Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - May Challenge!!



  • believeinmagic
    Thank you for the advice. You're right, sometimes I stay too focused on the scale instead of how I feel and how my body has changed. I'm just going to focus on being healthy :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jennelle-hey thanks!! :) it's a "fit"ting name if I do say so myself!! LOL:laugh: Great job on getting in the killer workouts and keeping such a positive attitude! Keep on rockin girl!

    Kandace-you need to focus on YOU right now, and stop worrying about everyone and everything else!! You have a lot on your plate with the drink free, smoke free, and helathfilled life that you want for yourself! You definately need to talk to the hubby and ask for his help with the other things (cleaning, shopping, cooking)....he is in this for better or for worse and is suppossed to be there to be your equal and lend a hand...I'm sure he won't mind a bit! :smile:

    Meag-it most def is NOT worth your life!! trust me when I is super hard driving a long time after you have worked so many hours and are exhausted, and to top it off it will be dark which makes it even more difficult!Don't wanna sound like the "mom" of this thread, but please be careful :blushing: And i LOVE the dress!!! sophisticated and sexy, shows off your arms and your curves, but not too revealing at all!! great pick! :drinker:

    Aly-IMO...the reason that WW doesn't work for a lot of people is because they get TOO MUCH freedom for messing up!!! Dieting can be very simple...all you need to do is watch your input vs your output and viola'! With MFP, if you want a cheat pretty much have to earn it with exercise...we ALL go over our cals on occassion but this is where self control comes in! You CAN do this! :flowerforyou:

    Yolanda (right?!?)-I just wanted to say, great job!!! In general you seem that you are fully dedicated and motivated to your journey, and 1 cheat day will NOT do you in!! Keep up the great work and I can't wait to see when you've met your goals at the end of the month!

    Alexis-Sorry to hear about your careful while trying to strengthen it while its would suck to damage it even more! I would suggest a TON of stretching before and after as well!! The best way to strengthen your back(that I know of) would be different exercises with a reisistance band! you can probably look it up online to get pics and examples but the top 3 that I can think of, off the top of my head, are...front raises, tricep kickbacks, and side raises! good luck and happy healing :flowerforyou:

    Megan-sorry to hear that life is a little hectic right now...just remember to take it one day and one step at a time!

    QOTD-I saw that post too...def a great motivation booster! My fave PHYSICAL-eyes, smile, and butt (is that but allowed???LOL):laugh: oh and a new found love of my natural waistline! and NON-PHYSICAL-sense of humor, rationality, and also my OCD! love it! :heart:

    AFM-my weigh-in was today and with an average calories (GROSS not NET) being at about 1600 AND getting in all of my workouts I still had a gain of 1.8lbs!! WTH! :noway: HOWEVER, I chose NOT to log it and I set a little challenge to myself for the rest of the month. This is how it lays out...I started the month on 5/4/11 @ goal was to lose 5.4lbs to bring me to 126 (or 100lbs lost total) by my last WI on 6/1/11. I am going to follow all of my goals still but I am just not going to WI from today until the 1st!! This will be EXTREMELY difficult for me, seeing as I normally weigh 1-2/day!! Please don't mind my OCD and rants for the next couple of weeks and I may need some extra help this month to stay focused! :ohwell:
  • dodier01
    dodier01 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I cant believe I never saw this thread until now!! This seems like a pretty good place that I could fit in! I love motivating and of course getting support when I`m falling off the wagon :) And as I could see by reading all of your posts (Oh yes I did read almost all of this from the begining... so I already somewhat "know" some of you`s! hihi..) the positive feedback

    I must admit that I found this post since I was looking for motivation the last two days have been aweful! I`m hoping it`s just because it`s the time of the month.. but i`ve been craving and giving in to bad food and yesterday for the first day in like more then 3 weeks.. I did not do any excercise! I dint even walk the dog.. poor little man! But atleast today I got back on my two feet and spent an hour and half at the gym. And plan on getting back on track tomorrow!

    meagalayne - Is the wedding this weekend? I have a wedding this weekend.. I`ll try to post a pic on Sunday or Monday to show you gals! I must admit thow that shopping was fun! I was able to fit into any dress I tried on in all of the normal stores..I am NEVER going back to a PLUS size store ever..

