Pregnancy 2011- May



  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Sthorp - Baby dust your way!!

    Mel - As much compassion as I had for those helpless baby mice, when I found droppings in the cupboard a few months later we set out some traps.

    Brittony - It is a weedwacker, it wacks the weeds if you ask me! :laugh: This sounds like a little debate my husband and I have. In the Upper Peninsula, a lot of people call snowmobiles, snowmachines. I have no idea why, but that is what a majority of people call them, snowmachines or sleds. My husband always laughs at me and says a snowmachine is something that makes snow...

    Rachael - Glad to hear the nursery is coming along nicely, can't wait to see pics!

    AnneElise - That totally stinks about the meter, I'm sorry!

    Rachel - The pain you are feeling down there might also be pressure from the weight of your uterus.

    Ron - Ugh, thats a bummer! Try to think of it as part of the equity in your home. That way if/when you decide to sell, the buyer won't have to worry about doing any of that, and they'll already have a finished basement.

    Regina - You sound like me! Ever since the weather has gotten nice, I've been doing so much stuff outside. Yay!!

    Renee - Relax and enjoy these last few days of your pregnancy, you're gonna be a great momma!

    Sheri - Enjoy your last week of maternity leave, I can't imagine how hard it is to think about going back. I'm already bummed thinking about it and I haven't even had my baby yet!

    Carina - Glad you are feeling better. Been thinking about you and hoping that you get your BFP real soon!

    Meokk - I think you will know once you have the baby whether or not 6 months is to long for your mom to be there. It is great that she is willing and able to help you!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Rachel - Your baby bump is beautiful! Thank you for sharing!!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Rachel: So cute!! I love your baby bump picture.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I am SO effing mad right now that I'm pretty sure I could spit fire!

    National Volunteer Week was April 10th - 16th. I always plan a really nice luncheon for the volunteers to show our appreciation for everything that they do, and I pick a volunteer of the year and honor them.

    I asked our corporate finance guy repeatedly for a budget, and finally got one, on April 20th. :angry: Thanks D-BAG! So we planned our party a little late, no biggy!

    So I went to my administrator and told her I was planning the party for May 10 (TODAY!). She said, no problem, conference room is free, go for it! So I sent out my invitations, ordered the food, got decorations, all is set!

    I get to the office this morning and there are 4 corporate people working in the conference room and my new supervisor is standing in there too (she is a turbo b*tch). I asked them if they were going to be working in there all day and a lady said yes, that they have an inservice at 1:00 for our nurse aides. Oh really? That's neat, same time as my volunteer lunch. My supervisor says well I guess you're just gonna have to move your party to the lunchroom. The EFFING lunch room is like 6X10 with a round table and 4 chairs. I have 15 people coming to this!!!!!!!!!

    I'm p*ssed because my administrator didn't bother to realize that the room was being used already, I'm p*ssed because once again the only effing people that do anything around here for free and should be put at the highest regard, get shoved in a little room that is hot as h*ll.

    I can't wait til these corporate @sswipes ask for a volunteer to do their b*tch work, I'm gonna tell them to go to the lunchroom and see if they can find one. I swear sometimes I am the only person here that appreciates the volunteer team. These people have no idea what the volunteers do for them. UGH!!!

    :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm officially up 30 lbs with 4 weeks to go. :grumble: I was hoping for 25 total but oh well. :ohwell: It really hasn't helped that hubby WILL NOT quit with bringing home the take out and the fast food! :explode: He gets really cranky and irritated when i dont want it so I just eat it to shut him up - especially since my only other option is to cook actual full meals. And he won't NOT bring me something. I keep saying - just get you something and I will eat something from the fridge. Plus, I tend to eat the leftovers because he won't and i just see them as $$ molding in the fridge otherwise. :grumble: :grumble: Ah well. I am hoping for no C/S so I can kick right back into being active again afterward, though unfortunately the gym doesn't take infants until 3 months (vs the Y takes them at 6 weeks) so I have 3 months before I can get back to the gym after. I will have to rely on BFing and going grocery shopping as my exercise for a while. I'd walk, but, it's so not fun for me, especially with my son as well as a baby...
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    SO, my mum called today (and my dad) asking when I wanted them to come and help, sweet. So I think they will both come for the first month or so and them my mum will stay for maybe 6 months. She did say that she would leave anytime I get sick of her but it would be a huge help. I'm planning to do about 6 months maternity leave.
    Any advice on this front? Do you think it's too long? She will be living with us but we have plenty of space. They are both retired so can come and go as they please but they also live on another continent.

    Got my glucose test in the morning - fingers crossed.

    see you all tomorrow

    I don't think 6 months is too long at all- I am taking 1 year. (and possibly not going back after that). That is also because that is what we get up here so everyone takes that.

