Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - May Challenge!!



  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Good morning ladies! Happy Happy Tuesday!!!

    I woke up this morning at 5ish to go for my morning swim. I managed to go and swim for 40 minutes pushing fairly hard. I also didn't have a headache or the spacey feeling I get in the morning(that could be from the ice cream last night hehe) Another weird note, Yesterday was so cold and I was so tired I ended up having leftover pizza for lunch, I was good and only have 2 pieces but was upset...But! I didn't have a headache all day. When I got home from work the fiance made me some chicken soup and I had ice cream for dessert, felt a little guilty but let it slide. Now I have been headache free for almost 3 full days! This is truly amazing. I wonder if my calories are a little low for my exercise...not sure. But I am going to stick with it for now. If it seem like it feels that way after a week I will bump it up to only losing .5 a week. So with that I am not going to feel guilty or upset about yesterday. I was tired and I still made better decisions than before. Today I am ready to conquer the world. We are also looking at another possible venue this evening.

    Meag- That is so great about all the job prospects! I am so happy for you!

    Kancrav- A cruise sounds awesome! Let me know how it is, we are thinking of one for our honeymoon.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Where is everyone today?? hehehe
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Aly-Beautiful dress!! Its going to look great on you! And congrats on no headaches for 3 days! I have got migraines since I was 7 and after alot of docs and prescribed meds its been a long journey, but I choose to not take meds everyday and try to live without them if I can. I was at one time considering acupuncture, but I ended up going to a chiropractor who did some adjustments on my neck and stuff and I ended up being Migraine free for a month or two. It was amazing!!! So if the acupuncture doesn't work you could try a chiropractor.

    Meag- Congrats on the interviews and jobs!! I hope you choose the best one for YOU!!!

    Kan- OMG YOUR CRUISE SOUNDS AMAZING! ITs just the vacation you guys need! Sounds like you guys have most of everything planned out! How long is the cruise?

    AFM: My back is healing nicely! I enjoyed the Sunday weather of about 80 degrees and went on a 10 mile bike much fun!! I was looking forward to today too! Until I woke up to rain and now snow.Boo for cold weather again. At least the snows not sticking. Hope everyone is doing great! I go to California in about a 8 days to see friends and for a wedding! I am sooo excited!!!!

  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Just dropping by to say Hi, I'm alive, still exercising, still logging, just so swamped at work its not even funny- Tomorrow is my Friday so first thing Thursday morning (if I can't manage to find time tomorrow) I will be responding to all of you lovelies

  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    Wow. it's been way too long! Glad to see everyone's doing well!
    meag- there is NO shame in some BSB lovin! :smile: I love them!
    shannon- I know EXACTLY how you feel! Only I'm not losing inches either. :ohwell: Plateaus suck. Keep going though and stay positive! There's lots of support here!
    leela- what is this Gryffindor Harry Potter challenge?? I love me some HP!

    AFM: Not much to report. I guess you could say I've temporarily fallen off the wagon. I haven't been to bootcamp in 2 weeks. I'm currently homeless.. ok that's a little dramatic. I had to move out of my oncampus room last Thursday and my lease on my apartment doesn't start until this Thursday soo I'm just kind of floating around living out of boxes and staying at friends places or my fiance's place. So that alone is making it REALLY hard to make good food choices. I can't buy groceries and I have no where to cook... so it's pretty much whatever I can pick up. I really hate it. I can't WAIT to be in my own place in just 2 more days and live a normal life again!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Meag!! I almost forgot I am totally a BSB fan! I have tickets for BSB and NKOTD for their concert in July! SOOO excited about that!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Shannon-I think it is a great idea to put the scale away for the rest of the month!! Allie and I are doing this until the 1st as well(we started last Thurs) and so far so good!!! You just do what you know is right....don't worry about the scale...and then see what happens in a couple of weeks! and CONGRATS on finishing the C25K program...that is awesome!!! :drinker:

    Mcbody-sorry to hear that they haven't quite figured out your meds yet...give them a bit to re-evaluate your specific situation and I am sure that they will come up with something to get you back to doing cardio ASAP!!

