Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - May Challenge!!



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Leela-thanks girl!! I am certainly trying!Sounds like you have a busy, busy day/week ahead of you!! good luck and great job getting your bf to get motivated about the gym!

    Meag-good luck on your interview tomorrow!!

    AFM-just checkin work and wondering why I decided to work 50hours this week!! LOL oh well...tonight is my Friday!
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    thanks for the positive advice, everyone! I get to move in tomorrow!! woo! And yet it's 4am here and I'm still awake because I slept all day. Not my best idea.
    Cait- yeahhh the wedding is super close! 23 days...ahhh! So obviously I'm losing my mind on top of everything else.
    I can't wait to have a kitchen and you know... a home again! :happy: hopefully I'll have something better to report VERY soon! Have a great day and weekend if I don't get to catch up with you all some more during all of my moving madness.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Emm.... 23 days?!! so exciting!~!~! I know things arent going to get to relaxed in the next few weeks so just hold on and roll with it!~! It will all be over eventually!~! And just think, this time next month, you will be married!~!~ Ahhhh!~!~!

    ~Leela... thanks for the tips. Anything I should know about Italy before I get there??? I am so glad you stuck with your guns and took your BF to the gym. He may not become a gym rat but at least he wont feel competely out of place there if he wants to go with you from time to time. And this is something else you get to show him about yourself and something you guys can share! Its awesome. What kind of sports are you gonna do? Racket Ball???? Do you know how to play that? I have HORRIBle coordination and I have no Idea how to play but I tried hitting the ball around once. OMG. It flew around sooo fast that I didnt know what to do with myself!

    ~Meag... I will def look for some recipes, if I come across something confusing I will see if you can translate for me.. lol. thanks for your help. Good luck on your interview~!

    ~Tara... Make that MoNeY girl!~!~!

    ~Shannon... what is one hour runner? let me know how you like it.

    AFM... I am doing pretty well. I cant belive that tomorrow is friday already, but I am glad it is. I can NOT wait to WI.... I KNOW i had to loose something. I did AWESOME this week. I have drank TONS and TONS of water, worked out more then I have ever in one week and I have been ROCKIN it with my food intake. I have been really awesome about watching my carbs too! Im super excited!~!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Em-take a breather girl!! stress is never a good combo for a wedding!! super exciting!!

    Kan-you did do awesome this week!! yoiu are gonna kill it on the scale :) *good luck* even though you don't need it!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning ladies! Rushing out for a longgg run (hopefully) once my breakfast settles but I realized that I forgot to answer Kan's query about granola bars...

    I found these two recipes on MFP and they both look great, although I would likely make some substitutions to suit my own tastes and eating habits/preferences. But since granola in general is SO forgiving, you can add and subtract whatever you like! It's easy and basically fail proof :happy: The first recipe looks particularly awesome because it's low on ingredients and it makes only 6 bars at a time, which is perfect if you're only looking to feed yourself!

    Just be sure to input the ingredients into the recipe function on MFP for your specific recipe. It's never the same as what is posted by the OP, in my experience.

    Em - Wedding in 23 days and a new house :noway: No wonder you're freaking out! haha You're going to be fabulous though and you are going to look incredible, no matter what. Your happiness is all everyone will notice. Hope you manage to find some peace of mind here and there and find some time to just ENJOY all the wonderful changes in your life. Congrats :bigsmile:

    AFM - Check out the dress I bought yesterday for my interview:

    I bought the black version and I must say, I look freaking awesome in it! Have to find some other professional clothes still but this is a great piece to have. The bonus about dresses is that you don't have to worry about coordinating separates. One piece + accessories. Score!

    I also picked up this skirt on mega sale at the Gap:

    Who knew I'd ever buy anything with pleats? lol! It's cute though and if I wear it on my hips it's long enough to be work appropriate. Now I just have to figure out where to find shirts that actually fit :ohwell: Damn this small chest!

    Off for a run in a few and then getting ready for my interview. Hope you folks have a wonderful day! Much love :heart:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Aly- good luck continuing to find the balance. Just keep listening to your body

    Jess- glad they took care of the comp issues for you… that can be SOOO overwhelming. Good luck getting your burn in this week

    Tara- im glad you are making it work for you! You are doing such an amazing job and I just hate to see you take away from that by obsessing on the scale. Hope the extra work shift went well!