    I have a similar situation with my own mom regarding my parents. She called and wants to know when she should book her flight to come. She has 5 weeks of vacation and was thinking fo staying the entire time. I just don't know what to do! We have a spare bedroom for her, and I love my parents, but more than a few days and things become too much for me. I also like to feel competent, and like I can "do things myself" and having my mother there trying to help might bug me, especially during a time when emotions run high.

    To me- taking the baby home from the hospital is a very special time, and I think I just want it to be me and hubby for the first few days (he is taking some time off of work). But then again, having my mom there might be a huge help and make me feel better, especially if I end up needing a c section.

    I think each individual person needs to choose, and it would depend on the relationship with the parent. For me, I think 1-2 weeks will be great.

    Hope the glucose test went well, mine was on Friday.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Thanks all for you comments re: my bump! It makes me feel better to think you guys think I look preggo.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Regina – Can’t wait to find out what you’re having!!! I hope you don’t have a modest baby! :laugh:

    Renee – I agree with what everyone else said, good moms don’t worry about being a good mom. And I don’t have cable at my house either. All of our family thinks we’re nuts and keeps telling us we’re going to get it when the baby comes….I don’t think so. If I don’t have time to watch TV now, I’m sure I won’t have the time when my LO is here.

    Pmaria – hope you have a good appointment!

    Rachel – you definitely look pregnant, very cute! And I had to tell my mom NOT to take vacation when the baby is here. Hubby is going to take 2 weeks off after the birth and I want that to be family time for us. I don’t care if she comes over in the evenings but I want so time for just the three of us.

    AnneElise – I haven’t had any swelling but my doctor said that I should keep my feet up as much as possible to avoid it. Easy for me since I’m at a desk all day, but as a teacher I don’t think that’s possible for you.

    Brittony – sorry your back hurts so much. I don’t have any advice for you, have you asked your doctor about it?

    Carina – glad you had a good Mother’s Day

    Meokk – good luck at your glucose test. I don’t know if I’d be able to handle my mom living with me for so long. But I’m only about 20 minutes away from her so it’s a completely different situation than yours. It’s great that she’s willing to come out and stay with you. You could always play it by ear once she’s here about how long you want/need her to stay.

    Lynn – oh that suck! But it sounds just like my office. Our conference room/party area gets used all the time and the ones who have it reserved get pushed out.

    Mel – I don’t think 30 pounds is bad, especially since you’re so close to the end.

    Just keep in mind that you’re not actually a certain number of months until that month is over. Right now I’m 19 weeks, so I’m in the 5th month but I’m only about 4.5 months pregnant. SO confusing! Someone posted this site a while back; it always helps me with the confusion.

    6 more days until my gender scan!!!!!!! :heart: :bigsmile: :happy:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    lynn- That is sooo terrible!!! do you have a central booking system that would show the room is booked? can you show them the booking and say "sorry, we have a catered party with 15 people attending at x time"? i hope it all works out!!

    Anne- I am having a lot of swelling too. I am going to the natural health food store today to see if I can get some dandelion. I will let you know if it works! Also- sleeping with a pillow under my feet has helped, as well as making sure I get my feet up as much as possible in the evening.

    Mel- 30lbs sounds fab, especially since you started at what looked like a very healthy weight! I have put on 20 already and have been trying my best to do well (much of that was in my first trimester, after 12 days in Hawaii). You are getting so close!!! hopefully you don't need a c/s and can get right back into excercise.

    Renee- Like everyone else said, I am sure yuo will be a good mom! the fact that you are even worrying is a good sign, bad moms don't care. hope your LO comes soon so you can stop being so uncomfortable.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Brittony- your back pain sounds very similar to something I am having. When I am in certain positions, there is one spot on my back that just kills. You might remember I am having problems with numbness /pain on one side in my thigh and hip area. So I went to the massage therapist for it, and she said that it is likely tied to my back pain and that I should see the chiropractor (all ok’d by the dr as safe in pregnancy). So, I have started treatments with the chiropractor. He believes that one of my disks have popped out of place slightly (due to rapid weight gain before pregnancy, and pregnancy weight as well putting pressure on my back)- this is in turn putting pressure on my nerve, and therefor causing the numbness. Perhaps since you have less weight than me the effect is not so bad on your nerve. I have only had treatment so far, but I have 2 this week. He is hoping to see a 50% increase within 3 weeks of treatment. So perhaps that is what is happening to you as well, does your health insurance cover a chiropractor?
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member
    I just happened to find this group while being nosy!!! I am a mommy to 2 little boys ages 3 and 1. I would like to lose alot of weight before TTC-ing #3. My husband and I are thinking in about a year and a half. Looking for anyone who can be supportive of my journey!!!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm just looking at maternity leave policies / payment etc and am amazed. The US is the only one on the list that has "0 weeks" paid as national policy.
  • unhgoose
    unhgoose Posts: 122 Member
    Hi - I'm 33 weeks pregnant with number 2. I'm due June 29th. I just joined to try and keep myself more accountable, as I seem to be gaining more with this one than I did with the first one. I'm curious how did you ladies come up with a target number of calories? I'm familiar with the add 300 calories more, but I'm not sure what I should add that number too...