    So my goals for the rest of the month are...

    dodier01 - Start 30DS, loose 8lbs by the end of the month, Complete Week 4 and start week 5 of C25K and drink lots of water!

    I`ll start from here for this month...

    Take care ladies and keep on smilin! :happy:

    Leela30: comment more on this month's challenge; eat at least 80g of protein a day
    Believeinmagic: To lose 13 pounds; eat more vegetables and do more strength training
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 133lbs; to run my 10k course at least 1x, Run my 4m run at 9:30
    Allie7383:get out of the 150's finally, continue with the 30 Day Shred, work on increasing my running distance, and overall feeling good about myself!
    SpaceCoconaut: To lose 2-3 lbs a week and stick to my experiment.
    Shannonaufman: lose 4 pounds to hit 169. Drink 64+ ounces of water 25/30 days. Finish C25K. Start One Hour Runner. Stick with 30DS.
    ~KanCrav~ Reach 143, Jog at least 3 times outside,follow WO schedule, incorporate Low GI foods into my diet.
    rai8759: GW 160.4, One day off per week (tracking food), WI on Friday, JM should kick my *kitten* 5-6 days a week, Cardio 3-5 days a week x 20-30 min., Tracking every day except day off, Eat less processed sugar
    wardiemelissa (Melissa)-continue to maintain weight between 120-125 lbs; exercise routine 5 days running, 2 days strength, 1 day rest (long run 10+miles on Sundays), continue to test out new recipes (including new fruits and veggies), and making more time for my family, AND try to post at least ONCE a day!!!
    pixycats: lose 5 pounds, continue C210K at least 3/week, stay under calorie goal 6/week, rest one day/week
    finncmh- not focus on the scale loss! keep working on running plan that I came up with for the 5k in June. Start the push-up and squat 6 week challenge
    lostalykat- To get back to 169 by June 1st. Work on headache prevention and be mindful of what I am doing and eating. Focus on my new training plan and enjoy life. Stress less, yoga more!
    WannabRN10- get out of the 160's!!! Work out at least 3 days a week (piloxing class, hot yoga class, and weights class). Eat Dairy Queen only twice (it is my fav!). Stay in a positive mind set and not get over-stressed with school.
    alwhisler-Increase my run to 45 minutes non-stop, get down to that lower pant size instead of being in-between :)
    sarahmay25- Complete an ab circuit every day of the week except rest day, and decrease my finish time of a mile by the end of every week.
    mkingraham (Megan)- get down to 208, strength train at least 2 times a week, run 3 times a week
    eleanoreb (Eleanore or El) - improve 10k run time, stay in bottom part of weight range, face food head on and not give in to temptations (rather than just avoid)
    MamaMango: Lose 7 pounds,keep my portions under control, do HIIT 3 times a week,strength train moderate-heavy 5 times a week,do some form of low to moderate cardio every other day,eat more fresh greens and less starch and grains! :)
    jyopchick: get back to 130lbs, only allowed one day to go over cals (and within reason), and MORE WATER!!
    crystalfaith: continue to workout at least 4 times a week, drink tons of water, finish the C25k program, and break into the 140s
    LisaRid - lose 10 lbs, drink 8 glasses of water each day, exercise 4x per week, and curb my dessert eating. May is the month!!! :)
    emmarie- do the best I can!
    shelsab-keep up my 10k running schedule, lose 5lbs, strength training 2x week, 3 yoga classes.
    k_ewilliams - log in everyday and keep out of the red, lose at least 5 pounds, run 3x a week
    spellbinder25: (1) Lose 4lbs to reach 133.5, (2) Do 30 Day Shred 5 times/week, (3) Count calories everyday, (4) Update on this thread at least twice a week.
    meagalayne - get back into my maintenance range and stay there, log food no more than 5 days/week, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge, make it to 4 spin classes, increase H2O consumption, and find ways make each day great!
    nausicaa11-lose 6 pounds and try to reach the 8km/h mark on the treadmill.
    McBody- actually rest on rest days; incorporate yoga; get back on a running schedule for race
    carro585-workout 4x/week, average less than 200 beverage cal./day, don't fall too far off the wagon while on vacation
    yvalcaraz-(Yolanda)- Run for 3 miles w/o stopping, lose 8lbs, 1000 sit-ups 3x wk, post at least once a week to the group
    tjradd73(Tara)- to lose -5.4lbs to put me at 100lbs lost total, 8 cups H20/day, 3 days of my strength plan, 3 days of cardio, no more than 4 days over on my cals, and >20 under on my sodium.
    stuartme123- finishing and passing my thesis, and cooking dinner more often
    maddyguru - Build up endurace at the the gym and go at least 4-5x a wk, lose at least 5-6 lbs
    Adrianamdelacruz(Adriana) - lose 5lbs., workout atleast 30mins.3 x/day and drink atleast 8 glasses of water a day
    aoifebr - run 5k be under 85kg
    noobiegotbass- lose 12 lbs, drink at least 5 glasses of water daily, walk 3x/wk, begin my first round of p90x, increase protein intake
    dodier01 - Start 30DS, loose 8lbs by the end of the month, Complete Week 4 and start week 5 of C25K and drink lots of water!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    dodier-welcome to the group!! great goals for the month!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey ladies - Really need to get into bed for the night but I'm going to respond quickly to a few items...

