Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Hufflepuff



  • cgeiser1
    cgeiser1 Posts: 145
    weighing in at 141.5!
  • AccioPancakes
    What, I'm checking in on time? Told you I'd get better!

    Unfortunately I have a small gain this week due to an injury (it's hard to exercise when you can't put weight on your foot).

    CW: 278
  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member
    I almost forgot, oops! :blushing:

    257. :D
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi JD, yes, that changes that you made are right so that'll be sorted now. Stupid bloody scales. Weight Watchers are getting a strongly worded letter! :grumble:

    I had a really naughty (but awesome) weekend so am going to have to put some serious hard work in this week to counteract all the hen party boozing. Ooops!
  • AnoukDoutyBatya
    Haven't weighed in this week, cause I'm having my period. I'll do it next week and promise y'all that I'll have a great loss by then..
    Sorry for this week!
    I'm sure though I haven't gained anything, so JD check me in at the same weight as last week.
    Next week I'll enforce the Hufflepuff-team again!

    By the way: food and exercise-challenges completed for this week!
  • Nita_Bita
    Nita_Bita Posts: 136 Member
    Sorry I'm late weighing in. Was away from home all weekend (and ate whatever I wanted) and I am definately paying for it today.

    CW: 160.4
  • beckey24
    beckey24 Posts: 170 Member
    My weigh in for this week is 292.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    5/01: 213
    5/08: 209
    5/15: 207
    5/22: 209
    Final weight 7/14:

    7/14 GW: 191

    3rd week gain = 2lbs

    I got a fairly strong sunburn on Friday and I think I'm retaining water/am swollen because of it. I've been drinking a lot of water this weekend..more than even I'm use to. I'm hoping I can attritbute the weight gain to this!
  • DarkDiva2005
    DarkDiva2005 Posts: 140
    Hey guys, Sorry I'm checking in late, this past week has been horrible. I have been sick all week so I didn't have a chance to exercise and was eating easy to make food cuz I wasn't up for cooking :embarassed: So I hate to report it but I gained 3 lbs, so now I'm back up to 200lbs :sad: But I'm feeling much better now and will make this up to you. I'm sorry I let all yall down :frown:
  • alvi002
    alvi002 Posts: 23
    5/23: 197

    sorry for the late post
  • MidnightRadio
    MidnightRadio Posts: 56 Member
    Sorry I'm late posting. I thought if I waited my weight would drop, but no luck.
    I weighed in this morning at 248.8. That's a three pound GAIN!!
    I'm so sorry guys. I'm off to the gym now to do some damage control.

  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    right, if ive worked this out correctly, we currently stand at 0.63 % lost :drinker: , using the weights of the 29 of us who have weighed in. we're still waiting on 5 people - andreadawn1012, Tamelaine, Monocot, PaulaPalooza and t_rog. im not too worried because they were all here last week!

    (im gonna have a sneaky look in the other House threads to see how we stand! ive great faith in us to make it for a 3rd week running!)

    edit: ive just had a thought.. am i correctly calculating the percentage? in the excel chart column for week losses, a loss is written as a positive number ( such as "2") and a gain is written as a negative number (such as "-1"). the cell below this column is programmed to sum all of these numbers, and in doing this, the negative gains are infact taken away from the total loss. this means if, say, 10 people all have a loss of a pound each, this totals 10 lost. but if another 4 people have a gain of 1 pound each, this totals -4, and this means the sum will read a 6 net loss, when in fact 10 lbs have actually been lost. when i calculate the percentage, i use only the losses, because if i didnt, it seemed to me that some peoples losses are just disregarded in the long run because of others gains, which didnt seem fair as they worked hard that week.

    so, say 30 people lost a total of 30 pounds. 4 more people had a total gain of -4. when i calculate the percentage i treat those 4 pounds gained as 0 pounds lost, which keeps the loss at 30, because 30 pounds has in fact been lost. i would use that value of 30, along with the total previous weights of the 34 members, and create the percentage that way.

    i was just wondering if its okay that i do that. should i be using the net sum instead of what was actually lost?
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    @ JD92 - I think the calculation should be the net sum. By not including the gains, we are overstating our house total loss which will then overstate our house percentage.
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    I don't think the other houses are including gains in their calculations actually. Hmm...
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I think you're right that it should be sum, but it depends on what the other houses are posting. We need to make sure we're aligned
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    Sorry for the late response!!! It's been a hectic week and the scales reflected it :(

    CW: 181
    2 lb gain!! :sad:

    I promise i'll do better next week, guys.
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    Sorry Completely Forget til I was Cleaning the Floor and had to Move the scale. !
    Yes I clean at 10:30 at night <.<
    SW 225
    CW 218
    8 More Lbs til my HP weight loss challenge Goal. Guess I should I put it Lower,
  • darthwein
    darthwein Posts: 37 Member
    Started the week at 236. I think this week will be a great week for me. Stepped on the scale this morning and was very happy. I will probably post my weight on Friday this week because I am going camping this weekend and will not be back until Tuesday. Great job so far house. Keep up the good work!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    My new exercise is trying to run outside. I did the C25K program on a treadmill and need to transition to outside running. I've done it twice so far and it is tough! Now if Mother Nature could cooperate and take the rain away!
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Well hello everyone... any one there??? hello... HHHH EEEEE LLLLLLLLLLL OOOOO (echo)
    how has the week gone? anyone tried anything new? Done anything exciting this week? How is your food doing?

    Me not so great. I did but some fruit pops and did not buy the normal rocky road ice cream, but I still can not get away from all that sugar. I have tried walking away with a glass of water, BuT, I always go back and eat it anyways... :explode: How do I stop this???

    I tried yoga this week and I am not sure about it. I think it is to slow for me... :yawn: I just felt like come on already lets go... I will try it again and give it a fair go.

    Good luck everyone.