    Justbreathe-great job on getting in that awesome workout!!! how are the muscles feeling now?! LOL My tip for happy hour...rum and diet, lite beer, or champagne are your lowest calorie choices, and see if the have lettuce wraps and stay away from the nachos or chicken wings...those are your WORST choices!! good luck! :wink:

    Kandace-thanks girl :smile: how did you get your hair done....take a pic!!?? Very awesome about your cruise...I have never been on one either (or out of the country for that matter!) but it sounds like you have a lot of great plans in the works for it! and one more thing to add...even if you don't get to the gym for day, don't worry...just keep moving!! Continuous walking for at least 30 minutes is still considered aerobic activity!

    Jennelle-thanks for your wise words again!! I made it through the day and I know that I did do way better then I would have in the are right, that is what matters! time to be me and kick it again!!:smooched:

    Meag-first of all, CONGRATS on your job offer and job interview...I am sure that you will pick the right one for you (while picking it though...remember your happiness DOES matter!) Thanks for the potluck tips...the 2 that will help me the most for future PLs will be...taking a pic of the plate, and not finishing what I got if I don't like it!!:bigsmile:

    Aly-great job on gettin in the swim!! and no worries about the icecream...everything in moderation right?!

    Alexis-glad to hear that your back is feeling better!! way to get in the bike ride and have fun in Cali!! (I wanna go! LOL) :laugh:

    Megan-hang in there!! seeya when you get back :flowerforyou:

    Em-glad to hear that you are getting into your own place soon...that would be super hard to diet/eat right/exercise and just LIVE in general!! almost there...

    AFM-ok...I made it through my potluck...over on cals but like Jennelle and Meag said...still way better choices then I would have made in the past! I just need to remember in the future to step away from the dessert!! LOL :noway: Today is another rest day for me but my cals are just under my 1200 and with NO WI tomorrow I am not stressing my weight at all...exactly 2 weeks until June and until I can weigh myself!! (still haven't stepped on the scale btw)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey Ladies! Well I managed to turn my night around, with the thanks of some major cuddles and love from the boy :love: He's pretty sweet when he wants to be!

    Just wanted to post a picture of the cookies I baked today. Use the recipe posted above but altered slightly to include the following:

    1 cup chickpea flour
    1 cup brown rice flour
    1 tsp baking soda
    1/2 tsp (or so) sea salt
    1/2 cup almond, cashew and peanut butter
    4 Tbsp agave nectar
    1 tsp pure vanilla extract
    3/4 cup (a bit less actually) coconut milk
    2 Tbsp almond meal, for dusting

    Combine dry. Combine wet. Mix together. Spoon onto parchment lined cookie sheet using a small ice cream scoop or melon baller of sorts and bake in a preheated 350F oven for 10-12 mins. Allow to cool for a few mins and then transfer to a rack.


    They turned out great ! Not too sweet, good dry cake-y texture (perfect with coffee, IMO) and the nut butter isn't over-powering. Next time I think I'll try it with PB and perhaps a different combination of flours. Loved the chickpea flour but I may swap out the rice flour for something else... Suggestions?

    Alright, I have to be up in 6 hours for this work training business. Time to get some sleep. Much love, ladies! Keep rockin' it! :heart:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Alexis... my cruise is 6 night 7 days. I am SUPPER excited and I am in the process of buying rediculously fancey dresses to weaer every night to dinner. LoL.

    ~Meag.... last night a guy in my meeting told me to ask The Big Guy Upstairs for help when I need it. But he also cautioned me that I might get some help!~!~! Your 2 jobs sound like you asked for some help and He helped!~!~! But you still have a hard decision to make. You will choose the right one, I am sure of it. Congrats!~!

    I want a fun granola bar. I am ok with it being high in cals cuz then I can just have it as my 2nd lunch instead of a snack. But I dont have many fancey things here (like agave nectar, I see that in alot of recipes). I need something simple that will taste good. Maybe with some room for chocolate chips?? lol.

    ~Tara... congrats on not WI. Your doing awesome!~!~! how does that no stress feel???? Pretty nice I bet! Rememeber that feeling for june when you start WI again, dont stress out, it makes it not fun.

