Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - May Challenge!!



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Cait-thanks!! I was pretty proud of my decisions :ohwell: We saw Pirates....I love Johnny Depp!!! LOL CONGRATS on sticking to crossfit (even when you wanted to give up!) it sounds like a VERY difficult bootcamp type workout!! You are gonna be killin it in no time at all! :happy:

    Megan-your workout sounds awesome too!!! I really like the idea of bootcamp type regimens...that way you get in your cardio and strength all at once! way to get it done girly :happy:

    Meag-I totally forgot about the slow cooker!! there are SO MANY options for that!! I bought a slow cooker recipe book that has a ton of ideas in it...maybe you could try that?? I just replace the "bad" stuff with healthier options if need be!! Turkey chili is one of my faves though for sure!! :love:

    Kandace-no worries of my friends already had blown it for me!!! AND Cait was awesome enough to post on my wall to let me know...just in case!! LOL Now I wanna letcha know... that JM 30DS is an awesome workout!! I have done bootcamps and 30DS and I think they are both as hard as you make them!!! DO NOT eat any icecream and DO NOT stop doing it!! it really works!! :flowerforyou:

    Allie-YAH!!! we have totally got this!!! As for Turbo FIre....I haven't looked into it it more strength and cardio or just an advanced version of reg TJ??? I will take a look...thanks! look GREAT in your bikini!!! Wish I was as close to bikini ready as you are!! :wink:

    AFM-NO scale yet!! T-5 days to go!! Comin to an end...thank God!! :laugh: I have been starting to think about my June goals...and I think that with my lack of time, I am gonna try getting in mixed cardio-strength workouts like (30DS, bootcamp, and more of my cardio max DVDs)!! This way I will not only get in my norm amount of cardio, but I will also be getting in the same amount of strength...time to tone ladies!! One other small NSV for me...I am dropping my normal H20 goal off the list for June B/C I have realized that I have hit my water goal every day since October!! My challenge has become my habit.... hooray!!! :bigsmile:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Tara- just a quick note about TF... it's mostly cardio, and there are a few strength training classes as well. the core workout is awesome. you feel it the next day like crazy.. plus HIITs which make you feel super accomplished once u you're able to get through them lol. I recently got Chalean Extreme as well, but only did 1 class, since i didn't have the proper weights.. that has a more balanced strength/cardio ratio from what i've heard.. u can check the TF infomercial.. i swear it's on every day lol
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Meag- Your bootcamp sounds fun! How did you like it? I always think that having someone there who always manages to pick you up just when you think you might should give up really helps me get through the work out

    Kandace- 30DS is also a really hard workout! Don’t feel silly! I think the only reason I manage to get through most of these work outs is because it is in a class environment and I don’t want to be a huge slacker compared to the other people in the class. When other people are working hard it makes me want to work hard to, so I give you major Kudos for doing so much by yourself.

    Allie- I like your bikini pic! I think the suit looks good on you and that you should feel confident wearing it. Your turbo fire and 30ds workout combo was insane! 1040 cals in one workout is awesome!! You must have gotten to enjoy a lot of delicious food!! As far as the clean eating front. I have been attempting to eat clean as much as possible. I have picked up the clean eating magazine a couple of times from my local grocery store and I absolutely love it! I would 100% recommend it because they have a wide range of recipes. They always include a dessert and different snacks and sometimes there are even drink/juice ideas. The best part is at the very back of the mag they have all of the recipes broken down by what type of food it is and they indicate if it takes 45 minutes or less. So it makes it easy when trying to decide what to eat. I would 100% recommend just picking up the mag and trying it out. You will be shocked at how completely delicious clean eating is!!

    Tara- I bet you are so anxious right now to jump on the scale! I can’t wait to see you crush it!! I’m still on the fence about whether or not I am going to take the no-scale June challenge. I think I may, but my last June weigh-in would be June 6 and then I guess I would wait until July 4 to weigh in again. Nerve racking, but I’m still considering it! And I think you workout plan to adjust for your change in schedule sounds amazing!

    AFM- So today’s workout was suppose to be 2.25 miles without stopping and then just do what felt right until I hit my 5K. Well…. I was listening to my tunes, had the distance tracker on the treadmill covered up, and I just kept saying, oh go for 2 more songs, go for one more song, etc. Then I looked at my watch which had the time that I had been running and I had gone for 7 or 8 songs by this point, so I took a peek and I had already ran over my 2.25 miles!! I kept going until I hit 2.5 which put me just under 30 minutes running, then I walked for .25 miles and ran the last .35 miles at 6 mph which is a couple minutes faster than my usual running pace. So I finished my 5k in 37:55 which is 46 seconds faster then what I ran on Wednesday. I felt really good about running the 2.5 miles straight, which is what I am suppose to at least be doing all next week. So I am looking forward to those runs and just getting faster and faster and feeling good about running the entire 5k without dying! It’s a great way for me to start off Friday! YIPPEE!!