    Dodier - Welcome! :flowerforyou: Mind telling us your first name ? It's so much easier to associate a face and name with a journey. If not, no sweat. Just like to get to know everyone. Hope you find this group as supportive and motivating as I do!

    Tara - Love your challenge and I know that you can do it! See if you can recruit any other challengers to put away the scale for May and focus on eating well, working out, and finding other ways to experience victories throughout the month. I'm right there with ya, every step of the way. And don't worry about ranting and raving on here. Let it all out! :bigsmile:

    Aly - The MFP fitness settings are a FLUKE! They actually don't affect your calorie allotment at all. They are just a check and balance for you to see if you are meeting your fitness goals. If you decide for instance that you want to work out 5 times a week for 45 mins each day, when you go to progress reports I think it will compare your logged exercise to your goal settings. Otherwise, it's a useless feature IMO. Sounds like you're getting a lot of exercise, which is great as long as it's varied and you're doing a good job of fueling with healthy nutritious foods. I'd say to keep with 6 days a week, but switch it up with some days of really hard long training and other days taking it easy. Moderation is definitely key here, for both your mental well-being and to avoid injury from over-training.

    QOTD - LOVE IT! Woot :drinker: And since I love to talk about myself...

    Physical - My arms/shoulders/collarbones have become my favourites since starting lifting this year - I really love how defined they are. Still feminine but very strong and powerful. I also love the definition I have in my quads and calves. They are going to look damn good in summer dresses and skirts this year! But I think that my smile has always been something I've loved about myself. it's the easiest way to connect with others and I know that with the flash of a smile I can always brighten someone's day. It's also the most frequent compliment I receive... OH! and my crazy out of control natural curls. Love those too! Can you tell how body-positive I am now ? :laugh: This questions is fab, J!

    Non-physical - I love that in some respects and facets of my life, I am driven by a strong determination and desire to succeed, while in others I am a model of flexibility and accommodation. I know what I want and what's important in life and I am hell-bent on getting there. But I also know where there's room for plans to change and life to take a different route and how to just roll with the punches and be happy wherever I land. For the most part, this balance keeps me in a good place emotionally and mentally, somewhere between apathy and obsession. I am comfortable with macro life plans changing and I'm OK with being far less career driven than most people my age and education level. But I am driven when I want to be and I know how to persevere. But best of all, I know how to step back for a few hours, have fun, laugh at myself, and make the best of a situation to keep myself happy and healthy and to regain some perspective. I'm also really pretty ridiculous and funny when you get to know me, and I love that I can be totally childish without any shame or embarrassment. Life's too short to care about what other people think :wink:

    Alexis - So sorry to hear about the shoulder/back! Running can be deceivingly strenuous on your back and shoulder muscles and joints so it's a good thing you decided to just step back and take a break. It can be disappointing but it was a very smart move! As for strengthening, there are loads of exercises you can do, depending on the muscles you want to strengthen. Rows, upright rows, lat pulldown, lateral raises, shoulder press, supermans, deadlifts, etc. If you want some detailed advice, give me some specifics and I'll get back to you when the weekend calms down. Just take it easy until you're all healed up first! :happy:

    AFM - Thank you to everyone for your feedback on the dress. I really do feel like a million bucks in it! The shape is just perfect for me, I think. Couldn't ask for anything more. I love, love, love how I feel in it and I think that's most important of all :bigsmile:

    Tyler and I signed up for the Race for the Wells May 28th in Burlington. Proceeds are going to a charity that helps provide clean water alternatives to poor communities in Ethiopia, which is cool. It'll be our 2nd race together and Tyler's first 10K ever. Should be great! I am so excited to be getting back into running finally. I feel like I ceased being a "runner" for a while, silly as it may seem, and I am really happy to get back into it. Wish me luck!

    Better get to sleep now. Soooo much to do before work tomorrow. I'll try to log in briefly but I'll be mostly MIA until Sat. Hold down the fort here for me ladies :heart: Have a great weekend!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    to all-if anyone would like to join me on my little challenge of not weighing in for til the 1st...I'd love to have you!! we could keep each other posted on here how we did with eating and working out (like we all already do) and just add a little bit bout not youching the scale:) this is gonna be super hard for me, but a challenger or 2 may be the drive I need to get it done!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey guys, just quickly posting to join Tara on the no-scale challenge!! my last WI was very disappointing, as i went from 150.5 last week to 153.5 this week... no way did i gain that all from eating.. i'm hoping this is water weight due to the 30 Day Shred.. i need to avoid the scale like it's my job! here goes!
    been reading through the posts, so much to respond to! hope everyone keeps kicking *kitten*!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Alexis... I hope your feeling better soon~!~!

    ~Megan... Im sure your review is going to be just fine. I think that if you were doing something horrible then you or someone else would have realized it within a year!~!~! Life is stressful, just roll with it! In my couseling session this morning I was told that "life is stress, stress is life... we just have to have fun on the ride." And another psych once told me that stress and excitment are the same emotions "chemically" in your brain. You have the power to say how you "take" that feeling. When your feeling stressed, the to turn it around and use the feeling to drive and motivate you, if for nothing else then just have fun!~!

    ~Meag... Im excited for you to run in that race! I love that there is a good cause as well, your heart and your body will feelgreat!~!

    ~Tara... I wish I could join you in putting away the scale, but I dont think I could take it. Well, if I have a gain tomorrow I think I will feel differently!~!~!.lol..... I kinda feel that since I have my bikini now, its CRUNCH time, so I want to at least make sure I am not gaining this month. I think I might go crazy without the scale. I wish you the BEST of luck!~!~! If I were you, I would have to take it out of my house in order not to use it. Do whatever you need to do to reach your goal!

    ~Allie... Im glad you are going to put away your scale too. LIke I said I dont think I could do it!~! Good luck!~!~! Girls gain weight over night I swear!~! DOnt worry about your gain, your still doing the right thing, it will all work out in the end.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    QOTD... what do I love about myself????

    Physical... I love that I have a stomach that WANTS to have abs. Those little lines on the side show real potential. I also love my BUTT. I cant really tell you why, but I love it! And I like that I am short. I can't imagine being tall and being short has ALOT of down sides but I think it also makes me a little different. (and i think short things are cute, so some days I think Im cute.) Most of all, I LOVE that I look like my mom. I think she is beautiful and I am happy that I can share her. More importantly, I love that people can see her in me, I kind of feel like I am helping her live on and be rememebered.

    NoT Physical.... hmmmm, I have a VERY unique laugh (when I am comfortable enough to let it out). I dont give myself credit for it much, but I am pretty strong. If I dont feel it, the evidence is there. I have been through A LOT and I am still standing and still growing, so I guess I am stronger that I want to notice. I can do 5 things at once. I am pretty artistic. I work very well under pressure. If something needs to be done, I can make it happen. If a team needs leading, I can lead them. (just dont ask me to spell anything) I will go out of my way to help anyone, anywhere, anytime. I have a good sense of humor, well, I have MY OWN sense of humor. I like to laugh and giggle. I think the thing I love the most is that I can find pleasure in the simplest of things. I never really had a childhood, so in some ways I am still a five year old. So hand me a bottle of bubbles and I will laugh for an hour. Hand me a kid and some chalk and we will go on an adventure. ANd you know what.... I think Im going to be a pretty good mom.

    ....................... I really think I needed this today. Thank you (i cant rememeber who asked it) As some of you know, I can be a little hard on myself sometimes. (understatement??) Its hard to rememeber little things that make me smile when things are going crazy. Writing this reminded me of my Graditude list I was working on with my sponsor. I think I will pull that back out. Thank You!~!
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    I feel like I haven't been on MFP lately... and I really haven't because I've been so BUSY with wedding planning, "work", and running errands all over town so now that I have a few minutes of down time I'll stop by and check in. Using the weekends as rest days, and since it's been rainy the last couple weekends. I haven't been tempted to play soccer all day like I normally do on my "rest" days. I am starting to do yoga again, definitely needed it because it makes me feel so much leaner! And as for running, I haven't busted out any ridiculous distances lately. but I am up to running 2-3 miles and breaking myself in to my Vibram Five Fingers (toe shoes)- I absolutely love them and tear it up at the cross-fit gym in them- I just haven't completely adapted to running in them yet!

    I know this is the QOTD from yesterday... but my self esteem kind of needs it today! what do I love about myself?

    Physically- I love my shoulders and back. I fractured my back when I was 15 (C5, C6, and L5) and spent a lot of time in therapy to recover from it... and then I kicked the pain killers and started strength training and 10 years later (almost to the day too) my back and shoulders have amazing muscle definition and a super strong. I've even been complimented at the cross-fit gym by a couple Special Forces soldiers saying that I do better dead hang pull-ups than a lot of guys can. NSV, I can finally do 1 arm pushups and today is the day I am going to do my first muscle up on the pull up bar!

    Non-physical- I love my sense of humor. I come off as shy to a lot of people... but I really just take in the scene and watch the people around me, then I listen to conversations until I can jump in with my wit or sarcasm and make people laugh. Deep down inside, I'm just a smart *kitten*.

    Hope everyone has a killer day and keeps it healthy! Hopefully I'll get a few more minutes to myself this afternoon to see if there's a new QOTD. You ladies are AWESOME!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Have a whole bunch to do this morning before work but just a quick selfish update....

    After my weekend of not logging and eating loads of junk, I somehow lost 0.4lbs :noway: Took my measurements this morning for the first time in approx 2 months and this is what I ended up with:

    Back - 31
    Chest - 32
    Waist - 25.75
    Hips - 35

    Teeny tiny upper body and then bam - hips! Thankfully I like the curves :smile: We can add that to the list of physical things I love about myself! Girl's still got something to move about :laugh:

    Anyway I really have to get my (Kick) *kitten* in gear! Lots and lots to do before work and a crazy weekend ahead. Really hoping I can find somewhere with a wifi signal so that I can log in tomorrow and not lose my count... Won't be able to check in here 'til Sat though, so hold down the fort for me ladies. Much love! :heart:
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."
    Thomas A. Edison

    This quote is in honor of my falling off the wagon again... and getting back on... again. I let life get the better of me. The important thing is to keep trying! :flowerforyou:

    Rachel =D
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Can I ask a QOTD??? well I'm gonna and someone else can too!! LOL:laugh:
    QOTD-what is your "hidden" talent that most people don't know about you??
    Mine is painting pictures!! I have always loved art and although I am not a pro at it I think that I have made some pretty great paintings! :happy:

    Allie-thanks for joining me on this challenge, we WILL do it!! I know :drinker:

    Kandace-I'm glad that you are wishing Allie and I luck...I think we may need it!! LOL I really liked the things that you listed about liking on yourself...I think and hope that you are finally realizing all that you can be, and that is awesome!! ps...I think you will probably be a great mom too! :flowerforyou:

    mcbody-nice to see you back and to see that you are still working hard!! Great job on the push-up and good luck on the muscle up!!

    Meag-you are TINY!!! But like I can definately see your curves in that dress and you look great!! Maybe you could have Ty log in for you while you are out of town so you don't lose your count?? I'm sure he wouldn't mind for just one day! :bigsmile:

    Rachel-"you don't become a pro overnight!!! It takes many tries and fails to get the big bucks!!" that is my quote to you!!! Glad to see you right back at it! :wink:

    AFM-to start off my NONweigh-in time I decided to do a mini-fast!! I know that pretty much no one on this thread agrees with this (including myself) but I really feel like I need this to get my body and mind REfocused again!! I will be eating mostly fruits and veggies, adding in protein and fiber powder, drinking tons of water, and keeping my cals VERY low!! Today starts day 1 of ZERO scale and ZERO days over cals until the 1st, and day 1 of 3 on my minifast! :tongue:
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    holy updates batman!

    AFM: before I start all these replies. My schedule for today. Read for class as much as I can > Cardio Dance class > getting in my upper body workout (I usually do this tuesday, but my back was super sore from monday, still not at the best, but better) > group meeting to finish a project (if our prof ever emails us the info we need:grumble: ) THEN going to bed? haha.. I'm sure I'll stop back on when I get home, but by then we'll all be on another page of this thread lol.

    Tara: I love your no scale challenge. I think it's too easy to get caught up in what the scale says but scales aren't everything, nor are they always accurate, different scales can say different things, so keep you eyes on the long-term prize, but just check in every now and then to make sure you are on target. Too much water.. have to bowel movement, period-cycle, all these things affect the little fluctuations so I think your challenge is a great idea!

    Meag: Wow, you're dimensions are petite! But I know you worked really hard to get it that way, Thanks for sharing that! I love that you got Tyler to sign up for 10k. I wish you both great luck and speed in this race!

    dodier01: WELCOME!

    QOTD: Hidden talent____ hmm, another great question Tara! I love the self-motivational spirit we have here! Not having any real talent is something I've always b*tched about lol. I know this is not in the spirit, but this is really hard for me. OH OH! I GOT ONE! I'm a good cook. People are usually impressed "wow this is great!" but to me, it's either just following the recipe instructions, or just throwing something together. I love cooking, I wish I actually had more time to do it, and when a made-up meal comes out delicious I'm always happy. So I don't really think of being a good cook as a talent, but I guess it's not as common as I expected it should be. lol YAY I HAVE A TALENT! :smile:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Leela-glad that your back is feeling a little better at least :ohwell: As for the scale...this will be the first this 95lbs lost journey of mine, that I will not be weighing in at least once/day!! Yikes!!! I will check in on it June 1st though and WILL do this no matter what!! LOL Great talent that you is one that I wish I could say that I shared!! :laugh:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hidden talent? this is crazy lame but I have just about the best numerical memory of anyone I've ever met. If I use a number once, or even just see it, I can usually repeat it years down the line. I have all my licence numbers, personal ID numbers and phone numbers (even from old friends I never see) stored away. It's actually kind of creepy. Especially since my memory for other things can be SO bad :laugh: I also make a mean bowl of oatmeal. Pretty sure that counts :wink:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Hey all crazy crazy week... I know its a total cop-out but reposting my status update real quick to fill you all in (thats how slammed I have been...) hope to catch up with everyone after the weekend of craziness is over... and check out our blog!!!!

    "so I have been totally MIA from here this week (good news is I have been doing pretty well with staying on target with my eating). We are having our seven year anniversary celebration for the shop that I run this Saturday in conjunction with an art show by one of my favorite local artists... needless to say its been some jam packed full days... if anyone is interested here is a link for our shops blog!!!"
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Everyone,
    This morning was nutso busy so I didn't get a chance to update until now. I did my Lactate threshold test last night and I think it went well. I stayed in my calories yesterday and canceled my WW subscription.

    I also Woke up at 4:45 to do a Run and some weights at the gym WOW! That looks intense even to me. It was actually really nice working out so early and then coming home and getting ready for the day. After my workout I made some breakfast Taco's and got all pretty for our engagement photo shoot. I have lunch with my family out today and I am a little bummed because I finally feel in control and that I can do this weight loss thing again. I forgot about the whole eating out part...Hmmm. I know I can make smart choices and pick a salad or something equally as healthy and not let it throw me off track. So only working 4 hours (score) Going out to lunch on this beautiful SF day (double Score) and then photo shoot for our engagement photos. (Holla!) I really need to get the ice cream out of my house because my bf is not good at holding back and even when I am trying to be good he offers me some, we usually don't keep ice cream in the house for that reason but we had a dinner party last week bla de bla. O well I know I can portion it out and enjoy it. I am not going to say I can't eat certain foods, I just have to be more conscious about it.

    QOTD- My hidden talent....Do I have to pick just 1? hehe I am a kick-*kitten* karaoke singer, I also have a weird memory like Meag. If I hear a song on the radio or anywhere I will know the words by the next time I hear it!

    Meag- Super petite measurements! good for you getting to the size you wanted! Maintenance sounds harder than losing for sure, keep up the good work Lady!

    Tara- Love the no-scale challenge, I would join you but I think I need to check 1 time a week right now to keep me in check.

    I am ready to take on this weekend ladies! I promise will do good with my only drinking what my calories allow!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member

    So I don't know that I can really catch up in the proper way right now, so I am going to just start fresh with a very selfish post and then we can go from there.

    Yesterday I worked a 12 hour day. Now I know some of you are nurses and so a 12 hour day is not out of the question, but I usually (and make a point to) work my 8 hours and then head home. I get my work done and I make sure that I work on projects starting soon enough so I don't normally have to work 12 hour days. However the past 2 weeks of my life have been insane with work! In a good way. I am just on the two most important projects our group has going on right now. In one that finished Tuesday morning I am the co-lead so at least the work is halved but the work is A LOT. There is a lot of coordinating with other people across the company, doing a lot of work, and then having people constantly ask you to change things only to have to basically redo all of the work. Now this particular project happens 2 times a year and is always super stressful and thats just the way it goes. But you do get a lot of face time with executive management which can only help the career right?? Now the other project is just me. I like it that way with this because I have been working on different aspects of it since the middle of March and so when it works out wonderfully it feels good knowing I am the one responsible for the outcome- but when management wants and update like yesterday it makes for really long days! And the data is a moving target that is constantly changing so they want updates A LOT. Both projects are really great exposure and are only going to help me stay as the lead on various things, but it makes things exhausting. My boss totally gets it and gives us breathing room and makes sure that others who are asking for data understand that they just aren't a priority right now. It's just hard! But at least at the end of the day when I go home I am home and that is that.

    I have still been getting in my workouts every morning (bootcamp was this morning) and I am feeling really good about hitting my 40lbs lost goal for Monday. Then I will just be 3 lbs away from hitting my May goal and I think I should be able to do that. Its going to feel amazing to hit that! I CANT WAIT!!! Alright I should probably get back to my crazy work but I wanted to drop in and say hi and let you lovelies know that I still exist :)


  • kafoteh
    kafoteh Posts: 18
    Hi Everyone!

    I stumble upon this thread, and I would love to join! I'm 23 and ready to tone up and get back into shape. I want to lose 10 lbs, but most of all I want to be happy and healthy! My weaknesses are late night binging, chocolate, and cereal. Once I eat some, I eat all, and I usually never log it. I hope this thread can help me stay on track and be held accountable. So here are my goals (I'm not sure where the last set of goals were posted..oops!)

    May Goals: Input ALL my meals/foods...even the bad ones. Lose 2-5 lbs. Exercise at least 3x/week.

    Thanks for letting me in on this! I look forward to all the support (given and taken) :smile:

    <3 Kristin