    Leela- sorry I forgot to respond about crossfit the first time you asked … its hard to explain since its still knew to me… but for me personally it brings me back to when I was training really seriously in high school to get in to college sports (before my car accident). Free session kicked my TUSH but in a really good way!!! I think what I like best is that there is only a group of at the most 6 of us doing the workout and then the coach (also the owner) who is there watching and correcting our form… Here are some excerpts from the crossfit place tthat explain its background a bit and what you do there… hope this helps.
    McBody- Feel free to chime in here I think I saw that you do crossfit and you also train people!

    “CrossFit is a fitness program that combines elements of gymnastics and weightlifting that leaves participants feeling, looking, and moving better. The program began at a gym in Santa Cruz, California and has since been embraced by athletes (high-school, college, Olympic, professional), military personnel, police officers, and firefighters….There is no prerequisite for participating in CrossFit training. Many participants are, in fact, not elite athletes, but average people who are looking for an effective exercise program. At GunxCrossFit, your trainer will help you adjust your workouts according to your own goals and ability level, taking into consideration any pre-existing injuries or limitations.
    CrossFit workouts are short, intense, and varied. One WOD (Workout of the Day) might have you rowing, performing Olympic lifts, and doing pushups; the next day you might be performing lunges and jumping on boxes. The constant variation of these full-body movements helps you to maintain a well-rounded level of fitness, while also avoiding boredom. Some of the workouts are timed, which enables you and your trainer to measure your progress.”

    Shannon- I am going to call you out again but ONLY because you said it first… stopped being a scared weenie!!!! :bigsmile: You are TOTALLY ready for a 5k… I actually did one before I had officially finished my C25k and didn’t think I was ready at all but guess what I was even more ready than I thought. It totally pushed me to the next level and forced me to get rid of the mental “Im not ready for this” and listen to my body which was totally ready for it. As for the fun part… just sign up for one race. I personally think that you will get sucked in to the adrenaline of the day (races can become very addicting!) Its just so much fun to be around all these people that are just as pumped and nervous and excited as you are! If Im wrong then at least you can say you did one and realize its not for you… but I have a strange feeling this wont be the case!

    Meag- honestly I don’t talk a lot about my diet and eating on here because there can be so much back lash and strong disagreements against it. A lot of people see it as being too restricted and getting rid of an entire food group. I find that it is easier for me to eat this way than it is to count and obsess my calories. Around January, J and I switched to a more “Primal” way of eating ( I actually found him through nerdfitness!!!) . We had already been eating pretty clean but after doing a lot of research and reading we were ready to take it to the next level for us. It just kind of made sense everything that we were reading so we figured we would give it a try and see where it took us. For anyone that is interested here is a good website to read about it or

    Yes we eliminated pretty much all processed carbs (I get my carbs from veggies, fruit, and sometimes sweet potatato, and the occasional glass of red wine or super dark chocolate). And we consume A LOT of healthy high fat foods (coconut oil, avocados, nuts, etc.) As you can see looking back on my diary I am not always perfect with it… there are still days when I crave a big greasy piece of pizza and guess what I am going to eat it- this is about finding a balance that works for me and so far this has! But the cravings come less and less because my body just doesn’t love it anymore like my mind does. The most important thing for me is that I read the advice and what they say and then I just work on listening to my body. I don’t agree with everything the paleo/primal world says but I do know that I feel a whole lot healthier than I did before. I’ve eliminated several weird reactions my body was having for no known reason (crazy hives all over my body for the past 2 years). I don’t ever feel deprived… in fact making this move has forced both J and I to think really creatively with cooking and eating and we have been making some of the most amazing dishes the past few months. I hope this answers your questions. I would be more than happy to talk to anyone who is curious. I by no means am an expert but I am figuring out what works for me.
    PS- YOUR dress looks SMOKIN hot! I am sure its going to look INCREDIBLE on you!!!

    Emm- awww try and enjoy it as much as possible! So exciting!

    AFM- not too much new to report. J made these amazing BLT sandwiches last night… Took two chicken breast butterflied them and then grilled them. Then we put lettuce, tomato, bacon, and avocado on them and folded the breast so that it was like the bread. SOO SOO good and easy and quick! Mmmmm I want more haha!!!

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Quick post, I will come back later and comment at least I hope. Well I tried to do my WI today and the scale said error I looked at the back and it is all corroded. So I need to buy a new one this weekend.

    I might change my Weigh in day, I also might not weigh myself every week since it is proving to not go so well. But I am not sure, I want to stay on track so I don't know what to do?? Help?

    I made some turkey bacon with eggs this morning so I started off my day with protein. I have a run and weight lifting workout tonight then swimming tomorrow. Have a great day peeps!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Thanks Meag!~!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    You are welcome, Kan!

    Big news! So... I just started my new job at the LCBO yesterday, and then today managed to score an unofficial job offer which is significantly more lucrative. And now I have a BIG decision to make! Full-time, permanent position with benefits, vacation time, and a HUGE work-load, or a part-time, casual job that pays much less, no benefits, but I get to have lots of time to train, run, camp and do all other matter of things during the summer... I know any reasonable adult that has been unemployed as long as me would say "are you f*cking kidding me?" but I honestly *love* this lifestyle and it will be so hard to give it up... Major decision time! Kind of just makes me sad because I know what I have to do and the weather is just now starting to warm up. But who knows - maybe there will be lots to love about this job and it'll be a positive work experience instead of just loathing all the time inside, not running and hiking and being at the beach :ohwell:

    I know I have no right to complain so this will be the last you hear of it. Just wanted to get it out. Thanks guys! :flowerforyou:
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    my dearest darlingest healthiest pals!

    how have you been? i hope you have been GREAT! :bigsmile:

    this has been a pretty crazy week for me so this is going to be a selfish (therefore short-ish) post :laugh:

    the week started out fine and great and healthy! i had brunch all day with a bunch of the ladies, and made a point to go to my turbo kick class beforehand so i could fully enjoy the day - guilt free! :wink: the difficulty of the week was mostly emotional and unrelated to my physical health altogether. my best friend has been in a tumultuous relationship with her boyfriend for over 2-years. it's a roller-coaster relationship with lots of fighting and i am always the one she comes to when she's upset. i finally realized that i was going to start being a terrible friend if i didn't talk to her honestly about my concern for her and that seeing her so unhappy so frequently was really taking a toll on me, it's just so hard to be around that negativity all the itme :cry: she really believes that she will be with her boyfriend forever and that he is the one and all she wants is my love and support of them, but i had to tell her it's just so hard for me to do that when she comes to me saying she is miserable and wants to escape :ohwell: anyway... we sort of got in a "tiff" on tuesday online (which i tried to avoid) and i ended up talking with my other best friend (the three of us are bffs) and her bf all night about the situation, as they are also quite concerned about the roller-coaster relationship. finally my friend was willing to sit down and talk to me last night, so we had dinner and some wine and were incredibly honest with each other - and as a result it was probably the most productive conversation i've had in a friendship... EVER :happy: although we still have things to work out, we both have to figure out what we're comfortable with when it comes to talking about her relationship and being present for their fights, but that will come in time.

    it was both trying, exhausting... and uplifting! it has been a difficult week because of that, but i am feeling more hopeful and have more faith in human relationships than i have in a while :smile: i love when people can actually work THROUGH issues, rather than avoid them or explode them :heart:

    anyway, sorry for the super selfish post! i promise to be back to my normal proFIT self asap!!

    happy thursdaying!!!! :bigsmile:
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Leela - Awwww I'm so glad that everything is going so great with the bf! He's cooking dinner AND working out with you?!?! That's amazing :)

    Shannon - Good luck with One Hour Runner! What is that exactly? Do you work up to run an hour nonstop?

    Kan - Great job this week! Keep it up :)

    Meag - EEEEKK! Congrats on the second job offer! I know that it's tough when you have to make a decision like that, but its awesome that you at least have options! I completely get where you're coming from about not wanting to give up your lifestyle. I guess it just really depends on what you want! And who knows, maybe you will still be able to do all the other stuff you want to do even with the full-time job. If you make training, running, etc a priority for yourself, you WILL find time for it. You can have it all, you may just not have any time to sleep :) haha, kidding! Good luck with your decision and ENJOY the fact that you kick *kitten* so much that TWO companies want you.

    Jennelle - I'm glad that you guys sat down and talked it out. That's part of being in a friendship, when you have a problem, you work through it and not just walk away or avoid it. I think we've all been there...pretty recently one of my best friends was hurt by a guy she was with for about a year. She found out that during the first 6 months of their relationship, he was ENGAGED. So not only was he cheating on his FIANCE at the time, but he was also lying to her! Well she ended it but decided to get back together with him and give him another chance...which was HARD for me because I was there the whole time she was going through everything. And she has a lot of trust issues now too that she comes to me with. So I totally know how you is hard and overwhelming. But if your friendship is worth it, then you guys will work through it. Good luck!