  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Megan- Thanks! You are totally right and I am really proud of myself! Sometimes that old negative self talk sneaks back in. Your bootcamp sounds killer also!!! I love that we are in very similar places with both our running and workouts… ya sure you don’t want to try and join us for Warrior Dash in August!?!?! Haha. And AWESOME job on your 5k run. Very nice time for a training run… I bet that will drop even more for your actual 5k - adrenaline does some funny things and a lot of people tend to run a lot faster on race day!

    Meag- you are such a machine with these workouts… Im going to have to keep working hard to make sure I do can keep up at the WD. I am going to have J help me pull together some good recipes for you. Bear with me… this is a crazy weekend in the retail world but I promise I will get you some good stuff!

    Kan- don’t stress the WI. You have been doing some KILLER workouts and let me tell you 30DS is no joke! I have a hard time with it… don’t ever discount what you do because you have made SOOOO many huge changes to your life and the past few weeks you have really stepped up your game with eating and fitness! Be proud woman!!!!!!!!

    Allie- yay for a new laptop! And HOLY MOLY for your double workouts that craziness great job! There are so many different forms of clean eating and honestly no one right or wrong way. You just have to figure out what works best for you. Meag is a WONDERFUL example of clean eating. A lot of it is trying to get as many whole foods as possible and start to cut out the processed stuff. Its great I love it!

    Tara- why the half sad face with your response?!?! You did great! I def want to see that but will prlly wait till it comes out on dvd! Glad you had fun! I LOVE that water has become a habit and doesn’t need to be a goal for you anymore. I remember when you first started working on that goal- just goes to show when you put your mind to something anything is possible!

    AFM- had a last minute dinner last night with J’ family because his grandfather was visiting from Florida. In the 5 years we have been together I have never met him. They had a pretty big falling out a few years back and just started making amends this past year. It was so great to see them talking and laughing together. Didn’t get in my run though… second time this week. Going to try and get one in after work tonight even though I had crossfit this am. Next 5k is coming up real fast and I want to be ready for it.

    Went to another crossfit workout this morning at 7am… that’s 3 out of 3 for the week! Really didn’t want to get out of bed and almost talked myself out of it but I just knew I would be SOOO mad at myself if I didn’t go! And it was a GREAT workout!!!! What a wonderful way to start off the day! Happy Friday everyone!!!!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Allie-thanks girl!! And I have heard about the Chalean extreme...I am gonna totally check that one out as well!! My whole goal for June is to try to get in the highest intensity cardio/ strength combo workouts possible...without adding more time (which I do not have!)

    Megan-congrats on beating your PR again!! you are gonna kill this 5k!! As for the scale...I technically didn't go the WHOLE month without weighing since Allie and I decided to do it AFTER my first WI!! So it will be closer to 3 weeks for us :wink: Maybe you could go from June 6th until June 27th (or you could wait until July 1st just that once)....Aly is considering doing it too, but she is undecided as well...I am telling ya it is WAY easier to have a buddy doing it with you and messaging you, holding you accountable! I am pretty pumped about my new WO schedule for schedule didn't change really, I just wanted to get the most out of my workouts in the short amount of time that I have! :happy:

    Cait-LOL sorry...didn't mean for it to be a sad face...I guess it was more of a "shrugs my shoulders" type show the realization of "why I didn't make these changes earlier!!" I had to see Pirates with my son...we have seen them all togethor in the theaters...I am just glad that he was willing to watch it in 2D and not 3D!!! :drinker: And I am super excited about the water dropping me room for a new goal instead! WAY to get another great WO in!!

    AFM-NO scale!!! T-4 mornings to go!! LOL:laugh: I got in another great workout today (30 min on the elliptical and 19 minutes of cardio yoga burn) I pushed pretty hard on the elliptical today...I just wasn't feeling it! So instead of doing my minimum that I put down for myself I did extra and got my HR up to the 170's which I hadn't seen in forever!! Didn't feel quite right after...but I think my BP has dropped pretty low since I have lost this last 50lbs and I am not quite used to it yet! I recovered quickly, was able to do my yoga, and am feeling great now!

    Let's finish the month out strong ladies!!!:heart:
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Finn: well done on making your workout! i feel that dread sometimes when i to workout but afterwards feel soo much better for it!

    mkingraham : wow you are my inspiration! im on week 3 of the c25k programme! i would love to be able to do the full run soon!

    Kandace: i do the 30ds too and its hard work! level 3 is harder, however i felt that you get more of a 'workout' with level 2? not sure yet.

