Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - May Challenge!!



  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Meag- Don't worry you got this. You know how you have to make this work you just have to do a little trial and error to see how it goes. I have faith that it will work out. Try to embrace the change and think of it as exciting. Hehe seems to help me when I am having control issues.

    Janelle- I am sorry about your friend. I always get thrown off when someone close to me is having health issues. But don't worry we have great medical experience these days and things will all work out eventually. Be strong for your friend he needs it right now.

    Kancrav- They only have 2 dresses in the whole company and they are all on the east coast and it would cost me $150 Just to get the smaller size to me in time to just see if it works. So I am going to stick with what I got and just go get it altered if I get too skinny for it hehe.

    AFM- Had a great run/lifting session last night. I peeked at the scale today and it is down from Monday thankfully. I am still debating about not looking at the scale every week but I don't know if that will keep me off track or what. Still figuring it out. Well the weather is kind of lame right now and swimming tonight might be rough since it is cold and rainy. I am just hoping for sunshine for my party on Saturday. Busy Busy this week until Sunday, but that is ok I know it will be over before I know it and missing training. Feeling good in general and glad the bad headaches have started somewhat going away. On day 4 without any medicine and feeling good. I can't wait to take my measurements at the beginning of the month then again at the end. This will be my focal point.

    Question of the day- What is one type of food you can not live without?

    For me this would be chocolate, I tried and it doesn't work haha.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Jennelle.... I will be praying for your friend. Thats such a stressful situation.

    ~Aly.. your doing great. It totally sucks that the dresses are so far... but I understand since I love my stores and of course they are not in Germany!~! Im glad your headaches are getting better. I never got headaches before and then when I stopped drinking I go horrible migranes. (withdraw!~!) THey were so bad I couldnt see straight, it was just horrible. I cant imagine haveing them so often like you did. I will be hoping for sunshine for your party also!~!

    ~Megan... thanks for checkin in on us!~! I missed you! Good luck with your run!

    AFM... wow I feel like I have totally been hogging this thread today. Maybe I should get a job!~!~!~! :laugh: I did go to spin and I realized that alot of my knee pain was coming from spining wrong!~! who knew?~!!?! I sat next to the instructor today so she can watch me. Aparently I push down with my toe instead of my heel and thats pulling on the wrong stuff and putting alot of pressure on my knee. Now I just feel like an idiot!~! Oh well, you live and you learn right?!

    I did attempt to eat more today since I knew I was going t spin but I ate like a cow yesterday and didnt work out so I wasnt very hungry. The up side of having all these calories left over is that Sunday is Brunch day at the DFaC and they are serving spinach lasagna!~!~! The prob with the DFaC is that they have an all you can eat salad and soup bar... that means pasta salad, potatos and bread bread bread!~!~! All bad things, but now I can indulge a little and not feel guilty!~! (and it works out cuz Friday is my WI day so Sunday totally doesnt even count!~!) well it counts, but now when I want to cheat it doesnt!~!

    Ok... Its bed time for me. Its only 2100 but I am trying to wake up early and get in my 30 Day shred cuz I am realizing thats the only way to guarentee I get a workout in.... have a great night everyone!~!~! See you when its Thursday!~!:heart:
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    thank you all for your kind thoughts for my friend. i got in a good workout after he went in for some tests and i knew he'd be out of touch for a while (we are still waiting to hear from him :frown: ) so that helped distract me for a while.

    the QOTD is quite interesting to me today :) in my last post i mentioned that i've been reading "skinny *****" and im trying to pay more attention to the kind of INGREDIENTS that go into my body. that being said, i think i might answer this question super boldly and say... there's no food i couldn't live with out. in the past, i would have said diet coke, but im disgusted by the thought of it right now. then i would have said cheese because i LOVE cheese, but to be honest its so high in calorie and if it's reduced fat it has weird chemicals in it and it messes up my digestive track and im starting to think its just not WORTH it (i am not saying im cutting cheese out altogether, but i think ill be eating it a LOT less and it will be more of a "treat" than anything else). i also LOVE chocolate, but again i think i COULD live without if i had to.