    AFM, I got my computer back after the whole blue screen drama. They had to wipe it clean so I'm still working on getting everything reconnected and getting back all the programs...such a pain! I was able to get a workout in yesterday but it was tough because I was super fatigued since I didn't get a ton of sleep the night before and I'm on my period (lol sorry if that was TMI). But I pushed through it as much as I could and was able to burn about 500 cals. Hopefully I'll feel better today! I'm only halfway through my calorie burn goal for the week and its already Thursday!

    Can't wait for this week to be OVER!

    Hope you all have a fantastic day!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    OMG...I think 5 pages have passed since I checked in last. Just wanted to say howdy to all you lovelies!! Hope to check in a lil more thoroughly later tonight!!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning ladies! :bigsmile: Quick post today. Lots to do!

    Thanks to everyone for their kind words wrt my employment situation. Everything is still up in the air and I know that negotiations are still pending, so I just have to be patient and try not to let the uncertainty drive me INSANE. I am such a control freak that it can really be debilitating but I know that there's nothing I can do other than distract myself and try to stay positive and happy. Lots of forward progress, at the very least. Today I am going to be doing some house hold chores, getting in some nerdfitness and push-ups, and then heading out this afternoon for some quality time with my mom. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous so hopefully I can enjoy the sun a little before it rains. We ended up going to have some tea/beer and play backgammon at our fave local bar last night instead of the drive-in because of the weather and time constraints so I think tonight we're just going to hang out at home and veg. Should be really nice.

    Jess - 500 cals burned when you are feeling super fatigued is very impressive! Just don't push yourself TOO hard. If you are totally drained and depleted, sometimes rest is the best medicine. You just have to figure out if it's mental fatigue, stress and frustration or just plain ol' exhaustion! If it's the latter, back off and take a day to just let your body recover. Burn out is not a fun place to be. If not, perhaps a good workout is what the doctor ordered. Just listen to your body and be good to it :bigsmile: Great job!

    J - Being a good friend and support system can definitely take an emotional toll! Especially when we see our friends and loved ones making choices that we believe are going to lead to more strife, disappointment, or worse down the line. If you fear that she may be in a relationship that is really detrimental to her mental well-being or a potential threat to her physical safety, then I definitely recommend standing your ground and making sure she has full support if and when she decides to call it quits. Ultimately, though, it's her call and no one can force her hand in the matter. She's got to be ready. Your only angle is to provide her with every opportunity to do the right thing and to make sure that she feels she has the love and support to stand on her own two feet if she does decide to take the plunge. She's likely under a LOT of pressure from a number of people and places in her life and I am sure what she needs most of all is just a loving, supportive friend. Sometimes it's the best we can do.

    Although this situation likely doesn't apply to many of our lives right now, I think that it illustrates one of the biggest hurdles to overcome on this journey -- The importance of nurturing yourself, working on your own mental and emotional health every single day, and making sure your journey is always your #1 priority so that you can give the most of yourself to your friends and family. We can't always feel happy, healthy and strong. It's just not possible. No one's a rock and we all have moments and times in our life where circumstance gets the better of us and we falter. But working on "us" every single day and investing quality time (even when we don't think we can afford to) nurturing our own mental health is absolutely paramount to being successful on this journey. It also gives us the strength to provide our loved ones with all the resources and support they need when they falter. So when life is getting the better of us, stress is through the roof, and time is fleeting - remember to take a deep breath, focus on YOU and what you need to feel happy, healthy and strong, and make sure that you aren't nurturing others at the expense of your own well-being. Feeling good and capable of finding joy and happiness every day makes taking care of others and being "present" all that much easier.

    Have a great Friday everyone! Hope you all get a chance to enjoy some sunshine today :flowerforyou:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    I have only been gone for like less than a day and I already feel overwhelmed with the amount of commenting I have to do. I think I am going to wait til the morning so my friend Cafe Kandace can help me. For now, I will just enlighten you all on how my day has been. (you know, cuz thats what you are all DIEING to hear

    I had a VERY good date with my scale this morning! 2.5 pounds in a week. I know its a big loss, especially after 2 pounds down last week as well, so I need to remind myself to not expect such a loss next week. I am half a pound away from my May goal. My June goal is 135 though and I had originally wanted to hit it on the 19th (my Bday) but I dont know if that is going to happen. That is 4 weeks to loose 8 pounds. I know its possible, but I dont want to get my hopes up an get disappointed. I am going to be "ok" with just making 135 by the end of the month. So I am not going to stop trying my but off when I hit my may goal, I am just going to start working on Junes pounds!~!~!~!