    ~ALlie..... I WANT TO SEE BSB..... what the hell!~!~! I am like the biggest bsb fan EVER and I am always on the wrong freakin continent!~!~! I went home to philly last summer and they were in germany. now I am in germany and they are in the freakin states. I just cant win!~!

    ~emmarie... take it all in stride!~! Just think of how much you are going to appreciate cooking and eating healthy once you get settled. I dont see a cheat day in your future for a long time!~!~.

    AFM...... I had a MUCH needed meeting last night. I have had a horrible week. My mind is soo mean to me. I also have my group today (a bunch on recovering addicts sharing, kinda like an AA meeting, just in our doc) Im pretty excited for group. I think I have the courage to say some things that I need to. I am realizing that holding in all these feelings and horrible thoughts is a bad bad thing. They are just festering and getting worse. But I will be better by the end of the day!

    I walked alot yesterday and spent 2 hours at the gym. I got my 2 miles in on the TM in 25 min. And I spent 25 min on the eliptical. then I worked on my arms and my abs. I spent alot of time on my abs cuz I feel like I am doing it wrong!~! I am breathing when I contract my abs and I had my husband check my form. IDK I guess I think its wrong cuz I dont feel sore when I do it the next day, maybe I am just a champion. lol.

    Everyone have a FANTASTIC day, I think I will be back later, but it is so nice outside that I might just find places to walk around today. I dont know, I dont have a plan... and I am OK with that. Really.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey all! Hope everyone’s is having a good start to the week. Today I was supposed to have a couple meetings at work..which for me who works nights, meant that after working 11pm-7am, would have to go home, sleep a bit, then go back to the hospital for meetings, then back home to hopefully sleep again before returning tonight for work… oh and did I mention that I have a 4 hour workshop this morning after my shift? Ugh! Well fate was on my side for once, as we are being inspected Wed, so my manager cancelled the meetings, yay! I got in a great run in prep for my 5K this weekend.. I did 3.25 miles in just over 32 min, so I think I’m looking good..
    The past few days, I think ever since the room spinning episode, I’ve been feeling weird at work. I think I’m looking at the computer too much and I feel like it’s causing me head issues.. hard to describe but in the front of my head I feel somewhere between lightheaded and dizzy, not pain like a headache.. I think I need an eye doc appt. After I leave, and at home I’m fine, weird.

    Kandace- WTG with the belly shot! I don’t think I could put mine on here any time soon, unless I sucked it in super hard.. If only I could just walk around like that all day, I’d be a bit more secure lol. Best part of wearing scrubs every day- no feeling fat haha! Instead I actually feel great b/c most of my stuff is big now, well big for scrubs lol. Hope your meetings are helping, and I totally agree with the holding in of feelings. I can get so stuck on an issue, esp when it comes to work that if there’s a problem I can’t stop thinking about it, and lose sleep, appetite, the whole thing.. let it out girl! The cruise sounds so great! One of the best parts is getting dressed up! I feel old fashioned sometimes, but I wish people would get dressed up more for functions at night, whether it’s dinner or seeing a show.
    Tara- still no scale for me! Don’t sweat your potluck.. last night my coworker brought in donuts, and while I was on break I managed to eat almost 2 of them… totally mindless, and it wasn’t even worth it b/c they were a bit stale, and yet for some reason I just kept chewing til finally I said, this is just gross and chucked the piece I had left. Ugh epic fail..
    Meag- congrats on the job offers!! And the cookies look great! I’ve never heard of chickpea flour, where do u get such things? And that’s great that Tyler redeemed himself after being not-so-great earlier. Like I said on your status, when it comes to working some deviation of a 9-5 job, it’s very easy for the rest of the world to forget that you have to have habits that go along with an off schedule. Hopefully the new job will give you a more regular schedule..
    Shannon- congrats in finishing C25K! will you be doing a race soon?
    Megan- glad to see you check in and still keeping up with the workouts and all!

