausicaa11-lose 6 pounds and try to reach the 8km/h mark on the treadmill.
    McBody- actually rest on rest days; incorporate yoga; get back on a running schedule for race
    carro585-workout 4x/week, average less than 200 beverage cal./day, don't fall too far off the wagon while on vacation
    yvalcaraz-(Yolanda)- Run for 3 miles w/o stopping, lose 8lbs, 1000 sit-ups 3x wk, post at least once a week to the group
    tjradd73(Tara)- to lose -5.4lbs to put me at 100lbs lost total, 8 cups H20/day, 3 days of my strength plan, 3 days of cardio, no more than 4 days over on my cals, and >20 under on my sodium.
    stuartme123- finishing and passing my thesis, and cooking dinner more often
    maddyguru - Build up endurace at the the gym and go at least 4-5x a wk, lose at least 5-6 lbs

    Adrianamdelacruz(Adriana) - lose 5lbs., workout atleast 30mins.3 x/day and drink atleast 8 glasses of water a day.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Ok, Im feeling a little scolded here. I THOUGHT I was being nice to myself by realizing that I could look at the picture and see what I needed to work on instead of fatty fat fatness. But I guess I wasnt. Especially after reading Meag's perfect definaition of possitive self talk!~!~!~!~! So thank you all for showing me what I was doing wrong AGAIN. This stuff is hard Ill tell ya. Forget learnnig something everyday, I learn something everytime I log in!~!~!

    ~Meag.... Thank You. I have been really slacking on all the things I learned in rehab. Possitive self talk and Apreciatating myself were the biggest things I worked on there, and I have been letting myself forget to be nice to myself. This might sound wierd, but I want to print out your post. I want to be able to remind myself HOW to love myself and more importantly how difficult it is. I think I expect to just eventually believe myself when I say things to myself in the mirrior, even though I am just saying them and not believing them. Its good to have a reminder that everything I am doing (that we are all doing) is a process and wherever we are in that process is were we need to be. The only wrong thing we can do it revert back to old behaviors. If I continue to think new healthy thoughts then I cant be doing it wrong right?

    ~Tara.. Im glad you had fun!~! Most of all Im glad that you are ok with having fun and your not beating yourself up over it. (I am gonna take a piece of that and stick it in my backpack to use later.)

    ~Shannon... Thanks for my first laugh of the day. "Im a terrible *kitten* Kicker" <-- I like it. lol Good Luck on your run!~! Your going to do great, nothing a good pair of shoes cant fix!~! LOL.

    ~Rachel... Congrats on the WI!~!~!~! woot woot!~!~! just keep swimming....hehe

    ~Guam.... YEAY bikini!~!~! I dont think Ive ever inspired anyone to do anything (except my dad to get a Thanks for telling me that!~! I guess I do have some confidence in me somewhere, I didnt even think about getting a differnt kind of bathing suit. Well, I have worn some that i shouldnt there was a long time that I didnt know I was fat and no one told me. lol (I was too drunk to realize, beer fat, it really gets me) Look at the VS bikinis. I only spent $50 on mine. And heres a little secret... the tops are PUSHUPS!~~!~! Yes!~!, I dont care what anyone else says, but when I like how my boobs look, thats most of the outfit for me!~! If that bathing suit didnt give me some cleavage, NEVER would have bought it!~!

    ~Sarah.. Thanks, I feel like my abs really WANT to be there. lol.. I just did a good job of hiding them as time went by. Its good to know that me and my body are working towards a common goal!~!

    ~Aly... I am TRYING to be nice to myself!~!~!~! seripously I am, I just dont notice that I am being mean sometimes, Im working on, I am. I hope you have with your madre. I always wanted to see Cats!~!~! I think I just wanted to wear one of those full body suits and crawl around like that. hehe. Have a Great Weekend!~!~!

    ~Adriana... welcome to the group!~!~!~! your gonna have a blast here!~!