    I have been doing REALLY well eating this past week as well. I cut my carbs down significantly and have been eating much leaner meats. I am eating ALOT of fruit and veggies since it has been hot so I am also trying to leave out suger everywhere else in my diet. I feel really awesome and I my abs REALLY apreciated it. lol. The only thing about cutting out the sugar is that I am CRAVING it horribly. (thats a bad thing for an early recovering alcoholic cuz candy helps trick the body with the simple carbs is was used to in alcohol) So I treated myself today and had Icecream!~!~!~! I dont even know how to log it. I was sooooo good. I cant even explain it. Germans and their Icecream are mircale workers.

    Well I guess I have rambled on enough. Thanks for listening. I hope you all have a fantastic healthy and safe Friday night.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Oh!~!~! I forgot! I got 2 dresses in the mail today. I posted pics. I need some advise on the pink lace one, I am not sure if i want to keep it or send it back. Thanks!~!~!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Kandace- pretty sure that’s your name hehe. I have to say I love your black and white dress. That is totally something that I would wear! I am not completely sold on the pink one. If it was me I would send it back and buy some hot shoes for the other dress hehehe. Great job on your Loss! I am sure you are very happy about it and you should be proud. I can’t wait to hear all about your cruise!

    Meag- I never got to properly say how great that is with your employment opportunities. I know this is a tough decision but I know you will make the right choice for you. Good luck with everything!

    Jenelle- Sounds like you are working things out for yourself and keeping your friend in mind. It is tough when you have an emotionally draining friend. I hope everything turns out ok.

    Everyone!!- Thank you so much for the complements on the pink dress. It comes in the mail on Monday and I am really excited. I really hope it fits and I didn’t buy the wrong size. If that is the case I can always head to the mall after work and exchange it. So excited for our engagement party!

    AFM- I have been feeling really good the past few days. I upped my protein and it has made a world of a difference. I need to figure out how to get more protein in my oatmeal without adding too many calories…. Yogurt maybe? I had a fantastic run last night on the treadmill and followed it up with some weight training. I am really hoping to see a difference with the 2 days of weight training I have added. I have to buy a new scale this weekend and I think I am going to have Wednesday be my new WI day for a while and see how I like it. The new month starts on Wednesday so it sounded like a good day to try. My headaches have gotten better, but I have been super moody towards the love of my life. O well this happens to everyone. Tonight is a swim after work then hanging with some friends. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • believeinmagic
    Just checking in, I just starting running a week ago and it feels great and alot easier since I first started. My workouts are great, I just bought a medicine ball from walmart which went with a 40 minute total body workout that I do every morning before school. After doing this 3 days a week ( and after doing the kettleball dvd workout that I also got from walmart) my arms have toned up alot and my stomach is getting in more shape. YAY! Its also great on hearing how well everyone's :)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Believe... Frist of all I LOVE that you love walmart. lol. I still buy some things there even though I am in germany and I have to wait 3 weeks for them to get to me. lol. You are doing so good with your workouts!~!~! Good Job!~! And way to go with the running. Me and running have not been getting along, I think I just try to hard and I over think it. ITS JUST RUNNING!~! Im glad you got a hold of it!~! Keep up the *kitten* Kicking!~!~!

    ~Meag.... ok, I am dieing over here!... I need to know what your thinking about your jobs... lol. I dont know why I feel so involved in your life but I am hanging on the edge of my seat here!

    ~Aly... Thanks for the input on the dresses. I got them from Kohls (online for me). They have TONS of dresses for like $40 and they are all pretty fancey! I LUV dresses in the summer. The cruise isnt until July so I still have lots of time to prep. I found a long clingy black dress at a thrift store for A DOLLAR, lol. I am going to try that on and take a pic too (if it fits of course) Thanks for the kudos on my loss, I am very proud of myself~!

    Dont worry too much about being moody, your right.. it does happen to all of us. I have realized that when I am bit*hy for no reason I try to talk to my husband and tell him that Its not his fault, I am just in a bad mood. If I do that then I at least dont have t feel guilty along with crabby. Also sometimes he trys to stay out of my way or do things to make me smile. So its a win win. Give it a shot. i cant wait to see you in your dress!~!~! Your party is gonna be sooooo fun! Make sure everyone knows that its YOUR party and YOU can have as much fun as you want!~!~! Be a princess!~!