    All I got time for unfortunately, have a good day all!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kan-thanks again girl :smile: my NO stress is slowly becoming stress!! LOL I may not make it the whole month without weighing...just a prewarning now!I am glad that you were able to get some things off your chest at your meeting and what an awesome workout to follow!! great job sista! *high-five*

    Allie-great job on getting in your run!! I feelya on the work schtuff...I had a meeting last night, and then CPR after work in the morning, and I signed up for an extra 12 tonight!! WTH!! LOL I still haven't weighed, but this is "wrecking" me, not only mentally but physically as well!!! we may need to have a lil talk!! LOL :sad:

    AFM-just keeping up with the thread!! As I mentioned to Allie...not weighing in may be an epic fail for me very soon!! easier said than done!:brokenheart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    OMG! BSB and NKOTD tour is going to be in Hamilton on the same day as the wedding in Aug - SUPER LAME! :grumble: Oh well! Im sure there will be yet ANOTHER reunion tour. These people just never give up :laugh:

    Kan - Ill post one when I get a chance, but you can sub agave nectar for honey or maple syrup. You may just have to use a little more since I believe agave is naturally sweeter. Google it! Recipes are not meant to be followed strictly and granola bars are the easiest to alter. Just use whatever you have, girl!

    Allie - Bulk stores/whole food stores should have it in stock. But it's also common in East Indian cooking, so any East Indian grocer would have it as well. Also known as Besan, I believe. The nutritional profile is stellar and it's a very versatile flour. I'm excited to cook and bake with it in the future!

    Alright, off to training now. 9-5 at this LCBO job and then errands, dinner (curried millet stew!) and then shopping for some business clothes since I have yet another interview tomorrow with Torstar. Send me some calming vibes, folks! :ohwell:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good morning everyone!!

    I would attempt to go back and reply to all of the wonderful things you all have been up to but it might take me a million years!!

    So I will just let you know what I've been up too. I have been CRAZY busy at work. So far this week I have worked 10 hour days every day, and of course last week I was also working 10 and 12 hour days. Needless to say I am super excited because I have tomorrow and Friday off! YIPPEE! But everything that I have been working on has come to a close, so while I will still be extremely busy because I just have so much stuff to be working on, I won't be working 10 hour days anymore. And the best part of all is that my presentations for all of my projects went swimmingly. The Senior VP told me excellent job several times. So while it has been rough on my intercation with you wonderful ladies, it has been successful!

    On another note- I weighed in on Friday and hit 40lbs gone, like I told you ladies, and then on Monday I was up a pound so that's what I logged, but I think I just didn't drink enough water on Sunday because I weighed in today and I am back to 40lbs gone. I am not logging it as an official weigh-in because that's what Mondays are for, but it still feels good to know that it wasn't a fluke! The trainers at the gym were asking me all sorts of questions like what motivated you and how awesome it was that I've been able to do it. I made me really proud of what I've accomplished so far. I have a long way to go yet, but I know I can do it!

    So thanks ladies for putting up with my slackyness on here, promise that now that things have calmed down I will be all up in this joint! hehe

  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Morning everyone!

    Shannon- can I be completely honest with you? I think that you are not giving your body enough time to adjust to the different changes you have tried the past few weeks (upping calories and zig zagging). You really need to try one new thing and stick with it for a few weeks and then see how your body reacts. At this point you don’t really know which one was working or not working because you jumped from one to the other. Just my thoughts based on what I have been reading on here. In complete agreement with Meag! As for the C25K you KILLED it girl!!! Great great great job!!!! So freakin proud of you – now I am just going to keep harassing you until you sign up for a 5k… teehee

    JustBreathe- like everyone else said… WELCOME!

    Leela- thanks lady! I hope that you really get to enjoy this time with your boy! Relationships are really tough and doing the long distance thing makes it even harder. Just take it one day at a time and keep focusing on you and keep reminding yourself that in order to be healthy in a relationship you need to work on yourself and get yourself healthy. You deserve it!!!

