Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Hufflepuff



  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    Alright fellow Hufflepuffers!!!! I just started on MFP a week ago today and I weighed myself today... weight is actually up. I'm a little frustrated, but not too discouraged because I know I've done well with my eating and exercising and I can already see a positive difference in my face area. What's up with that??? Water retention??? Any thoughts?
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    Also, i totally missed the three facts thing so here goes:

    1) Harry Potter has been huge in my life for a solid 11 years (wow... that's kinda crazy). I was so very lucky to have a harry potter internship one summer with Magical Tours and I have a party every summer or when a new movie is released (always let the bookstore do it for me when the books were coming out)
    2) I work in outdoor education, leading kids on hikes and stuff and teaching them about nature
    3) I majored in film production in college.
  • AccioPancakes
    Alright fellow Hufflepuffers!!!! I just started on MFP a week ago today and I weighed myself today... weight is actually up. I'm a little frustrated, but not too discouraged because I know I've done well with my eating and exercising and I can already see a positive difference in my face area. What's up with that??? Water retention??? Any thoughts?

    Have you been tracking all of your food and your water? Water is very important and often underestimated/forgotten about. Are you eating saltier foods? If yes, you should drink more water than the recommended 6-8 cups (those are 250ml cups, or 8oz) (although MFP recommends 8 cups).

    Are you getting enough protein and vegetables when you're eating? Are you eating 3 larger meals or 4-6 smaller meals, spread out more through the day? Are you eating back any of your exercise calories?
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    On that Chart thing. My Goal Weight is wrong. It's set at 215, Which is far off from My Real Goal. My goal is to real goal is to reach 160.

    This week I've been doing Great with eating healthy. Still problem with munching at work but Im picking more healthy things So if I do Munch im only reaching 1000 instead of 1500! Though lately I've also been trying to get a bit more Higher calorie intake because I bought a heart rate moniter and its been telling me Im burning 900 Calories,.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Going to blow everyone away on the outdoor exercise. Have already done trail runs everyday this week, all between 45 and 80 minutes. No plan to back off.

    The food challenge isn't going to happen for me. Did all my grocery shopping for the week before it came out. Being single with no kids, not going to need to go again, and don't want what I do have to go bad.
  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member
    On that Chart thing. My Goal Weight is wrong. It's set at 215, Which is far off from My Real Goal. My goal is to real goal is to reach 160.

    This week I've been doing Great with eating healthy. Still problem with munching at work but Im picking more healthy things So if I do Munch im only reaching 1000 instead of 1500! Though lately I've also been trying to get a bit more Higher calorie intake because I bought a heart rate moniter and its been telling me Im burning 900 Calories,.

    The goal is where you plan to be at on July 14th, not your overall goal weight. Unless you plan to lose 65 pounds in 2 months. :wink:
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    I've gotten one of my new recipes done - I did homemade pizza which was tasty as anything!! We're having friends round for dinner tonight so I might try out another one tonight. I've been getting in the outdoor exercise every day by walking so the goals are going well for me this week.

    Hope we kick butt again at the weigh in this week! :)
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    Oh I didn't know it was up til July. I didn't see that. Opps
    I lost 25 in a a month and a bit back in January. Lol. Yeah okay.
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    Monocot, what would you like your challenge goal weight to be? if you didnt mention it before (cant remember, sorry!!) , then it was me who put in 215. for any goals i didnt have at the time i just subtracted 10. it can be changed easily so no worries!

    as for meee, food has not been particularly good this week. i was in a grouchy mood on tuesday night and binged BAD. ive been over cals everyday since tuesday and the scales have reacted in turn with a FIVE POUND spike :grumble: . but today i will be under, im determined. my friend suggested lunch after lectures and i had some hot chocolate and a bun, but im not gonna let that derail me for the rest of today (tho it was instead of a big cheeseburger i was eyeing!). i have my dinner planned, logged and ready to cook, and i will still be under. my water has been good (could be better) this week, but today it wont be much. i cant stand plain tasteless water, so i take it with diluted orange, with the understanding that im still drinking the pint of water i got from the tap, so it counts. but ive ran out of juice :cry: and havent any change in my purse to get more. ive been getting my 30 minutes of walk-xercise everyday tho, so im ok on that front, but im gonna have to work extra hard next few days to get that number back down to atleast last sundays weight.

    /rant over! i think i just need to whinge. :laugh:
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    I am with you, I have been close or over everyday and I am also up :sad: I am even on the bad side for today. I only have 10 cals left and it is only 1:30 :grumble: I am going to let my lunch set for a bit then I will go workout...

    As for my water I have done way better then in the past :smile:

    I also am doing great on the food. I made chicken fajitas yesterday and they were ok, I will have to try a different kind next time.
    And tonight I am going to make Crawfish Fettuccine we will see how it goes. :)

    I love the spring, I have been spending time in the garden and the last few days I have been push mowing instead of using the ride on mower :)
  • beckey24
    beckey24 Posts: 170 Member
    I weighed on Tuesday as a sneak peak and it also looked like things were going up for me. I really thought I hadn't been doing all that bad. I know my weekend was a little worse, but still! I am thinking after looking at the past couple of weeks that perhaps I need to get myself into gear regarding sodium. I thought I was fine for a while, but I keep seeing it go way over, so perhaps its all the damn sodium and I just have some water weight...ughh. At least we have each other to turn to! :happy:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Going to blow everyone away on the outdoor exercise. Have already done trail runs everyday this week, all between 45 and 80 minutes. No plan to back off.

    The food challenge isn't going to happen for me. Did all my grocery shopping for the week before it came out. Being single with no kids, not going to need to go again, and don't want what I do have to go bad.

    @ Corsayre8 - Nice outdoor exercise!!! Very impressed that you're running for that long & thru trails....great cardio!!!

    Many posts are referring to the scales going up. I keep a close eye on my sodium...it's scary to see how much sodium is in everything. Make sure you're drinking lots of water!!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Second new recipe (well, a mixture of 2 recipes actually but I've not done that before so I think it counts) last night. I made ratatouille with meatballs added in. Very tasty! We had friends round for dinner though so I was naughty and had 2 glasses of wine even though my mind was shouting 'empty calories!!' What can I say? I'm a girl who likes her wine!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Oh, also, I'm going to have to post my weight tomorrow not Sunday because husband to be is whisking me away for my birthday - birthday isn't until the 21st like but I'm not complaining. :)

    Happy Friday everyone! :)
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    have to say let the house down again, not felt creative, and not felt up to going out, better luck next week
  • PaulaPalooza
    PaulaPalooza Posts: 137 Member
    Oh, also, I'm going to have to post my weight tomorrow not Sunday because husband to be is whisking me away for my birthday - birthday isn't until the 21st like but I'm not complaining. :)

    Happy Friday everyone! :)

    Oooh!!! Sounds so exciting! Hope you guys have a great little getaway.

    I've done a recipe so far: veggie pot pie (Lots of veggies, but NOT healthy.... I made it for my mom who's been sick). That shot my sodium through the roof... So maybe my up problem has been a sodium thing. Because I'm certainly feeling trimmer.

    Mowed outside yesterday and will be gardening today!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Mowed outside yesterday and will be gardening today!

    Don't you love that kind of exercise?? I have been walking the dogs, mowing the lawn, gardening and tonight I'm going for a quick hike in the woods after work and before I go to "girls night out"
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    Monocot, what would you like your challenge goal weight to be? if you didnt mention it before (cant remember, sorry!!) , then it was me who put in 215. for any goals i didnt have at the time i just subtracted 10. it can be changed easily so no worries!

    I would Like my Goal to be 210 Please.
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    We're going to Edinburgh for a gig of a potential wedding band - I hope they're as good at the songs on their website were. They're a total hair rock band - I totally love classic, cheesy rock so am all over this weekend. That goodness I'm weighing in tomorrow though because I know I'll have loads of beer and those are naugty empty calories!
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    wheelieblade - dont worry, you havent let us down at all. we all have our bad weeks. simply by caring about whether you did is enough! hope we see you on sunday and hope you feel better :flowerforyou:

    PDeSeure - sodium is a problem for me too, i dont monitor it as much as i do calories and fat content, but i know i should. whenever i feel like im not doing so hot with food any day, i stock pile my body with loads of water to try and offset any water retention. like i will be doing today after a trip to the continental market that came to town :tongue: two weeks ago i had a large takeout and regular cola... the sodium in that im sure was HORRENDOUS. i bloated so bad.. made my belly near the size of the 28 weeks pregnant woman who was with me. the scales the next day was not fun :grumble:

    pam - i wish i had a past-time like gardening that i could use as a workout, it would so much more enjoyable and i would actually do it. the treadmill just doesnt cut it sometimes, i get easily bored at the gym!

    monocot - that is changed for you!

    katrob - Edinburgh is lovely, particularly at night. i got a train there from Dundee last year and even the station was nice :smile: hope you have fun! how exciting, im sure they'll be great at your wedding (if you pick them that is)!

    as for me... today was going ok foodwise, getting my water, got my 30 mins brisk walking (with an extra 20 slower stroll tacked on too), had a good breakfast, snacked on grapes when i was hungry, yummy lunch. i came home for the weekend to my parents house, and there was a continental market going on in the square. i had to go the postoffice to post something, so i stopped by to check it out. oh my... the yummy smells :love: i shouldnt have went when i was hungry! i brought these amazing huge ball-like german doughnuts with things like vanilla cheesecake, vanilla coconut and apple cinnamon filling. got 3 of them and 3 warm fresh macaroons. they werent all for me, but i did sample one of the doughnuts and a macaroon. they were so good :heart:

    i dont think im gonna have much cals for dinner, ill need to get out for another long brisk walk or some sort of exercise!