    AFM... I am hoping to go to a Knight's Fest today. It is the oldest Knight's Fest in Germany.. so it should be AWESOME. Jousting, gladiators, turkey legs.. and beer (but I dont have to worry about those calories!~!) I am SUPPER pumped to workout. (my mind is scareing me) I dont think I COULD workout right now if I wanted to. I can barely walk without wincing~!~! My plan is to stretch really well before we go out today and hopfully with all of our walking my legs will loosen up.. Then when I come home maybe day 3 of my 30 Day Shred wont be soooooo horrible.

    Did I tell you guys I was doing 30 Day SHred???? I dont think I did. My friend has been pushing it on me but I was afraid to make the commitment. Then I saw what her arms looked like after 5 days and HAD to start!~! lol. So today is day 3. Does anyone here have experience with it??? Do I take rest days when walking makes me want to cry, or do I just push through it?????

    Have a Fantastic Weekend my healthy lean friends!~!
  • shannonaufman
    shannonaufman Posts: 383
    Kandace -- I an running and doing 30DS. My running schedule is approximately every other day, and I do 30DS on my 'off' days from running. I take one full rest day per week where I dont run or do 30DS. It generally works out that I run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and do 30DS on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Based on advice from 'real life' friends and friends on MFP, I just don't think it's wise do to it every day. So it's going to take me longer than 30 days to complete it, but that was never my goal anyway. I just wanted to incorporate some new strength/fitness activities in with my running, and 30DS does just that! Jillian will whoop your *kitten*, that's for sure!!

    AFM -- I peeked at the scale this morning and it appears I lost 0.5 pounds this week. Which, after not losing even an ounce in over 6 weeks, makes me pretty happy. I also had the most AMAZING run ever yesterday. I started following the One Hour Runner program this week (which builds from running for 30 minutes to running for an hour in 10 weeks). I completed C25K last week, which ended with a week of 3, 30-minute runs. The first few weeks of OHR are 3, 30-minute runs per week, too. Normally, my goal in a 30 minute run is just to finish. I hadn't quite gotten to the point where I felt like I could really push it on a 30-minute run and still finish. But yesterday, I finally decided to push it harder. And if I couldn't finish, well, too bad, at least I pushed it and busted my *kitten*. Well, not only did I push it, I finished!! I ran 0.15 miles farther in the 30 minutes than I ever have! Not only that, I ran a 12.5 minute mile! Now, this may seem like small potatoes to some of you amazing runners, but that's the fastest mile I've ever run. EVER! I was shocked and thrilled when I saw my splits on my runtastic app! So that's a scale victory and a non-scale victory within 12 hours of each other!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Shannon!~!~!>.... congrats on your run victory!~! I totally know how you feel!~! I ran an 11 min mile once and almost died of excitment. I dont know how that happend cuz now they are all closer to 13 min. lol.. Thanks for the tips on 30 DS too. I was in SOOO much pain today trying to do it. I think I will do two days 30ds and one day off. I will just run extra or something that day to let those muslces rest up.

    AFM.... didnt go to the fest afterall. But I did go swimming. We went to a swim house, it has lots of different pools. Inside and out. A slide, diving boards, a water calisthetics (cant sepll) room and lots more!~!~! I am not much of a real swimmer so I didnt do laps and stuff. But we played games and talked and walked around the placce and also relaxed in the jacuzzis all day. So I know I burned alot of calories. I also spent a half hour in the water exercise room and I really killed it on the stair stepper and the rowing machine!~!~! But even better than that, I wore my Bikini!~! i didnt feel "fantastic" but I was confident enough to walk around in it without shorts or a tshirt on. I have NEVER EVER worn regular bikini bottoms becuase I was so concious of my leg fat. (even when I was a teenager and THIN) So, I know I have looked better in my life but I have never felt better about myself. I am so proud that I was able to relax and have fun with my friends and not worry about how I looked doing it. AND that was damn near naked ina VS bikini!~!~!~! I think I am doing better than I give myself credit for. MEAG, you were right.... being comfortable in your own skin IS the best NSV!~!~!

    Ok kids, im off to bed. Its only ten thirty but I am SOOO SLEEEPY. Have a great saturday night and a wonderful sunday everyone!~!~!