    Tara- glad you are comfortable with the reality of the potluck. You can only do so much! Just do what feels right for you. If you set yourself up with an all or nothing attitude for this scale thing it is almost as bad as focusing on it every day. You are doing such an amazing job finding a healthy balance don’t let not weighing in become an unhealthy obsession (hope that made sense haha)

    Meag- mmmm that recipe sounds fabulous! Keep us updated on the job situation! And the cookie pic looks INCREDIBLE!!! Definitely going to have to play with the recipe a bit myself now and see what I can come up with to suit our eating habits… WOO WOO!! You got this lady! Both these opportunities at once may seem overwhelming but its just giving you the chance to figure out whats best for you not just taking a job because it’s the only one! <<CALMING VIBES>>

    McBody- I am sooo sooo glad that you are feeling better. Like you keep saying just take it easy and take care of yourself chica!

    Kan- cruise sounds INCREDIBLE!!! We are getting married in 4 months and honestly we still have NO idea what we are doing for our honeymoon. We really aren’t in to the whole beach honeymoon scene and we are doing a family reunion cruise in January so those options are both kinda out. We would love to do something where we can be outdoors and do a lot of hiking and whatnot but still have the luxury to go back to at night and be spoiled a little. We shall see we shall see!!! Rock on with your bad self and that belly picture! You are just making tons and tons of advances with your NSV’s (IMO that is the most important part!!!)

    Janelle- I love your favorite time of the day! Never would have thought of that but its SOOO true!!!

    Alexis- This weather business is crazy here too!!! Oh well just have to make the best of it! I am just hoping that all of this rain now means a nice sunny day for our wedding in October… hehe

    Megan- we MISSS YOU!!!! But SO SO happy that things have been going well! Its great that we can all be super active on here to keep us going but sometimes we need to just focus on our every day lives. The important part is that you kept taking care of you and did an AMAZING job!

    Em- holy moly lady! You DOOO have a lot on your plate! Wedding is coming up soon too right? Deep breaths deep breaths!

    Allie- glad you got some down time instead of meetings. Take it easy lady you need to listen to your body! Definitely may want to think about getting in to see someone… eye dr sounds like a good start

    AFM- just the usual. Been doing good with the food (haven’t been logging again… no particular reason why just get burnt out with the logging but I am ok with it because I have still been really staying on top of it and that’s what its all about!) I went and did a free session at a local crossfit gym… I know I know I know Meag you HATE it! Its crazy to pay that much money BUT I LOOOOVED it. It was me and 3 other women there (plus the coach) and it was just super motivating to see these other women that weren’t afraid to be lifting and having fun with it. They were amazingly welcoming and we chatted a bunch after the session. It was also awesome because it was SO much more intense that any workouts I have been able to do on my own. I learned some great new techniques and the coach was really good about correcting more form when it was necessary. Unfortunately, with the expenses and us trying to conserve for the wedding it was pretty much out of the picture for us being able to pay for it. That night I was telling my rents all about the experience. The next day out of no where my dad called me back and said they wanted to pay for 3 months for me as an EARLY birthday present (my birthday is at the end of July… hahahaha) They just said they were super proud of how hard I have been working and they loved seeing me so excited about fitness and exercise and competing (they hadn’t seen me this into something since high school before I broke my femur). It was such a sweet and unnecessary gesture from them but felt really nice. Growing up we lived pretty frugally and I think it always bothered them that they couldn’t do as much for us as they wanted. Which was fine because we always had what we needed and were loved but I think that now that they can do a little extra here and there they really like to try. Anyway, enough babbling from me! Just waiting to hear back from the guy and hopefully I will be starting there end of this week/ beginning of next week. I think the intensity of these workouts plus my running training will be a great combo for me!!!

    Hope everyone has a great hump day!

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey everyone, there is far too much going on this group to comment on everyone.

    AFM- I was feeling amazing yesterday and I was so happy that I was feeling good, then in the afternoon/evening I started feeling headachy again :( today I had a bit of a headache but I Think it was the protein. I really hope I can find a permanent solution for these headaches. But the good thing is that it is improving. I really need to focus on getting a lot of protein throughout the day and not letting my cals get too low. This is really hard trying to figure out how to lose weight but also eat enough to fuel my body for workouts and my headaches. But I am going to truck on and make it. I might be tired from doing 2 early morning workouts in a row. I think I will have to balance it out and have 2 evening workouts the next two days and see how it goes.
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Happy Hump Day y'all!