    i just don't think i could live without feeling healthy and happy :wink:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    J- The quality of calories as you near your goal weight matters a LOT. The first 45lbs I lost by eating suuuper low fat, lots of carbs, very little meat (was nearly vegetarian for the longest time) and a lot of "fat free" or diet foods. Once I downloaded MFP to my phone and started learning about the importance of fueling right, getting proper nutrition, and all the "good" that eating healthy fats, lean protein, and low-GI foods that were largely UN-processed would do my body, I gravitated towards a much "cleaner" diet and now I am finding it hard to keep the pounds on! Eating all my cals can be a struggle some days because nutritious fuel is filling - it's just empty 'junk' calories. I have the appetite of a sumo wrestler most days (I assume they eat a lot, right?) and the metabolism of a 12 year old boy because my body has adjusted to this lifestyle and works super efficiently to use my fuel and then cry out for more (hunger pains - NOM!!!).

    I cannot stress enough how much I truly support quality over quantity when it comes to nutrition. I'd SO much rather be OVER my cals with healthy food than under my cals eating junk. I know my body needs and deserves good stuff - I wouldn't fuel my car with junk gasoline, so why fuel my body with it?

    Really, really glad to hear you're on board with this deary :happy: It's impossible to eat clean all the time, but being aware of the foods that pass your lips - and not just their calorie count - is a step in the right direction!

    As for your friend, really wishing him the speediest recovery. I am so sorry to hear what's happened. A few years ago my mother was admitted to the hospital with a severe blood infection and her heart was so weak at the time the doctors worried she might not make it. Such a stressful situation. Biggest hugs and warmest vibes coming your way. Way to get the workout in, too - you're a trooper!

    Thanks for all the meal advice guys. I guess my issue is just that planning every detail and every meal out ahead of time really kills the "chef" in me. I love to cook and experiment with food and make dishes that I actually *feel* like eating at the time, instead of just eating to fuel. I know that's not always possible or practical, and a lot of the time I just have the same-old standards because I can recite their nutritional information verbatim and I don't have to even think about making them. I guess I just worry that I'm going to stop enjoying food in the same way that I did when I was training for my 1/2 and obsessing over carbs (for those of you that were around a few months back). I want to stay inspired!

    OK Baseball game in 30 mins. Just wanted to stop by and give my shpeel on clean eating. Keep it up ladies! :heart:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    qotd - There isn't really anything I couldn't live without... My eating habits change constantly and so I know that in time I will be on to new and more exciting things. But there's definitely a long list of things I wouldn't want to live without right now, including: cinnamon, oats, coffee, soy milk, chicken, eggs, onions, peppers, carrots and zukes, apples, grapefruit, yogurt, and PB! I actually eat basically every single one of these items every day. Yep. Pretty much. Plus a ton of other fruit and veg. I'm a fruit and veg MONSTER, as Gonks would say :laugh:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Meag- I am really proud of you and glad that you are taking a step back and really trying to take some you time! You deserve to be healthy and happy (and that includes the whole picture not just the exercise and food!) Ditto to loving the new pic this has now become my new favorite!!!! Everyone’s advice about food has been spot on! You will do great cant wait to hear how the new job goes and let the next few weeks be a little crazy… its ok you will settle in to a routine with it quicker than you think!

    Tara- thanks! Didn’t get the run in… wedding stuff took too much time but I ate well and stuck with my plan. Crossfit tonight and run on the agenda for tomorrow! You are doing a great job focusing on all of your other goals for the month. LOVE it!!!

    Allie- I agree that it really has to be all about what works for you as an individual. For me personally this has been more relaxed than counting calories was. I was so obsessed on the number that I was forgetting to enjoy food. Now I just stay away from certain foods that I know impact me negatively and eat when I am hungry and don’t when I am not. Even with the primal thing its all about moderation and balance so it works for me. Your first 5k was a KILLER time! That is SO awesome. Great job and keep it up!!!

    Megan- glad you are still sticking with the running. I am the same way- after being outside I just cant stomach going back to the treadmill.

    Aly- I go crazy with my measurements… neck, bust, under bust/back, natural waistline, bellybutton waistline, hips/butt, both thighs, both calves, and both biceps… I tend to do better with measurements than the scale so its nice to see the overall picture

    Maria- weather can be such a bummer… good for you for getting in an alternative though! I don’t always do such a good job with that…

    Shannon- not creepy at all! I love when I know other people read it. I actually have a few select people and friends on MFP that I have subscribed to their blogs so they come right in to my google reader with all the other blogs I follow and your is one of them! I love reading YOUR blog- so fun to read about your experience with running. You are a great writer! I am looking to see how this 30 day thing goes also!

    Nausica- so glad to see ya and that things are winding down for you! Just keep doing the best you can every day!

    Kan- that makes total sense about your knees. Glad that the instructor was able to help you. Its hard to find the balance between pushing yourself and not injuring yourself. The more you spin and run and do 30DS the more you will learn what your body can and cant do. I have a really hard time with 30ds because of my knee but other really crazy intense things don’t bother it so I just do what works for me. Great job!

    Jenelle- not a selfish post at all! I am glad you were able to feel comfortable enough to come on here and talk about your friend. It sounds really scary but know that you have some kick *kitten* women on here thinking of you and your friend right now!!! Keep us posted! As for really starting to analyze whats in our food I totally know what you mean… check out my blog I just started writing on here about my 30 day challenge for myself about a very similar process!

    QOTD- hmmmm… nothing I can think of at the moment. Had you asked me that about 6 months ago the answer would have been very different.

    AFM- wedding invites went great! Mom and my artist friend also worked on invites for the wedding shower… craziness! Then mom and I went and picked some wedding stuff up and had a nice dinner. All in all yesterday was a great day. I have crossfit again tonight. Excited/nervous to see what they are going to throw my way!

  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hi guys just checking in!

    Can i just say i love how you all comment individually on each others posts! once i get to know you a bit more i'll join in a bit more, for now i only know a few names on here!

    qotd: chocolate for me too! i dont like crips or biscuits that much. chocolate i cannot do without! i remember the 1st 2 weeks i had on mfp in jan and i was miserable as sin as i denied myself chocolate. but then i learnt that i could make do with a piece, i didnt have to eat the whole bar!!! plus for me to adopt any healthy lifestyle change, chocolate has to feature otherwise i sabotage myself! lol

    Megan- the one hour run sounds interesting. i was going to give bridge to 10k a go after id finished couch to 5 k.

    Cait: how exciting about the wedding invites! when i sent mine out i was delirious! haha, as it was now finally official! i love weddings! cant believe mine was nearly 4 years ago now! enjoy all the planning! it comes around soooo quickly

    AFM: managed to do my week 3 day 2 of c25k! the 3min runs are still killing me! ive slowed it down to a jog though! i dont mind sprinting for the 90secs but cannot do tht for 3 mins! lol! i also manage to jog another 20mins on top so im getting better! this time last year if you'd told me id be running id have been in hysterics! lol

    TOM is on the way which means im bloated ! bleurgh! usually goes on for days before it shows up! so im cranky and bloated! not a good combination!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-Thanks girl!!! I am not a huge cooker...but my best advice for you on the cooking....get everything "ready" for a few days at a time! If you need certain amounts/kinds of meat-measure that out and place in fridge to thaw out, if you need veggies-cut, measure, and put in separate baggies ahead of time, and if you need seasoning-premeasure and premix in a baggy as well! The only other thing that I can say is to OVER make on the amount and prepackage in separate containers, then freeze and take out in the morning to thaw and all you will have to do is pop it in the oven when you get home! And I am sure that you will figure out a new routine soon to include healthy eating, killer workouts, Ty time, cooking, and working 9-5!! Good luck girl! :happy:

    Kandace-keep pushing yourself for sure...but also listen to your body and don't over-do it!! I think it is a great idea to talk to the instructor about the tension, and maybe you could also ask her opinion on your knees to see if she/he has any tips?? (nevermind...I see that you did!!-LOL!) 2 rest days a week is a great amount to take!!! You should NOT workout everyday IMO...your body needs to rest on occassion too!! and as for not setting a routine...I think that you have really stepped it up on your workouts...and if you finish the month as strong as you have been going...I def think that counts as a win!! :happy:

    Jennelle-I am sorry to hear about your friend....just keep a positive attitude, keep in touch with him everyday (to see if he needs/wants anything), and remember...this is a GOOD thing that he is in the hospital (and ICU) because at least there he is being monitored 24/7 and has all of those Docs lookin out for him!! And if it is a blood clot...then it's great news that they caught it in time to fix it...good luck, and my best wishes to him (and to you). :flowerforyou:

    Megan-thanks for the info girl...I am thinking about checkin out E-bay to see if I can find the Kempo and AB DVDs from I don't have to buy the whole set!! I too like to switch it up! Good luck on your run...i am sure that you will find your "money" pace and do great!! :wink:

    QOTD-I have 2!!! Cheetos....which I have switched to the baked version and have learned portion control! and ice cream....which I get single serving skinny cow ice cream cups or weight watchers ice cream bars! :heart:

    Cait-thanks!! and have fun at crossfit!