    Allie: well done for putting your pics up! i dont think my tummy will ever see the light of day after having a baby! lol! one-piece costumes or tankinis for me from now on!

    Meag: i love my slowcooker! saves me soo much time during the weekend! my fav and easy thing to make is chilli. plus if you look in the recipe sections there was a huge thread about people adding their recipes which ive bumped on my list! one of them was lime chicken tacos which is quite low cal and lush!

    AFM: Im still feeling a bit groggy- Tom is finally here, although i get bloated atleast 5 days leading up to it! I was dumb enough to step on the scales and it said id gained 3lbs!!!!!!! eek, now i know its water weight but i felt awful! silly eh? i will NOT be steppingon them until next week! I get this obsession with the scale sometims, esp when im about to have TOM. i think i need to do what Tara did and keep off them for a couple of weeks or something.

    i also need to sort my eating out! ive been eating a lot of rubbish this week as during TOM i always crave sweet stuff. need to get back to my clean eating. Maintainance i find so tricky coz i can get away with it, but i need to reign this in now as ive worked hard to get here and my good habits will NOT go to waste!

    I got myself a hrm as well. So far ive not used one but i feel i need one to maintain especially if I am to eat these calories back! i need to know if im not eating too much back. I used to eat 50% of them back when i was trying to lose weight. i have got myself the polar f6, found a good deal on ebay! hopefully this one works! it states that its brand new! the last one didnt work but thankfully i got my money back as i always use paypal! What hrm do you have and are they accurate for you?
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Cait... Thanks for warning Tara about my spoiler. I totally forgot and usually I come back and read everyones post through the day but that was my last post before bedtime so I wouldnt have been able to get to it in time to save her!~! Thanks a bunch, I would have felt SOOO bad!~! Great job on staying motivated to get your workouts in! Your doing so great. Im glad you had fun at dinner, sounds like a great time to be apart of.

    ~Tara... weeew, sorry about the close AI spoiler. I didnt eat the icecream and I am still doing Shred. I have been doing it every other day but this weekend I am determined to finish level one so I can start level two on monday. Maybe one day I will be able to do your crazy boot camp. I am getting better at 30DS (not much on the pushups, but better on everything else) so I am getting pretty confident that in time, if I keep pushing myself, I can do LOTs of stuff!~!~! Thanks for being such a great role model and source of motivation!~!~!

    ~Allie... Tell your dad I said thanks for his service!~! My husband has a very "old army" mentality and is trying to bring back the way things used to be. (When people weren't such b!t@es") Lady Gaga disapointed me highly. It was slow and wierd, she didnt do anything but stand on a giant clif and sing.Ehhh.

    I LOVE YOUR BIKINI SHOT!~!~!~!~! So awesome!~! Motivation motivation motivation!~!~! You Rock! ... my knees are doing ok. I realized I was pushing the wrong way in spiin so once I got it down it felt a little better. But when I do the cardio in 30DS in my house the right one still hurts really bad. I am going to give a knee support a try, maybe the one knee just needs a little more time to get stronger. IDK. It is a little swollen today, not sure what thats about but when I was little my knees KILLED me all the time. And I wasnt active at all, and if I did do something they would hurt even more, so I just stayed away from sports and stuff. So now I am paying for it. I just have to be more careful and strengthen it slowly i guess.

    ~Megan... awesome job on the run!~! I bet that 2.5 looked awesome on the treadmill!~! Way to Go! And thanks for the Kudos on 30DS, I was getting a little frustrated cuz I didnt think I was doing enough. Thanks for the reminder!~!

    AFM... I only lost .5 on my WI this morning. I kind of expected cuz I am crazy bloated and I did have 2 good loses in a row. I am going to weigh again on tuesday so I can have an official end of the month WI. Maybe that will be a little better if the bloating goes away.

    I had a bbq today and I did really well with eating. Then for some insane reson I ate half a piece of cheesecake that was like 400 calories!~!~! Uhh. oh well.... i will have to work it off tomorrow. These sugar cravings are driving me INSANE!~!~! I need to get ahold of myself. Its really getting out of control! Plus I am super sleepy. I am doing more workouts so maybe I just need to let my body catch up.

    I think my hubby is going to run with me tomorrow. I got my mile to about 1130 on the treadmill so I am going to try to do some endurance. We are going to do 3 miles. I am totally not RUNNING them all but I hope to keep a jog at least. I noticed that after a certain point my knee stops hurting, I am hoping thats a good thing. lol. (is it?) Honestly I thought that once I got to this point I would be a pro at working out. And now I feel like everything has changed!~!~! Now its not just cardio anymore, now I have to train for endurance and strength and HR recovery. I am so glad that I have you all to help me with this, I just honestly didnt expect to still have to do so much work~!~!~!~!~! Now I understand "beauty is pain"!~!~!~!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    So much to say but no time ahh! I will see if we slow down at work and I can respond to everyone but for now a little selfish post.