    I am 5'7" and was 163 before getting pregnant and am 190 now and I'm confused. Should I shoot for my target calories plus 300 for the 163 weight, or just look at what it would be to maintain 190. I've counted calories and tracked exercise to lose weight before, but not while I was pregnant. (Not that I'm trying to loose weight now...just rein in the eating a little).

    Thank you for any help you can give. I hope you're all having nice pregnancies. I haven't had a chance to read through all of May's posts yet, but I'm going to try to.
  • nicolek1009
    Hi everyone! I just joined yesterday and I am in some serious need of support/motivation. I can't help but notice how friendly everyone is and supportive one another. I hope this helps:)

    A lil about me. My DH and I are TTC but I would like to lose some weight. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), have thyroid issues and some other hormone imbalances. Anyone else have similar problems?
  • nicolek1009
    Hi everyone! I just joined yesterday and I am in some serious need of support/motivation. I can't help but notice how friendly everyone is and supportive one another. I hope this helps:)

    A lil about me. My DH and I are TTC but I would like to lose some weight. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), have thyroid issues and some other hormone imbalances. Anyone else have similar problems?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Hi - I'm 33 weeks pregnant with number 2. I'm due June 29th. I just joined to try and keep myself more accountable, as I seem to be gaining more with this one than I did with the first one. I'm curious how did you ladies come up with a target number of calories? I'm familiar with the add 300 calories more, but I'm not sure what I should add that number too...

    I am 5'7" and was 163 before getting pregnant and am 190 now and I'm confused. Should I shoot for my target calories plus 300 for the 163 weight, or just look at what it would be to maintain 190. I've counted calories and tracked exercise to lose weight before, but not while I was pregnant. (Not that I'm trying to loose weight now...just rein in the eating a little).

    Thank you for any help you can give. I hope you're all having nice pregnancies. I haven't had a chance to read through all of May's posts yet, but I'm going to try to.

    I do it set to maintain my pre preg weight not my current weight.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm off work today, too, hooray! I FINALLY got an almost decent night's sleep last night. I stayed in bed until noon. It was pretty much amazing.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749

    I do it set to maintain my pre preg weight not my current weight.

    Same here.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    joonz -- that aching could just be ligament pain. My OB told me that's what mine was. It was kind of in the groin area whenever I'd walk. I don't notice it nearly as often anymore, thank goodness. I was afraid it was going to get worse and worse but that hasn't been the case.

    Brittony -- I call it a weedeater. I've never heard anyone call it a "weed trimmer" before. THAT'S weird! :laugh:

    jenzimmer -- We call it a "water fountain" round these parts. :wink: But if you said "drinking fountain" people would know what you were talking about. If you said "bubbler" they'd probably look at you like you're nuts.

    Please stop with all of the weeks to months business. I can't understand why you're all having trouble with it but all your illogical rationalizations are killing my brain! :laugh: You are NOT pregnant for 10 months no matter how you look at it unless you go over 3 weeks overdue (or, technically, 5 weeks overdue since you're not even pregnant the first 2 weeks of your "pregnancy"). There are more than 4 weeks in a month otherwise a year would have 13 months since there are 52 weeks in a year. Come on ladies, math *really* isn't that hard! :laugh: If you're really that confused, just count up the months it's been since the date of your LMP. However many months it's been is how many months pregnant you are. You can do this! :tongue: My LMP started October 9th, 2010 so I'm 7 months pregnant as of yesterday, May 9th, 2011. I'm BEGINNING my 8th month of pregnancy. But, IMO, I'm not 8 months pregnant until I COMPLETE my 8th month.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    So I'm bummed. My hubby rained on my parade last night big time. So I've been SOOO proud of myself with this pregnancy. I've been walking and really careful with what I eat. So far I've gained 7 pounds which I think is good! I was looking back and at 17 weeks with my ds I was up 15! :noway: So I shared this with DH last night, I was all excited. And he says "wait, how much do you weight right now?" And I said, I'm 143, my pre preg weight was 136. He goes, "well you started out with kayden at 131, so really you are heavier starting this pregnancy and 131+15=146 so really you are only with in 3 pounds of where you were last time." BOOOOOO! Talk about bursting my bubble!!!! :sad: