Like Minded Lushes May 2011



  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    So i got a little taste of how my summers is gonna go if I don't make some changes. I spent mother's day lake side and did okay with the drinking part (only had two miller chills 100 cal) but apparently I get munchies while i'm at the lake. Yesterday was just fishing and a picnick. I know this summer I will plan more physical activities while I camp but does anyone have any ideas on healthier munchie-type snack? I love to dip veggie.... if anyone has a low cal dip recipe they'd like to share I'd love to hear about it.
    There is a greek yogurt dip made by Ortia. The one I get is dill and feta and is very low calorie. I dont even like greek yogurt but this dip is delicious!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Thanks SoCal! I'm so excited!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Haha I love that!

    It is the stopping at a certain amount that hurts me honestly. When I am in certain situations it is hard to turn that part off.... does anyone feel like that?

    Yes!!!! We must be sisters...:bigsmile:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Well this makes me feel better honestly. I feel like I know a lot of people who either have a higher tolerance or it doesn't hit them like it does me. It used to get me into a lot of trouble. Now I just struggle with remembering the whole night if I have one of those nights. I have been fairly good and only had that happen a few times the last few months it used to be a weekly thing. Now I think I need to get better about the beer. I love beer but it truly is too many calories.

    Anyone love beer but hate light beer find a way to lose with it?? I am on the neverending search!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Well this makes me feel better honestly. I feel like I know a lot of people who either have a higher tolerance or it doesn't hit them like it does me. It used to get me into a lot of trouble. Now I just struggle with remembering the whole night if I have one of those nights. I have been fairly good and only had that happen a few times the last few months it used to be a weekly thing.

    I know what you mean a little bit. I have a SUPER high tolerance. I mean, really, really high for a female. I have never met another woman who can outdrink me, several of my guy friends regularly admit I could drink them under the table, and a middle aged Irish bartender told me he had never seen a woman drink like me...

    That said sometimes I get a little too careless and end up getting to that point where memories are hazy/nonexistent. I hatteeee it. I know its unhealthy and while the attitude towards it was pretty nonchalant among my college peer group I am trying to avoid it except for VERY rare (accidental) occasions now.

    Plus, the older I get the more killer my hangovers are...
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Well this makes me feel better honestly. I feel like I know a lot of people who either have a higher tolerance or it doesn't hit them like it does me. It used to get me into a lot of trouble. Now I just struggle with remembering the whole night if I have one of those nights. I have been fairly good and only had that happen a few times the last few months it used to be a weekly thing. Now I think I need to get better about the beer. I love beer but it truly is too many calories.

    Anyone love beer but hate light beer find a way to lose with it?? I am on the neverending search!

    I don't hate light beer, don't prefer it either though haha. I don't mind bud light lime, but I absolutely love Blue Moon, which is 171 calories a bottle. I just make sure when I'm going to have Blue Moon or Palm Ale, that I have enough calories for it, same with wine. When I know I'm going to be eating out or having a few or many drinks, I just make sure I leave plenty of calories for it, which for me isn't tough with my allotted 2500 or more calories. It's more difficult with a lower calorie allowance I would guess but planning and budgeting helps.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Just started the diet yesterday but really nice to be in the same boat. I LOVE beer - especially in the summer (hot) months. I will try to cut back during the week and drink water when I get home (boring) just to allow this diet and exercise to do something. It won't be every day though. I'm glad others have the same want/need to be healthy but also enjoy their alcohol.:smile:
    Hey, I just recently tried plain soda water with flavored vodka... Low cal and delicious! But don't forget to drink regular water too :)
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Hey, finally picked up my new paint colors that I picked out last fall....I just realized one of the colors is chianti...that, is a true lush, my friends

    Haha I love that!

    As For Me- I haven't had a drink since Sunday and I might not have another one until Saturday. It is the stopping at a certain amount that hurts me honestly. When I am in certain situations it is hard to turn that part off.... does anyone feel like that?
    I definately agree! I have about 3 or 4 and then I'm toast! I think its worse when I am with friends though... like if I'm just hanging out unwinding from the day I'm okay but if I'm socializing I don't really pay attention to the amount I consume.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Well this makes me feel better honestly. I feel like I know a lot of people who either have a higher tolerance or it doesn't hit them like it does me. It used to get me into a lot of trouble. Now I just struggle with remembering the whole night if I have one of those nights. I have been fairly good and only had that happen a few times the last few months it used to be a weekly thing.

    I know what you mean a little bit. I have a SUPER high tolerance. I mean, really, really high for a female. I have never met another woman who can outdrink me, several of my guy friends regularly admit I could drink them under the table, and a middle aged Irish bartender told me he had never seen a woman drink like me...

    That said sometimes I get a little too careless and end up getting to that point where memories are hazy/nonexistent. I hatteeee it. I know its unhealthy and while the attitude towards it was pretty nonchalant among my college peer group I am trying to avoid it except for VERY rare (accidental) occasions now.

    Plus, the older I get the more killer my hangovers are...
    Hahahaha welcome to my world. This is me once a week. I don't stop :blushing:
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    :drinker: Hey all!

    Been a while since I posted on this one.

    No worries I am still rocking the bacardi and living it up.

    Any one drink that Four Loko stuff?

    I loved it before it was recalled and it still seems ok now.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi Peeps,

    Just reading through and catching up with everyone's news, we have such a busy thread these days :happy: :drinker:

    Well I'm still alcohol free, on a bit of a downer the last couple of days, no real reason just meh.

    Had more physio on my back today, as soon as he loosens one thing off I get pain somewhere else so now my knees are hurting but he's explained why! I just can't follow his advice to take it completely easy though, I limited myself to the 15minute ab blast on the Nike training club iphone app. I use that more than any of my DVD's or Wii games now, I'm loving it and still can't believe it was free.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    :drinker: Hey all!

    Been a while since I posted on this one.

    No worries I am still rocking the bacardi and living it up.

    Any one drink that Four Loko stuff?

    I loved it before it was recalled and it still seems ok now.
    That stuff is sneaky! I tried them twice and both times only one nearly did me in for the night! They seamed like a mild drink almost like a wine cooler with a kick, but damn, that kick came with a right hook! I didn't know they remarketed them though.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I made it through a day without any drinks.. whooo hooo! I've exercised the last two days in a row also and feel awesome today. I can't wait to get of work so I can go for a jog or something outside. I live in Oregon and our weather usually sucks but its a beautiful day out today and I'm gonna enjoy it!
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Well this makes me feel better honestly. I feel like I know a lot of people who either have a higher tolerance or it doesn't hit them like it does me. It used to get me into a lot of trouble. Now I just struggle with remembering the whole night if I have one of those nights. I have been fairly good and only had that happen a few times the last few months it used to be a weekly thing.

    I know what you mean a little bit. I have a SUPER high tolerance. I mean, really, really high for a female. I have never met another woman who can outdrink me, several of my guy friends regularly admit I could drink them under the table, and a middle aged Irish bartender told me he had never seen a woman drink like me...

    That said sometimes I get a little too careless and end up getting to that point where memories are hazy/nonexistent. I hatteeee it. I know its unhealthy and while the attitude towards it was pretty nonchalant among my college peer group I am trying to avoid it except for VERY rare (accidental) occasions now.

    Plus, the older I get the more killer my hangovers are...
    That is me! Are you my long lost twin??LOL This is exactly why I can't drink for 4 weeks, doctors orders. Because I've been doing it for 3 years, (long story, it's in a previous post) and I'm 56 and it's now messing with my liver. Just effin' great. THAT scares me too death. I was just a social drinker before I met psycho ex-boyfriend, then all of a sudden I turn around 3 years into this running and hiding crap, and I don't stop at just 1 or 2. I don't leave the house, but I will drink till I fall asleep on the couch. Not good. At All. I feel alone and I'm now worried about my health. Lets not even mention the fact that I lost my house because of him. He "borrowed" 15 grand from me and took off. I lost my house because of him. I've lost friends because of all my drama. I don't blame them really. But hey, I guess they just couldn't hang...I got totally sick of it too, but I did not cause any of it. Besides being a good woman and hooking up with a snake....He stalked me for 3 years, threats of killing me etc...I'm officially climbing out of this black hole and reclaiming my life! ( I warned you guys, I might be on here a lot...LOL) It's taken a very scary doctors visit and 3 long years, but I'm gonna do it! If you gotten this far, thanks for being there! Take care sweetie, the alcohol can sneak up on you.....It took me 3 years to realize I had "crossed" that line. But I've caught myself and thats the important part. I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself today, it just feels good to get all this out.....:ohwell:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    chatty bunch
    amy have fun in SD
    amy I teared up for the baby birds
    Kim wine paint on walls hides wine stains on walls
    Yvonne sorry you are feeling down but good job.
    Marci excellent news
    I too drink and don't know how to stop on some days.

    I hope all is going well with you. I am debating wether or not to have a drink work really sucked today but I will try to hold off.
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    What do all of you do, when you're bored and alone and really would like a glass of wine and you can't/won't? I think I need to find new ways to occupy my time. Any suggestions?? New hobbies? Tips to get your mind off of things? I hate this white-knuckling ****...Cause right now, am I am bored out of my mind....
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    marci, all i can relate it to is when i stopped smoking...and i ate a lot then...(which is why i'm here now!) so i'm not very helpful. :ohwell:

    i *am* a lot more addicted to water. i find drinking water when i'm hungry helps a lot.
    also...while i'm still not one of those people that LOVES to exercise (like a few of you here..i'm so jealous!!!)..i DO find it helps make me feel better. even if it's 20 minutes. Do you have ondemand on your tv? there's lots of quick exercises there that are fantastic.
    the key with any "bad habit/behavior" is to replace it with another. hopefully we do that with a healthy one. :tongue:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Marci this may not apply to you but for the younger ladies I found that 99 percent of my black out nights were in the few days before TOM. Not sure if it was hormones or an increased urge for sweets (which is what alcohol is) or what. Try tracking those nights and see if there is a pattern. Good news, I "grew" out of them, haven't had a night like that in a long time. :bigsmile:

    Marci - like to read? Dancing dvd's? Yoga? Are you close to an adult education center to take classes? And hey, I know people who know "people" who can take care of that SOB ex! :laugh:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    oh and one more thing judgment here.
    after reading everything you've been through, you may want to see a dr. about depression?
    it would only be understandable if you're experiencing some of that.
    best of luck to you. keep on posting here and checking in. :flowerforyou:
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Marci this may not apply to you but for the younger ladies I found that 99 percent of my black out nights were in the few days before TOM. Not sure if it was hormones or an increased urge for sweets (which is what alcohol is) or what. Try tracking those nights and see if there is a pattern. Good news, I "grew" out of them, haven't had a night like that in a long time. :bigsmile:

    Marci - like to read? Dancing dvd's? Yoga? Are you close to an adult education center to take classes? And hey, I know people who know "people" who can take care of that SOB ex! :laugh:
    No, I'm more TOM, thank goodness. And yeah, I knew people that knew people like that too, but I resisited and ran like hell. Never went back, didn't even look back. He remarried and of course he's beating the hell out of her too....
    Yes, I do like to read and we have a used book store here in town and I'd though I'd check it out tomorrow after the gym. Thanks for the suggestions. Does it get easier after awhile? The cravings, I mean?