    I am doing great with my workouts this week, Last night was day 3 of 5 this week, since I have a party on Saturday I am taking sunday off. I did a 60 minute spin class then ran on the treadmill for 10 minutes. My legs were burning since they are not used to running right after biking. I guess it has been almost 2 months since I did that. Today we have a half day at work so I am headed to the gym right afterwards to do 45 minute run followed by 40 minutes of weight training. I decided that I am going to keep checking my weight and go by the the 5 pound range I have heard people who are maintaining use. I am going to try to lose of course but if I am in the same 5lb range I am not going to obsess, I know it is going to be harder to lose as training gets more intense.

    Engagement party is tomorrow and I can't wait! I will make sure to put up a pic or two from it.

    Again if you are ever interested in hearing what I have to say or looking at more pics of me check out my blog

    I am hoping to post a new blog post today since I should have some extra time. Love you all and have a great weekend!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    OK! finally worked up the motivation to tackle responding to all these posts today... It's become a busy day, despite having very little planned initially. I ended up spending a good amount of time this morning crafting an "everything but the kitchen sink" curry in my slow-cooker and then tried to tie up some loose ends with my finances, job, and friends before I start work on Monday. After that, I ended up going out to try and find a bag and some shoes for work and had a horribly unsuccessful shopping trip. Some days I have so much success and other days are just wickedly disappointing. Everything I looked at today just hung off my hip bones and draped unattractively over my collar bones in the worst possible way. It was discouraging. I ended up shopping for 3 hours and buying nothing but a new cookbook to keep at Tyler's place (to try and inspire him to pick healthy meal ideas that we can both enjoy without making me feel guilty about eating junk).

    This afternoon has been a mess with trying to get my contract signed for work, provide all my personal details/info, and play phone tag for like an hour with HR. I've also been trying to figure out how I can thicken my curry sauce without using flour or corn starch, since I am hoping to keep the processed carbs to a minimum. For fun, here's what I tossed into the crock-pot... Ready?

    1 large onion, chopped
    2 medium carrots, chopped
    1 medium red bell pepper, chopped
    6 cloves of garlic, minced
    1 jalapeno pepper, sliced
    1 large eggplant, chopped (salted for 15 mins and rinsed/drained)
    1/2 cup dry garbanzo beans
    2 medium tomatoes, chopped with juices
    1/2 cup coconut milk
    2 Tbsp Arvinda's madras masala (spicy!)
    2 cups of water

    Now I added the water to cook the beans, which I used from dry. Total experiment and it turns out to be way too much liquid. I am considering draining some liquid out and reducing it on the stove for a while since it would be such a waste to dispense with all those amazing flavours and spices. If that doesn't work, I may experiment with coconut flour as a thickener since there's already coconut milk in the dish. I'm also going to add in 2/3 cup frozen peas and garnish with cilantro. It's one spicy-ah-meatball, but so far it tastes pretty damn good. And it's super healthy!

    Aly - Great workouts but remember not to push TOO hard. I know that in the past you have struggled with over-training to compensate for feelings of guilt or disappointment in self with your food choices and it can be very dangerous to your health, both physical and mental. Just make sure you are finding balance, darling :happy: And enjoy your party tomorrow! I can't wait to see the pics!

    Allie - Gosh... Clean eating, where to being. First off - I am far from a model student. I try to eat clean when I can, but lately I haven't been making the grade at ALL. As for what it's all about... In short:

    "Food is the big ticket to good health. If you eat garbage, your body will show it. If you eat whole, healthy and fresh foods, your body, skin and soul will glow with health that gives you endless energy." - Tiffany McCauley of The Gracious Pantry,


    "In every way, clean eating is all about consuming whole food in its most natural state, or as close to it as possible. Taking a creative yet doable approach to cooking, you’ll find it easy to enhance the natural flavors of any meal without compromising the integrity of your food. When it comes right down to it, Clean Eating is not a diet; it’s way of improving your life – one meal at a time." - Clean Eating Magazine,

    Clean eating, for most of us, isn't an all or nothing endeavour. It's a move towards eating more whole, unprocessed, and natural foods and a move away from all the artificial junk that our body has become accustomed to. It can be a bit of a struggle at first, but your taste buds will change, your body will start treating fuel differently, and you'll notice in a matter of a few days or weeks an excess of energy, nicer skin/hair, and a general sense of feeling healthier and more "well". It's hard to explain, but your body actually FEELS cleaner. Then, in those moments of weakness when you gorge on candy, chips or other junk, AS WE ALL DO FROM TIME TO TIME, your body will remind you "Woa... This stuff's awful! You aren't even enjoying it anymore - Get yourself back on track, woman! I want something gooooood :glasses: "