    I miss out on one day and there is TOO MUCH to comment on on this thread lol. I did read everything though, I promise!

    AFM, I had some computer drama at work that I had to deal with, got the dreaded BLUE SCREEN and almost had a panic attack lol. But it is being fixed now so I am much calmer. I didn't get a chance to hit the gym yesterday because I went to that happy hour that I was telling you guys about. The damage? Not too bad! I actually ate a little bit before I went, had a salad since I knew there would be no veggies at happy hour haha. And that actually helped out a lot because when I got there I wasn't completely starving so I was able to just have a few bites of each thing instead of scarfing down all those empty calories. Tried to convince my friends to order a fruit/veggie and cheese plate and that was a no-go lol. Oh well...

    Gotta hit the gym after work today...I committed to burning 2500 calories for this week and so far have only done 733, so I really need to get on it!

    Have a wonderful rest of the day! :)

    <3 Jess
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-it was your first day on the new job today, right??? how did it go!? *sending some calmness* your way!!! good luck for your interview! :glasses:

    Megan-CONGRATS on the compliments at work and on at the must be flying on cloud 9 right now!!! keep up your great dedication/motivation like you show on here, and I am sure that you will go very far in all aspects of your life! :flowerforyou:

    Cait-yes, it made perfect sense!! LOL and you are absolutely right...the obsession is still there even without the scale!! I have decided to chill out on the whole issue, and will do what I know works best for me and see where it brings me on the 1st, in the more stressin for me! :wink: I am glad that crossfit went so well...and it was super nice of your rents to get you that for a b-day present!!! perfect timing for the wedding too!!

    Jess-great job at happy hour!! time to get your butt to the gym for that burn commitment you have for the week!! good luck! :laugh:

    AFM-I have decided to pick up an extra 12hr night shift at work tonight so today's cardio is getting pushed back to tomorrow's rest day!! I did manage to find time to get in my 10min ab routine for the day though still!! Still NO scale for me...and I am becoming ok with that again!! SWEET!!! 13 days to go ladies!! :heart:
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    I’m sitting in class waiting to present so I finally have time to actually look on the computer and don’t have to waste anymore time being away from the BF:tongue:

    Kandace: First of all, I LOVE your picture. You look so healthy! I’m wicked proud of you for posting this! I’ve never been on a cruise either. I’d love to go on one! Italy is fabulous! If you could get to Florence, that’s my favorite city there. And great job with keeping up with the walking and exercise! It sounds like you got a fantastic workout in!

    Meag: I’m SO EXCITED for the promising job offer! You can finally get a job that you can love and enjoy and doesn’t make you want to through your boots at everyone lol. Oh, and I love your idea about the napkin desserts and the small plates, AND taking a pic. I sometimes forget if I don’t log it right away.

    Aly: I’m sure the answer is yes, but you have talked to a doctor or specialist about these headaches?

    Alexis: YAY for your back feeling better!:happy:

    Megan: Thanks for checking in! Glad to hear you are still doing alright. And WTG on getting appraise from a VP! You are kicking your work’s butt! And Congrats on the 40lb loss!!

    Emmarie: OMGosh! :noway: At least you can stay at your fiancés that but that is really rough. It’s got to be hard to worry about exercise and food when you’re don’t even have a place to call home, but you can do it! Just try and log what you can and use Meag’s idea of taking pictures of what you eat so you can log it later ☺

    Tara: YEAH for keeping up not weighing in! And great job for being aware during the potluck and making smarter choices than you would have in the past. Life’s all about making the right choices and getting better.

    Cait: I’m glad you had such a great time at the Crossfit!! (what is crossfit?)

    Jess: Great job at happy hour! :drinker: That is definitely a hard situation to be in but I really think you played it super smart by eating a bit before you left so you wouldn’t get there starving.

    Phew! Ok I caught up with everyone!

    AFM: I actually got the BF to come to the gym with me on Monday (we did lower):happy: :happy: and I just spotted him a lot and showed how to do the right form. And I think he actually had fun. He said it wasn’t as bad as he expected and didn’t really feel like he was surrounded by a bunch of meat heads. Like I told him, no one really cares about everyone else, we are all just there for ourselves. We ended up splitting the cost (well it’s on my card, but he’s paying me back by picking up some other supplies for his stay. And we’re going back tomorrow, and things are going really great. I’m soo happy we came! And at Saturday we’re going to go to the gym to play some sports there! So that’s all I got for now, crazy day. Worked from 8-4:45 flew home for 5 minutes said hi to the boy, grabbed my school stuff and left.:yawn: Now it was a meeting and class from 5-9pm. And I have a presentation to give too.. And I really have been eating less but at least I get to come home to a cooked dinner. I love him.:love:
  • shannonaufman
    shannonaufman Posts: 383
    Megan -- sounds like you deserve those days off. Enjoy!! And congrats on hitting 40 pounds lost. That's an awesome accomplishment and you should feel very proud of yourself!

    Cait -- Thank you for being honest. I completely agree with everything you said. I think I'm just going to relax and stop stressing about trying this and trying that. I'm eating healthier, I'm exercising more than I have in forever, and I'm losing inches. Logically, the scale should move eventually. I just need to be patient and stop trying to find a quick fix I think. As for the 5k... I'm having a hard time deciding what to do about a race. I wrote about it in my blog, but I kind of feel like if I enter a race, running goes from something fun and personal to work. Or it could just be that I'm a weenie and scared... lol! :laugh:

    Jess -- I got the blue screen of death about two weeks before my Master's thesis was due last year. Luckily I had backed my thesis up online and on external storage, but the immediate sense of panic that set in was no fun. Good luck with the 2500 calorie burn! That's an awesome goal!

    AFM -- Starting One Hour Runner today (in a few minutes, actually). At this point I'm just looking to increase my endurance with running. I've been helping a fellow PhD candidate with a sampling project. It has me working 10+ hour days in the unrelenting sun and heat on a landfill. I'm constantly standing, lifting, walking, carrying, etc. It's a dirn good thing I love what I'm studying! I'm also probably burning a ton of calories all day, which is a-ok by me! :smile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Well, I genuinely cannot give up more than 5 mins today so decent responses to your posts will just have to wait. Or they may just never materialize. I'm sorry if I've missed any questions or anything important. I've read and considered, but just have absolutely no energy and time...

    Tara - Today was training day and it went well, thanks! :bigsmile:
    Cait/Shan - You guys are spot on. Pick ONE course of action and stick with it. Trust yourself. And have patience. Constantly trying new things and not allowing time for it to "stick" is going to just lead to a lot of frustration. You've just got to learn to trust - It's the toughest part, IMO!
    Cait again - I am curious how you would change the recipe - it's totally clean as far as I know and the nutritional stats are fab. How does it not fit in with your eating habits? I think your diet just totally perplexes me, to be perfectly honest :tongue: Learn me something good! I sense I could learn a LOT from you given the chance....

    OK that's all I've got time for atm. Did some shopping today after training and dinner to pick up something to wear to my 2nd interview tomorrow (since I am seriously lacking in professional wear). Shopping in this "new" body is still suuuuch a trip. Since when do I say things like "Is size 2 the smallest size you carry?" or "Do you make anything in an XXS?" .... ??? It's crazy! In some ways I feel great being able to try EVERYTHING on (finally) and know it'll fit, or at least do up, but it's frustrating that my body tends to look so weird in certain clothing. Shirts are *really* hard to find and I ended up buying just a nice patterned skirt and a sweet dress (for tomorow). I'll have to figure something else out as far as tops go... But for tomorrow, I'm going on a bad-*kitten* run instead of worrying about it. I'll just rock the dress and feel fabulous!

    Anyway there is loads new but I can't really catch up. Wish I could keep up with everyone but I am definitely falling behind. Promise it's not personal :wink: For those of you I haven't kept in touch with, I hope everything is going GREAT! You all rock so, so much! :drinker: