Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Hufflepuff



  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    ugh, rant time again. all i seem to do here is whinge and whine to you guys - im sorry :laugh:

    well i live in student housing. my flat consists of 6 people, 5 girls and 1 boy. there are 3 other boys but they never show face so they dont count as they never use our kitchen. excluding myself and 1 other girl (my good friend C), everyone here are such slobs. the kitchen is always a mess, with dirty plates and cutlery, food all over the floor and in the sink and pasta EVERYWHERE. we get warning emails all the time. me and C spend hours scrubbing the place, but by the following afternoon its always disgusting again. we are sick of people, 2 of them in particular, stealing our food, using our dishes, keeping said dishes in their room till they are moldy then dumping them in the kitchen for us to clean. just tonight we found 2 of our own bowls in the sink covered in dried food and HAIR. we know exactly who it was that took them, theyve been in her room all easter break.

    so tomorrow we are getting an end of term inspection for damage and general upkeep. me and C just spent 3 hours scrubbing the kitchen spotless and getting rid of so much dirt and rubbish. we debated whether or not to clean the 1 boy;s dishes as, GET THIS, - earlier C and her mom overheard him telling his friend to leave their stinky dinner plates in the sink because "C would do them". how SEXIST! i used to think this guy was decent, but lately his rather.. unfavourable characteristics are coming to light. :mad:

    thank goodness we only have 4 more weeks here! C and i have our own 2 bed apartment lined up for september. its going to be so clean :love: i cant wait!

    WOW!! I hate people like that. I had a horrible roommate situation myself just last year and it turns me off of the whole idea entirely. I'm going to be moving away to school around July, and I hope I don't run into something like this!

    I don't have any advice for what to do :-/ you can't force people to do things, unfortunately. I guess just count the days till you can move out! :smile:
  • darthwein
    darthwein Posts: 37 Member
    Weekly weigh in. Down another pound.

    SW 240
    CW 238

    Great job everyone. Keep it UP! Or down depending on how you look at it.
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    thank goodness we only have 4 more weeks here! C and i have our own 2 bed apartment lined up for september. its going to be so clean :love: i cant wait!

    That is WONDERFUL news... :drinker: It will be so much better for the both of you. You already know you work good together and you will not have to put up with these *not so nice people* I just hope next year the tables are turned on them.

    ...Good luck with the weeks you have left...
  • cgeiser1
    cgeiser1 Posts: 145
    Hi Checking in at 143.

    No change. Which is good actually because I was out of town and didn't count my calories or exercise at alllllllll
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Urgh, JD that is so rubbish! I bet you're counting the days until you can get out of there! xx
  • DarkDiva2005
    DarkDiva2005 Posts: 140
    weigh in time! CW: 197.4 :) I will gladly take that
  • jpeebs88
    jpeebs88 Posts: 81
    CW: 232.8

    Bad week, sorry folks...
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    CW- 220.
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    we are still awaiting weighins from -

    Ammandammcl **
    Jess2308 **
    Tjcook1030 **
    Blacklistedpengui **
    Traceyann1214 **

    those with ** didnt weigh in last week either, so if they miss this one, then sadly they have to be removed from the chart : (

    so far we have lost 40.8 pounds, which is about the size of either a 5 gallon tub of water or the average human leg. yay for losing a limb! :laugh:

    our percentage lost is 0.746% ! well done everyone :drinker:
  • alvi002
    alvi002 Posts: 23
    Weight from sunday: 198.5
  • AccioPancakes
    CW: 277.2

    Sorry that I'm so rubbish at this way in thing and have been late 2 weeks in a row with it.
  • Tamelaine
    Tamelaine Posts: 37
    Sorry, didn't get a chance to log in yesterday from the computer. Yesterdays weight was 165.7. Not a big loss, but I'll take it. :)
  • AnoukDoutyBatya
    Sorry, was a busy weekend!! Finally my weigh-in numbers:

    5/05 - 170
    5/08 - 169 (-1 lb)
    5/15 - 166 (-3 lbs)
    GW - 150

    Lost another 3 pounds!
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Ok house mates, need some motivation. Have pretty much fallen off the wagon the last few days. Life has gotten a bit crazy, and being near goal weight I am unfortunately less motivated to loose the last few pounds than to push forward. Thinky confidence is so high, I have been more vibrant and appealing to others, so mote dates and outings with friends. Don't want to let you all down, so help me out please???
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Hey, what's our final percentage? Reckon Hufflepuff can make it 2 weeks in a row?!?!?! So exciting!
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    so far we have lost 40.8 pounds, which is about the size of either a 5 gallon tub of water or the average human leg. yay for losing a limb! :laugh:

    Thank you for that, I've now got to clean my keyboard as I was drinking coffee while reading and you made me laugh! Love the 'yay for losing a limb!'

  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    our final weightloss percentage (minus the 7 people who havent weighed in) is 0.745%.

    gryffindor is at 0.66%
    ravenclaw is at 0.70%
    slytherin is at 0.44%

    SO, it looks like Hufflepuff are the winners for the second week in a row. well done guys, you all are brilliant and so hardworking! true Hufflepuffs :happy:

    corsayre - for some motivation, i suggest checking out the Success Stories board. its got a lot of before and after pictures and inspiring stories. i always go there myself when i need that extra boost. i also suggest posting your own success story with pictures. the members on this site are so encouraging and will always post to tell you how fabulous you are! never fails to put a smile on your face :smile:

    katrob - we made it two weeks in a row!! the other teams, and while i think its great for them, have things like electing prefects and awarding house points etc. we 'Puffs are just here on this thread supporting eachother through words and smilie emoticons :laugh: we are all already winners.

    diverchic - :laugh: im glad someone else (other than me) got a laugh out of that!

    our pounds lost is now 46.8 after a few more weighins (thank you my lovelys for checking in :heart: ). thats the weight of your average 6 year old child. thats an entire person! :noway:
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Oh my goodness! Well done everyone! We're doing so well. I just know we'll all be able to sit there scarfing down popcorn without guilt come July! :)
  • darthwein
    darthwein Posts: 37 Member
    Nicely done house!

    JD: How many people are left in our house now that we have had some drop out due to not weighing in? Also how many people are in the other houses? Just wondering if the qty of people per house is still close.
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    We kick some major lbs gals. go us... :drinker:

    How is everyone doing on this weeks challenges???