    There are a thousand different ways to go about adopting a clean eating lifestyle. My advice would be to take it slow, try to eat more clean meals, but don't start out cold turkey right away. If, like i did, you rely on a lot of processed foods to get through the day, start by weening yourself off a few at a time and finding new ways to include healthy, whole and fresh ingredients in their place. Try experimenting with new recipes, use whatever resources you have, and be creative! Most of all, recognize that it will take more time and effort at first to eat clean - reading labels, finding alternatives, being selective about eating out, and making nearly everything from scratch (no short cuts!) - but that eventually it'll become mostly second nature and you'll find it hard *not* to eat clean for the most part. But you'll still occasionally crave the odd un-clean food item and you'll slip up now and again. It's inevitable, especially being that most of the people in our lives don't eat clean regularly and food is regularly at the center of our social events. BE FLEXIBLE! And try to embrace the change as a new challenge and adventure. It's fun, I swear :tongue:

    Here are some handy sites to help you get started: (Thanks Cait!)

    Maria - I LOVE my slow-cooker and use it all the time! I am always looking for new recipes for it ! Please feel free to share any tried and true slow-cooker recipes for me to drool over :bigsmile: I'm all over the recipe thread here... I'm a total foodie!

    T- You're an all star and we've been chatting lots recently. Just didn't want to leave you out :wink:

    Cait - Same! Have I mentioned what a fabulous inspiration your dedication to eating clean and being true to yourself is for me? I am sooo fortunate to have e-met you! Every day your progress and commitment motivates me to keep myself in the game. Honestly and truly Cait - you have made my journey so much easier and I really value having you in my e-life :wink: Just sayin'! You're soooo money! And if J throws together some recipes for me you may have a hard time getting me to leave in Aug :laugh: Ty's going to have to drag me to the car, kicking and scream (and drooling, likely).

    EEEP! Wow It's way late. Ty's got some uber "professional" social event tonight that I opted out of graciously, but I offered to chaperon him and so I better get dinner finished before I have to pick him up. Have a splendid Fri night ladies! :heart: And have you fingers crossed tomorrow AM around 930 EST for us - 10K race is on the horizon!

    Meag :heart:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Mariam-if you decide to stay off the scale for a bit...I recommend a buddy to join you!! Megan (from this thread) is considering it as well!! I have heard that Polars are one of the best brand HRM that you can buy!! I myself have a cheap "sportline" watch version, which I do not care for...I always have to put my finger on the sensor to check my pulse during the workouts, and this is super annoying!! :noway: I have found it to be pretty comparable to what MFP and other exercise burn sites say that's good!!

    Kandace-no biggie on the's all good :) I am glad that you did fairly well with the BBQ, and not having the icecream though! as for the bootcamp...I have never actually done a class...just a DVD! If you tried it like that first it may help boost your confidence for if you do a class ever!! The one that I have in Biggest Loser Bootcamp!! And you are right: not only is beauty pain, but so is being healthy (at least when my mind tells me so!)!!! LOL :laugh:

    Aly-good plan for the scale...I sure hope it works for you :smile: How did your workout go?? Have fun at your party tomorrow night!

    Meag-thanks girl!! Sorry that your shopping trip didn't go as well as planned...maybe you will have to head down to the states again to find something? :wink: I see that your WI went fairly well today!? I have a awesome turkey chili recipe for the slow cooker (although it may be better during the cooler months!) but I will post it anyways!!


    1lb lean ground turkey
    1 med green pepper, finely chopped
    1 sm red onion, finely chopped
    2 garlic cloves, minced
    1 can (28oz) diced tomatoes, undrained
    1 can (16oz) kidney beans, rinsed and drained
    1 can (14.5oz) reduced sodium chicken broth
    1 3/4cups frozen corn, thawed
    1 can (6oz) tomato paste
    1 TBSP chili powder
    1/2 tsp pepper
    1/4 tsp ground cumin
    1/4tsp garlic powder

    1 in large skillet, cook turkey, grn pepper, onion, garlic. drain and put in slow cooker.
    2 add tomatoes, beans, broth, corn, paste, and seasonings
    3 cover and cook on low 4-5hours

    Of course the cals change depending on EXACTLY what you use, but it is pretty decnet on cals, and protein and it is super filling! :smooched:

    TO EVERYONE: 4 days to go!! be sure that you start thinking of your new June goals soon!!! Let's do this!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I added a link to my signature of my new before and after pics (so far), if anyone wants to check em out :)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Good Morning Good Morning Everyone!~!~!

