Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Hufflepuff



  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    wheelieblade - dont worry, you havent let us down at all. we all have our bad weeks. simply by caring about whether you did is enough! hope we see you on sunday and hope you feel better :flowerforyou:

    PDeSeure - sodium is a problem for me too, i dont monitor it as much as i do calories and fat content, but i know i should. whenever i feel like im not doing so hot with food any day, i stock pile my body with loads of water to try and offset any water retention. like i will be doing today after a trip to the continental market that came to town :tongue: two weeks ago i had a large takeout and regular cola... the sodium in that im sure was HORRENDOUS. i bloated so bad.. made my belly near the size of the 28 weeks pregnant woman who was with me. the scales the next day was not fun :grumble:

    pam - i wish i had a past-time like gardening that i could use as a workout, it would so much more enjoyable and i would actually do it. the treadmill just doesnt cut it sometimes, i get easily bored at the gym!

    monocot - that is changed for you!

    katrob - Edinburgh is lovely, particularly at night. i got a train there from Dundee last year and even the station was nice :smile: hope you have fun! how exciting, im sure they'll be great at your wedding (if you pick them that is)!

    as for me... today was going ok foodwise, getting my water, got my 30 mins brisk walking (with an extra 20 slower stroll tacked on too), had a good breakfast, snacked on grapes when i was hungry, yummy lunch. i came home for the weekend to my parents house, and there was a continental market going on in the square. i had to go the postoffice to post something, so i stopped by to check it out. oh my... the yummy smells :love: i shouldnt have went when i was hungry! i brought these amazing huge ball-like german doughnuts with things like vanilla cheesecake, vanilla coconut and apple cinnamon filling. got 3 of them and 3 warm fresh macaroons. they werent all for me, but i did sample one of the doughnuts and a macaroon. they were so good :heart:

    i dont think im gonna have much cals for dinner, ill need to get out for another long brisk walk or some sort of exercise!

    I live in Dundee!! small world! :)
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    i dont actually live there, im in northern ireland (usually pretty crappy, but the weathers been good lately!), but i was called over to the Uni of Dundee for a midwifery interview last March. it was lovely and sunny that day and the scenery was nice along the water when the train was coming in to Dundee. :flowerforyou:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi Housemates....Hope everyone had a great Friday!

    I had another good run today; working on increasing both distance & speed. Currently at 4miles; 43 minutes. I'm hoping our weather starts to warm up soon so I can begin running outside.

    Have a good weekend!
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    I made some crawfish pasta. It was good and I cut out almost half of the cals changing the cream with milk. It was spicy and GOOD.

    I also took my daughters video outside and did my work out under a tree while she jumped on the trampoline. :) I jumped with her a bit after I was done. I love this weather :happy:

    Hope everyone has a great sat :flowerforyou:
  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member
    I haven't been able to get outside to exercise this week, just spending all my time on the elliptical. Fiance was told to not move around much this week by his doctor and I don't feel safe going out by myself.

    I tried one new recipe so far this week, just something I made up and tossed together. It was a taco casserole and it was delicious! I've still got leftovers and will be having them for lunch tomorrow, mmm!

    Hope everyone is doing well this week and hope you all have a fantastic weekend. ♥
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi everyone! My weight today is 206, down 4 lbs this week!!

    Have a good weekend everyone. xx
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I made some crawfish pasta. It was good and I cut out almost half of the cals changing the cream with milk. It was spicy and GOOD.

    @ Sundance - yummmm sounding...crawfish pasta....would you share the recipe with us?
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    i am FINALLY making a dinner, like an actual new recipe, kinda, for this challenge!

    im using some low fat chicken breasts, medium egg noodles and Sharwoods szechuan sweet chilli sauce. i did want some mini naans bread to go with, but i couldnt get any. i know its not fancy by any means, but im not a good cook (my dad is helping!) so this will have to do to start with. if i portion it right, not too much, it should come to about 650 cals, which isnt particularly good for one meal, but ive not had much today, so i have space :-)

    everyone is doing so well! happy saturday, hope to see everyone tomorrow!

    edit: just finished dinner, and i gotta say i did enjoy it! my sisters friend was hungry, so i gave her some of the leftover noodles and chicken so that i wouldnt over do it myself. so it was actually less cals than i expected :tongue:
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    Katrob - thats amazing!! your goal weight in the chart is 205, and you are 1 pound away from that already!! :drinker:

    im not expecting miracles for tomorrow. i havent eaten well all week, except perhaps today. :tongue: im trying to do some damage control and drinking alot of water right now. ive had 6 pint glasses and two 750ml bottles worth today (nearly 5 litres - count it as 8 glasses tho its a bit more). im aiming for 10, at the very least, to help me for tomorrow. i want so bad to be at last weeks weight, but dont think ill get there =(
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Crawfish Fettuccine
    1 pound fresh or frozen peeled, cooked crawfish tails*
    1 pound dried fettuccine, (I used low cal ones :))
    1 cup coarsely chopped green sweet pepper
    3/4 cup chopped onion
    4 cloves garlic, minced
    1/4 cup butter or margarine
    3 tablespoons all-purpose flour (I thought I needed more cause I used milk... I was wrong do not use any more then this :))
    1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground red pepper
    1/4 teaspoon salt (I use sea salt)
    2 cups half-and-half, light cream, or milk (I used 1% milk)
    1-1/2 cups (6 ounces) shredded American cheese (low fat)
    2 tablespoons snipped fresh parsley
    1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese (I do not like this so I did not use it)

    1. Thaw crawfish, if frozen. In a Dutch oven cook fettuccine according to package directions. Drain; return to Dutch oven.
    2. Meanwhile, for sauce, in a large saucepan cook sweet pepper, onion, and garlic in hot butter about 5 minutes or until tender. Stir in flour, ground red pepper, and salt. Add half-and-half all at once. Cook and stir over medium heat until thickened and bubbly. Add cheese, stirring until melted. Remove from heat; stir in crawfish and parsley. Pour sauce over fettuccine, tossing gently to coat. Spoon mixture into an ungreased 3-quart rectangular baking dish. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake, covered, in a 350 degree F oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until heated through. Makes 8 servings.

    If you aren't able to find peeled crawfish tails, purchase 4 pounds of whole, head-on crawfish for the 8 serving size or 2 pounds for the 4 serving size. This will yield 1 pound and 8 ounces respectively. Allow about 1 hour to peel crawfish.

    I added it all up with what I changed in the recipe tool on MFP and it was 330 cals, 46 carbs, 13g fat, 18g protein, 483 sodium. Not to bad and filling :)

    This is what the website said... Nutrition Facts
    Calories 506, Total Fat 22 g, Saturated Fat 13 g, Monounsaturated Fat 6 g, Polyunsaturated Fat 1 g, Cholesterol 123 mg, Sodium 574 mg, Carbohydrate 51 g, Total Sugar 3 g, Fiber 2 g, Protein 25 g. Daily Values: Vitamin A 0%, Vitamin C 29%, Calcium 29%, Iron 13%.
    Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    my weight today is 199.3 down from last week but back to start weight least it's going the right way
  • wheelieblade
    wheelieblade Posts: 323
    my weight today is 199.3 down from last week but back to start weight least it's going the right way
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I've been at 137.4 for the last few days (which is great) but I went WAY over on sodium today. I hope it won't show up on the scale tomorrow.
  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member
    Go ahead and put me down at 259.2, woo!
  • vitacat
    vitacat Posts: 81 Member
    Good morning everyone

    I'm delighted to check in with a loss of 3.6 lbs this week

    Last Sunday 187
    Today 183.4

    Good luck to my fellow Hufflepuffs!
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    Hi everyone... well, I managed the water every day, three new recipes but failed on the exercise front. I am surprised but luckily I am the same weight as last week 179.5 lbs. Hopefully I do better next week.
  • ashade44
    ashade44 Posts: 27
    SW: 199
    Last Week: 201
    CW: 198.4

    I'll take it :)
  • knikkiola
    knikkiola Posts: 47 Member
    Last week: 200.5
    This week: 200

    Still not in onederland :-( but have felt creative with food I tried spanish chicken it was lush lol :-D
    Still not doing enough exercise tho which I'm making my goal for the next week!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    SW: 228.2
    CW: 226.0
    To goal ~11lbs

    Week 2 loss = +1.3

    I knew it was coming. I was sick for most of the week and so my exercise was pretty minimal and I had no appetite for healthy...just junk....I hope next week is better. I'm on a business trip all week so no meal planning, working 12 hour days. I don't even know if the hotel has a gym/pool and/or scale....
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Check in for today... 136.8 lbs!!!! Officially at my pre-baby#2 weight and I'm no longer considered "overweight"!

    5/1: 139.2
    5/8: 138.8
    5/15: 136.8
    Goal by 7/14: 128-130