    Mariam-You are doing awesome with your C25K and your maintanence-keep it up girly!!

    AFM-NO SCALE and T-6 days to go!! LOL Got in a great workout today again (Turbo Jam-lower body, and my ab routine) and I had a small NSV as well. I decided to take my son to the movies tonight and before my "diet" I would order either a large popcorn and a box of peanut m&ms for us to share or I would order the m&ms and nachos for myself!!! Even since "dieting" I wouls still use this day as a cheat day and order WAY TOO MUCH food!!! Well not today....I decided to go eat at subway before the movie (I had a turkey and avocado sub on wheat and some sun chips) and then I stopped at starbucks on the way and ordered a venti caramel frap light with no syrup or whipped cream for 160 cals!!! Not only did it take me forever to drink but it also got rid of my need to munch during the movie!!! Thank God!!! :smooched:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    As most of you know I am in Germany. We have AFN (Armed Forces Network) and they play stateside "prime time" shows for us the following night. SO, tonight, is American Idol Finale night!~!~! Ahhhhh!~!~! I am ITCHING to peek and see who won. I dont really care cuz I LOVE LOVE LOVE Scotty and Lauren (they were my pics as winners and BAM, both are in the finale).

    Sorry for all you that dont watch it or have no clue what I am talknig about. Its one of my guilty pleasures. And as that is like the only 2 hours of TV I watch a week, I think I deserve it!~! Soooo, I NEED to get off the computer so I dont slip up and google. hehehe

    I am having a little party tongiht (i know, im rediculous) I am trying to think of some good things to have that no one will notice, or care they are healthy. Stuffed mushrroms... maybe Romain boats filled with different things. ohh, taco bar!~!~! ..... now my mind is wandering. lol....

    Have a great Thursday everyone!~! Tomorrow is my WI day.... I dont know about this week. I do feel great, but I also have a tan.. so who knows!~!~! I at least want to be down one pound, 1.5 would be nice though so I can be at an even 142!~!~! (one pound under my may goal)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    On a more serious note..... please dont forget that this is Memorial Day weekend. Dont forget what it stands for. Think of the mother who lost her son in the battlefield. Think of the wife whose husband has gone to war. Think of the children who do not know whether they will see their father next Christmas. My husbands past deployment was our worst so far. A few of my friends lost their husbands, and my husband lost many friends. I don't want to share my opinion on this war. I just want to share what I hear when the news says "three Americans killed in iraq." I dont here the number, I wonder when their mothers heard, I wonder if they have a wife and kids. And I think of the girl that stayed with us for a while. She is 18 now and raising a baby on her own cuz her husband didnt make it home. The familys of soldiers know what is possible, but we sometimes forget that when they are faced with the question of who will go in first, the hero always voulunteers.

    This weekend please rememeber the Heros.

    Cover them over with beautiful flowers,
    Deck them with garlands, those brothers of ours,
    Lying so silent by night and by day
    Sleeping the years of their manhood away.
    Give them the meed they have won in the past;
    Give them the honors their future forcast;
    Give them the chaplets they won in the strife;
    Give them the laurels they lost with their life.
    -Will Carleton
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kan-don't announce the winner!!! I am not watching it until tomorrow!!!! LOL

    and thanks for the poem...covers it perfectly :)
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    On a more serious note..... please dont forget that this is Memorial Day weekend. Dont forget what it stands for. Think of the mother who lost her son in the battlefield. Think of the wife whose husband has gone to war. Think of the children who do not know whether they will see their father next Christmas. My husbands past deployment was our worst so far. A few of my friends lost their husbands, and my husband lost many friends. I don't want to share my opinion on this war. I just want to share what I hear when the news says "three Americans killed in iraq." I dont here the number, I wonder when their mothers heard, I wonder if they have a wife and kids. And I think of the girl that stayed with us for a while. She is 18 now and raising a baby on her own cuz her husband didnt make it home. The familys of soldiers know what is possible, but we sometimes forget that when they are faced with the question of who will go in first, the hero always voulunteers.

