Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Hufflepuff

Hi everyone! If you want to join this group, please do not join here. Please either message me or write on the wall of this page:

This page has already sorted people into houses so we will need to put you where we need a person. Thanks! :)

Members, please weigh in on your House's page each Sunday!

Remember to check the main page for the weekly challenge and HP info/quote of the day!

Heads of houses - Each Sunday post your House's progress on the Main page! :)

Good luck everyone!!


  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Woo hoo! Go Hufflepuff! :) Any fellow hufflepuff peeps who want to friend to motivate each other just add me :)
  • darthwein
    darthwein Posts: 37 Member
    Who is our Head of House?
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    JD is - the first person on the list. :)

    New members:
    Andreadawn1012 - 153 - Hufflepuff
    Alvi002 - 203.5 - Hufflepuff
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    JD92 - 216 - HEAD OF HOUSE
    Amandamccl - 195
    Sundance2032 – 147.4
    Cgeiser1 – 143.5
    Acciopancakes - 232
    vitacat - 189
    eeyorelvr09 - 217
    darthwein - 240
    Newmeat30 – 131.2
    aab1 - 213
    ashade44 - 199
    Katrob9 – 219
    lcoulter23 – 323
    corsayre8 - 170
    knikkiola – 202
    Jess2308 – 141
    Tjcook1030 – 146
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    OK - I THINK THE FAIREST WAY TO ADD UP POINTS IS TO ADD UP ALL THE MEMBERS WEIGHTS, THEN FIGURE OUT THE TOTAL PERCENTAGE LOST FOR THE GROUP. That is the only way to make it fair since the groups are bound to be uneven at some point. I put it in caps to make sure everyone sees it. :)
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Go Hufflepuff!!!! We're going to kick some major HP butt!!!
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    New member - Diverchic73 - 181 - Hufflepuff
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    I've just joined the challenge and am a member of Hufflepuff!
    Looking forward to our house doing amazing!
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    You may want to update the list with the new members just to help yourself keep track of everyone. :)
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    New member:
    DEgal99 - 178 - Hufflepuff
  • DEgal99
    DEgal99 Posts: 100 Member
    New member, popping in to say, hi and wooo! Go Hufflepuff! :D
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    Head of House - lcoulter is not a member of Hufflepuff anymore..sorry!
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    New member - jpeebs88 - 232.4
  • eeyorelvr09
    eeyorelvr09 Posts: 97 Member
    Yay. I wanted to be in Hufflepuff. Here we go! time to kick other Hogwarts houses butts
  • vitacat
    vitacat Posts: 81 Member
    Hello to all my fellow members of Hufflepuff... the winning team! :) Add me if you want to.
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    new member - Beckey24 - 305
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member

    "...You might belong in Hufflepuff,
    Where they are just and loyal.
    Those patiant Hufflepuffs are true,
    And unafraid of toil..."

    Welcome to the hardworking, kind and ever-loyal (and all-out bestest) house of Hufflepuff!! :heart:

    Now, the first thing I'm gonna work on for us is a fancy little chart with all of our names, starting weights and goals etc. I'll update that every week with up-to-date weight loss information. It will require a lil hocus pocus on my part to relearn how to work Microsoft Excel, but hopefully it won't take me too long to do it, if y'all wouldn't mind waiting!

    For a little team spirit, we have the Hufflepuff house badge that I put at the beginning of this post. I already uploaded it to photobucket, so if I give you the link to put it in your signatures (if that's what you want), then it should work just fine.

    Now, the house points system. How this works is simply based on total percentage weight lost, for the entire group. I will add up each Hufflepuff's weight, then the total poundage lost in a particular week. I will then use these 2 figures to make a % lost. Each week I will re-evaluate the total weight of our members to make this number. Meaning, for example, one week the total member weight is "A" lbs. The total weight lost is "B" lbs. % lost is B/A multiplied by a hundred. The next week, the total weight will then be "A - B", total weight lost is "C" etc.

    Does that make sense? Anyhow, I'm going to look through this thread once more and make a starting list of who we have, then I'll get a head start on the progress table!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    LOVE the house badge!!! I was jealous seeing Uno's Gryffindor badge and was about to begin the internet search for ours!

    Thanks JD92 for sharing!!
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    here's a few more badges!



  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    ALSO - I need your goal weights!

    I will look through the original thread and get as many as I can, but if you havent posted your GW yet, please do so here!