    AFM.... I am down .5 pounds but I am not logging it.. I still have some crazy menstral crap going on so I dont know what my body is doing. I am going to wait til next friday (WI day) to see what i am working with then. My hubby is out golfing again, (its stating to get old) so I am going to go to the gym and mess around on the machines I am afraid to try. And then Im gonna lay in the sauna for a little. My little brother has a baseball game today. its about 2 miles from my house (up a HUGE hill) so I am going to be walking back and forth a few times today. I tried to do pushups it was funny. I dont even know if i did ONE right, it felt like I was doing the I couldnt get my chest and my butt down at the same time and still make it back up. Oh well, my arms and shoulderblades are killing me today so I guess I did something. I am going to try them every other day and see how long it takes me to be a crazy pushuper like some of you cats. lol

    thanks for helping me Kick *kitten* !~!~!~! Keep Kickin it yourselves!~!~!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    I think I was being hard on myself again....

    I am glad that I LEARNED how to notice when I am putting myself down. I will try my best today to keep doing that and reurn a negative thought with two positive ones!~!
  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    Hi all

    I'm completely new to both the forum & fitnesspal but am loving it so far & have learned loads by tracking my food daily - its amazing how much the little things add up... I've been on a bit of a mission since new year, I've had a couple of set back (mainly medical so I couldnt train etc) but I think its made me stronger. Today I ran across the Harbour Bridge in Sydney for the first time - it nearly killed me but showed me I can do more than I thought so I'm aiming for a stretch target for this goal... Lets go people!!! :bigsmile:

    aoifebr - run 5k be under 85kg

    ps hope I havent left anyone off the list - if I did sorry!

    Leela30: comment more on this month's challenge; eat at least 80g of protein a day
    Believeinmagic: To lose 13 pounds; eat more vegetables and do more strength training
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 133lbs; to run my 10k course at least 1x, Run my 4m run at 9:30
    Allie7383:get out of the 150's finally, continue with the 30 Day Shred, work on increasing my running distance, and overall feeling good about myself!
    SpaceCoconaut: To lose 2-3 lbs a week and stick to my experiment.
    Shannonaufman: lose 4 pounds to hit 169. Drink 64+ ounces of water 25/30 days. Finish C25K. Start One Hour Runner. Stick with 30DS.
    ~KanCrav~ Reach 143, Jog at least 3 times outside,follow WO schedule, incorporate Low GI foods into my diet.
    rai8759: GW 160.4, One day off per week (tracking food), WI on Friday, JM should kick my *kitten* 5-6 days a week, Cardio 3-5 days a week x 20-30 min., Tracking every day except day off, Eat less processed sugar
    wardiemelissa (Melissa)-continue to maintain weight between 120-125 lbs; exercise routine 5 days running, 2 days strength, 1 day rest (long run 10+miles on Sundays), continue to test out new recipes (including new fruits and veggies), and making more time for my family, AND try to post at least ONCE a day!!!
    pixycats: lose 5 pounds, continue C210K at least 3/week, stay under calorie goal 6/week, rest one day/week
    finncmh- not focus on the scale loss! keep working on running plan that I came up with for the 5k in June. Start the push-up and squat 6 week challenge
    lostalykat- To get back to 169 by June 1st. Work on headache prevention and be mindful of what I am doing and eating. Focus on my new training plan and enjoy life. Stress less, yoga more!
    WannabRN10- get out of the 160's!!! Work out at least 3 days a week (piloxing class, hot yoga class, and weights class). Eat Dairy Queen only twice (it is my fav!). Stay in a positive mind set and not get over-stressed with school.
    alwhisler-Increase my run to 45 minutes non-stop, get down to that lower pant size instead of being in-between :)
    sarahmay25- Complete an ab circuit every day of the week except rest day, and decrease my finish time of a mile by the end of every week.
    mkingraham (Megan)- get down to 208, strength train at least 2 times a week, run 3 times a week
    eleanoreb (Eleanore or El) - improve 10k run time, stay in bottom part of weight range, face food head on and not give in to temptations (rather than just avoid)
    MamaMango: Lose 7 pounds,keep my portions under control, do HIIT 3 times a week,strength train moderate-heavy 5 times a week,do some form of low to moderate cardio every other day,eat more fresh greens and less starch and grains! :)
    jyopchick: get back to 130lbs, only allowed one day to go over cals (and within reason), and MORE WATER!!
    crystalfaith: continue to workout at least 4 times a week, drink tons of water, finish the C25k program, and break into the 140s
    LisaRid - lose 10 lbs, drink 8 glasses of water each day, exercise 4x per week, and curb my dessert eating. May is the month!!! :)
    emmarie- do the best I can!
    shelsab-keep up my 10k running schedule, lose 5lbs, strength training 2x week, 3 yoga classes.
    k_ewilliams - log in everyday and keep out of the red, lose at least 5 pounds, run 3x a week
    spellbinder25: (1) Lose 4lbs to reach 133.5, (2) Do 30 Day Shred 5 times/week, (3) Count calories everyday, (4) Update on this thread at least twice a week.
    meagalayne - get back into my maintenance range and stay there, log food no more than 5 days/week, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge, make it to 4 spin classes, increase H2O consumption, and find ways make each day great!
    nausicaa11-lose 6 pounds and try to reach the 8km/h mark on the treadmill.
    McBody- actually rest on rest days; incorporate yoga; get back on a running schedule for race
    carro585-workout 4x/week, average less than 200 beverage cal./day, don't fall too far off the wagon while on vacation
    yvalcaraz-(Yolanda)- Run for 3 miles w/o stopping, lose 8lbs, 1000 sit-ups 3x wk, post at least once a week to the group
    tjradd73(Tara)- to lose -5.4lbs to put me at 100lbs lost total, 8 cups H20/day, 3 days of my strength plan, 3 days of cardio, no more than 4 days over on my cals, and >20 under on my sodium.
    stuartme123- finishing and passing my thesis, and cooking dinner more often
    maddyguru - Build up endurace at the the gym and go at least 4-5x a wk, lose at least 5-6 lbs
    Adrianamdelacruz(Adriana) - lose 5lbs., workout atleast 30mins.3 x/day and drink atleast 8 glasses of water a day
    aoifebr - run 5k be under 85kg
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Almost forgot - QOTD: What's your favourite colour?