    ~Meag... I gotta tell you that your knowledge of food is very inspiring! I thought I was a good cook until I started trying to cook healthy, now I love what I cook but my boys could really care less. If I had the imagination, knowledge and palate that you do, im sure they would be eating better right now! You have really showed me how much more this journey is than loosing weight. I hope your weekend isnt too stressful!~! Are you super amped about monday? Does it feel like the first day of school again????

    ~Tara.... I am gonna stick with my 30DS then maybe try soemthing dif. I am realizing that I am trying WAY too much stuff and thats where I get overwhelmed. So for now 30DS, spin and attempted running is all I am allowing myself to do!~! I will bring up bootcamp vids with my "real life" workout chicks and maybe that can be our next adventure. What are you doing to reward yourself when you hit 100????

    ~ ALY... have fun at your party!~!~! Your going to be gorgeous!

    AFM... I got myself out of bed this morning and did my 30DS. It was much harder since its saturday and my husband and my dog were wrapped in a pretzel on top of me, but I made it out and I did it. I really pushed myself too and I am I pretty proud. I dont think I have worked myself up that much since day one of shred.

    My friend and I are pretty much at the same wieght. When we started out she was about 15 pounds heavier than me, but now we are both 143. Our plan to knock June out of the water is to compete against each other. (which im sure we have secretly been doing the whole time ANYWAY, come on were girls) So I am trying to think of a prize at the end of June. We were thinking that we can both pay for half of a massage and the winner gets it. But i want something MORE!~! More than money, like something the looser has to do for the winner, maybe. IDK. Anyone have any ideas??? My thought was that the looser had to prepare a healthy lunch once a week for a month and deliver it to the winners house. (But honestly neither of us would really mind doing that so its not much motivation) I need help!~!~! Maybe I should open this up to all of MFP to decide.. hmmm.???

    Warning, I am about to complain about the battle I am having with my reproductive organs.... I HATE THEM@~!~!~!~! uhh, I feel like a giant water balloon and these cramps just wont let up. Advil does help for a while but I hate taking pain meds so I tend to just deal with it until I am in a horrible mood THEN i take them and I am so relieved that I just take a nap. Its really getting old and I am sick of it. This is officially my last rant about my gross on goings "down there"... I am putting it to rest and I am not letting the stupid pain and wonder control my mind anymore. What happens, happens.....!~!~!~!~! (I just want to say that if by some crazy chance I am pregnant, I am going to FREAK out and cry..... :sad: )
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    wow.... I guess everyone has other things to do on Saturday.. lol.....

    Well,... AFM.. (lol) I am doing day 10 of Shred tomorrow. FINALLY, geez this took me so long. No more procrastinating. I bought some weights and some ankle weights, level 2 of shred better be ready cuz come monday and I am going to show it who is boss!~!~!~!

    Have a great night everyone!~! I hope you all have a safe night and a great sunday!~!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey Ladies! hope you’re all having a good weekend so far! kinda glad in the lapse of posts so i can catch up lol.. still not weighing in, along with Tara.. at first I was ok with it, but now that the days are dwindling down, I’m starting to get anxious.. I wish I had taken measurements.. oh well..

    Pretty much a waste of the holiday weekend for me as I’ve got 2 nights left to work.. oh so counting down the few days left til I’m off! Can’t wait to get outside and actually wear the bikini outside my bed/bathroom haha.

    Thanks so so so much ladies for your great info about clean eating! Def something I’ll need to read up on a bit and go at it my own way it seems.. I have to say I’ve def noticed how my eating has changed in the past year.. no surprise with that, otherwise I’d still be where I was lol.. When I really think about it, I realize I was addicted to food.. I’d buy cupcakes or cookies from the grocery store and keep them in my room, and eat them all over a couple days, and stash the evidence in my garbage... If that doesn’t scream ADDICT that I don’t know what does..Other times I’d binge out on turkey meatballs lol. I could eat an entire package of 12 no prob.. Sometimes I still think about just eating whatever I want for days, but then I try to counteract it by looking on here, or at my clothes, and think, I don’t wanna go back there! not worth it!! So thanks again for the continued support ladies.. This thread has been so much help over the months.. Here’s to the future!!

    Megan- Thanks for the tip with the Clean Eating Magazine.. I checked out their website, and you’re right.. There’s so many great recipes, and they’re organized so well! Major congrats on your running! I think the same way when listening to music.. Just one more song, one more song lol, then before you know it, you’ve gone through 5! Are you running in a race soon? I have my second one coming up, but have yet to run since the last one eek!

    Cait- How did the dinner go? That’s great that you all finally met up and the relationship is on the mend.. How is the crossfit going?