    This weekend please rememeber the Heros.

    Cover them over with beautiful flowers,
    Deck them with garlands, those brothers of ours,
    Lying so silent by night and by day
    Sleeping the years of their manhood away.
    Give them the meed they have won in the past;
    Give them the honors their future forcast;
    Give them the chaplets they won in the strife;
    Give them the laurels they lost with their life.
    -Will Carleton

    thank you for this. it just brought me to tears. in the best way possible. i promise to take a moment this weekend, in the midst of all the bbqing and beveraging, the game playing and utter absurdity, to stop and think about what this weekend is all about and how, no matter the cause, a hero is always a hero. :heart:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Mariababe- some days we do better than others with the commenting. Everyone has their tricks to make it easier… personally I just read through once quickly and then open a word document and type responses as I go back through a second time. You’ll figure out a groove for you! As for the wedding stuff it has had its ups and downs but its all good and I am OCD organized so I am in pretty good shape with everything in terms of the time-line BUT next wed marks the 4months until our wedding and I know its about to get super crazy with all the little details and whatnot… all part of the fun though right?

    Tara- what a HUGE NSV!!!! That is so awesome- I love that you came up with an alternative game plan that let you still enjoy yourself without feeling deprived. What did you guys go see?

    Kan- no worries on AI from me… I actually didn’t watch it at all this year. However, my secret addiction has been biggest loser. I just cant help myself its so intriguing watching it. Hahaha. THANK YOU! So much for that post- its so hard to keep in mind the important part of all of what we have been going through the past years and that’s the individuals and their families. No matter what your views or beliefs are you can still respect, honor, and appreciate the sacrifices that have been made. I will be thinking good thoughts for everyone this weekend! Thanks again!!!!

    Jenelle- any word on your friend? And how are YOU doing? Thinking of you girlie!

    AFM- holy crap crossfit kicked my *kitten* last night. It was really tough and it was really hard not for me to get down on myself. But I didn’t and I am really proud of getting through it. My entire upper body is SUPER sore this morning (I think my lower body isn’t too bad because of all of the running I have been doing lately).

    Its hard to explain the workout but I’ll try:

    W/U: alternate jump rope 50x w/ medicine ball stretching (5 rounds of this) then alternate 2arm kettle bell swings x25 w/ kettlebell “goblet”squat x 10 and 10push-ups (3 round of this)

    Strength: we went over one arm kettlebell exercise (I think they were call snatches) basically with once arm you swing the kettlebell back through your legs behind you then forward and up above your head so that your arm is raised straight up and the kettlebell actually swings around your hand (sorry not a great explanation).

    Conditioning: 4 rounds of the following
    -15 ring rows (it’s a lead up to being able to do pull-ups, basically gymnast rings hanging from the ceiling and your body is at a diagonal with your feet on the floor and you are pulling yourself up to the rings)
    - 30 of the kettlebell things we did in strength (15 each arm)
    - run down his crazy hill driveway to the road and back
    repeat 3 more times! GAHHH

    The first round was super easy… by the last one I was ready to pass the heck out. But I did it and I am ready for more!!!! This is definitely going to kick my *kitten* in a very very good way!!!!

    Happy Thursday All!

  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    kan: I love American idol! lol! my favourites have been scotty, lauren and the rockstar dude (cant remember his name and cant believe he was voted out!) never liked Hailey far too full of herself! although id kill for her body!lol! dont mind who wins, have a soft spot for Scotty though
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Maria- I am not that great at replying to everyone all of the time but just being on here and sharing what each of us are doing helps each other with motivation if nothing else so keep up the great work!!

    Cait- sounds like you dominated that workout to me. When you do a brand new work out that is crazy hard and you complete it, to me that is a huge success!! So keep on doing the wonderful things you are doing because I know its going to pay off!

    Kandace- My dad, both my grandfathers, my father-in-law and my brother-in-law are all military or retired military so I try and remind people of the holiday just like you did so thanks for spreading the word :) My favorite thing since we live really close to Arlington Cemetry is to go to the tomb on the unknown solider and say a prayer of thanks for all of the men and women who have done so much for us. Tell you hubby I said thanks for his service!!