    Purple! I love it :blushing:

    I was cruising when I saw this. Brother from another mother. Not sure if we've done the color discussion so far but here goes:

    Until I was 6 I refused to own anything that wasnt purple. It was so bad that my younger brother almost 'failed' preschool because the teachers thought he couldn't identify the color purple....because he would say "Meggy" when ever they showed him the color :smile:

    AWW....too sweet!!!
  • noobiegotbass
    noobiegotbass- lose 12 lbs, drink at least 5 glasses of water daily, walk 3x/wk, begin my first round of p90x, increase protein intake
  • noobiegotbass
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Helllllllo from Ottawa! Well, I got here about 1.5 hours early and my girlfriend is still at work so I'm maxing and relaxing at Starbucks (enjoying a 1/2 price Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee - my first non-water/coffee/tea drink in about a year, I'd guess! :noway: I'm going wild!) waiting for her to finish. Figured I would share my happiness with y'all for a min.

    Yesterday's posts about positive self-talk and loving your body and yourself at any shape/size/weight really influenced my mood and I woke up today feeling INCREDIBLE! I am feeling healthy, strong, beautiful and so capable :bigsmile: I am loving my body today - I feel attractive and I know that no matter what choices I make this weekend, come Monday morning things will still be nearly identical. But more than that I know that 95% of my choices will be incredibly healthy, even given the lack of control and the circumstances surrounding my trip. I know that every time I put something into my mouth, now, I consider where it comes from and what's in it. I don't always eat clean (see aforementioned Frapp) and I am far from perfect, but I make informed decisions, I moderate my intake of junk, and I know how to find balance with food. I also know how *not* to binge or just throw in the towel. One "treat" shouldn't derail my entire journey. And I trust myself to have one without worrying that all of a sudden all my hard work will be for naught. It's freeing!

    I was able to look at myself this morning, with all of my flaws - my stretch marks, loose skin, and tummy bulge - and fully LOVE how I looked. That's big, guys. Very big. On my 5.5 hour drive here I had a LOT of time to reflect on my feelings about myself, my body, my fitness and my journey. The sun was shinning and I must say I felt more at peace than I have in a very long time. I feel healthy, strong, and genuinely happy with who I am and what I've accomplished so far. And I want so much to share that warmth and joy with you all. If only I could give you each a piece of it!