    Maria- I totally feel ya with the TOM.. It’s so stereotypical, but all I want is chocolate lol. I usually don’t get big cravings for it otherwise, but for a couple days leading up to it, all I can think about it... hmm what can I buy that has chocolate?? I have a Polar HRM as well and love it! I’ve had it less than a year, but have had no problems with it, except for one random time when it wasn’t picking up my HR.. That aside it was well worth the $90!

    Kandace- Hope your knees are holding up! I started Level 2 of the Shred, and WOW did it kick my butt.. The moves are bumped up and I found myself having to modify a ton.. At the time I felt like a failure, but I’m using it as a starting off point, so hopefully after a few more WO’s I’ll be able to get through everything :) There’s a lot of upper body which I’m feeling today lol. My shoulders were on fire! Beauty def is pain hahaha! It took forever for me to get to Level 2 lol. I kinda fell out of it because I was focusing on prep for my 5K, and found that it was super hard for me to get through a run if I did the shred beforehand.. I think like 4 days went by in between WO’s with Jillian.. Took the day off today, since l was dying after 2 days in a row of Level 1.. Day 2 will be tomorrow! I like the idea with competing your friend.. (Believe me I feel like I’m constantly doing that.. It’s hard when you have a friend who’s a lawyer and pretty much has it set.. I know it’s *****y to say, but I feel better about myself that I think my body looks better than hers now lol.. She’s not in proportion whereas I always have been.) I like the massage.. Maybe you can make it into a whole girl’s day.. Celebrate both of your successes but as a bonus, the loser takes the winner out for dinner/drinks/dancing?
    I would pass the kind words on to my father, but he passed away 9 years ago, but I appreciate it :)

    Meag- Thanks so much for all the info on clean eating! i’ll be checking out those websites for sure! How did your race go? I saw your status earlier that you weren’t feeling too great about it.. No sweat on the time.. You finished, and got to do it with Ty which is awesome :)

    Tara- I love turkey chili!! I do one similar to the one you posted, just all in one pot, no slow cooker. I love things like that that you can just throw a bunch of ingredients together and have it come out fantastic, can’t get easier than that! Plus I love that you’re free to do what you want with it! Down to the wire girl!! I’ve been doing well with my water too.. I upped what I drink at work from 4 to 6 cups, and then make sure I have at least 1 full Nalgene at home, which is 4 cups.. and yes I ask you with Kandace-- what will be your reward to yourself when you hit the 100 pound mark??

    Have a happy and safe rest of the weekend everyone!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-sounds like a plan!! As for my reward when I hit 100lbs lost...I am not sure!! I haven't even thought about it to be honest with you...I am just hoping that I hit it on this next WI, and that will be reward enough I think!!
    As for you "woman" probs...I suggest trying has worked wonders for me in the past!! But I also suggest taking the "dreaded" test if you think that there is a chance of you being pregnant...better to be safe than sorry right?
    Oh....and kick level 2 in the butt woulda?! :wink:

    Allie-almost there!!! I must admit that these last few days are killin me with not weighing!! :noway: I am glad that I took my meaurements, even though I am still not measuring until the 1st! But what I can't wait for, is the scale!! I know that it is not all about the scale...and that we are doing this to be healthy and inches matter as much as pounds...but besides the fact that I have 19lbs until I reach my goal yet...I have 2 huge milestones coming up...100lbs lost and being in the 120's!! I MUST hit this!! :tongue: YIKES!! And as I told Kandace...I am not huge into rewards...the scale moving is reward enough for me really...BUT when I hit my FINAL reward is my tummy tuck and a new wardrobe...the only 2 things that I really care about right now, and also 2 things that I cannot get until I am finished!! :smooched:

    AFM-T-3 days to go!! I know that Allie and I are gonna make it for sure!! Now if Mariam and Megan wanna take over the NON-weigh-in challenge that would be super sweet!!?? I got in my WO again today (30min BL cardio max and my ab routine) and I posted a blog on my page saying what my planned June WO's are, that I am pretty proud of!! :drinker:
  • nausicaa11
    nausicaa11 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Bad news, I have gained about a pound. I don't understand why though, followed my plan pretty strictly. Maybe its because of the antibiotics I am taking for the flu. Or my sore muscles. Must exercise more.

    Tara: Thanks! :) My exercise isn't going very good. My muscles were so sore after my first three days at the gym that I skipped the rest of the week :P Btw, I just saw your incredible before-and-after. That was so inspirational.

    Meag - Thank you so much. Its you guys who are more impressive though. Honestly, its something that motivates me every day. So glad I joined MFP.

    Cait: Thanks! :) Loved your workout, if it were me I would have definitely passed out.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    nausicaa(sorry I don't remember your name...Natalie????)-thanks about the pics :) Sorry to hear about your is probably nothing...especially if you are following your guidelines! Like you is probably water retention or very possibly from your antibiotics....just keep doing what you know is right, and I am sure that the scale will start going the right way again in no time!