    Meag- I saw that your start day is delayed until Monday so that should give you some time to figure out your food. I know it may seem like it takes the fun out of cooking, but I typically just plan what meat I want and then get a ton of different veggies and mix it since I have other shelf items always on stock. And if you don't mind going to the grocery store every couple of days you could always keep all the meat in the fridge that way you can come home and pick whatever feels right. I'm sure you'll find the balance!!

    AFM- Bootcamp this morning. Let me describe the workout for you ladies:
    Warm Up:
    100 Jumping Jacks
    100 Push ups
    100 Crunches
    Run until entire class is complete and stations are set up.

    90 seconds each without a break in the following order:
    Shuttle Runs
    Bicep Curls
    Military Press while seated on an exercise ball
    Jump Rope
    5 Situps 5 Pushups repeat until time
    Squats with shoulder press
    Dumbbell Rows
    Chest Press

    Then we took a 90 second break and redid the circuit with each exercise for 60 seconds.

    It was a total killer but totally awesome!!

    Tomorrow I am going to go for a run, hopefully 2.25 miles nonstop. I know I can do it I just need to be sure not to start out to fast. and maybe if I'm feeling frisky I'll throw in some weights! Any ways I hope you ladies are having a fantastic day and I am looking forward to tomorrow since its Friday and then its a three day weekend! YIPPEE!!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Well Cait and Megan have inspired me to share my bootcamp workout from today with you all...

    I actually managed to "bootcamp" alongside two instructors today (not instructing the class), which made me PUSH. We challenged each other and when we started dragging someone would invariably say "come on - I'll race ya!" at that would pick us all up again. Pretty fab workout. My shoulders are just KILLED though - especially after golf yesterday! Here's the station breakdown...

    We did 4 rotations of 8 stations, changing up two of the stations at the half way point. Our warm up included jogging, side-stepping, football sprinting (on the spot, looking ridiculous) and push-ups. Yea. Push-ups were in the WU. FML.


    1) Regular plank, alternating tapping your feet out to the side
    2) Biceps/Triceps (using a resistance band)
    3) Burpees (UGHHHH I actually did full ones with the push-ups and it was miserable)
    4) Chest press/Back extensions (free weights)
    5) Side lunges (using 3 risers w/ a step)
    6) Supermans w/ a medicine ball (core work)
    7) Skipping
    8) Rows (using a resistance band)

    After each full rotation, we did mountain climbers and then more push-ups... Definitely a good burn. And a ton of great upper-body work. No complaints!

    Thanks everyone for the food suggestions. I guess my biggest problem is finding new and interesting ways to cook meat. I eat lean protein several times a day and things are just getting to be so much of the "same old same old". I think I just need some serious food-inspiration! Doesn't help that I have completely different tastes from Ty and my folks, who I am usually cooking for. Hoping that since I am eating alone tomorrow I can make a delicious and awesome slow-cooker curry to enjoy and have left-over for the weekend/work on Monday. May toss in some millet to make it a full meal - that stuff's got all the right, well, stuff!

    OK Well I better get going. Sorry I'm not commenting on all your progress guys. Keep it up though - I promise I'm still reading! :heart:
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Scotty won!~!~! Yeay!~!~!~! woot woot!~!~! yeay!~!~!

    Ok, i was def going to say more about my day but I am apsolutly blown away by these boot camp routines!~!~! Holy crapola!~!~! :drinker: I dont do that much in a whole BleePing week!~!~! Now my 30DS just seems silly, I might as well go eat a tub of chunky monkey!~! bahjezzus!~! You go girls... you rock (almost as hard as my newest Guilty pleasure Scotty the Body!~! :wink: oh man, just wait until he finds a cowboy hat that fits, hes going to be unstoppable!~!) :smooched: :smooched: :blushing:

    Thank you all for responding well to my Memorial Day post. I almost didnt write it cuz I didnt want to stir the pot with anyones feeling on this stupid war. Or i think "conflict" is the word we are using today. :huh: But I did only because I really felt I should. I have always been that girl who crys when she hears the National Anthem and I got butterflys in my stomach whenever I would see someone in Uniform from the Service. Who would have guessed that my high school sweet heart would choose the army as our way of life?!~!???~!!!~! And now I see all those holidays in a totally different light. Thanks Guys!~!~!

    Friday I am having a BBQ followed by Volley Ball. A few ppl from my AA meetings will be there as well as some of our "couple" friends.... I hoping it will be a blast.