    Please, if you do nothing else this weekend, take some time to bask in the sun, smile, and think about all the things you've accomplished. Let all your life's worries and stress fall to the side, just for 5 minutes, and find some peace with yourself, your body and your choices. Remove all distractions and just be in your body and in the moment. It's so worth it!

    I think I get so caught up in how stressful and rushed life can feel sometimes, I forget to just ENJOY it. Not today. :heart:

    Meag...I TOTALLY agree with you! That is part of the reason that I stopped logging my cals and just started "living" my life again. I know that I had lost the weight but I was super stressed at keeping my weight there. So stressed that I lost touch with "me" and time spent with my family because I was so consumed with staying in my calorie range.

    Since not logging I have been "FREE" and have time for me again. I eat what I want, when I want...I have LEARNED moderation and exercise and know how to use these most powerful tools!!! I :heart: me and who I have become from my transformation. I can do things now (like run a 1/2 marathon) that I couldn't even think I could do a year ago and it's all because I BELIEVED in myself!!!!

    I think we need to all focus on how far we've come in this journey and not always on how much more we need to go...stop and smell the roses :flowerforyou:
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Quick post...heading to the farmers' market this morning with my girlies to pick out some local fruits, veggies, and flowers...first trip of the season so SUPER EXCITED :smile: Girls want to go to the zoo too...we shall see!!

    Want to get in a run today...hoping for at least 5 and save some energy for my long run tomorrow (hoping for at least 10 maybe longer?) that's my Mother's Day gift to myself!!!

    I bought Jillian Michael's Yoga dvd-anyone use it before? Thinking about going back and getting the ab one too...I know some of you use the 6 week 6 pack do you like it????
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Quick post...heading to the farmers' market this morning with my girlies to pick out some local fruits, veggies, and flowers...first trip of the season so SUPER EXCITED :smile: Girls want to go to the zoo too...we shall see!!

    Want to get in a run today...hoping for at least 5 and save some energy for my long run tomorrow (hoping for at least 10 maybe longer?) that's my Mother's Day gift to myself!!!

    I bought Jillian Michael's Yoga dvd-anyone use it before? Thinking about going back and getting the ab one too...I know some of you use the 6 week 6 pack do you like it????

    I have both of those DVDs, and I really love her yoga one!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    At first I was going to come on here and talk about how I messed up last night. But with all the positive self talk I need to remember a few bad mistakes will not make my week horrible. So I have a busy weekend with friends and family. I can make healthy decisions and have fun. I will be working out all week so letting it slide a little is ok. Getting ready for a 2 hour bike ride and ready to kick some *kitten*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    At first I was going to come on here and talk about how I messed up last night. But with all the positive self talk I need to remember a few bad mistakes will not make my week horrible. So I have a busy weekend with friends and family. I can make healthy decisions and have fun. I will be working out all week so letting it slide a little is ok. Getting ready for a 2 hour bike ride and ready to kick some *kitten*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    AFM: MFPals! After about 7 months, can you really call it a plateau? I started off consistently losing weight, and then it just stopped. Does anyone know why this is happening? This is still the lowest steady weight I have weighed well.. since I was probably a child. From about 10th grade to just a year ago (~6 years) I weighed strictly 155-150, now for the last 7 months I've been between 143-140. This is terribly frustrating. I am going to the PT at my school on monday to get a body composition test. I wonder if he can help direct me. :frown: The biggest change from the first month or 2 when I first started MFP and consistently losing was that I was eating close to only 1000 calories a day now I eat at least my full 1200 or more when I workout. Please don't tell me I have to eat even less. It's hard enough as it is. :sad: The difference was that I wasn't working then so I was able to sleep much more and workout more, now I've recently just switched to a focus on strength training but this week's crazy schedule has not been the norm. (I'm in the last 4 weeks of my quarter so I'm swamped with group projects and paper writing).

    Has this ever happened to anyone else?! I'm incredibly frustrated! :explode:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290

    AFM: MFPals! After about 7 months, can you really call it a plateau? I started off consistently losing weight, and then it just stopped. Does anyone know why this is happening? This is still the lowest steady weight I have weighed well.. since I was probably a child. From about 10th grade to just a year ago (~6 years) I weighed strictly 155-150, now for the last 7 months I've been between 143-140. This is terribly frustrating. I am going to the PT at my school on monday to get a body composition test. I wonder if he can help direct me. :frown: The biggest change from the first month or 2 when I first started MFP and consistently losing was that I was eating close to only 1000 calories a day now I eat at least my full 1200 or more when I workout. Please don't tell me I have to eat even less. It's hard enough as it is. :sad: The difference was that I wasn't working then so I was able to sleep much more and workout more, now I've recently just switched to a focus on strength training but this week's crazy schedule has not been the norm. (I'm in the last 4 weeks of my quarter so I'm swamped with group projects and paper writing).

    Has this ever happened to anyone else?! I'm incredibly frustrated! :explode:

    Wait and see how the body composition test goes. You may be a lot closer to your ideal weight that you realize. Its hard to tell since I dont know all of your stats, but it may be that your body is getting closer to your ideal weight so it is holding on to anything extra. It may be time to change your weightloss goals to less per week. Not saying that this is whats going on with you but this is what I found happening to me.

    I am 5'5" I now weigh 190lbs my goal weight is to get to between 150-160 (depends on how I feel when I get there). I weigh 190 but I look more like I weight 175ish... when I was in my prime shape as an athlete competing I weighed 150-160 but looked more like I weighed 135. Thats why goal numbers are so hard. I am not physically built to be any smaller than that. I would just look sickly. Just my body type and now I embrace that. I have been hitting plateau's on and off for the past few months. Recently I upped my calories (with all of my research I found that MFP was giving me lower calories than most other sites). A little over a week ago I changed my goals from losing 1lb a week to .5lbs a week and I really focused on eating most of my exercise calories back. Well after the first week I lost a whole lb.

    Not saying this is the definite answer for you. Just something to think about as a possibility. I know it goes against everything we are taught to eat more calories but sometimes our bodies just need more fuel to get that metabolism going again to keep burning off the fat.

    Hope this helps!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Leela - Aren't you quite tall? At 140ish lbs, maybe your body is just comfortable and not wanting to lose any more. It's possible that your currently weight is where your body is comfortable stopping. How much more did you want to lose?

    Either way, considering your height, I'm inclined to say you need to eat more. 1200 calories is VERY low. Try upping your cals for a while and see what happens. I know it's scary to think about eating more when you want to lose, but 1200 is the bare minimum I would suggest for anyone, because it really restricts proper nutrition. Strongly suggest upping to 1350 or so for a few weeks to see what happens.

    Just my $0.02. Hang in there!! <<hugs>>
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Thank you Cait and Meag. I'm afraid I'm going to gain weight, but maybe you both are right. I believe you both have way more wisdom than I do, so I will up it to a .5lb loss. And I am 5'5" so I don't really consider myself tall, I think I'm average. But I feel like my weight is deceiving. I think I look exactly the same 10lbs ago and even then I don't think people would guess I weighed 150. I'm not scale obsessed, I check it about once a month or so because at this point I know it's not really changing. I just want to look leaner, have some real muscle definition. I carry my weight in my legs. My mom and I have "knee fat" It's really funny, I've never seen anyone else that has it. I can grab about 2 inches of fat all around my thighs, but they don't look so bad when I'm laying down with my legs up and all the fat sinks down lol. :laugh: I know it's genetics, but I want to fight it. I want to have nicer legs. (And also, my legs look like amputated stumps when my knee is bent and my calf/foot is out of sight because I have very square knees. lol

    I just want to feel skinnier. I don't want this fat on me. And I guess I feel like, if I got rid of the fat I would/should weigh less, so that is my motivation as to wanting to see the scale change. And I do measure myself, but that also hasn't really changed. I know it's hard, I know it's a journey and I just can't give up. I am determined to see a difference! I just wish someone knew what it is I need to do to make that happen.

    I :heart: you all! Sorry for the ranting. I'm hopefully to see what the Personal Trainer says! You are all my inspiration :hugs:
    Thank you for the support!