    AFM-wanted to post my planned june WO schedule and see what you all think of it! My whole goal is to get the most bang for my buck!! I wanted to add more strength, but not cut out my cardio, and not add a tons more time...since I don't have it to add! So here it is...

    SUN- Turbo Jam(TJ) sculpt (39min) ......OR.... TJ totally tubular (32min)
    MON-rest day
    TUE-rest day
    WED-TJ lower body (27min).......... OR ........yard work (at least 30min)
    THUR-Biggest Loser(BL) Bootcamp (30min) ........OR....... BL cardio max (30min)
    FRI-Yoga Burn .......AND.....Yoga relax (30min)
    SAT-JM 30 day shred (30min)

    and that's bout the extent :) maybe add in some ab routines or elliptical on my rest days if I feel up to it! whatcha all think?
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Tara... I like the schedule, doesnt seem too overwhelming considering time. Thats a huge deal cuz when I feel like I dont have enough time, then everything flys out the window. I have to say, I am super excited that you and Allie are gonna WI on Wed. I just cant wait to see how great yo guys did. I have really been giving not WI for june, but with my competition, I just dont think I could handle it. Maybe 2 weeks and WI at the end of week 3???? I gotta talk to my competitor What level 30DS are you going to do?? Have you already finished it before?

    ~Allie... My knees are feeling better, after a few days of really pushing through the pain I can see a difference. I have constant irritation in the one knee, but its not horrible and I am seeing that it gets better when I start a WO. So, I think i just really did need to stregthen them up. Sorry to hear about your dad, but I know he got the message. I lost my dad 8 months ago, Im not totally sure how I feel about it yet, but I am possative that hes watching me. Dads cant go a day without protecting their girls. :love:

    ~Nausicca... I had lots of times where I gained and I was totally bummed!!~! I feel your pain!~! The hardest lesson I have learned so far is push through it!~!~! I wasted alot of time feeling sorry for myself when I didnt do as well as I wanted too, and all that did was give me more time to NOT loose any weight. So dont make the mistake that I did!~! Use your gain as motivation. Your body is fighting back, are you gonna let it win??? I hope not!~!~! You control your body, your body doesnt control you!~! You got this!~!~!

    AFM.... I took the test. And I won~~!~! :tongue: lol... Uterus Zero/Kandace ONE!~!~... (NOT pregnant) Now I just have to wait out whatever my freaking body is doing. I am hoping for less clouds and rain this week so I can get outside and stop having insane sugar cravings. Part of me thinks its time to detox myself of sugar. I think thats the only way :sad: . I know when I did south beach It took like 2 weeks of hell until I didnt have sugar cravings anymore, but I dont want to shock my body like South Beach did. Any ideas on how I can take my life back???? I dont want sugar to control me anymore!~!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kandace-Thanks!! I sure hope that fits into my schedule definately should, and I told the bf that he needed to be working out while I was, to make it easier for us both to get it done!! :tongue: As for JM Shred...I had started in WAY in the past, but I never got very far with I will be starting at the beginning (level 1) again and seeing how it goes...if it's easy (which I doubt) then I will go to level 2 early!! I am super nervous about my WI....all I can keep thinking about it..."what if I didn't lose?" "what if I have a gain?" "what if I didn't hit my goal or the 100lbs lost?" quite stressful really!!! :noway: One thing that I do have to say most definately got my head back in the game!!! Congrats on not being prego!! far as the sugar cravings go....I would say start your day with protein vs sugary cereal, don't keep any "bad" sugar in the house (if you can help it), and eat plenty of fruit and drink a ton of water!! For some reason...I find that by doing those last 2 things I don't crave sugar nearly as much!! :smooched:
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Naussica: dont worry abt gain,its probably your sore muscles. It'll come off soon enough.

    kan: congrats on not being pregant. I found the 1st 2 weeks of mfp very difficult back in jan as im cut out nearly all my sugar. But it got better. Now im careful but do allow myself a treat too. I decide to take sugar out of my daily tracking as it was driving me potty!

    tara: workouts look good. Im sure u will be ok with the shred. I found level 1 fairly easy, I moved up to 2 after 4 days as felt I was cheating myself as it wasnt working hard enough. Now level 2 and 3 are a different kettle of fish! So dont worry u wil do great!

    Afm: big nsv yesterday, managed to fit into a uk size 8 (us 4) which im really pleased about. Been feeling grotty due to tom, so that was a nice pick me up. And I think my bottom half maybe following suit, as I tried a sizze 10 ( sz 6) mini and it was baggy around the waist. This is the smallest ive ever been. I was big throughout high school or secondary school as we call it here. I think I used to weigh in excess of 160. So finally im comfortable in my own skin.