    Have a good night everyone. Cross your fingers for my WI in the morning......... i filled up on lots of sodium for dinner so I dont think its going to go well. :sad:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Eeep! Kan - I think Tara wanted you NOT to post the results since she hasn't seen it... Heavens :noway:
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Eeep! Kan - I think Tara wanted you NOT to post the results since she hasn't seen it... Heavens :noway:

    Kan- left a message on Tara's profile warning her not to pop in here yet! maybe you can edit your post so there is no spoiler for her!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey Ladies!! so exciting news.. The other day I bought a laptop (thank you tax refund) so now i can respond quicker on this thread! Granted we have a full computer in the house, but it tends to get busy with all of us using it. Been a busy week for me.. Working 7 nights in a row, yuck.. had a meeting after work today.. and my best friend’s grandmother passed over the weekend so I went to the wake yesterday.. Today was fortunately free in the PM hours so I had plenty of time to get an good workout.. Finished Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred, and got in TurboFire as well, for an awesome 1040 cal burn! Man was it hot today and wow was I dripping sweat by the end..

    So i’ve been reading several posts about people being in plateaus and such and one common idea that keeps popping up is the movement of your diet towards clean eating.. I’m thinking I really to get on this train.. so for you foodies/clean eaters (I’m looking at you Meag lol).. can you give a girl some tips for getting into this? i briefly checked out the clean eating magazine website, and it looks really great, and the recipes sound super delicious. i think when i’m on my stay-cation I’m gonna work on cooking more and re-doing what i’m eating. i know i’m a total victim to the processed foods.

    I was feeling inspired by seeing several people, both on here and looking on other threads, so I decided to put my bikini shot up for the day, or maybe couple days.. Not exactly where I wanna be, but seeing myself now compared to a year ago, I’m feeling pretty good.

    QOTD: One thing that came to my mind as something I couldn’t live without is cherries lol.. I was randomly thinking about this in the shower today, as my current body wash is cherry bamboo lol. All I thought was, oh man I’m so excited that it’s gonna be cherry season.. I love everything cherry-flavored too, be it candy to martinis lol. A bunch of them def do not last long in my house..

    Jennelle- so sorry to hear about your friend. any updates on his condition? hope he is doing ok!

    Megan- great to see you check in! hope alls going well with your running!

    Kandance- How are you knees feeling? good luck with your WI!! i’m so glad to be done with Level 1 of the Shred, but must say I’m a bit anxious to see what Level 2 has in store! Also, thanks for the poem and reminder of Memorial Day. My father was in the army and worked for the Veteran’s Association, and he always appreciated things like that, even though he also had his issues regarding his service.. Since I know you watched AI, all I want to know is.... How was Lady Gaga? lol man do I LOVE her! but totally passed out and missed her on it. That’s all I will say before I ramble on about her hahaha. Oh I will say this... I made it into a shot of her HBO special since I was there at MSG the night they shot it, and it made my year... hello dork!!

    Meag- how did the start of the the new job go? and i loved that pic that Ty sent you.. cracked me up.. I’d love to get someone to hold that up for me... oh yeah and the guy holding the beer is just classic. As far as cooking meat goes.. I have one of those grill pans for the stove top so it’s basically like an outside grill inside.. love it! and it fits over 2 burners so you can def get a good quantity on there.. just make sure u spray it with something non-stick b/c i will tell you it’s a b*tch to clean with stuff stuck on.. i agree with the other ladies as in I think it all comes down to planning, which I know you’re totally pro at so i’m sure once you get used to your new schedule you’ll rock it! Oh and Burpees with a pushup??? crazy! we do them sans pushup in Turbo and by the time we get to them I'm struggling thru the 4 of them lol.

    Tara- Getting ever closer to the end!! aaah!!! here’s hoping for the best results for both of us.. Since you do Turbo Jam, have you looked into TurboFire? I got mine on amazon, which saved me like $70 compared to getting it off the Beachbody site.. I love it! I found starting with TJ prepared me for the moves she uses, since they’re mainly the same, but the intensity... woah! The first time I did it, I was getting tired by the end of the warm up... Now I find TJ to be too slow lol. check it out!

    All you bootcamp ladies are rock stars, and making me curious to try them out.. Unfortunately my work schedule doesn’t fit in with the ones around me..

    Enjoy the rest of the night all! 3 nights down.. 4 to go...